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How Iblees Served Shah Naqshband for Seven Years

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

17 September 2009 Fenton, Michigan

A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytan-ir-rajeem,


Nawaytu'l-arba`een, nawaytu'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu'l-khalwah, nawaytu'r-riyaadah, nawaytu's-salook, nawaytu'l-`uzlah li Llahi ta`Ala fee hadha'l-masjid. Ati` Allah wa ati` ar-Rasula wa uli 'l-amri minkum

I think we have to transfer the live broadcast to Cyprus soon as they will be broadcasting Jumu`ah there, so I will mention a brief story from Grandshaykh, the story of Iblees coming to knock at the door of Sayyidina Shah Naqshhand (q) one day, and how he is with Iblees. There is another story of Grand Grandhshaykh Sharafuddine (q) and how he used Iblees to dump sins of Mankind on him. We will mention the small story and then transfer the livestream to Cyprus.

Allah said in Holy Qur`an, إِنَّ عِبَادِي لَيْسَ لَكَ عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانٌ - "Inna `ibadee laysa laka `alayhim sultan - you have no control over My servants". (15:42) Here Allah (swt) is speaking to Iblees. He is saying, "You cannot have control over My servants, those who deserve the title of servanthood; you and no one can have power on them, because they are My servants," as Allah mentioned Sayyidina Khidr (a) `abdan min `ibaadinaa, "one servant from many."

So Iblees with all his power he tries to reach where awliyaullah have their own gatherings, he tries to be one of these people attending the gathering in order to disturb the association and he can come in any different way, you might not know him and who can know him? He might come as normal man and with Islamic beard and turban even and he might take baya` even and he stays many years and then everyone will love him. Then he will come out of that giving some noises coming out, not from his mouth, but from somewhere else. He comes to people and says “I am representing the shaykh.” If it was possible for him to come Sayyidina Adam (as) and say “I will guide you to a tree of eternal life” then can he not come to you? You are better than Adam (as)?

So that is why in every tariqah there is Iblees of the tariqah. So that is why you see when he finds that you are sincere he will leave and begin to speak bad about the dhikr and the association. So Iblees came to Shah Naqshband (q) knocking on the door asking to enter. He came in the image of a human being, very handsome, good-looking, a huge man..rajulun `azheem. Very nice, black beard and people respecting him, and with a very big turban, so you see turban also?..There are too many in this tariqah, they have big turbans and they are inheritors of Iblees. Wait until the truth comes, inn Allaha yumhil wa la yuhmil..Allah will leave them running and then later punish. Rajulun `azheem bi `amaamatun kabeera - A large man coming with perfect sunnah and big turban and asking permission to enter the presence of Shah Bahauddin Naqshband (q) and there was with Shah Naqshband, a senior mureed, Shaykh Muhammad Parsa and one of his first khalifas, from Persia, not `Alauddin `Attar. He was one of his authorized ones also.

So that man came and looking very pious and sincere... is Iblees pious and sincere? He has been cursed by Allah. Prophet (s) said, "Be careful from whom you take your religion." So, be careful of people who are using Mawlana's name. So he (Shaykh Muhammad Parsa) asked Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q), "There is one shaykh at the door asking to be honored by your presence," and Sayyidina Shah Naqshband said, "Let him come." He came with his stick...see they all came with stick, turban, nicely done, perfect clean clothes, long beard and looking down, very well, in best adab, discipline, coming and so Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q) welcomed him and he came and sat sitting on his knees. He said to him "relax" and he said..."Ya Sayyidee! We have to keep the best discipline, I am relaxing on my knees", so he told Muhammad Parsa to leave the room. He was worried the mureed might have doubts what is going to happen.

So Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q) with his sainthood power, as awliyaullah are of two powers: some have wilayah on physical aspect, they can move in space, they tell you what will happen tomorrow, they bring something unexpected, they heal, and then there are others who are of another type they raise you in knowledge and that is a far better style and they inherit from Prophet (s), who received the Holy Qur'an and they are inheritors so they try to download all kinds of knowledge to your heart. Then there is the third kind that merge the physical and the spiritual.

And so Shah Naqshband (q) has the two powers (he is of the third kind), looking normal, but he knew before Iblees entered, that he is coming. Iblees veiled himself completely. He was head of angels. Allah swt gave him that power, so he was covering his whole personality with veils and that it is very rare that a saint can go through these veils and see who is that one. And so he knew this is Iblees the cursed one.

So he said, "Usually, O our guest, usually we have our guest three days. Our hospitality is three days, you are welcome to stay three days." Iblees was happy. He thought that Sayyidina Shah Naqshband didn't know him that he was veiling himself that he doesn't know who he was, so he stayed three days and in these three days he made him to pray with him. Praying with him with all this group and his majlis. They used to say when we visited his masjid in Bukhara, that 5000 people were studying there with him and staying there. So by force he made him, that cursed one, by force to pray, as Iblees cannot unveil himself because he wants to cheat Sayyidina Shah Naqshband and he wants to cheat the jama`ah so he was mingling with the jama`ah - he is trying to confuse them, but Sayyidina Shah Naqshband's power was over him. So he said to him, "with my respect to my Lord", that means "with respect to my Lord that cursed you, I respect that curse on you, that whip on you, I respect that order, can I ask how I can help?" (as this is how it works) and he said, "yes, I came here to be one of your students." So people there were happy, a man with a beard and turban, sincere. They were thinking, “O he is going to be with us, we might learn from him discipline, adab” because he was in complete adab with Shah Naqshband.

They come to Mawlana Shaykh in perfect adab, saying, "I want to lead the dhikr in my area, to lead dhikr and to have khilafah." Immediately Mawlana will stamp the paper and say, "go!" (It means:) "You are Iblees like that."

So he said "I want to be your student, can you show me the best way to be a student of you and I am ready. Can I be the one who will serve you." He said, "you know our tradition and our ways. The one who wants to be our student has to work in the dergah, khaniqah, zawiya, then after he works we look into his history and then we decide." Hinting to him. Iblees never knew that Shaykh Shah Naqshband (q) knew about his reality so he was thinking “like every other one I cheated, I will cheat him and become his student.” Now Shah Naqshband knows that he will never repent, once someone is cursed he will never repent, but he wants to put him down, put his arrogance down. Iblees said to Shaykh Shah Naqshband (q), "so what is the best thing to do for you in order I become a student of yours".

He said, "you know our students when they come to us new, we send them to clean restrooms to teach them humility." So you have to go to city, not like now, we have restrooms in even in the house. There are many restrooms, not portable but fixed. "You have to clean them, this is your job daily, for 7 years" and at that time you have to clean them with the rocks that are in them, there is no toilet paper. Till today if you visit Uzbekistan they have rocks in restroom. You use 3 buckets and use them and put them in the dirty bucket and then you go throw them. But he said, "don't throw them, you have to clean them and bring them back, then you be our student and we give you authority." And he said “authority” then he asked, "do you accept"? "Yes I accept." So he went do that job for 7 years. He made him do that for 7 years.

(Cyprus coming on now?)

So he said that and he went and worked very hard to show the students that he is a very hard worker but Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q) pushed him out of the circle of dhikr. So he came in the evening, coming tired as he took the shape of a human being. So his aim is to deceive Sayyidina Shah Naqshband. So he is a very hard worker, he does his job perfect, he doesn't like to have one mistake, he is running after human beings with perfection. Are we running after our `ibadah with perfection?. He is dedicated to create confusion. So he was working hard, working hard for 7 years coming to Sayyidina Shah Naqshband, he said, "I am ready." He (Shah Naqshband) said, "I see your dedication. I like that from you and I think you can be one of my followers but I think you have a lot of sins so now since you did that you became very close to me, I am very happy with what you have done now and achieved." So now we are going to see what you have achieved and at that moment Sayyidina Shah Naqshband had a gathering that they were celebrating Prophet's (s) birthday and Iblees coming in with him and Shah Naqshband telling him you have too many sins but you achieved what I want you to then he told him, "I believe you are the worst." After making him slave 7 years. "I looked that you don't deserve except to clean restrooms that is why I gave you that job, now I am telling you O cursed one that Allah cursed you. (You) cannot achieve against `ibaadullah because Allah's mercy is over them. (For) you are whatever they leave in these restrooms, this is your food from now on."

So in spiritual meaning that means "all sins of human beings are going to be dumped on you, all their dirty sins. I am going to put on top of you by one of my grandchildren that he is coming in the future, he is going to use you as a huge animal and pulling you with a bridle and pulling you and dumping on you first of all sins of Naqshbandis and then sins of others. So go now from me you are cursed!"

So awliyaullah do things that people don't understand. And he did that to give a hint to him that you are going to be dumped on with all sins of human beings from birth to death. And that is Sayyidina Shaykh Sharafuddin (q) coming in the future to hold the bridle of Iblees and dumping all dirtiness of Naqshbandi students and then all dirtiness of human beings on him. He said, "O cursed one you deserve to be the farthest one from Allah's presence and Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is the closest one to Allah swt don't ever try to come here again and if you do you will see things that you will not be happy with." And Iblees was running from the presence of Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q).

There is more but we leave it now, bihurmati 'l-Fatiha. That is story of Sayyidina Shah Naqshband (q) dealing with Iblees one time.

There are many stories and we will give them one after one, insha'Allah and may Allah swt support us and support you, bihurmati 'l-Fatiha. You heard that story before. Awliyaullah have stories, not stories but true stories about ...and that is why we hear Mawlana Shaykh always saying, "I am the one putting kufr under my feet." That story will give you a hint what it means, so it means if you put the symbol of kufr under your feet then kufr is under his feet. So Iblees is always under Mawlana's feet. Iblees is always under Mawlana. When he tries to raise his head he pushes him down; like someone sitting on the toilet and Iblees opening his mouth. That is his food and drink. How? By power of that wali, keeping him down. So that is what Mawlana Shaykh means by "kufr under my feet"...how? Because the one who(se) symbol of kufr is under him, he is murtadd. He believed then disbelieved. So even to break the heart of someone, Prophet (s) said don't do that.

So what about someone who became murtadd? So in Paradise Iblees still believes in Allah swt but here he doesn't as a murtadd doesn't believe in anything.

May Allah give Mawlana and all of us long life to see Mahdi (as). Wa min Allah at-tawfeeq bi hurmati 'l-Fatiha.


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