Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
7 August 2013 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan
Fajr Suhbah
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,
nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa fee haadha 'l-masjid.
أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ
Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.
Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi ta`ala wa barakaatuh.
When we say salam, Allah sends angels to answer us with His Salam. It is better that all of us repeat. The Sahaabah (r) used to compete with each other to say, “As-’salam `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, and Prophet (s) used to answer with: “Wa `alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,” that will bring Allah's Favors on us.
Dhikrullah will make as it is said, give you “brightness in the face”. You might not see the brightness but those who look at you see the brightness, because when your face become more and more bright people can notice, but you are not noticing. Can you see your own face? That is why the Prophet (s) said:
المؤمن مرآة أخيه
Al-mu'min miraata akhee.
The mu'min is the mirror of his brother. (Bukhari, Adab al-Mufrad)
The mu’min is the mirror of the believer, his brother, the other one who cannot see, he is a mirror for him, and you are seeing the reflection of him on you because he has bright face from dhikrullah. So dhikrullah is important so that it gives us brightness in dunya and in Akhirah it will give you noor. And the Prophet (s) said, and everyone wants to run to Paradise, don’t think it's going to be too long, dunya is ending. Everyone planning plans, awliyaullah don’t plan plans. Awliyaullah if they like you they make you a mirror, they make you someone not in need for anyone. Allah sends.
من قال كل يوم مائة مرة لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير أتى الله تعالى يوم القيامة ووجهه أشد بياضا من القمر ليلة البدر
Man qaala kulli yawmin miata marratin la ilaha ill ‘Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahu’l-mulku wa lahu’l-hamd yuhiyy wa yumeet wa Huwa `alaa kulli shayin qadeer aata ’Llahu ta`alaa yawma ’l-qiyaamata wa wajhahu ashaddu bayyaad min al-qamar laylati ’l-badr.
So the Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says every day, that is every day, man qaala kulla yawmin miata marrah: laa ilaaha illa-Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahu ‘l-mulku wa lahu ‘l-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeet was huwa `alaa kulla shay’in qadeer, which we recite after every prayer, he will enter Paradise and his face will be brighter than the full moon, (ie. the amongst all the people of Paradise).
It means anyone who says, say, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu lahu ‘l-mulku wa lahu ‘l-hamdu yuhiyy wa yumeet wa huwa `alaa kulla shay’in qadeer,” will take you to Paradise. That is why the Sahaabah (r) used to collect these different adhkaar that Prophet (s) used to mention, and put in small book called al-Adhkaar, as Imam Nawawi explained in his own book, al-Adhkaar. All these ahadith are written there, what you have to recite day and night. We can get all the hadith we had from the beginning if anyone wants.
We will jump to another subject, since it is the last day of Ramadan--might be today or tomorrow, but the majority say that it is today--since it is the last day I will mention some hadith about siyaam, fasting, to show its importance and then we will go to a long hadith, I don’t know if there is sufficient time to explain, that is one of the most important hadith that contains everything.
The Prophet (s) was asked about sawmi `arafah, fasting of `Arafat, and these ahadith will show the important days to fast in the year. And the Prophet (s) said:
أَنَّ رَسُولَ اَللَّهِ - صلى الله عليه وسلم -سُئِلَ عَنْ صَوْمِ يَوْمِ عَرَفَةَ. قَالَ: " يُكَفِّرُ اَلسَّنَةَ اَلْمَاضِيَةَ وَالْبَاقِيَةَ ", وَسُئِلَ عَنْ صِيَامِ يَوْمِ عَاشُورَاءَ. قَالَ: " يُكَفِّرُ اَلسَّنَةَ اَلْمَاضِيَةَ " وَسُئِلَ عَنْ صَوْمِ يَوْمِ اَلِاثْنَيْنِ, قَالَ: " ذَاكَ يَوْمٌ وُلِدْتُ فِيهِ, وَبُعِثْتُ فِيهِ, أَوْ أُنْزِلَ عَلَيَّ فِيهِ "
anna rasoolullahi (sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallama) su’ila `an sawmi `arafah. qaal: Yukaffiru’s-sannat al-maadiyya wa ’l-baaqiyya. Wa su’ila `an siyaami yawmi `aashooraa. Qaala: Yukaffiru’s-sannat al-maadiyya. Wa su’ila `an siyaami yawmi ’l-ithnayni, qaala: dhaaka yawma wulidtu feehi wa b`uithtu feehi aw unzila `alayya feehi.
The Messenger of Allah (s) was asked about fasting on the day of Arafah (the 9th of the month of Dhu ’l-Hijjah). He replied, "Fasting on the day of Arafah is an expiation for the preceding year and the following year.” He was also asked about fasting on the day of `Ashoora (the 10th of the month of Muharram). He replied, “Fasting on the day of `Ashoora is an expiation for the preceding year.” The Messenger of Allah (s) was also asked about fasting on Monday, and he replied, "This is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was sent (with the Message of Islam) and the day on which I received revelation. (Sahih al-Muslim, narrated by Abu Qatadah Al-Ansari)
Yukaffiru as-sannat al-maadiyya wa ’l-baaqiyya, whoever fasts `Arafat Allah will erase his sins of the current year and the prior year. That is through fasting one day when pilgrims go to `Arafat, that will erase the sins of the year, and those of the last year, who doesn’t want that? So you must jump on that hadith from childhood, because whatever you do of sins, it gets erased and what is left of the current year will be erased, so it will be as if you were newly born since you fast that day of `Arafat. And he (s) was asked about fasting on Mondays. Look the best answer for, square, not rectangular, from four sides it is square. He was asked about the day he was born. Why did that ask about the day the Prophet (s) was born if they were not celebrating or interested in that day? He didn’t tell them to ask about it, about Monday but the Sahaabah came and asked, “Yaa Rasoolullah, what about fasting on Monday?” And he said, “That is the day I was born, and that was the day that Allah sent the message of the Holy Qur’an, the day of the first revelation.”
اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ
Iqraa bismi Rabbika ’Lladhee khalaq, khalaqa 'l-insaana min `alaq. Iqraa wa rabbuka ‘l-akram alladhee `allama bi ‘l-qalam. `Allama ‘l-insaana maa lam ya`lam.
Read! In the Name of your Lord Who created, Who created Man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful, He Who taught (the use of) the pen, taught Man that which he knew not.
(Surat al-Alaq: 96:1-5)
We understand the first part: Iqraa bismi rabbuk alladhee khalaq, read in the Name of your Lord, there is an interpretational aspect but we don’t go into that now. Then He said, “Iqraa wa rabbuka ‘l-akram alladhee `alama bi ‘l-qalam, read and your Lord is more Generous,” more generous on what? It means there is something He is giving to Prophet (s), repeating to him, “Read another time, I will be more generous with you.” Why? First He said: “Read in the Name of the One Who Created?” He could have said to him, “Read in the Name of Allah,” but why he said, “Alladhee khalaq, the One Who Created?” because He wants to pour the knowledge of Creation into heart of the Prophet (s), of what He has created. Then He said, “Iqraa wa rabbuka ‘l-akram, read I will be more Generous, I will give you more knowledge,” that is when Allah gave him Knowledge of Before and After, no limits, the Prophet (s) can open every door. He is the favored one on every Creation, on angels, in Paradises, on other creations that we don’t know, on Earth, on every place that Allah created. That is why the Prophet (s) said, “Bu`ithtu feehi, On that day I was sent, and that day wa unzila `alayya feehi, Allah sent the first ayah, revealed it on that day, `allama bi ‘l-qalam, “Taught Man by means of the Pen,” but Stone Age people were not writing. That doesn't mean Allah didn't teach them by the Pen.
وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الأَسْمَاء كُلَّهَا
Wa `allama aadama ‘l-asmaa kullahaa.
And He taught Adam all the names. (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:31)
He taught Adam all the Names, it means all the knowledges of dunya and the first thing Allah created from the noor/light of the Prophet (s) was the Qalam, the Pen. It is said in one hadith of Prophet (s) that what Allah created first was the `Arsh from the Noor, the Light of the Prophet (s), then the Kursiyy and then the Qalam. That means there are Creations of Allah that are writing. Who are these? First are two angels on the right and left shoulder who write your deeds, writing with a qalam. What pen? Do they write with an ink pen or today they have dry ink, or ballpoint; do they write with such a pen or a heavenly pen? It is a heavenly pen.
So the Prophet (s) said, “On that day, Monday, I was born and on that day I had revelation on me, so fast that day.” (Muslim)
That is the importance of siyaam on that day. In another hadith from Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (r), the Prophet (s) said:
مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَهُ سِتًّا مِنْ شَوَّالٍ فَذَلِكَ صِيَامُ الدَّهْرِ
Man saama ramadaana thumma atba`ahu sittatin min shawwaalin fa-dhaalika siyaamu ‘d-dahr.
Whoever fasts Ramadan, then follows it with six from Shawwal, then that is (equal in reward) to fasting everyday. (Tirmidhi)
Whoever fast Ramadan and then follows with six days of Shawwal, will be as if fasted the whole year. Correct? (Yes). How? How many days in Ramadan in general? 30, and multiply it by 10, as every hasanaat is 10, which is Allah's normal rewards, so it is 300. And then the 6 days of Shawwal, and every hasanaat by 10, which is like 60 days, plus 300 equals 360 days which is a whole year in the lunar calendar, he will get benefit of that fasting that no one knows what reward Allah will give because He said:
الصوم لي وانا اُجزي به
As-sawmu lee wa anaa ajzee bih.
Fasting is for Me and I will reward it. (Hadith Qudsi related by Muslim)
“Ramadan is for Me and I will reward it,” so no one knows that, they will receive a reward that is unexpected that the angels cannot write it, immediately the fasting will come to My Presence and I will reward that `abd who fasted that day, but be careful of backbiting.
Then Abu Dharr (r) said the Prophet (s) ordered us to fast three days every month, Ayaam al-Beed, the White Days [referring to the brightness of the moon on their nights] and he said the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth.
عَنْ مِلْحَانَ الْقَيْسِيِّ ، قَالَ : كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ السَّلَامُ يَأْمُرُنَا أَنْ نَصُومَ الْبِيضَ ; ثَلَاثَ عَشْرَةَ ، وَأَرْبَعَ عَشْرَةَ ، وَخَمْسَ عَشْرَةَ . وَقَالَ : هُوَ كَهَيْئَةِ الدَّهْرِ
Kaana rasoolullahi `alayhi ’s-salaatu wa ’s-salaam yaamurunaa an nasooma ’l-beed; thalatha `asharata wa arba`a `asharata wa khamsa `asharata. wa qaala: huwa ka-hayati ’d-dahr.
The Messenger of Allah commanded us to fast the three White Days (Ayaam al-Beed), the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth. (Abu Dawood)
So you fast these days, he ordered us to fast them, and for barakah of these days the Sahaabah (r) used to fast these day, related by Abu Dawood, an-Nisaaee and Tirmidhi.
Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (r) said that the Prophet (s) forbade fasting two days, the day of `Eid al-Fitr and the first day of al-Adhaa, where they sacrifice and give to the poor.
عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : " نَهَى عَنْ صِيَامِ يَوْمَيْنِ : يَوْمِ الْفِطْرِ ، وَيَوْمِ النَّحْرِ "
Rasoolullahi sall-Allahu `alayhi wa sallama nahaa `an siyaami yawmayni: yawami ’l-fitr wa yawmi ’n-nahr.
The Messenger of Allah (s) has prohibited fasting on two days; the day of Fitr (breaking the fast of Ramadan) and on the day of sacrifice (`Eid ul-Adha). (Bukhari and Muslim)
Also the three days of Mina, first is `Eid which is the 10th, and then 11th, 12th, and 13th, these four days you cannot fast and `Eid al-Fitr you cannot fast, so five days in the year there is no fasting, but other than these, fast do as much as you want. May Allah (swt) bless us in this Ramadan, and we quote what Abu Hurayrah (r) said about this month.
من صام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه
Man saama ramadaana imaanan w ’ahtisaaban ghufira lahu maa taqaddama min dhanbih.
Whoever fasts during Ramadan with faith and seeking his reward (from Allah), all his past sins will be forgiven. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Whoever fasts Ramadan and qaama, did night prayers, imaanan, faithfully, w ’ahtisaaban by remembering that you are going to be asked one day, ghufira lahu maa taqaddama min dhanbih you will be saved from all sins not just for the last year, maa taqaddama whatever sins he made in his life, from that day all the way back will be forgiven.
That is Ramadan. May Allah bless us with Ramadan, and correct our lives in this life and the Next!
This hadith is recorded by Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (r) and `Abdur-Rahman ibn Samra al-Jundab (r) related in a long hadith, but we will take some parts of it:
عن عبد الرحمن بن سمرة بن جندب قال : خرج علينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يوما وكنا في صفه بالمدينة فقام علينا فقال : [ إني رأيت البارحة عجبا : رأيت رجلا من أمتي أتاه ملك الموت ليقبض روحه فجاءه بره والديه فرد ملك الموت عنه...
Innee ra'aytu al-baariha `ajaban, ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee aataahu malak al-mawt li-yaqbid roohahu fa jaa’ahu birrihi waalidayyihi fa radd malaku ’l-mawt `anhu...
One day the Prophet (s) came to meet us. We were in Suffa, in Madinatu 'l-Munawwara, and he (s) stood up and said, “I saw something amazing yesterday. I saw a man from my community having the Angel of Death coming to him to take his soul, then came good dealings with his parents (to intercede for him) and the Angel of Death left him…. (Ibn Qayyim, al-Waabil as-Sayyib)
Innee ra’aytu al-baariha `ajaban, “Yesterday I saw something amazing, `ajaban. I saw one person of my ummah and the Angel of Death coming to take his soul,” fa jaa’ahu birrihi bi ’l-waalidayyi fa firru al-malaku mawt ilayhi, his sincerity and respect to his parents and keeping that relationship, birri bi ’l-waalidayn which is important, to give them what they have given you all your life. They did everything for you in your life, they looked after you and you have to look after them when they are old. Don’t throw them in senior citizens houses like they are doing in some countries. No, never in our culture do we put our mother or father in a senior’s house. Do you put them in senior homes in your country? No, they take care of them in their homes, it is the responsibility of the children. So that goodness to his parents, birr al-waalidayn, the goodness for his parents immediately came and made a fence from the Angel of Death where he was unable to take his soul, so he left. (Hadith continues.)
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد بسط عليه عذاب القبر فجاءه وضوؤه فاستنقذه من ذلك
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad busita `alayhi adhaabu ‘l-qabr, fa-jaa’hu wudooihi fastanqadhahu min dhaalik..
Then I saw a man whose punishment in the grave was being laid out for him, then came his ablutions and he was rescued by them.
And the Prophet (s) said, “I saw another man who was judged to go to Hellfire,” because he said, “I was amazed.” Immediately at that moment his ablution came, (as he was keeping his ablution 24 hours: when he sleeps keeping ablution and when he awakes he makes new wudu and does that every time during the day) and that wudu came and blocked the punishment of the grave from Hellfire.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد احتوشته الشياطين فجاءه ذكر الله عز و جل فطرد الشيطان عنه
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad ihtawashat-hu ‘sh-shayaateen fa jaa’hu dhikrullaahi `azza wa jalla fatarada ‘sh-shayaateen `anhu.
Then I saw a man from my community who had been surrounded by devils, then came the remembrance of Allah and the devils were driven away from him.
Do you see? First is birr al-walidayn, taking care of the parents; second is the ablution, how much miracles the ablution is doing; and third is wa ra'aytu rajulan qad ihtawajahtu ‘sh-shayaateen, “I saw a man from my ummah and the shayaateen are taking him in.” Fa jaa’hu dhikrullaahi `azza wa jalla fatarada ‘sh-shayaateen `anhu, “Then his dhikrullah came immediately and chased the devils away.” See how merciful Allah (swt) is with His servants! Everything (bad) you do Allah gave you a remedy, a way out during your life: birr al-waalidayn, ablution and dhikrullah.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد احتوشته ملائكة العذاب فجاءته صلاته فاستنقذته من أيديهم
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad ihtawashat-hu malaaikatu ‘l-adhaab, fa jaa’at-hu salaatuhu fastanqadhat-hu min aydeehim,
And I saw a man of my community who was surrounded by the Angels of Punishment, then there came his prayers and he was rescued from their hands.
“And I saw a man who the Angels of Punishment were grabbing for punishment. “And his prayers came and blocked them and took him from their hands.” So first is birr al-waalidayn, being good to parents, second ablution, third is dhikrullah and fourth is salaat, prayers. So what you want better than that?
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي يلهب - وفي رواية يلهث -عطشا كلما دنا من حوض منع وطرد فجاءه صيام شهر رمضان فأسقاه وأرواه
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee yaltahibu (aw yalhithu) `atashan kullamaa danaa min hawd muni`a wa turid, fa jaa'ahu siyaamu shahru ramadaan fa-asqaahu wa arwaahu,
And I saw a man from my community who was panting from thirst. When he got close to them, he was prevented from every jug of water and they were taken away from him. Then came his fasting of the month of Ramadan and, therefore, he drank and was satisfied.
Then the Prophet (s) said, “And I saw a man from my ummah very thirsty; whenever he comes to drink from the Hawd, a river from Paradise, he has been kicked out and not allowed to enter. Then comes the fast of Ramadan, because in Ramadan he kept himself thirsty. Now when he goes to quench his thirst from Paradise they prevent him, and Ramadan is making shafa`ah for him, interceding for him. So the fast of Ramadan came and gave him the drink to drink, allowed him to drink from Hawd al-Kawthar.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي ورأيت النبيين جلوسا حلقا حلقا كلما دنا إلى حلقة طرد فجاءه غسله من الجنابة فأخذ بيده فأقعده إلى جنبي
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee wa ra’aytu’n-nabiyyeena juloosan halqan halqan kullamaa danaa ilaa halaqat turid fajaa’ahu ghusluhu min al-janaaba fa-aakhadh bi-yadayhi fa-a`aqaduhu ilaa janbee
I saw a man from my community and I saw prophets sitting in groups. Every time the man went to the circles he was driven away. Then came his bathing as purification from major defilement, and took him by his hand and sat him besides me.
And the Prophet (s) said, “I saw a man from my ummah and I saw prophets of my ummah sitting in circles; whenever that man tried to enter the circle of prophets he was chased out. He was good, but because he was doing something not good, they were preventing him from entering the circle because he needs to be clean.” So if you want to enter their circle you have to be clean. So what came to save him? “His ghusl after janaaba came and put him next to me,” as he never went out to work in a state of janaaba without taking a necessary shower. “That ghusl took him by his hand and sat him by me,” by Prophet (s). That means to take a shower (after), not before janaaba, as many people do, especially in western countries: they take a shower and then they go do it. Then you have to take shower, but they don't because they took it before. No, you have to take it after. That is purity, so that ghusl came and put him close to the Prophet (s).
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي بين يديه ظلمة ومن خلفه ظلمة وعن يمينه ظلمة وعن يساره ظلمة ومن فوقه ظلمة ومن تحته ظلمة وهو متحير فيها فجاءه حجه وعمرته فاستخرجاه من الظلمة وأدخلاه في النور
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee bayna yadayhi zhulma wa min khalfihi zhulma wa `an yameenihi zhulma wa `an yasaarihi zhulma wa min fawqihi zhulma wa min tahtihi zhulma wa huwa mutahayyar feehaa fa jaa’a hajjuhu wa `umratuhu fastakhrajaahu mina ‘zh-zhulma wa adkhalaahu fi ‘n-noor.
And I saw a man from my community, in front of him was darkness, behind him was darkness, on his right was darkness, and on his left was darkness, and above him was darkness, and below him was darkness, and he was lost in the darkness. Then there came his pilgrimage and lesser pilgrimage and they took him out of the darkness and entered him into light.
And the Prophet (s) said, “I saw a man from my ummah, in front of him darkness, behind him darkness, and on his left darkness, on his right darkness, above and under darkness, he was confused and didn’t know what to do,” like these dubba in a box: you go straight it is shirk, you go left it is haraam, if you go right bida`, you go back it is kufr. So that one does not know what to do...zhulma from everywhere! his Hajj and `umrah came and took him out of the darkness and put him in light, dressed him with noor.
ورأيت رجلامن أمتي يتقي بيده وهج النار وشرره فجاءته صدقته فصارت سترة بينه وبين النار وظللت على رأسه
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee yattaqee bi-yadihi wahaj an-naar wa shararahu fa jaa’at-hu sadaqat-hu fa-saarat sitratun bayn an-naar wa zhalalat `alaa raasih.
And I saw a man from my community who was being burned by a fire. Then there came his charity and it formed a cover between him and the fire, and it provided a shade over his head.
“And I saw a man from my ummah, I saw a man trying to push the flame of the fire and the heat of the fire away from him but he was unable. Then quickly came his sadaqah, charity, and it was a fence between him and the fire and covered his head and made a shade above his head from the intensity of the heat of the fire,” means the Hellfire.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي يكلم المؤمنين ولا يكلمونه فجاءته صلته لرحمه فقالت : يا معشر المسلمين إنه كان وصولا لرحمه فكلموه فكلمه المؤمنون وصافحوه وصافحهم
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee yukallim al-mu’mineen wa laa yukalimoonahu fa jaa’at silat-hu li-rahimihi fa qaalat Yaa ma`shara ‘l-muslimeen innahu kaana wasoolan li-rahimihi fakalimoohu fakallamahu ’l-mu’minoon wa saafahoohu wa saafahahum,
And I saw a man from my community who was talking to the believers, but they would not talk to him. Then there came his keeping of family relations and it said, “O gathering of Muslims! He kept together family ties so speak with him.” Therefore, the believers talked to him and they shook his hand.
“And I saw a man from my ummah that the mu’min would not speak with and he could not speak with them, but silat ar-rahim…” because he used to keep relations between his families, between uncles and aunts or brothers etc., as called “silat ar-rahim” in Arabic, relations of the womb, connections of the womb. “So that came and brought him to sit with the mu’mins and to speak with the other Muslims.” That silat ar-rahim was speaking saying, “O Muslims! That man was keeping relations with all his families, as Allah (swt) ordered in the Holy Qur’an, please speak with him.” And they spoke with him, “He shook hands with them and said ‘salaam’ and he was one of them.”
Don’t break relationships, try to connect as the Prophet (s) said:
تصل مَنْ قطعك
Tasila man qat`ak.
Connect with the one who cuts you off. (Narrated by Bayhaqi)
I continue or it is enough? It is long.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد احتوشته الزبانية فجاءه أمره بالمعروف وﻧﻬيه عن المنكر فاستنقذه من أيديهم وأدخله في ملائكة الرحمة
wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad ihtashawtahu ’z-zabaaniyyata fa jaa’ahu amruhu bi ’l-m`aroofin wa nahiyyhu `ani ’l-munkar fastanqadhahu min aydiyyhim wa adkhalahu fee malaa’ikati ’r-rahmah.
And I saw a man of my community who was encircled by the angels who throw the disbelievers into Hell. Then there came his ordering the good and forbidding the evil, so he was rescued from their hands. And he was entered among the Angels of Mercy.
“And I saw a man from my ummah that the zabaaniyya, Angels of Punishment of Jahannam,” `alayhaa tis`ata ashar, the nineteen angels for punishment who are very powerful, in their small finger they turn Jahannam upside down. So these 19 angels were catching him, “fa jaa’a amruhu bi’l-m`aroofin wa nahiyyhu `ani ’l-munkar,Then immediately came in front of them, because in his life he was calling for good and preventing what is bad, they came and saved him from their hands.”
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي جاثيا على ركبتيه وبينه وبين الله عز وجل حجاب فجاءه حسن خلقه فأخذ بيده فأدخله على الله عز و جل
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee jaathiyan `alaa rakbatayhi wa baynahu wa bayna ‘Llah `azza wa jalla hijaab, fa jaa’ahu husnu khulqihi fa-akhadh bi-yadayhi fa-adkhalahu `alaa ’Llahi `azza wa jall.
And I saw a man from my community who was kneeling and between him and Allah there was a curtain. Then there came his good character and he was taken by his hand and permitted to be with Allah.
“and I saw a man from my ummah sitting on his knees and between him and Allah (swt) is a veil, and immediately husnu khuluqihi, his good manners came and brought him to the Presence of Allah Almighty,” that is:
انما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق
Innamaa bu`ithtu li utammimu makaarim al-akhlaaq.
I have been sent to perfect the best of conduct (your behavior and character). (Bazzaar)
“Verily I was sent to complete and perfect good manners.” So his good manners, might be that that he was not doing something of his five obligations, might be he is delaying them or there is some problem, so Allah (swt) made his khusnu ‘l-khuluq, his good character, to speak nicely with people, slowly, not rude, and it came and saved him from Hell.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد ذهبت صحيفته من قبل شماله فجاءه خوفه من الله عز و جل فأخذ صحيفته فوضعها في يمينه
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad dhahabat saheefatahu min qibal shimaalihi fa jaa’ahu khawfihi min allaha `azza wa jall fa aakhadha saheefatahu fa wad`ahaa fee yameenih.
And I saw a man from my community whose recorded deeds were taken from his left hand. Then there came his fear of Allah and he took his record of deeds and them placed on his right hand.
And I saw a man from my ummah who had the right notebook kept down on his shoulder and on his left shoulder was coming first because too many bad deeds in it,” more than the good `amal, and all his life he was afraid of Allah but he was doing mistakes, but he had khawf, fear, “and immediately his fear of Allah came and took him and saved him and put his notebook which was on his left, and moved to his right side,” means everything was erased.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي خف ميزانه فجاءه أفراطه
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee khaffan meezanuhu fajaa afraatuhu thaqqalu meezanah,
And I saw a man from my community whose deeds in the Scale were very light, and who had children who died. Then there came his young children who had died and his deeds weight in the Scale was increased.
I saw a man of my ummah whose right-hand scale was light weight and he did not have too much good `amal and he is supposed to go to Hellfire. “Immediately all his children who died in his life came,” because if you have a child that died at an early age before maturity, girl or boy, they will take you to Paradise with no account, they take your hand and go, Allah gave them that authority because they are innocent, “and they took him, fa thaqqalu meezanah they made his balance very heavy and took him to Paradise.”
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قائما على شفير جهنم فجاءه رجاؤه في الله عز و جل فاستنقذه من ذلك ومضى
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qaaiman `alaa shafeer jahannam fa jaa’ahu fajaaoohu fillahi `azz wa jalla fastanqadhahu min dhaalik wa madaa
And I saw a man from my ummah and he was standing on the edge of Hellfire and might fall down, and then Allah's Mercy came on him and took him and he went to Paradise.”
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قد أهوى في النار فجاءته دمعته التي بكى من خشية الله فاستنقذته من ذلك
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qad uhwiya fi ’n-naar fa jaa’at-hu dam`at-hu’Llatee bakaa min khashiyatillaahi fastanqadhat-hu min dhaalik
I saw a man from my community who was thrown in the fire. Then there came his tears that he cried out of fear of Allah and he was rescued from that.
And I saw a man of my ummah who was thrown in Hellfire and subhanallah, he was thrown in Hellfire, what came to him? “One tear came to him, khawfun min Allah, that was coming out from fear of Allah, shedding from his eyes that tear was pulling him out and taking him out of Hellfire.” How many people cry when they remember Allah (swt) and how tears come when they remember the Prophet (s), and how many tears come when they remember Sahaabah (r) gave their lives for Allah and His Prophet (s) and how they have been killed, and how many tears come from thinking of the Ahl al-Bayt and how they were killed, and pieces and pieces.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي قائما على الصراط يرعد كما ترعد السعفة في ريح عاصف فجاءه حسن ظنه بالله عز و جل فسكن رعدته ومضى
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee qaaiman `alaa ’s-siraat yar`udu kamaa tar`udu sa`afati fee reehin `asif fa jaa husnu dhannihi billaahi `azza wa jall fasakana r`adat-hu wa madaa.
And I saw a man from my community standing along a path that was shuddering in the same way that a limb of a palm tree shudders on a stormy night. Then there came to him, the good thoughts he had had about Allah and the shuddering stopped.
And I saw a man of my ummah standing on Siraat he was shaking and making a sound,” when you see lightning you hear ra`d, thunder and like the date tree in thunderstorm, ra`d, “and he was shaking like that on the Bridge,” and what comes to him? Look at Allah’s Kindness towards His servants. “and that person always used to have good thoughts, never bad thoughts.” The Prophet (s) said, “Have good doubts, not bad doubts, inna ba`d adh-dhanni ithm,” Allah said in the Holy Qur’an: from bad thoughts there might be punishment; you might think different of what the reality is. So that good thought came to him, fasakana r`adat-hu and calmed him down and made him to enter Paradise.
ورأيت رجلا من أمتي يزحف على الصراط ويحبوأحيانا فجاءته صلاته علي فأقامته على قدميه وأنقذته
Wa ra'aytu rajulan min ummatee yazhaf `alaa’s-siraat wa yahboo ahyaanan fa jaa’at-hu salaatuhu `alayya fa aqaamat-hu `alaa qadamayhi wa anqadhat-hu,
And I saw a man from my community crawling on the Bridge (over Hellfire). Sometimes he was crawling on it and sometimes he was hanging from it. Then there came his invoking blessings upon the Prophet (s) and he was made to stand on his feet and he passed over it.
“And I saw a man crawling on the ‘Siraat’ and sometimes ‘yahboo’ comes down on his knees crawling and wa yata`alaq ahyaanan, sometimes he holds onto something on Siraat al-Mustaqeem, and immediately then his prayers upon me (salawaat he sent on the Prophet) came and took him and saved him.” How much we have to make salawaat an-Nabi (s)?
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق و الخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق و الهادي إلى صراطك المستقيم و على آله حق قدره و مقداره العظيم
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadi ’l-faatihi limaa ughliqa wa 'l-khaatimi limaa sabaqa naasiri 'l-haqqi bi 'l-haqqi wa 'l-haadiyy ilaa siraatika 'l-mustaqeema sall 'Llahu `alayhi wa `alaa aalihi wa-ashaabihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi 'l-`azheem.
O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad (s), who opened what was closed and who is the Seal of what went before, he who makes the Truth victorious b