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O People, Come and Listen to Be In Safety

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

24 March 2010 Lefke, Cyprus

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina wa Mawlana Muhammadun Rasoolullah. Alfu, alfu salaat, alfu, alfu salaam `alayka yaa Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen. Ishfa` lana yaa Habeebullah.

(Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Dastoor yaa Sahib al-Waqt. Dastoor yaa RijaalAllah. Dastoor yaa Qutb al-Mutasarrif. Salaamu `alaykum yaa rijaalAllah. We are nothing, we are knowing nothing.

As-salaamu `alaykum yaa `ibaadAllah. As-salaamu `alaykum our attenders that are asking to hear something from heavenly broadcasting. Tonight I am learning slowly, slowly that my English is going to be like English of Shakespeare. Therefore, I am saying who is attending this broadcast that is coming from heavens towards this world, the Lord of Heavens is asking His servants to hear, not to be heedless, no.

Do you know the stock market? In the stock market, people are sitting from early morning up to Maghrib. They are asking not to lose anything, because they are coming to make trading. (Someone says "training.") Trading, not training! I am sorry there are so many teachers for me, but they are saying something else I am not understanding, and I am saying what I am knowing. It is better to give your attention. Yes, for dunya from early morning up to evening stock market people are sitting like this and they are asking not to lose even one euro or one pence or one franc or one dollar. And the Lord of Heavens may give them what they are asking, but they are asking something with no value, so the Lord of Heavens is leaving them; but if they are asking for something valuable, the Lord of Heavens is granting to them from heavenly pleasures, never going to be lost!

And people here now, from this hour perhaps one-thousand or one-million or one-billion people are looking heedlessly. No, don't be heedless! Must be something from precious stones that are going to be for your Eternal Life; they will be for you forever. That is most important, but people are heedless, saying, "No need, no need." What can there be now in this hour from east to west? Which work may bring to you much more profit, more than this? Why are you not coming to hear and why are you not asking for heavenly grant? A heavenly grant is for your coming life, after this life it will be for you forever! But what are you reaching in this life, perhaps reaching treasures, but what is it leaving for you and anyone else?

O Attenders! Therefore, I am also beating my ego. Don't run to anywhere else! Now you can reach an eternal treasure, so don't lose it. Try to make it for you forever, yes. But everyone's ego, through shaytanic requests, are asking more and more from dunya. What is the value of dunya?

Hmmm, we are coming to Salafi `ulamas! Marhaban, welcome to you, welcome to you! We are very happy with you that you are attending! Yes, this is a question we may ask, but we must stop here our heavenly declaration that is running to my heart. We may give a little bit of time for saying, because the first command of Allah Almighty for His believers, for His servants, is to say as-salaamu `alaykum! If you are saying, wa `alaykum as-salaam you are lucky here and Hereafter! I am asking for a heavenly support from the qutb, pole of this planet in our days. I am asking not only support, but heavenly support! I am not asking from you money, gold, pearls or diamonds, no, nothing.

Therefore, we must say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. Every time Shaytan is making us to step on wrong way. That is Shaytan's mission. Shaytan is asking to carry people to Fire, miseries, sufferings, and to every badness, but showing something and behind it keeping something else. Shaytan's mission is to cheat people. Wa huwa khadi`yukoom. Yes? Shaytan is making people to step on the wrong way, that is his mission. He is never leaving people to step on the right way, going to put his foot there; he is always trying to get people to put foot on steps to hells.

Therefore, the first protection that may keep us from Shaytan's tricks and traps is to say, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajim, then, bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem is cutting the feet of Shaytan to come to you, shooting a bullet on him and it is running away. Therefore, make yourself in a safe case, yes. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. "O our Lord, please protect us from Satan and its tricks and traps!" Then we must be ready to face everything against humanity and against believers and against every holy ones and holy things here, that reaches from heavens to some people. This we say first, to be in a safe and guarded place.

May Allah forgive me. What are we saying now? Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. One question that is coming and it must be clear for all Mankind. What is that? Therefore, they are making me to ask from Salafi `ulamas. Marhaban! I am asking one question as I have been ordered. Say, what is the value of this world? That is an important question they are making me to ask you. I am not preparing something, but they are sending to my heart to ask Salafi `ulamas, because they are saying, "We are the only ones that people must follow." Okay, no objection on it, but until you give me satisfaction in my heart, I can't follow you. Yaa Rabbee, shukr.

That is an important question I may ask also for His Holiness, the Pope. I may ask the same question to His Holiness, the Chief Rabbi, also to the Vatican Patriarchy and bishops and every religion from heavens and they are representatives, I am asking all of them, not leaving Salafi `ulamas to be alone, no. Salafi `ulamas must say an answer and I am also making this address to all religious people for all of you to give an answer! What is the value of this world? If you are not knowing, you are knowing nothing! But first I am asking Salafi `ulamas to say. I must hear your answer and if you are not answering, I must answer. I know the answer! Therefore, I am asking you, do you know or not? It is Arabic words that the Holy Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) was saying. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Zidhu yaa Rabbee, sharafan wa karrama. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

Yes, in Arabic words I am speaking to Salafi `ulamas, haadha `indakum saheeh aw ghalat? If it is true or not, that knowledge is from Prophet (s) or not, that discussion may be between me and you, but our mentality is telling us it is true. I am asking you, Salafi `ulamas, what is the value of this world before the Lord of Heavens? When I am saying the answer don't say, "This is d`aeef or mawdoo` or ghayr as-sahih, wrong." If you are saying this, I am saying, qul haatoo burhanakum, "Bring your proofs!" And if what I am saying is not true, you may object on it. If your mentality is not accepting, you must bring to me daleel, proof. Just mentioned in Islamic books, and Islamic books must take their real power or real understanding from holy books. And a real `alim, scholar, must use also a balance (to determine) if it is true or not; that balance must show them.

Now, bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, I am saying that to Salafi `ulamas, Azhari `ulamas, Sham `ulamas, east `ulamas, west `ulamas, His Holiness the Pope, Chief Rabbi, or the Chief of Ta`ifa, the chief of a group of people that are saying, "We are Buddhists." I am asking their chief also if what I am saying is true or not. I may say, bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem and I am speaking to them in Arabic. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Qaala `alayhi 's-salaatu wa 's-salaam, Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen (s) is saying, irshaadi 'lil-umam mina 'l-awwaleen wa 'l-akhireen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) What was he saying:

لو كانت الدنيا تعدل عند الله جناح بعوضة ما سقى كافراً منها شربة ماء

law kaanati 'd-dunya t`adila `indallahi janaaha ba`oodah ma saqaa kaafirun minha shurbatu maa.

Are you making it out? Say, Salafi `ulamas; I am reciting Arabic. The Seal of Prophets (s) is saying, "The value of this world is as the wing of a mosquito," janaaha ba`oodah. A mosquito has four wings; not saying "four wings," but saying "one wing of a mosquito." Allah Almighty is not going to give unbelievers a cup of water to drink. True or not? Say, say, say!!! I am faqeer miskeen, I am a very weak, old one, but you are young people and your understanding is the best understanding, so please explain that hadith. Qaala law kaanati 'd-dunya ta`dila `indallahi janaaha ba`oodah ma saqaa kaafirun minha shurbatu maa. If Allah Almighty is giving a value for this huge world with its treasures, in and under oceans and over continents, if its value is one wing of a mosquito, He is never going to give a cup of water for unbelievers to drink. Is this true or not, our Salafi `ulamas? I am always forgetting, I don't know what is real hikmah, wisdom, but when I am speaking, I am always forgetting their names, Salafi `ulamas. You tell me, representatives of old Salafi `ulamas, what you learned about the value of dunya. Does it have any value? That means the Seal of Prophets (s) is saying there is no value. Therefore, throwing to them everything from this world to amuse yourselves, as it has even less value than the wing of a mosquito; its value is on zero point.

O People! Come and listen before you will repent for what that one was saying from east and west. These words are coming from all holy books! Don't think, "An old person saying this," no! You will find this in the Old Testament, open the New Testament and you will find same, open the pages and you will find the same in Holy Qur'an.

O our Lord, You granted us, that is mentioned from beginning to end. O People! O People!

فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا

Falaa tugharrannakumu 'l-hayaatu 'd-dunya.

nor let the Chief Deceiver deceive you about Allah. (35:5)

So many heavenly verses, all of them (indicating), "O People! You have not been created for dunya.” Why? Because you have been granted such an honor that this whole dunya's treasures can never reach the same level that Allah Almighty dressed you with!

O People! Don't be shaytans! And awliyas looking and seeing from east to west, from north to south, all people are asking to be shaytans, not to be angels! All of them are running to be bad ones, not running to be good ones! And all people of the world are running to afreet, jinn that works for evil. They are wasting their whole lives to make evil and to be devils! Containing everything and giving a full, high-level report of people now living on Earth, running after evil only for what? Running after evil to be devils! That is a short description for all nations, including imitated Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Buddhists and everyone. No one can say it is wrong! Say! Salafi `ulamas, if I am wrong I am accepting. This is a heavenly order making me to give a short description for all nations and their last aims because shaytanic teaching is making people to say, to believe that they have been created to do evil and to be devils. That is the whole world, no hope for them, and those people must go down!!! They must kill each other because they are running after evil, to be devils. May Allah forgive us!

O People! Come and listen to be in safety from evil and devils, here and Hereafter!

O Salafi `ulamas! Why are you not making an announcement everyday? You have every possibility for broadcasting what we are saying now, "O People! You are running after evil to be devils!" Every moment give that announcement to people, perhaps they may think on it one day to save themselves.

O People! Come and say, "Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. O our Lord, we are believing in You. Correct us. You can do it. We are defeated ones! Send heavenly supporters for Your weak servants and save us from evil and devils for the honor of the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)!" (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.)


Their governments and people are trying to make many more high schools and universities, and once more I am asking what about the Holy Qur'an or holy books there? They are saying, "Forbidden, Holy Qur'an or holy books." What is the hope for such a people?

O People! Come and say, "Tawbah yaa Rabbee, tawbah yaa Rabbee," if you like. If you don't like, follow Shaytan. And Salafi `ulamas, min fadlikoom kulla yawmin sabaahan wa masa'an wa kadhaalik kulli sa`at, please, in the morning and evening and every hour make an announcement. Say and repeat these holy words to people. Some of them may understand and may accept truth, and true ways will take them to heavenly stations and levels.

Astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah.


(Mawlana Shaykh speaks with Shaykh Hisham Effendi and Hajjah Naziha on the phone.)

Alhamdulillah yaa Rabbee, shukr, shukr.
