27 March 2014 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan
Nawaytu 'l-arba'een, nawaytu'l-'itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'l-'uzlah, nawaytu'l-riyaada, nawaytu's-salook, lillahi ta'ala fee hadha'l-masjid.
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,
nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa fee haadha 'l-masjid.
Salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Alhamdulillahi ‘Lladhee qaala qul Huwa Allahu Ahad Allahu ‘s-Samad. Huwa ‘l-Ahad al-Mutlaq al-Fardu ‘s-Samadu alladhee fadalanaa bi ’l-muna wa ‘l-ata`a wa tafarada fee qidamahi wa ’l-baqaa wa ja`ala dhikruhu min asharafi ‘t-ta`aat wa afdalu ’l-`ibadaat, wa ja`alahu sababan li ‘wusooli ila `alaa ‘l-maqaamaat wa ja`ala dhaakirahu wa ‘l-mutabi`a ‘r-rasooli jaleesahu wa khasahu bi dhaalika min ghairi saa’iri ’l-makhlooqat. Wa ’s-salaat wa ‘s-salaam `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin sayyid al-bashar. Allahumma salli wa sallim `alayk yaa Rasoolullah, yaa Rahmatan li ’l-`Alameen.
It is not easy to be an `alim and it is not easy to be a saalih. There is big difference between `ulama and between saalihoon: an `alim can know knowledge, but a saalih is on top of knowing knowledge as he is pious and sincere, and an `alim does not have to be pious and sincere, he knows knowledge and what he is speaking about, what he memorized from books and then presented. Still it might be he does things which are even not accepted (in Islam), but when he speaks he speaks eloquently and people like him or her.
But a saalih person, a sincere one, tries to build bridges. They are al-muslihoon, trying their best to build bridges with the ummah in order to bring its members together in a peaceful way. There are many in history who were at the same time `ulama and at the same time saaliheen, and despite that they had problems as they were not yet reaching what people hope to reach.
Why do people come together in a dhikr circle remembering Allah (swt) or reciting Holy Qur'an or reciting hadith? They are doing that because Allah (swt) said:
أَنَا جَلِيْسُ مَنْ ذَكَرَنِي
Anaa jaleesu man dhakaranee.
I sit with him who remembers Me. (Ahmad, Bayhaqi)
فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُواْ لِي وَلاَ تَكْفُرُونِ
Fadhkuroonee adhkurkum, w ’ashkuroo lee wa laa takfuroon.
Remember Me, I will remember you. Give thanks to Me and do not be ungrateful towards Me.
(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:152)
“Mention Me and I mention you in a presence better than your Presence.” But to reach that stage, what do we have to do? To remember Allah in every moment, dhikrullah. It is not easy. What did He say? “Remember Me and I remember you and thank Me and don’t reject My Favors.” So by thanking Him we remember Him; when we have good health, thank Him and say, “Alhamdulillah yaa Rabbee,” when He gives us wealth say, “Alhamdulillah yaa Rabbee, shukran lillah,” when He makes us to know something, with knowledge say, “Shukran lillah, alhamdulillah yaa Rabbee.” To remember Him is the way, it is the highway, the free ticket to Paradise!
What did Hujjat al-Islam Imam Ghazali (r) say? From here we understand it is not simple, it is not easy. The Prophet (s) does not need a guide, but he had Sayyidina Jibreel (a) as a guide to show that you have to have someone to direct and guide you. Sayyidina Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (r) was a big scholar before he was able to see Reality, to achieve Maqaam al-Mushaahada, the Station of Vision where you see what others cannot see.
I mentioned a story about him. He had a brother, Ahmad al-Ghazali, who was older than him and also a big scholar. Always in prayer his brother stood as imam, and he, Abu Hamid, prayed behind him with everyone. One time after many years like that, he stopped praying behind his brother and everyone in the association began to say, “What is going on, why did he stop praying behind his brother?” He was a bigger `alim than Abu Hamid, but something had happened.
Before we go into what happened, he said, regarding wilayah, he said, “In the beginning stages of studying Shari`ah to become a scholar, I used to deny the states and knowledge of the pious people, I used to deny what people said about them. People would say ‘this wali, this wali’ and I was denying all awliyaullah, it didn’t click in my mind.”
This is typical of Salafis today. This is Abu Hamid al-Ghazali in the beginning of his study. Kuntu fee mabda'i amree munkiran li-ahwaali ’s-saaliheen wa maqaamaati ’l-`arifeen, “I was denying the level and stations of knowers, Gnostics. Hattaa sahibta shaykhee It didn’t come to me, until one day I met one person and when I saw him my life changed! I followed him and became one of his followers, Yusuf an-Nassaaj, Yusuf the Weaver; Weaver was his family name. He was a man, a teacher, a guide, but he also used to work weaving fabrics, a weaver, putting threads together. “When I met him I saw something special.” Falam yazal yasqulunee bi ’l-mujahadaat hatta hazheetu bi ‘l-waaridaat, “He kept polishing me by making me to struggle in my life and showing me the difficult way.”
It is not easy to become a gnostic. That is something you don’t buy in a grocery store. To achieve gnostic knowledge, requires long travel and if you have no guide you cannot reach anywhere; you need a guide to guide you. Imam Ghazali (r) said, “I found a guide,” and today they teach Imam Ghazali’s teachings everywhere because they consider him a great teacher of Shari`ah and a big `alim of spirituality, Tazkiyyat an-Nafs, which we call ‘Tasawwuf.’ His teachings are everywhere, even in Mecca and Madina.
He said, “I took a guide.” So without a guide don't believe you can do anything, and that guide you follow, you must respect and love; you cannot do something that he doesn’t like. And you have to honor him and call him the best of names. That is why they call their shaykhs ‘Sultan al-Awliya’ and we say of our shaykh ‘Sultan al-Awliya.’
Different tariqahs are called different names: Shadhili, after Imam Abu ’l-Hasan as-Shadili, or Boutchiyya after Shaykh Hamza Boutchiyya followed by people in Morocco, or Algeria and Tunisia, and Tijaniyya after Sayyidina Ahmad at-Tijani. They love their guides, because they are taking them (to realities). So we call our shaykh Sultan al-Awliya and we don’t deny others. We don’t know, that is most important. You don’t fight with others. They call their shaykh ‘Sultan al-Awliya’ also and we respect them. We have for ourselves Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim `Adil! People might fight with each other, saying, “My shaykh is better; O my shaykh is Sultan al-Awliya,” and the other, “O my shaykh is Sultan al-Awliya!”
So he followed Yusuf an-Nasaaj, the Weaver, and that shaykh put him under test. Imam Ghazali said, fa lam yazal yasqulunee, “He continuously was polishing me,” and was shouting at him. (Like this mureed), every time I see him, it is as if I am seeing these small cats in the forest, mountain cats; they need a lot of work. By permission of Mawlana Shaykh, I have to...you know in old times there is no washing machine, they rub the clothes between their hands with soap and water to clean it. You have to do that for many, you cannot put them all in one washing machine!
So Imam Ghazali said, “He begin to put me in seclusion, which is what mujaahidaat means, until I began to receive waaridaat, inspirations. When you begin to receive, everything changes and I saw Allah (swt) in the dream.”
...إن اقترب إلي شبرا تقربت إليه ذراعا إن اقترب إلي ذراعا اقتربت إليه باعا إن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولةأ
Whoever draws near to Me a hand span, I draw near to him an arm's length; whoever comes to Me a forearm's length, I draw near him an arm's length; whoever comes to Me walking, I come to him in a hurry.
(Hadith Qudsi, Bukhari and Muslim)
“Who comes to Me one hand I come to him one arm. Who comes to me walking I come to him running.” Also, the Prophet (s) said, “I saw My Lord in the dream smiling.”
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :إن الله تعالى تجلى لي في أحسن صورة فسألني فيما يختصم الملأ الأعلى قال قلت ربي لا أعلم به قال فوضع يده بين كتفي حتى وجدت بردها بين ثديي أو وضعهما بين ثديي حتى وجدت بردها بين كتفي فما سألني عن شيء إلا علمته.
It was related from Ibn `Abbas that the Prophet (s) said, “My Lord came to me in the fairest form and asked me, ‘Do you know about what the Supreme Council (of angels) disputes?’ I said, ‘I do not know.’ Then He placed His hand between my shoulders, and I felt its coldness between my breasts.... Then He did not ask me about anything except that I knew it.” (Tirmidhi)
Imam Ghazali (r) said, “I saw Him in the dream.” If you see Allah (swt), and there are some people around me, I know them, who saw Allah (swt) in the dream. If someone can see that, then he can also see more. That is why he stopped praying behind his brother. As soon as his brother would say, “Allahu Akbar,” he left the prayer and went home.
And his mother said, “O Abu Hamid, why are you not praying behind your brother?”
He said, “I cannot.”
His brother got upset and said, “I want to know why as it is not nice in front of people (for you to leave the prayer rank).”
And finally, in the end, we don’t make the story long, Imam Ghazali (r) said to his mother, “As soon as he says ‘Allahu Akbar’ I see him falling into a bucket of blood, and so blood makes wudu gone. You have to make another wudu.”
She went and said to the brother, “This is what your brother said.”
He came and said, “Yaa Aba Hamid, where is the blood?”
He said, “O my brother, as soon as you say ‘Allahu Akbar,’ you enter the prayer, and that fatwa they asked you to give comes into your mind. And that is a fatwa about period of women, so I see you from top to bottom concerned about that fatwa, and you are covered in blood, so how can I pray with you?”
His brother said, “You said the truth, sadaqt.”
So he saw Allah (swt) in the dream and Allah said to him, “Yaa Aba Hamid! Leave your dunya, leave what makes you busy in this life and go and make companionship to those whom I made like mountains on My Earth. J`alatum fee ardee mahalla nazharee, I made them to be in My Lands, always in My Sight. I made them under My Gaze, mountains on Earth.”
These are like our Sultan, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim `Adil, may Allah grant him long life.
عِنْدَ ذِكْرِ الصَّالِحِينَ تَنْزِلُ الرَّحْمَةُ
`Inda dhikr as-saliheen tanzilu ’r-rahmah.
When the names of the pious are mentioned Allah’s Mercy descends.
(Narrated Sufyan ibn `Uyayana in Imam Ahmad’s Zuhd)
It is very well known that when you mention names of the pious, Allah sends His Mercy on you according to this hadith of the Prophet (s). What do you think of being with them? For just mentioning their names, rahmah comes! Allah is saying to him, “Go and be one of them, follow them, because I made them in My land under My sight.”
Imam Ghazali continues, “Wa humulladheena ba`oo ’d-daarayn bi hubbee, they are the ones who sold this life and the Next for My Love; they want only My Love. Qultu bi `izzatika illa adhaqtanee barda husni dhanni bihim, O Allah! I am asking by Your Greatness to make me to taste their sweetness and to take away my doubts in them.” And Allah said, Qad fa`lt, ‘I did it for you, and between you and them is hubb ad-dunya. Leave it by choice, because later you are going to leave it by order, as I am going to call you later.’ (It means, “Before you leave it in spite of your nose, now leave it by choice.” When you die you are leaving it by force, like a child, like you have been crushed.) Faqad afadtu `alayka anwaaran min jiwaari qudsee, I have already sent on you from My Holy Divine Light.’”
I woke up very happy and I came to my shaykh, Yusuf an-Nasaaj, and I told him the dream and he smiled and said, “This is our way at the beginning. If you follow me more, you are going to put kohl on your sight and see what cannot be seen and hear what cannot be heard.”
That was Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (q), one of those pious `ulama and at the same time saaliheen, sincere, that people are studying him. So to everyone, Allah has given a guide and through that guide he has been introduced to that Golden Chain, to a chain. And we are given a choice to follow a guide, and we have to honor our guide, not by words, but by action. We have to honor him as it should be, because it is mentioned that by mentioning the names of pious people, mercy comes, so we need to mention his name, you cannot hide his name. He spread Islam and Tazkiyyat an-nafs East and West. He polished the hearts of converts East and West, of Arabs East and West, and he polished hearts of Sub-continent people East and West as there are Sub-continent people East and West, even in Europe and even in Arab countries, everywhere. He spread these teachings until everyone knew him, but we have to honor him!
Don’t take this personally. No, we have to make sure that this is not personally for him or him, or this one or that one, but it is a message to everyone in order to keep the name and guidance of your shaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim `Adil an-Naqshbandi. They might say, “O his name is ‘al-Haqqani’.” Yes, there are many (called that name), anyone can be called ‘Haqqani,’ but we have to make something to honor him. Some people named Haqqani are blacklisted in Pakistan and in other areas there are big tribes with that name, but here we have to make, as our predecessors have made. In the time of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) our tariqat was called “Siddiqiyya.” We have to make something for everyone to know and that everyone will follow the order of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.
I will ask Taher to read that declaration that was put together by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's order and many people requested it of Mawlana Shaykh, may Allah give him long life. So we have to honor our shaykh as should be, not that people say, “O Shaykh Hisham said it and we don’t want it.” It is something for everyone to respect Mawlana and to honor him.
[Shaykh Taher reads the declaration.]
By Shaykh Hisham
Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.
اطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ
Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-rasula wa uli 'l-amri minkum
Obey Allah, Obey the Prophet (s) and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa 4:59)
Dear devoted followers of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil, Sultan al-Awliya,
عِنْدَ ذِكْرِ الصَّالِحِينَ تَنْزِلُ الرَّحْمَةُ
`Inda dhikr as-saliheen tanzilu 'r-rahma
When the names of the pious are mentioned Allah's Mercy descends.[1]
The designation of the Naqshbandi Golden Chain has changed from century to century, being called after one of its great masters in each era. Initially it was called Siddiqiyya after Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r), then Tayfuriyya after Bayazid Tayfur al-Bistami, then Khwajaganiyya up to the time of Shah Naqshband. After Shah Naqshband, it was known as the Naqshbandiyya until the time of Ahmad al-Faruqi Mujaddid Alf-ath-Thani, after which it was called Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya. At the time of Khalid al-Baghdadi, it became known as the Naqshbandiyya-Khalidiyya, and from the time the tariqah moved to Daghestan, up to the time of Shaykh `Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q), it was known as the Naqshbandiyya-Daghestaniyya.
In keeping with the legacy of our predecessors through their lineage to the Prophet (s), we title the tariqah from this day forward the Naqshbandiyya-Nazimiyya. This is to honor the fountain of knowledge and spiritual reviver of our time, Shaykh Muhammed Nazim Adil, who spread Islam from East to West, bringing thousands of people into the faith and into this most distinguished Sufi way. In admiration, belief, and love of his leadership, we identify ourselves through Shaykh Nazim and his honored name. May Allah (swt) grant him long life and keep his guidance and protection over us.
Furthermore, in keeping with Mawlana's recent order to myself in March 2014, "Build forty mosques in forty different locations and open Dhikr centers in every corner," we urge the students of the Naqshbandiyya-Nazimiyya to open more centers of dhikrullah, everywhere possible.
Mawlana's intent by this order was to spread this tariqah far and wide and to make it accessible to all so that its immense mercy can reach everyone. As the Prophet (s) narrated in an authentic hadith:
إن لله ملائكة يطوفون في الطرق يتلمسون أهل الذكر.............. قال فيقول فأشهدكم أني قد غفرت لهم قال يقول ملك من الملائكة فيهم فلان ليس منهم إنما جاء لحاجة قال هم الجلساء لا يشقى بهم جليسهم
There are Allah's angels roaming the streets, looking for the People of Dhikr. … And Allah says: "I am making you witness that I have forgiven them. One of the angels says: "O my Lord, someone was there who did not belong to that group, but came for some other need." Allah says: "Those are such a group that anyone who sits with them -- no matter for what reason -- will also have his sins forgiven."[2]
From this hadith, and many others, the wisdom of multiplying dhikr assemblies everywhere is clear: to spread the mercy of Allah, His Protection and His forgiveness. Therefore, I am informing mureeds of Mawlana Shaykh's order, if there is none in your area, you should form a dhikr gathering wherever possible. In this way angels will come to protect human beings in every locale. People can establish dhikr individually or even with as few as 2-3 people.
Once you have decided on a location and identified your leader, according to the Prophetic hadith:
إذا كنتم ثلاثة فأمروا أحدكم
"If you are three, then make one your leader,"[3] please register with us in order that we may keep track of these new centers and inform others of their existence.
All Praise is to Allah and His Mercy and blessings on His Messenger, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), his Family and his Companions (r).
Servant of servants,
Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
For more information about this important declaration, watch Mawlana Shaykh Hisham's suhbat:
We are launching suficenters.com for the purpose of keeping track of the centers established by mureeds, so please register by emailing us your particulars to [email protected] and this website will be launched shortly to provide this information.
[1] Saying by Sufyan ibn `Uyayanah al-Kufi and mentioned in Imam Ghazali's Ihyaa `Ulumu 'd-din. Another supporting hadith is:
نزول الرحمة على المجتمعين في المساجد{..... وما اجتمع قوم في بيت من بيوت الله يتلون كتاب الله و يتدارسونه بينهم إلا نزلت عليهم السكينة و غشيتهم الرحمة و حفتهم الملائكة و ذكرهم الله في من عنده ...} مسلم عن أبي هريرة من أسباب نزول الرحمة ذكر الصالحين
The descent of mercy on those who gather in the mosque, from hadith "and no group of people gather in one of the houses (mosques) of Allah reciting the Book of Allah and studying it amongst themselves without tranquility descending upon them, mercy covering them, and the angels surrounding them, and Allah mentioning them to those in His Presence. (From Muslim related by Abu Hurayrah (r) from the reasons for mercy to descend when the pious are mentioned).
[2] Bukhari and Muslim.
[3] At-Tabarani (hasan).
[Declaration end.]
Inshaa-Allah this is the least we can do to honor our shaykh. He spread the Naqshbandi Order in this time, far Far-East, far Far-West, far North and far South. So the least we can do is to mention his name, because we are saying he is Sultan al-Awliya, which is correct, but it is still missing the name. We have to say, “Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh Nazim,” and mention his tariqat, Tariqat Naqshbandiyya, by whom? Not by ‘Haqqani.’ Who is Haqqani? There are too many nowadays who call themselves ‘Haqqani.’ They are black-listed, I don’t want to say the other words. So we have to open our minds and our hearts and not to take it personally, but we have a choice. Mawlana was happy when I mentioned that to him in March when I was there and we said that when we come back we will make a declaration and send it out for everyone.
This means you can go ahead and open a center in your home, your factory, in your small room. If there are only three people, no problem, do dhikrullah and invite more people. If they say there is another center in that area, you go there and if you cannot go for a reason, do it there in your home. You are after the barakah of dhikr; dhikr as-saliheen tanzilu 'r-rahma and through dhikrullah Allah will forgive us. We are after where the pious are mentioned, then mercy descends; we are after that, not necessarily where there is a big congregation if you cannotattend, but if you can, yes, go. Like we are here in Fenton and people are in Detroit; it is a 1.5 hour drive, if there is traffic it is two hours, so I cannot go, so they can make dhikr there. If it is even half-an-hour away or if they have a problem with the person doing dhikr in their area, some people may have problems, so why to fight? Do your own and increase it as much as you can.
I went to Chile and to Argentina where there are thousands of kilometers of land and they cannot possibly do it in one place, so they are opening in their homes, which makes it easy for people who cannot reach. So similarly, if you have a disagreement with a leader of the main area, or if it is far and if there are ladies traveling with you late at night in a dangerous area, then why fall in this problem? Do dhikr in your home, appoint one leader and do it in your home and it will become a center and slowly, slowly the neighbors and more and more people will come.
May Allah (swt) forgive us and support us and give long life to our shaykh.
Now I want to say this: under Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s name, too many people all over say, “I am representative,” but let there be more, let there be too many. Appoint from your group a leader to do the job, because it is dhikrullah.
إذا خرج ثلاثة في سفر فليؤمروا أحدهم
If you are three on a journey, choose one as your leader. (Abu Dawood)
If you are three put one as ameer, leader, and try to build bridges with everyone. Allah will be happy with those who build bridges, not with those who show enmity and arrogance and anger, and their talks are only confusion and anger. This type of filling up people with anger or with hate is not accepted. Try instead to fill people with love, tolerance, and peacefulness and to make them happy, to listen to something happy, not to listen to something full of hatred and most of it is lies and is not correct. But Shaytan plays games and tries to pull our feet and trap us. Let us get out of his trap and build bridges. There is nothing to take with us to Akhirah except your good dhikr, your good `amal in dunya, and the intercession we spoke about, that everyone needs help on the Day of Judgment, as the Prophet (s) said, “Those who read the Holy Qur'an, Holy Qur'an will intercede for them.”
Holy Qur’an is dhikrullah, so read Qur’an and if you read Surat Ikhlaas three times, it is as if you read the whole Qur’an completely. So sit together and recite Qul huwallahu Ahad, no problem, or recite Surat al-Falaq or Surat an-Naas or al-Fatihah; don’t say you don’t know how to recite. Al-Fatihah is Qalb al-Qur’an, the heart of the Qur’an.
Teach people to be happy and feel good, then they will come more. Try to bring everyone to the Way of Allah and don’t order the people. The people who make orders, Grandshaykh, may Allah bless his soul, and you can ask if it is correct, he said, “I don’t order any of my students.” Today every representative, leave Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, may Allah give him long life, but every representative wants to order the mureeds. Grandshaykh `Abdullah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) never ordered. He said, “I have two students I can order from thousands and thousands of students,” this is how he said it, “Nazim Effendi and Husayn Effendi,” meaning Shaykh Husayn who died in Aleppo. “To them I can give an order.” I was there when Grandshaykh `AbdAllah (q) said that and so was my brother, Shaykh Adnan. “They cannot carry my order and if they drop my order or step on it they will be harmed, then angels will not be happy,” because he was Sultan al-Awliya, and:
من عادا لي وليا فقد آذنته بالحرب
Man `adaa lee waliyyan faqad aadhantahu bi ’l-harb.
(Allah [swt] said) Whoever comes against My wali, I declare war on him.
(Hadith Qudsi; Bukhari, from Abu Hurayrah)
Allah will declare war on you when you drop his order under your feet! Grandshaykh continued, “That is why to protect my mureed, I don’t order them, only to these two I give an order.” Today everyone wants to give orders. Don’t give orders to anyone, let them come and let them be happy. Don’t let them be an army! We are not an army, we are angels; we follow angels' ways, peacefulness. We are not an army, we don’t have weapons, we don’t have anything. Even Grandshaykh did not allow us but to carry but a small knife to cut fruit. He said, “No way for my students to carry weapons, not even a big knife, only a small one if you need it.” We never had a knife in our pocket. So don’t accept except peace, love, respect and harmony, and not harmony in a way that is not Islamic, everything has to be Islamic according to Shari`ah, but:
Nahnu ummatan wasata.
We are a nation of the middle way (moderation).
The Prophet (s) said, “We are a nation in the middle way.” We are not liberal on one side and not extreme on the other side, not ghuloow fi ‘d-deen. We keep prayer and fasting and recitation of Holy Qur'an and our Shari`ah, and we keep everything that Allah (swt) has made halaal and leave everything haraam. And we must pray for Mawlana always to have long life, and we call ourselves Naqshbandiyya-Nazimiyya. Why they call Chisti Tariqat “Chistiyya,” after Moinuddin Chisti. We have the right to call ourselves Naqshbandiyya-Nazimiyya. At least we know what Allah said in Holy Qur’an:
ادْعُوهُمْ لِآبَائِهِمْ
Id`oohum li-abaaihim,
Call them by (the names of) their fathers (Surat al-Ahzaab, 33:5)
So our father is Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, so we name after his name. May Allah (swt) forgive us and bless us.
Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
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Salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
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