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We are standing up. Everything asking to stand up, stand up for their Creator, for the Lord of  Heavens. La ilaha illa Anta. O Allah you are our Lord, our Creator, everything belongs to you. Nothing for anyone else, you are Creator, You are Conqueror, You are most Majestic, most Glorious, You are the Lord of creation. O our Lord! Give Your best and high honor to Your Most Beloved One in Your Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad (s). You making him Sayyed.
Your Absolute Lordship, Absolute Honor, and Glory and Majesty and Mighty being only for You.
We are thankful to You, O our Lord. O Allah! You are Subhan, You are Sultan.
Subhan-Allah, Sultan-Allah, `Azeez-Allah, Kareem-Allah.
You are only Absolute Oceans and Dominions of being honored and glorified, no one knowing a beginning or an ending for Your Existence.You are Allah.
Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar `ala man takabbar wa tajjabar.
O Ya Rasulullah! You are the representative of the Lord of creation. You are representative for Him Almighty. Only you, no a second one, can't be a second one, only you. Everyone must give their high respect to you, O Muhammad peace be upon you. Allahum salli wa sallim wa baarik `alayh. Give him more and more and more and endlessly majesty and glory and praising. O Rabb, O our Lord, give to him. We are weak servants. Weakly we are asking through this holy month and grant us from Your endless mercy oceans. Only one drop may take everything from Your servants. O ya Rasulullah! We are so honored to be with you.
Alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salaam `alayk ya sayyid al-awaleen wa 'l-akhireen Muhammad Mustafa, anta Muhammadun wa Ahmadun wa Mahmoudun, Ya Mustafa Ya Mujtaba. Allah, anta al-Mubtada wal-Muntaha.

Ya Rasulullah
, give from your blessings to your weak ummah and nation. Nation of Muhammad (s).(sits)
Dastoor Ya Sayyidee. Dastoor. O highest one, most glorified one in the Divinely Present. Oh Divinely Present, You are only there. No anyone else. You only! O people! hear and listen and obey and try to be obedient ones. Keep the Lord's deputy... Sayyidina Muhammad (s), your salutes, your praisings and blessings. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah. And we have been ordered, O listeners, O man, O man, O mankind. We have been ordered to learn and to know and to be sincere, humble servants. Allah Allah, O Ya Rabb. O the Creator. O the Creator. O That One that creating, creating from pre-Eternal up to Eternal and You are not in need what You created. Astaghfirullah. We are asking forgiveness to think on it in such a way. He created and His creation form pre-Eternal up to Eternal running, running. New creation, running, countlessly and He is not in need anything. If He was in need something then He is not going to be Creator or to be Lord of creation, He is not going to be Lord of Heavens and He is not going to be a Creator if He was in need for something. He is not going to be the Lord of creation no! Creating and giving. He is Creator. No one can understand or no one can reach the limits of His creation, or no one can be able to reach the limits of His creating power. Only He Almighty may say for anything to come in existence, only He may say, "come and show yourself and say La ilaha ill-Llah Muhammadun rasulullah". Everything coming in existence is saying,  La ilaha ill-Llah and His absolute deputy is Sayyidina Muhammad (s) may Allah bless him more and more.
You are ordered to say A`udhu Billahi min-ash-Shaytan-ir-rajeem. The representative of whole bad things, representing Shaytan. Every badness and every cursing, every false belongs to Sadanas, to Shaytan. For what He created, may ask a persons. For what created Lord of Heavens, Sadanas, Shaytan? Now we are asking to enter what our Heavenly Holy ones, what they are granting to me to address to know and to give to you. We are coming on that point and therefore we must say, A`udhu Billahi min-as-Shaytan-ir-rajeem. O our Lord we are running away from Shaytan to You and O Our Lord protect ourselves and He is saying if you are asking protection call Me and say, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem, when you are saying Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem by the name of Allah Almighty, most Merciful and most Beneficent and Munificent then I am going to be more closer to you. From you to you. He, He Almighty, He is so closer or so close to You that you never going to be closer to yourself. You don't  know who are you and you don't know for what you are in existence. You don't know what is your mission. You don't know for which thing you have been in existence and have been created. And Allah Almighty saying I am more and more closer to you than form you to you. You are so far, perhaps endlessly far from yourself but I am so closer  to you, from everything no distance,I am with you. How? Don't ask, you can't know, that is for the Creator. I know it but you can't be able to know that secret. That secret belongs to my Mighty Being.
Therefore say Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem. Say My holy name and I am granting to you endlessly. Every time you are saying Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem you are not going to be empty not sifir, empty-handed. Every time you are going to be through my  Mighty Oceans and Mighty Glory, Mighty Dominions, and Mighty Creating and Mighty Willpower. O people! Listen and be on good adab, good manner. I am asking from you good manner, O mankind.How many men living on this earth? No one knowing except the Creator. Wa `addahum adda I know how many created and passed away and living and should leave this life also.  One after (another).  I am knowing from pre-Eternity up to Eternity.  I am adding and counting, accounting,  and no one knows. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
O people! What do you think most about, about most precious thing for mankind? What it is?  It is knowledge, Heavenly answering. Most precious thing to you is knowledge. He first created, first man and giving to him something from Heavnely knowledge. No one given Divinely knowledge except one, sayyidina Muhammad (s). Heavenly may be granted, but Divinely knowledge no, it is not for anyone else. Only for sayyidina Muhammad (s).
The Divinely presence, you cannot speak on it. La qadarahu marratan ukhra. First looking the Seal of Prophets, Heavenly beings, but for Divinely Presence, no one there. No one granted that. Heavenly oceans countless also and they are neverending oceans. Most precious thing that granted to man is knowledge wa allama adam al-asma just granted to Adam . O people! Try to learn and try to think on something for understanding some widsoms. The Lord of Heavens and granting us to be Your deputies and You are creating and saying I know you can't know. Then Allah Almighty taught sayyidina Adam but O people! It is impossible, impossible to be taught by the Lord of the Heavens,for teaching must be a teacher. you cannot say Allah. Who is teaching when saying wa `allama adam al-asma giving knowledge to Adam. Without a waseela. without between 2 ones a link, directly from Allah almighty no one can take anything. Who was that one? that one was Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Ya Sayyid al-awwaleen wal-akhireen. Asta'idh Billah ar-Rahman `allam al-Quran khalaqa al-insaan `allamahu al-bayan. If you are asking to speak on it oceans may finish but knowledge that coming from these holy verses never finishes. And the Lord of Heavens giving knowledge to son of man because if Allah Almighty asking to grant an honor to a servant, making a way for him to know. Therefore O listeners, assalaam alaykum. (Wa `alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu). Hear and listen and accept what a weak servant speaking and addressing to you. Think on it!
Biggest grant is knowledge and giving knowledge, giving knowledge to mankind that angels when Allah Almighty ordering to them to say about the names of creation, they are saying "we don't know". And Allah ordering to Adam to teach them....O our listeners don't think that material giving to you honor. Or imitated titles giving to you honor. No. What you have been granted from holy knowledge that from Heaven. To learn to know, because according to your knowledge you have been granted honor and power and lights. Knowledge giving lights to people. Don't think that golden or precious stones or imitated titles giving to people lights, no. I am sorry to say, that now from east to west, including Muslim world also, they are asking only knowledge that belongs to this world. They are trying to learn more and more and more about nature. But if you are learning everything about nature that not giving to you lights. Lights coming form Heavens by Prophets therefore their faces like the sun shining. Whom they have been granted Holy knowledge from heavens their faces like sun shining, because their heart full with Divine lights.
O people this chance granted to you only once, you can't be back here after passing to there, You are asking to reach a light. The Day of Resurrection, whom they lost their chance to have a Heavenly light, they should see people who servant that they have been granted and looking themselves, no any lights themselves,  and they are asking and running after them saying, "O enlightened people, wait a moment to take from your lights, because you are enlightened people, we haven't any lights here. Please stop and give us something that you have been granted form Holy knowledge that you have been granted". But you are saying, "no way, no way, no way. You lost your chance when you were there in material world and you were not running to take even small light from Heavenly lights, from special people that are special creations but you ran after Sadanas that is Shaytan, that there is no lights for him and you lost and coming a big Curtain, making them outside and they are in darkness dominions, darkness territories they are running in that. No any chance to come and take lights from enlightened ones.
O people and I am looking and seeing east and west and all Islamic world also running after darkness, not running to reach enlightened worlds through enlightened people. No one putting any lesson and teaching to give Heavenly knowledge. O people that is your honor. If you are listening you may reach.. lights from enlightened stations. If no you are going to be forever through darkness through dark territories of Allah. This is an ocean. O people! Take care. Put such a knowledge through your schools, or universities or colleges or high schools . Put such an enlightened knowledge that gives to students lights through their hearts and through their minds. But I am sorry they are not taking care and the darkness making them to be more wahshee - wild ones. Darkness making people to be through dark, darkness and they are eating some of them, some others. Killing some of them some others and giving troubles some of them, to some others and I am sorry to say, no power in a small weak servant. I can't do anything. If I can do I can do something for destroying whole colleges and universities to take them away and bringing enlightened ones with lightening knowledge but until they understand that point I am shouting to whole religions also they are much more interested with political things, this dirty world and it dirty deals.
I am calling them. You have heavy responsibility, if one drop of blood going to fall down you have responsibility in Divine Presence. O  religious people, O pope, patriarchs, east and west and everywhere think on it. If not something coming, taking you by the ear, up to high and to fall down. Be humble ones and respectful ones for Your Lord  and and try to reach lights from enlightened people. Enlightened people are Prophets and their real followers and their real deputies. May Allah forgives me and forgives everyone and send us someone to teach ourselves not to fall down and to keep ourselves. O our lord we are weak ones, send us only one, even weakest one may take whole Satanic structures through east and west and throw them away.
Tawbah Ya Rabbee, Astaghfirullah. Fatiha.

dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm
dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm

O man who created
for Him only,
listen and obey
to your Lords' commands
and rules

Dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm
Dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm

You must listen
and you must hear
and you must try
for understanding.
What Heavens singing
and sending to you
Some signals
to save you
from darkness
and dark
never-ending worlds.

dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm
Dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm dumm duum dumm

Tawbah Ya Rabbee, Astaghfirullah, Fatiha.
