Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem SUFILIVE has teamed up with International Relief Foundation to assist internal refugees in Somalia as famine grips the Horn of Africa. Help Today @ International Relief Foundation's country director Abdi Muhammad escaped an attack by militants recently when two car bombs killed more than 300 people, targeting the Ministry of Education. Last month another brazen attack occurred where the Presidential Palace was targeted. Not daunted by these attacks, Abdi will be releasing IRF/Sufilive's country report for this year shortly, which he was working on when the attacks occurred. We thank Allah Abdi and the IRF team escaped without harm, but the attacks, in a supposedly secure area, indicate how dire the situation is for NGOs, local charities and even common citizens. In the latest attacks over 100 people were killed. Fortunately, Abdi's expertise and knowledge of locale allows him to work around the militants and avoid confrontation. These attacks have done nothing but increase the our team's zeal to continue distributing food and supplies to needy internally-displaced persons, especially in Somalia's southern coast, where work continues, especially among marginalized communities who otherwise receive little or no aid. Please continue to support Sufilive's aid efforts in drought-stricken Somalia.