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Where is God?

Shaykh Nour Mohamad Kabbani

23 December 2023 Feltham, London, UK

Suhbah at Centre for Spirituality and Cultural Advancement (CSCA)

From Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's Personal Notes

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.

Ours is the Way of all prophets. I heard from my master, who is also my grandfather, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q), that Allah (swt) told Sayyidina Musa (a), “I am coming to visit you.”

Sayyidina Musa (a) went back to his people to give them the glad tidings: “God is coming to visit us! Prepare everything.” They swept the streets, cleaned the markets and houses, they dressed up in the best dresses--bling, bling. Why? God is coming! They were waiting.

He said, “Friday, I will come.” From Fajr time they started waiting for God to come. Noon came, afternoon came, and nobody came. They were looking. A poor old man came walking. He looked very untidy. He was clean, but his beard was sideways, his clothes were not ironed. He sat down to rest.

Sayyidina Musa (a) came to him and said, “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know God is coming? Get up, clean yourself up, iron your clothes, straighten your beard and then come.”

He said “Okay” and went.

Nighttime came and God didn’t come. Sayyidina Musa (a) said, “This is finished.”

His people said, “Where is your God? He didn’t come. He said He would come and He didn’t come. Does He not keep His promise? What is this?”

Sayyidina Musa (a) ran to Mount Sina, Tur as-Sina, and said, “Yaa Rabbee! What happened? You said You were coming. Please forgive me, but nobody came.”

He said, “Yaa Musa! Keep manners with Me. I came, but nobody welcomed me.”

“Yaa Rabbee! How, where, when?”

“I came with My servant. You didn’t ask Me, ‘Are you thirsty? Are you hungry?’ You said, ‘Get up and go.’ If you think I will come on a horse in a physical body, you’re wrong. I am with My servants!”

Where is God? God is with me. God is with you and you, with every color, race, religion, and every human form. God is with everybody. Where is God? I see Him in you, with you, around you, near him.

One person came to Rasoolullah (s) and asked, “What is your way? What is Islam?”

He said, “Qul aamantu billahi thumma ‘s-staqim, say, ‘I believe in God and then in being straight, to do what’s right.’”

That means if I believe in God, I cannot harm you, cheat you or lie to you. Why? Because God is with you and is witnessing what I’m doing to you.

That’s where God is. God is not a physicality, but He is with everybody, not only a certain group. He is with all Creation. He is with stones, rocks, trees, nature, the sun. Everything is up and about by Allah (swt), by God. Without God, nothing can be in existence, or they would be able to sustain their lives. Why do human beings die? That means they cannot sustain their existence. They exist by God’s Existence.

That is Islam: to believe that He is with every person, He is not a place or a time, He is with His Creation. What we believe in is something greater than you think of. You cannot reach or understand where He is, but you can understand that He is with my brother, my neighbor, and also your enemy. If Allah (swt) wants, He can make the enemy victorious. He did it. Allah (swt) is with everybody.


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