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Risale-i-Nur Can Be Understood by Scholars

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

19 October 2011 Lefke, Cyprus

Suhbah with Guests from Malatya

The time of reading Risale-i Nur by Said Nursi Hazretleri has passed. No one understands it any longer. I was in Istanbul and they called me to say these youth were having a meeting, I said, "I should go and look." So I went there and they put a a chair for us and we sat on it. One person stood up and read something from the book of Said Nursi Hazretleri. Then I saw that was a heavy book full of knowledge, not like what our young ones can understand.

Then Mehmet Effendi explained to them. I saw that there is no one there. Who can understand what he explained? He said, "We have been left out," meaning, the books of Said Nursi Hazretleri are deep books. When you talk about Risale-i-Nur, it is not an easy matter and therefore, not everyone can read it. If he reads that, others would fall asleep because those who do not understand, what can they do; they fall asleep!

Therefore, the books we have for people to read are Anwar al-Ashikin by Kara Daud, Muzakkin Nufus by Aschrafzade Abdullah Rumi, and Kitabi Mohamediyye fee ‘l-Kamalati by Ahmadiyya (Yazicizade Mehmed). These books are open to people but beyond them, they don't understand, which is of no use. I am not saying about Mohamadiyye because it is the book of hojas and they can manage, but others they can't understand. But the one who can read it can explain it and the people would listen.

Now, there is no one who can who can understand the books of Said Nursi Hazretleri. What to do if there is no one to understand? "O my brother, open you eyes. Your shirt jacket is open, close your front, but open your eyes." Mashaa-Allah he has books that can fill a library and is a strong scholar from tariqat. There can be no knowledge without tariqat. No!

When you cut the beef and add onions and tomatoes to it in a pot, then potatoes or beans, if there is no heat does it cook? Knowledge without tariqat is like that. They put everything, but there is no heat to cook it! Knowledge without tariqat is not real knowledge. What they want to remove is tariqat so that Islam may not advance. They will go down, but Islam does not go down!

May Allah bless you. Put your hands. (Baya`)

O our Lord! Our oath is to be servants to You. Give us power to perform this servanthood, O our Lord! All these poor servants are left like a car that ran out of gas. You have the order, O our Lord! Give us power so that we can continue on the way of Your servanthood.

