O Muslims! There are people who are hungry and there are people who are homeless and it is the responsibility of us all, and it is first of all the responsibility of the leadership and the people of authority to make sure that no one goes hungry.
Ramadan tests you to see how hard it is to fast. People say, “I am thirsty - I cannot fast. O I cannot, I have bad stomach, my stomach will get hungry.” Of course your stomach will get hungry; it is to make you suffer during the day. Even young children are fasting. Many Muslims today don’t know when is Ramadan and why is Ramadan. Your fast is for you. If you don’t fast you know where you will end up.
Sayyidina `Umar (r) didn’t need security. Allah was guarding him.
O Muslims are you helping with your fasting someone else? Especially food. You give them money they go waste it. You give them food they eat it. That is why it is very important for every one of us, not to say "O my fitra is 5 dollars or 7 or 10 dollars per person, I pay 50 and finished." That is 5 per person. Now that fitra is not giving food to poor people. Poor people you have to give food to make them happy. So give people food, donate food. There will be baraka there. Whenever they say Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem that will be written for you as that food is for Ramadan.
وجاء في حديث آخر إذا كان يوم القيامة أوحى الله إلى رضوان إنّي أخرجت الصائمين من قبورهم جائعين عطاشا فاستقبلهم بشهواتهم من الجنة فيصيح رضوان أيها الغلمان والولدان عليكم بأطباق من نور فتجتمع عنده أكثر من الكواكب بالفاكهة والأشربة اللذيذة فيستقبلون الصائمين والصائمات ويقال لهم كلوا واشربوا هنيئا بما أسلفتم في الأيام الخالية.
O Muslims, it is mentioned that when Judgment Day comes idha kaana yawm al-qiyama awha Allahu tala ila Sayyidina Ridwan - that I have brought out all those who fasted Ramadan first from their graves. I am bringing them hungry and I am calling them from the graves and I am making them hungry."
And you know when someone is hungry he immediately wants Maghrib to come quickly so he can break fast.
“I am making them thirsty coming from the graves. So quickly run to them and offer heavenly food from Paradise, and heavenly water from Paradise.” Wa yuqaaloo lahum kuloo w'ashraboo haniyyan bima aslaftum fee ayaamin khaliyyah -"And it is said to them: 'Eat ye and drink ye, with full satisfaction; because of the (good) that ye sent before you, in the days that are gone!'" [69:24]
Allah said in Holy Qur'an: فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ
“whoever is sick or traveling may make up days later.” [2:184 also 2:185]
Because Ramadan is coming now in summer the hours might be very long. Some people might fast 18 hours.
I know a person who fast the whole year, he breaks only 5 days, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha and ..The whole year is fasting and he is from the desert of Syria and Iraq. He died a long time ago. Five days a year he is breaking fast. And for us we say “I am sick, I am dying.” We say, “Help me.” Beat him! Beat him with your tongue.
وقال علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه: لو أراد الله أن يعذب أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ماأعطاهم رمضان وقل هو الله أحد.
"Wa qaala `Aliyun wa law arad-Allah an yu`adhiba umamta Muhammad ma ataahum Ramadan." Sayyidina `Ali (r) said, "If Allah wanted to punish the Ummat of the Prophet (s) he would not have given them Ramadan." Ramadan is a fence for safety. Like a seat belt. You are stuck by that in your place in heavens, no one can take you to punishment. He said, "Allah would not have given them Ramadan and he would not have given them qul huwa Allahu ahad."
Are we reciting qul huwa Allahu ahad three times a day or not? If we are not do it, and if we are increase it as much as you like.
وسأل موسى عليه الصلاة والسلام ربه: يارب أكرمتني بالتكليم فهل أعطيت أحداً مثل ذلك؟ فأوحى الله تعالى إليه : ياموسى إن لي عباداً أخرجهم في آخر الزمان وأكرمهم بشهر رمضان فأكون أقرب لأحدهم منك، لأنك كلمتني وبيني وبينك سبعون ألف حجاب فإذا صامت أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم حتى ابيضت شفاههم واصفرت ألوانهم أرفع الحجاب بيني وبينهم وقت إفطارهم.. ياموسى طوبى لمن عطش كبده وأجاع بطنه في رمضان..
Qaala musa, ya rabbee, you have favored me that I talk with you directly takleem, did you give anyone like that to talk with You directly? Because Sayyidina Musa was Kaleemullah, he had no intercessory angels between him and Allah. Allah gave to him and Allah does what He likes.
"Those who become pale until their lips are white, and their color becomes yellow, arfa` al-hujjub baynee wa baynahum wa asfarat alwaanahum arfa` al-hujub baynee wa baynahum waqt iftaarhim- I take away the veils between Me and them, at the moment of breaking fast."
وقال كعب الأحبار أوْحى الله إلى موسى عليه السلام إنّي كَتبْتُ على نفسي أنْ لا أَرُدَّ دعْوَةَ صائمِ رمضانَ.