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Who Prevents Man From Believing?

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

31 May 2010 Lefke, Cyprus

(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Yaa Rabba 'l `izzati wa 'l-`azhaamati wal-jabaroot. Ant Allah, subhaanak, sultaanak. Yaa Rabbana. Rabb 'ighfir wa 'r-ham wa anta khayru 'r-rahimeen. Zid habeebaka `izzan wa sharafan nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana, thumma as-salaatu wa 's-salaamu `alayk yaa Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wal-akhireen, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! We are asking Allah Almighty to grant you much more praising, much more mightiness, much more glory and much more majesty! Ameen. Thumma as-salaam `alaykum for all holy people who belong to heavenly ones and endless salutes to you also. May Allah Almighty give you much more honor for your barakah, and grant us to be on the Right Path, not to lose the real position of Mankind. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. As-salaamu `alaykum to all nations! As-salaamu `alaykum to those who are attending, giving value and giving a small time for listening to heavenly knowledge. And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem, asking for protection from Shaytan and its tricks and traps. We are weak servants and we must ask. Shaytan is the weakest one. No one in Creation may be weaker than Shaytan. We are weak, but Shaytan's weakness has no measure. It claims that, "I am the most powerful one on Earth," and so many foolish ones are also thinking that Shaytan is saying its real position and they are fearing. But:

إِنَّ كَيْدَ الشَّيْطَانِ كَانَ ضَعِيفًا

inna kayda 'sh-Shaytaani kaana da`eefaa

Feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan. (An-Nisa, 4:76)

O our Attenders! Hear and listen, and try to understand something. Shaytan is claiming that it is the most powerful one in Creation, and saying to people, "My commands must go on because I am teaching you some ways for which you are not taking care, but I am teaching you to be famous, as I am the Most Famous One in yourself!"

"Where are you?"



"Yes, I am everywhere!"

O our Attenders! Do you think you are looking and finding a place that Shaytan is not there? I am asking Salafi `ulamas, do you think that Shaytan is prevented to be in al-Haram ash-Shareef in Makkatu 'l-Mukarramah? And at the same time he was not in Madinatu 'l-Munawwara and Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, thaalithu 'l-haramaynu 'sh-shareefayn? They will say, "Yes, Shaytan was one." How can he be at the same time in all these holy places? And if he is not forbidden to be in the holiest places, what about other places? Alladhee baarikAllahu hawlahu. Shaytan is reaching everywhere. Therefore, Huuuuuuuu, Shaytan's darrar, harm is on people and everything in the east and west, from north to south. The most harmful one for Mankind is Shaytan, and when Shaytan is made welcome, harm is coming on that person, Shaytan is harming! Yes, Shaytan is terrible and you must take your protection or precaution, and look for a place where you will be in safety. That means you must ask for heavenly protection. If you are not taking heavenly protection, it is impossible to save yourself from Shaytan and its poisonous arrows.

But people now are opening both hands and saying to Shaytan, “O our darling!" And 21st century people are welcoming Shaytan and sending away holy ones and sending away the most holy one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) When people are sending away holy ones who come with heavenly blessings, Shaytan is coming with materials from Hell and burning people. And 21st century people are very happy with such instruments. They have technology, but technology is only on the surface of this world. It is forbidden for Shaytan and its servants to move up; they are thrown away with heavenly arrows coming down from heavens. They are asking to know more things that are happening in heavenly stations, but they are forbidden! And people are running after such instruments and reaching only east and west, north and south, but they can't go up. Therefore, Shaytan is saying, "O my followers! I am looking but not seeing anything beyond my view; beyond it there is nothing else. You must look, if you can see, hear, or touch it." Therefore, materialism is spread from east to west, from west to east, from north to south, and from south to north. Materialists claim awliya are nothing, because they belong to the material world, saying, "Beyond that there is nothing." The learned people are saying, “Such far distances, we can't reach, and if we can't reach anything, then we are saying, 'It is nothing.'" Therefore, Shaytan is making most people return to this planet and occupy themselves with material aspects only, saying, “Beyond that is nothing.”

How can they say that beyond there is nothing? Do they have a proof of what they say, "We cannot reach beyond the three dimensions. We are not accepting there is anything beyond this." Who said to you that four dimensions do not exist? It may be four, it may be 400, or it may be 1000! Who is saying to you there is nothing in space among Creation? Who created this world in three dimensions is able to create another world in four dimensions!! You cannot say there is no other horizon, because when you reach a horizon there may appear another horizon. But shaytanic theories put in the heads of no-mind people make them imprisoned by three dimensions. They think they are controlling everything in this universe. How can you do that? What are you knowing? You are coming from your mother's womb and you are knowing nothing. You are taking something from here and there, making a collection, but not bringing any proof of your production, because every production of Mankind is from egoistic measures that belong to Shaytan. Therefore, all cursing is coming on people because of Shaytan!

Shaytan makes a limit because our physical being can’t carry more than this. Therefore, Shaytan makes a limit or hindrance, saying, "Beyond this is nothing." How there is nothing? That is a point with which Shaytan is cheating people graduating from higher education. They are, therefore, bowing to materialists and are not becoming humble ones to say, "Beyond material aspects we are bowing to the One Who is bringing material beings into existence." People are bowing to material aspects but Shaytan is never leaving them to think, “Beyond material aspects, Who is putting these material aspects in existence?" That is a sensitive point. Therefore, we are saying, no, you can't say, "No!" If this is in existence, Someone must be making this, the whole material world, the universe and beyond the universe. Who is putting it there? So many universes are in existence; our existence is only one galaxy and there are countless galaxies. Why are they not asking, "From where are we coming, and to where are we going?" Nothing appears without a power. Power puts so many things in existence. But who is controlling the countless, endless Power Oceans? Whose command is going on and saying, "Come," or saying, "Go away."

Who is putting black holes in existence, or are they there by themselves? And are they moving or fixed? No, all of them are swimming in space. And is space something or nothing? Space must be put by Someone. Black holes can't be in existence without an order from Someone. So Who is putting the black hole there to swallow gigantic galaxies? But Shaytan is making the understanding of Mankind only on Earth and they are fearing to look up at nighttime. Everyday I am looking at the sunrise, and at the end of the day I like to see the sunset. I am wondering, how many times has that sun risen and set? When was its beginning? Do you or your technology know the answer? What is that foolishness?!

O doctors, scientists, and learned people! You must come to beliefs and say this existence is a show for the people living on this planet, put there by Someone we can't see, can't touch, and can't feel. And that One's Existence is beyond our imagination! Allahu akbar!!! Now, people of the 21st century are asking to reach something using very strong microscopes. The Lord of Heavens, Who created everything on this world, is sending a virus that the strongest microscope can't see. Also, they are asking to reach the last point in the skies using gigantic telescopes, but they are reaching a distance that is not worth mentioning. And our knowledge for the smallest part of this existence and of the most gigantic galaxies is limited. Why we are not going to believe? Who is preventing us to believe? That is Shaytan, the terrible one!

O Scientists! Do you understand what we are saying? They are now making me address learned people from religious sects among Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Why are you not making it clear to Man one belief, so they will say, "That is true." Holy books teach Man what is true. Why are you not making it clear, holiest one in Christianity, His Holiness the Pope? Why is he not ordering all teaching centers to change their nonsense beliefs and theories? Why is he not warning them to come to reality? And rabbis also; why are they not making it clear to people from where we are sitting? Where are we coming into existence and where we are going in existence? It has a reality. Why are they not making it clear? Muslims also; why are `alims not saying: هَلْ مِنْ خَالِقٍ غَيْرُ اللَّهِ hal min khaaliqin ghayrAllah? "Is there a Creator other than Allah?" (Al-Fatir, 35:3)

(Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Allah Almighty is asking, "Do you think anyone else is creating?" Why are you not making it clear, and you are making so many unfruitful discussions. Why? And that is the main reason that cursing is coming in the 21st century.

O People! Listen and use your mentalities! In 24 hours use even one minute to ask, how are we on this planet? The globe, how can it be? Who was first on this planet? So many questions! Why are they not teaching people? They are only saying, “We are Salafi `ulamas, we are doctors of Shari`ah.” Shari`ah is first commanding that you must believe! Belief is first and most important; if you are not believing then what is the importance of Shari`ah? Shari`ah is the heavenly order and if we are not believing in Who sent heavenly orders, then what is the meaning of Shari`ah? May Allah forgive us! We are waiting for an opening for Mankind. What is the reason for our believing? We believe in holy books and holy books say everything must have a beginning and an end. We are not reaching a beginning, but an ending. There are so many signs daily that we are reaching the end of Creation on this planet. One day they may be looking at the Earth turning in its orbit, and it may run out and no one can stop it. Think on it and don't sleep! It may go out from turning in its orbit and stop, and your technology can't stop that!

Allahu akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd. SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. SubhaanAllah.

O our Lord! Send us someone from your servants to teach us what is necessary to learn. So many people in their academies and higher schools are learning nothing.

As-salaamu `alaykum. May Allah forgive us for the honor of the Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.)


(Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`ts Salat ash-Shukr.)


(45 minutes)

(Many people sending salaams for you Sayyidee, asking for du`a.) Wa `alaykum as-salaam. They must make du`a for me.
