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Stories of Awliya and Their Mureeds - Ubaydullah al-Amawi

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

4 Sept 2009 After Fajr (Friday) Fenton, Michigan

a`udhu billahi min 'ash-shaytaani 'r-rajeem

bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

bismillahi 'r-rahmani 'r-raheem

Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-salook, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah lillaahi ta`ala fee haadha 'l-masjid

We will not be too long; they have to broadcast Jumu'ah from Cyprus. We will do like ten, fifteen minutes. So where we left last time was, "What was that one that answered in the Day of Promises when Allah swt gave trust to human beings and asked them, 'Who am I and who are you?' Who answered? Because they asked five or six questions. Which one of them answered?" And Sayyidina '`Abdul- Khaliq Ghujdawani said, "Ya waladee, not one of them you have asked. Means your knowledge is um.. declining, your knowledge, I am saying to you, are yet - you are unable to grasp this reality because it is above the level that you are in now. That reality that answered cannot be described on the tongues of the human beings; the physical tongues cannot express it. But spiritual knowledge that belongs to heavens, that Allah swt released it to Prophet (s) in the day of Mi'raj and what Prophet (s) gave to awliyaullah cannot, there is no language to describe it. It cannot be understood. Whatever I tell you, you are not going to understand it."

Now, what is the most precious stone in the world? Expensive stone? (diamond) What if I tell you there is stone that has specialty, that its color is black or white, whatever, and value higher than diamond? Can you understand it? No. You cannot understand it. It doesn't exist, there is no language to express it. Al-ma`doom, al-naadiru ka 'l-ma`doom, things that are rare are as if they don't exist. What is rare you cannot say that it exists. That is what he wants to tell him, that reality that answered, it is rare in dunya, does not exist in dunya. It exists for Heavens but doesn't exist for earth. So whatever I am going to speak to you on my tongue is going to be according to dunya; cannot be level of akhira.

"Since you ask me a physical question I am giving you an answer that relates to that physical question." That might give you an understanding level, that, for you, is a drop of an ocean. But still that drop is okay, still good. So he said that, "What we can say is, what answered there is something that is the origin, that Allah created from it the reality of human beings." What we know human being are created from? Min teen. Allah created, as mentioned in Surah Rahman:

خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِن صَلْصَالٍ كَالْفَخَّارِ وَخَلَقَ الْجَانَّ مِن مَّارِجٍ مِّن نَّارٍ

Khalaqa 'l-insaana min salsaalin ka 'l-fakkhaar wa khalaqa 'l-jaanna mi 'maarijin min naar He created man of clay like the potter's and the Jinn did He create of smokeless fire.(55:14-15)

Allah created human being from salsaalin ka 'l-fakkhaar. Explain: salsaal is a sauce. Is something that you cannot, except to figure out, except something shallow, empty, hollow, like clay. That is what Quran says so that clay, like clay, what Allah created human being from - mud.. min teen, (teen al-laazib)

That heavenly mud that Allah swt created has an origin. The origin of it is one cell. Today what they say, scientists, that one cell creation is created from? That is what confused them, they cannot go beyond that. They say, "What is that?" They say from one cell species were evolving; Allah created creation from one cell. What they call it, awliyaullah, the reality of that one cell? And they call that one cell adh-dharrah. Adh-dharrah is the smallest thing that can exist because in Arabic language in that time they want to give an example. They can't give scientific example but people at that time they cannot understand. So what is dharr? It is an ant, that is the noun that is smallest that can be existing, that smallest particle is called in language adh-dharrah, after ants to describe the smallest possible that you can understand.

He said, "Not dharrah answered alone but in combination." The dharrah is the one that has no life but it is the origin of creation, part of human being. When Allah swt said nafakhtu feehi min roohee, "when I blow a blow from that Beautiful Name." Al-Khaliq - He blows from that name. He blows in every, in that cell, which is origin of human being. And every human being has different cell. Although all from one cell; but that one cell, the reality of that essence is combination of all cells that are going to come in future. All of them they are going to come. And they are in that cell and all of them in that cell, not making that cell bigger or smaller. If you put too many atoms near each other it becomes big. But in that, Allah not making it bigger or smaller. It includes all the cells and still it is atom, smallest particle that can exist but not getting bigger so that heavenly essence that Allah created first, who is that one? It is the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) that from that reality everything appeared. So when Allah want to put His, that reality that come from the Beautiful Name al-Khaliq, He has to put it in something clean. Who was the clean one? Who was the perfect one? Who was the highest one? Who was the blessed one? Who was in that lamp that we have explained before about the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) that awliya can explain.

The perfect one was under the gaze of Allah swt for 70,000 years, raising him higher and higher in knowledge, raising his essence. Allah will not put that light that He is sending into that atom if it is not clean in dunya. And that was reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) that Allah sent one drop of bahr ul qudrah from the ocean of the Creator to the Ocean of Power. Min ismallah al-Khaaliq ila ismillah al-Qaadir - from the Beautiful Name al-Khaliq to the Beautiful Name al-Qadir, He sent that reality. That is what is the meaning of:

وَنَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي

wa nafakhtu feehee min roohee

and breathed into him of My spirit (15:29)

That is what they say, "I blow in him My ruh"? That is one of the meanings that Sayyidina `Abdul-Khaliq al-Ghujdawani can explain on the tongue of awliya, so it is the essence and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad that dharrah, that atom, was able to have all other atoms in it without it being bigger or without them being smaller and that light that entered in that atom, the combination of that light and the reality and the essence of Prophet (s) - that one answered, the dharrah for Prophet (s), that one answered on behalf of everyone before this universe has been created. Allah knows when, but in that Day of Promises that reality, that essence answered when Allah swt asked, "alastu bi-rabbikum." and

As the body needs the soul in order to move the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) in the reality of everyone that is in that cell, needed in that atom needed that, these two Beautiful Names from the ocean of the Beautiful Name al-Khaliq to the ocean of the Name al-Qadir, that light was moving and the combination of that light with reality, the essence of the Prophet answered, "Ya Rabbee you are the One to be worshipped. And to that one was given the trust because no one can carry the trust except Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Anyone can carry a trust? No one can carry that trust. That is why in laylat al-Isra wa 'l-Mi`raj Allah showed him the reality that happened, showed it to him when he reached in qaaba qawsayni wa adna there. Allah showed him all the dharraat bani Adam that are coming from him, that were stored in the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ فِيكُمْ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ

wa `alamoo anna feekum rasulullah

Know that the Prophet is in you. (49:7)

That is why he is in you, the light of Muhammad (s) is in everyone. Without that light you cannot move. Three lights: Allah's light, Sayyidina Muhammmad's (s) light and Sayyidina Adam's light - the light of a human being is from those three lights; in every human being. That first light is from Allah, from the Beautiful Name al-Khaliq to the Beautiful Name al-Qadir, and the second light is from the reality of

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

wa man arsalanaaka illa rahmatan li 'l-`alameen

We sent you not (O Muhammad) except as mercy to all creation" (21:107)

and the light coming from him (s), and the light of the reality of human beings, coming from Sayyidina Adam (as)

And on the day of Isra wa 'l-Mi`raj Allah said to Prophet (s), "Yaa Muhammad! I give you the ummah and I am giving them to you as a trust. Do you accept? And Allah showed them to him at their highest level of worshipness, very clean, no sins, nothing and Prophet was so happy to see creation in that situation, clean. How they were clean? When Allah gave them to Prophet (s) how they were clean? IIt) means they were in worshipness, means you were in worshipness, you were worshipping. From that day you appeared in Prophet (s) within Muhammadun rasulAllah your atom, from that day until you came into dunya you are worshipping until the day you come to your mothers womb you were in complete worshipping - no sin. That's why you are born on fitra so when he showed him that highly-worshipping human beings he was very happy and said, "Ya Rabbee I am (accepting)" and Allah said, "You give them back clean as I gave them to you." And Prophet accepted. Then Allah showed him what they are going to do in dunya. They are dirty now. All of them. But originally they are clean.

So that veil, it is a veil. From the veil outside you are exposed as dirty, but between,.. you are two-sided, one is clean side, one is dirty side. And between there is a veil, that dirty side cannot tunajis, contaminate the clean one. There is a veil, there is a block there, they cannot reach there.

"مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَّا يَبْغِيَانِ

Maraj al-bahrayni yaltaqiyaan, baynahuma barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.

He made two oceans to meet but they cannot mix because between them there is barrier." (55: 19,20)

Subhaanallah! They say the Atlantic and the Mediterranean oceans they cannot mix because between them is a barrier. Good and bad cannot mix, there is a barrier. So (Allah said to Prophet:) "that is why I created an Ummah Yaa Muhammad, that they don't get tired from sinning and I am their Lord I never tire of forgiving them" Because that side is clean. This side that between these two oceans the good and the bad, there is a barrier that is why what is good, is good forever, what is bad Allah doesn't look at it.

We will continue tomorrow.

Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatiha.
