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Wrong Ways

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

6 March 2013 Lefke, Cyprus

(Translated from Turkish)

(Suhbah in progress.)

He is like a lion. I will destroy Shaytan and his followers, with the permission of Allah! As-salaamu `alaykum, O our holy listeners! Of course those who listen to holy words receive their blessings and become holy.

Shukr Allah, Shukr Allah! He (swt) made us wake up alive and healthy. I have a prayer: O Lord, may You not make us confined to bed. Yaa Rabbee! You created us for Your servanthood. May You grant us power for Your servanthood. You are the Sultan from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. Who are we? What are we? O our Lord! You still glorified us and called us "My servants." We call You "Our Sultan." Our Sultan, Our Subhaan! You are the Subhaan, You are the Sultan! You are the Most Glorified One, O Lord! A group of people belonging to Shaytan who have no value, no honor, are out to disgrace Islam! Let them try, they will see what will come on them from now.

As-salaamu `alaykum. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem, we may draw the sword of the Bismillah, draw its sword and don't fear! Allah Almighty granted us the sword to repel Shaytan and his followers. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! O our Lord, Laa ilaaha illa Anta Subhaanak wa qinaa `adhaab an-naar! O Lord! Power and qudrah and magnificence belong to You! What are we? Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.

Shaytan says, “No, I will make Your servants animals for me.” Really? So dunya is given into your hands? People come and beg, “Accept me! Write me in your book,” and since they come and apply for it, since they come and beg Shaytan, “Write me also in your book,” so he writes them and onto each one of them he puts a saddle and then releases them, saying, “Go now!”

They ask, “What will we do?”

He answers, “Your work is corruption!”

يُفْسِدُونَ فِي الأَرْضِ

Yufsidoona fi ‘l-ard.

(To) cause corruption on Earth. (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:27)

أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاء

Ataj`alu feehaa man yufsidu feehaa wa yasfiku ‘d-damaa’.

“Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood?” (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:30)

The angels knew and said “O our Lord! A nation which will make corruption and will make the Earth upside down is coming among them.”

“I know,” He, Allah Dhul Jalaal, says.

You are Subhaan, O Lord! “I know, but there are servants whom I will appoint to discipline them, to teach them adab.” All prophets came with the sword of Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Prophet Adam (a) said the Bismillah and landed on Sarandib (Sri Lanka). Prophet Ibraaheem (a) said “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem” and was saved from the Fire. Prophet Nuh (a) said “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem” and was saved from drowning. Among the past nations, Prophet Ibraaheem (a), the father, the ancestor of the prophets, was saved from the fire of Nimrod by saying, “Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem,” and Nuh (a) was saved by saying, “Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem.”

وَقَالَ ارْكَبُواْ فِيهَا بِسْمِ اللّهِ مَجْرَاهَا وَمُرْسَاهَا إِنَّ رَبِّي لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

Wa qaala irkaboo feehaa bismi-Llahi majraahaa wa mursaahaa inna rabbee la-ghafoorun raheem.

So he (Nuh) said, "Embark on the ark in the Name of Allah, whether it moves or remains still, for my Lord is assuredly Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful!" (Surat Hud, 11:41)

O Allah! Your Name is the Most High and Who keeps Your order is Your servant! When a person makes service for such a Sultan, can he ever have troubles?

They ask, “Whose friend is he?”

“This one is the government's man. He is the man of the ruler (bey; pasha).”

They take pride in this. What is their work, their pride? His pride is in being the man of the president, or the man of the minister, or the man of this mayor, or the man of this pasha! They say:

Don't lean against a wall, it can collapse.

Don't lean against a tree, it can tip over.

Don't rely on beys or pashas, they can pass away.

(Rely on) Allah Jalla Jalaaluhu and those whom He (swt) sent.

The people like us have no attribute, no power, but the prophets He (swt) sent, and the Distinguished Servants, try to be close to them as they teach you adab and they may teach you the Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem and turn the world into a garden of roses instantly! Wa Huwa `alaa kulli shay'in qadeer. Our Lord, our Subhaan, our Sultan! Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem.

إِنَّمَا أَمْرُهُ إِذَا أَرَادَ شَيْئًا أَنْ يَقُولَ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ

Innamaa amruhu idhaa araada shayan an yaqoola lahu kun fayakoon.

Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "Be!" and it is (comes into being)!

(Surah Yaseen, 36:82)

Before it reaches to the (Arabic letter) Noon, He (swt) says “Be!” and it comes to exist, before Kaaf reaches the Noon! This is a word according to the level we are in, O son, we can't go beyond it. This is an ocean! For this we say if one spoke about the Bismillah for a thousand years, for a million years, if for a billion years he spoke for the endless Power Oceans of the Bismillah...! Bismillah, the Holy Name of Allah Dhul Jalaal. Allahu Akbar! O our Lord! Mankind leaves this now and accepts being animals. They don't make sajda, but they accept being animals to Shaytan. Can they ever find goodness then? They call it madjaz, that they put the old grapes in a cube and compress it, crush it, press it, and with some of it they make dessert or vinegar. We call this crushed, compressed thing “madjaz.” There are no more grape bunches left in it anymore, all of it is in that cube. Some of it becomes a provision which is halaal and some of it becomes the drink that Allah Almighty prohibited. Now dunya also has became madjaz, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi, our son. Shaytan made the world as madjaz. Who speaks is not obvious and who listens, who understands is not obvious. Who works is not obvious.

There is no one asking who he is, there is no one who asks, “To Whom am I related? I exist in this existence. Who is He that brought me into this existence, Who is my Master?” Even animals know their masters, they know their owners, but the great Man does not accept Who created him! If you don't accept, you become madjaz and now the whole world is madjaz. They turned the huge world into an unusable place. If you collect all the people on this huge Earth and put all of them next to one another, they can't even fill Arabia and the rest would be left empty. Along with this, they became madjaz, saying, “It will be yours, it will be mine...” Yaa Hoo!

وَلِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ

Wa lillaahi mulku ‘s-samaawaati wa ‘l-`ard.

And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the Heavens and the Earth. (Surat al-Fath, 48:14)

Why do you claim it? Something may hit him all of a sudden and that person falls dead. Finished! What is this wildness? “What can we do, Shaykh Effendi? Shaytan put us in the place of animals, took the whip in his hand too and he continuously whips us. We have no strength left from his constant whipping and we are all in a terrible situation because of his constant whipping!”

Allah did not create you to be animals to Shaytan. Allah Dhul Jalaal made you His Deputy on Earth. He (swt) ordered His Holy Name to be mentioned, He (swt) ordered His Holy Name and His Holy Orders to be kept. And He (swt) made you descend to Earth with the rank of honor, calling you, “My Deputy.” And you leave this, you go and become an animal to Shaytan, become a donkey to Shaytan? “What can we do, we are bewildered!” Well, Shaytan has ‘bawl,’ urine. Who drinks it becomes drunk. And when he gets drunk, Shaytan gets on his neck and starts whipping; he whips until he falls exhausted.

O Man! You are created to be the Hazrat al-Insaan, who is made to have a distinguished station among Creation, who is created as the Deputy of Allah on His Earth. The rank that will be given to you on Earth is zero! Allah Almighty already dressed you, He (swt) already dressed you a rank! Allah Almighty said to the angels:

إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً

Innee ja`ilun fi 'l-ardi khalifah.

Verily, I am making a deputy on Earth. (Surat al-Baqarah, 2:30)

We can't say beyond this, and there is power in this: fi 'l-`ardi khalifah. He (swt) did not say, “Khalifatee.” “I will make a deputy on Earth,” means, “I will create an honored Creation who keeps My order and I will send him to Earth.” Allahu Akbar!

وَلَقَدْ كَرَّمْنَا بَنِي آدَمَ

Wa laqad karamnaa Bani Adam.

We have honored the Children of Adam. (Surat al-'Israa, 17:70)

It means, “I dress on them the rank.” If you leave this, be an animal for Shaytan. You enter the Hell that Shaytan appointed, you enter the dirty life and then call it “high society life,” which is the WC of Shaytan that Shaytan does all over their heads. He doesn't leave any of them! “You, come here and I get on your back! You, come here....” Women and men, all of them became animals to Shaytan. Shame on them! “No! Don't listen to him,” says Shaytan now. “You are making my service. I give you honor, I dress on you the honor of dunya!” and he did, as dunya became madjaz. Amaan, yaa Rabbee! May You save us from this humiliation.

We are calling now, “Is there anyone who can save us?” There is, there is, but they can't think of looking for them yet. They look for them on Earth, but they come from the Heavens. Such holy ones who are appointed from Heavens, who know about the realm of Malakoot, will be sent to correct the Earth. The rest will be swept and thrown away. Finally, Gog and Magog will eat them. When Gog and Magog come, they won't leave anything behind from Mankind, they will eat all of them! May Allah not show us those days. What can we do?

This is a suhbah. They make us speak to create some awareness. It is not that I look and study from books and prepare something, but rather they call it tuluuat (inspirations), they call it appearances. We have advice ready

to be spoken which can make the world reach safety. The permission is given to such a helpless servant like us to speak the words that will be heard.

We may say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.” How beautiful, how beautiful, how nice! There is no trouble or sorrow left in us. I am My Lord's servant, I am a small servant of My Lord, Who is the Absolute Owner, Absolute Sultan of the Earths and Heavens! I am a small soldier of that Sultanate, to make all that Shaytan wants to do and his corruption of Mankind fall on his own head! This is my mission. I don't live for anything else, only to keep my Lord's order and to destroy Shaytan's sultanate. With what can you destroy? Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar wa lillahi ‘l-hamd!

When (Imam Mahdi) draws his sword with takbeer, in the first takbeer their technology becomes zero, it becomes ashes! Their planes won't fly, their fleets won't float and their soldiers, cannons, weapons, he cuts them off instantly. It (will happen) soon! Shaytan made the nations go too wild. He will make them kill each other and then sit on the top, saying, “Well done! I took my revenge from the Children of Adam. I made them injure one another and corrupted all of them like this. They can go to Hell now if they like. I took my revenge!” says Shaytan. He strives for this.

May Allah protect us from the evil of Shaytan. We have power. Even if there are 1,000 Shaytans, when you say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem,” when you say, “A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem,” even if there are a hundred-thousand Shaytans, they will all be under our feet. But people don't listen to the Prophet's word, they become madjaz and they will become even more. New generations will come; this is a rubbish generation, so they will throw away these ones and Allah Almighty will send a new generation, all clean. When you look at their faces, you will see men who shine like the Sun. When Mahdi (a) comes, it will change. When Prophet Jesus (a) comes the whole dunya will be in such a happiness and merriment for forty years. Don't even ask. May Allah make us reach those happy days.

No matter how much we spoke of the Bismillah, it is impossible to finish its blessings, it is not possible! Shukr Allah, our Lord, that He (swt) inspires us and makes us recite the Bismillah that prophets recited.

قْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ

Iqraa bismi Rabbika ’Lladhee khalaq.

Read! In the Name of your Lord Who created. (Surat al-`Alaq, 96:1-2)

Was it not like this? “Read! In the Name of your Lord,” it says, but these people read in the name of Shaytan. Can they ever find goodness? He (swt) will make them madjaz and birds and insects will eat their dead bodies. We hope that Allah will not make us from them, as well as all Mankind. For this, I am calling to them, say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.” Say! Say it and you will get saved. Allah (swt) sends from His unseen armies. Mercy is descending; it will come down strong, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. No need to plant, grow anything. The Ma’idah (Heavenly Table) will come down, the Table will come with such prosperity and blessings that no one can imagine! With what? “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem,” and here you go, the Table

comes down! (...)

Islam has the Sun which never goes off; it has a sun. We are lions, we can destroy! “Who are you?” I am nothing. I am nothing, but there are those who can. He (swt) allows it now to discipline the people: “Fight each other and become madjaz, then Gog and Magog will come and eat you.” You don't recite the Bismillah? Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj, is it Gog and Magog? Let them come and eat you! They are coming, they will eat them.

O Muslims! Open your eyes. Allah dressed you with the highest honor. He (swt) dressed it on the others too, but they made it all messed up. All of the prophets had the Bismillah, (as it) can't be without the Bismillah. O our Lord! The glory of Your Beloved (s) is in the Seven Heavens; Your Dominions cannot be measured, as all of them have the seal of Muhammadun Rasoolullah, but they don't appreciate it, especially these Turks!

اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِهِ آلِهَةً

Ittakhadhoo min doonihi aaliha.

But they have taken besides Him gods. (Surat al-Furqaan, 25:3)

They left Allah and took (aaliha) gods for themselves. Therefore, even if its expression is hard, they make us say it: they will be madjaz! You will either raise the flag of our Glorious Prophet (s), or all others outside of his flag will be madjaz!

O People! I am nothing, but look to who makes me speak, not to who is speaking. There are dragons. We are nothing, I only have the power of an ant, but there are dragons. There are dragons of the Muslims, of Islam, who sit quietly like this, upon adab. He sits upon adab, he is a dragon too (Shaykh Mehmet Effendi). He doesn't sit in vain; when he comes he hits me (inspires), so there is power. When he says, “Fire,” it reaches from East to West and dunya is finished. Yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. May Allah Almighty not make us from the ignorant ones, not from who forget the Bismillah. May we remember your Name first, O Allah! It is obligatory in every action for the servants. Whosoever remembers Allah's Name first, Allah makes his every act easy for him. Say this, O who claim to be Muslims! Say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.” I don't know. I was told Muslims have some meetings and I don't know if they say the Bismillah or not. There is no goodness in the people who forget the Bismillah, they became trash.

O our Lord! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah astaghfirullah. You dressed a glorious dress on us, O our Lord! For the honor of The Beloved (s), He (swt) said, “Be Muslims!” and we became Muslims. Our honor and glory lie in Islam, but our huge nation removed the name of Islam. They don't say “Muslim.” What do they say? “Diyanet (Religious) Affairs.” What is Diyanet Affairs? Does it have the name “Muslim”? Sultans would show the highest respect for the Shaykhu 'l-Islam. With the fatwa of Shaykhu 'l-Islam, a Sultan could leave his throne. We removed the Shaykhu 'l-Islam and now call it, “President of Religious Affairs.” What authority does he have? Zero! “Shaykh Effendi, what can he have?” Zero. “Why?” Because peoples' religion went down to a zero level, zero.

Every day fires, every day hurricanes, every day floods, every day snows, disasters, earthquakes, but they can't wake up. While they are rushing there, another man appears here, a man whom Shaytan prepared, whom Shaytan made drunk: he goes and throws a bomb. Now the whole nation has nothing else to do other than questioning, “Why did this man throw this bomb? If he threw a bomb, take care of the situation and return. Why do you still investigate? “No, I will find out!” What will you find out? One day they will find out about you also.

That man exploded himself outside, in front of the door, but Shaytan can prepare another man like him and he can explode you in your office or in your home too. We seek refuge in Allah! All of them are warnings. What do they call it? Warning, they are warnings. Come to your senses. One day they can explode in front of you also, because Shaytan has many men. There are many men who lost their mind and there are many men who lost their faith, because you didn't leave any Islam. You didn't leave, so take it now! You run from here to there, there to here.... Every day fires, every day all kinds of disasters, accidents! May Allah make us far from it. O Lord! Forgive us, O Allah.

O Muslims! Say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem” and have no fear.

کلمه لا اله الا الله حسني فمن دخله حسني آمن من عذابي

Laa ilaaha illa-Llah husnee wa man dakhala husnee amin min `adhaabee.

Say, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah,” as it is My castle. Who enters inside My castle will be safe from My punishment. (Holy Hadith)

Now sit and say, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah” in Ka`bah al-Muazzama and see how many ignorant men come instantly to say, “This is bid`a!” Spit on you! Spit on you and your bid`a! Is saying “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah” bid`a? He (swt) will discipline! Now each one of their turns will come. Don't listen to me, look to Who makes me speak, not to who speaks! All their disciplining is ready.

May Allah forgive me and forgive you. We may say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem!” O Lord, Laa ilaaha illa-Llah husnee wa man dakhala husnee amin min `adhaabee. He (swt) says, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah” is My castle. Whoever enters it is saved from My Wrath in dunya and in Akhirah!” They say “No, it is bid`a! How can you sit and recite, ‘Laa ilaaha illa-Llah? Yaa Hoo people became foolish!” How can a Muslim say this? If three men sit in the Ka`bah and recite “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah,” immediately they come like zabaaniyyah, guards of Hell, and say, “What are you doing? This is bid`a!” when actually saying, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah” is fard! How can you say it is bid`a, does Baytullah belong to you? How can you come and interfere? But one day your intestines will tangle and won’t untie and you will die! May Allah forgive us. Al-Fatihah.


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