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O Muhammad! Verily We Sent You to all Humanity!

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

21 March 2013 Fenton, Michigan

Suhbah after Khatm

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.

Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,

nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa fee haadha 'l-masjid.

Allah (swt) is Generous, Merciful and Patient, from His Beautiful Name, the last of the Ninety-nine Beautiful Names and Attributes, as-Saboor, the Absolute Patient. I don't think there is anyone on Earth, from beginning to end, who is patient except the Prophet (s), because Allah (swt) dressed him with that dress to be patient and no one else is patient. The example is Sayyidina Musa (a), Sayyidina Nuh (a), Sayyidina Ayyub (a), all of them, and Sayyidina Adam (a), who was not patient to be away from eating from that tree. In any case, Allah (swt) said in the Holy Qur'an:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا كَافَّةً لِّلنَّاسِ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا وَلَكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ

Wa maa arsalnaaka illa kaaffatan li ‘n-naasi basheeran wa nadheeran wa lakinna akthara ‘n-naasi laa ya`lamoon.

We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin). (Surat Sabaa, 34:28)

“We have sent you as kaaffatan li ‘n-naas to...” which here means, “kaaffatan li ‘n-naas.” He didn’t say, “Li ‘n-naasi kaaffah,” but He put the “kaaffah” before “an-naas”: kaaffatan li ‘n-naas, which means, “No one is excluded until this dunya is finished! We have sent you kaaffatan li ‘n-naas, to all human beings!” It means, “From the beginning you have been sent not with the Message only, but when you were forty years of age and also not even at your birth but before Adam (a), We have revealed on you that you are sent to all human beings which I am creating!”

And how many came and went, how many are going to come and how many to think, is this the only Earth or there are others? In some aayaat Allah (swt) says, saba` araadeen, “Seven Earths,” and what does He mean by saying,“Seven Earths,” with an ‘s’, plural, is it not? How many? Seven. This Earth compared to the others is like a drop in an ocean. The others are bigger, so if you throw this Earth in one of the six that are left it is like a drop in an ocean; the second Earth is if you put the first and the second together and drop them in the third one, it is like a drop in an ocean; if you take three of them and drop them in the fourth, it is like a drop in an ocean; if you take four of them and drop them in the fifth, it is like a drop in an ocean; if you take the five and drop them in the sixth, it is like a drop in an ocean; if you take all of them and drop them in the seventh, it is like a drop in an ocean! And all of them are so huge that if you drop them in this universe, still it is a drop of an ocean, and if you take them all and put them in Heaven, they are not enough to be one palace for one mu’min!

Allah is Great and (there is) no limitation for His Creation! That is why in the hadith of Jaabir (it is mentioned) that Allah first created the Light of the Prophet (s):

رواه عبد الرزاق بسنده عن جابر بن عبد الله بلفظ قال قلت: يا رسول الله، بأبي أنت وأمي، أخبرني عن أول شيء خلقه الله قبل الأشياء. قال: يا جابر، إن الله تعالى خلق قبل الأشياء نور نبيك من نوره،...

`An Jaabir ibn `AbdAllah qaala: qultu yaa Rasoolullah, bi-abee anta wa ummee, akhbirnee `an awwala shayin khalaqahu ’Llaaha qabla’l-ashyaa? Qaala: yaa Jaabir, inn Allaha ta`ala khalaqa qabla al-ashyaa noora nabiyyika min noorih...

When Jaabir (r) asked, “Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you, oh Prophet of Allah! What is the first thing that Allah (swt) created?” the Prophet (s) said, “The first thing that Allah (swt) created is the Light of your Prophet from His Light, O Jaabir.” (Musannaf `Abdu ’r-Razzaq)

Then He put (that Light) in Bahr al-Qudrah where it was turning and as it was turning Allah (swt) was creating Creation from it. So the meaning of that verse, “Wa maa arsalnaaka illa kaaffatan li ‘n-naas,” is“Verily, We have sent you for all human beings because you were sent from the beginning. What Allah created first is Your Light, yaa Muhammad!”

And Prophet (s) said in a hadith:

كنت نبي و ادم بين الماء و الطين

Kuntu Nabiyyin wa adamu bayna 'l-maa'i wa 't-teen,

I was a prophet when Adam was between water and clay.

كنت نبيا وآدم بين الروح والجسد

Kuntu nabiyyan wa adam bayna ar-roohi wa ’l-jasad.

I was a prophet while Adam was between soul and body.

He (s) said, “First Allah created my Light,” and Allah (swt) says, “He was sent kaaffatan li ‘n-naasi basheeran wa nadheeran, to give glad tidings and to give warnings.” In this hadith that we are going to mention, but before we come to that ayah, “We have sent you kaaffatan li ‘n-naas,” means, “We have sent you to every human being, Muslim or non-Muslim,” is it not? Muslim or not Muslim, and the Prophet (s) is going to give you a message that he has been sent to everyone, which means he is going to “co-exist with everyone,” which means he is going to have a relationship with everyone and even if that one is not aware of it, he (s) is with him.

يد الله على الجماعة

Yadul-Llahi `ala ‘l-jama`ah.

Allah's Hand is over the group. (at-Tabarani)

“Allah's Hand is with the group.” Allah will dress the Prophet (s) from that hadith; he (s) will be dressed with the tajalli, “Allah's Hand is on the jama`ah,” and Allah is saying to him, “You are kaaffatan li ‘n-naas,” which means, “Yaa Muhammad! You are the manifestation of that hadith, ‘Yadul-Llahi `ala ‘l-jama`ah,’ you are getting manifestations from Allah’s Hands over the jama`ah that you are co-existing with everyone!”

There is no way, as Allah (swt) said:

فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا

Fa alhamahaa fujoorahaa wa taqwaahaa.

He inspired the self of its bad and its good. (Surat ash-Shams, 91:8)

What does “taqwaahaa” mean? Allah (swt) revealed to the Prophet (s), fa alhamahaa fujoorahaa wa taqwaahaa, He revealed to Prophet (s) to reveal to human beings that taqwaa is Muhammad (s)! Al-Muttaq Huwa ‘l-Muttaq, he is the only one that has taqwaa! From that beautiful name (Sayyidina al-Muttaq), Allah is dressing the Prophet (s), so He manifests the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad’s taqwaa on human beings!

Fa alhamahaa fujoorahaa, “And Allah revealed to the self what is bad.” He revealed, “This is Iblees. Do you want to be with Iblees or do you want to come to Me through taqwaa (Sayyidina Muhammad), through co-existing with the one whom I have sent to all humanity to be with them?”

وإعلموا أن فيكم رسول الله

W`alamoo anna feekum rasoolullaah.

And know Allah's Messenger is in you. (Surat al-Hujuraat, 49:7)

Know that Rasoolullah, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), is in you; his Light and his presence is with you in every moment. He has been sent to all human beings. Why? The proof that no one is outside of that is what the Prophet (s) said:

يولد الانسان على الفطرة وانما ابواه يهودانه او ينصرانه او يمجسانه

Yoolidu al-insaanu `ala ‘l-fitra fa imma abawaahu yuhawwidaanihi aw yunasaraanihi aw yumajjisaanih.

Human beings are born on fitrah, innocence; either his parents make him Jewish or Christian or Zoroastrian. (Muslim)

Yoolidu al-insaanu `ala ‘l-fitra, “Human beings are born on taqwaa, innocence,” and taqwa, which is fear or love of Allah (swt), is Muhammad (s), who is the real meaning of the manifestation of the Beautiful Name (of Prophet), Taqwallah (s). What is “taqwaa” in English? Consciousness, to be aware that one day you are going to be asked. (Allah is saying,) “I sent Muhammad (s) for everyone! So you cannot say, ‘No, You did not send him,’ because that’s why I created you on fitra, on Islam!” That means the Prophet (s) is co-existing with everyone.

Fa imma abawaahu yuhawwidaanihi aw yunasaraanihi aw yumajjisaanih, “Either his parents make him Christian, Jew or Zoroastrian,” but in reality he is a mu’min, he is a Muslim, and he could not have been a mu’min and a Muslim if the Prophet (s) were not there! So it means that Light of the Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), is a small speck of the reality of his Light that is in every human being. To understand how much Allah (swt) has given to the Prophet (s), He said, “Wa maa arsalnaaka illa kaafatan li ‘n-naasi basheeran wa nadheeran,” and, “Fa alhamahaa fujoorahaa wa taqwaahaa,” where “basheeran (good tidings)” is “taqwaa ” and “fujoor (bad tidings)” is “nadheer”. That’s why that ayah with the other ayah combined shows “taqwaa” is “basheer,” who is the Prophet (s), and “fujoor (corruption)” is Shaytan. So which one do you want? Take one.

This hadith of the Prophet (s) is too long but good to mention. In the Musnad of Imam Ahmad, from hadith of Al-Barra` Ibn al-`Azib, who said:

«خرجنا مع رسول الله فذكر مثله إلى أن قال فرفع لرأسه فقال استعيذوا بالله من عذاب القبر مرتين أو ثلاثا ثم قال إن العبد المؤمن إذا كان في انقطاع من الدنيا وإقبال من الآخرة نزل إليه ملائكة من السماء بيض الوجوه كأن وجوههم الشمس معهم كفن من أكفان الجنة وحنوط من حنوط الجنة حتى يجلسوا منه مد البصر ثم يجيء ملك الموت عليه السلام حتى يجلس عند رأسه فيقول أيتها النفس الطيبة أخرجي إلى مغفرة من الله ورضوان قال فتخرج فتسيل كما تسيل القطرة من في السقاء فيأخذها فإذا أخذها لم يدعوها في يده طرفة عين حتى يأخذوها فيجعلوها في ذلك الكفن وفي ذلك الحنوط ويخرج منها كأطيب نفحة مسك وجدت على وجه الأرض قال فيصعدون بها فلا يمرون يعني بها على ملأ من الملائكة إلا قالوا ما هذا الروح الطيب فيقولون فلان ابن فلان بأحسن أسمائه التي كان يسمونه بها في الدنيا حتى ينتهوا بها إلى السماء الدنيا فيستفتحون له فيفتح لهم فيشيعه من كل سماء مقربوها إلى السماء التي تليها حتى ينتهي بها إلى السماء السابعة فيقول الله عز وجل اكتبوا كتاب عبدي في عليين أعيدوه إلى الأرض فإني منها خلقتهم وفيها أعيدهم ومنها أخرجهم تارة أخرى فتعاد روحه في جسده فيأتيه ملكان فيجلسانه فيقولان من ربك فيقول ربي الله فيقولان ما دينك فيقول ديني الإسلام فيقولان ما هذا الرجل الذى بعث فيكم فيقول هو رسول الله فيقولان له وما عملك فيقول قرأت كتاب الله فآمنت به وصدقته فينادي مناد من السماء أن صدق عبدي فأفرشوه من الجنة وألبسوه من الجنة وافتحوا له بابا إلى الجنة قال فيأتيه من روحها وطيبها ويفسح له في قبره مد بصره قال ويأتيه رجل حسن الوجه حسن الثياب طيب الريح فيقول أبشر بالذي يسرك هذا يومك الذي كنت توعد فيقول من أنت فوجهك الوجه يجيء بالخير فيقول أنا عملك الصالح فيقول رب أقم الساعة حتى أرجع إلى أهلي ومالي»

Kharajnaa ma` rasoolullahi fa-dhakkar mathalahu ilaa an qaala fa-rafa` li-raasihi faqaala asta`eedhoo billahi min `adhaab al-qabr marratayni aw thalaathan thumma qaala: Inna al-`abdu’l-mu’min idhaa kaana fee anqita`un min ad-dunyaa wa iqbaal min al-aakhirata nazala `ilayhi malaa’ikatun min as-samaai beeda ‘l-wujooh ka-anna wujoohahum ash-shams, ma`hum kafanun min akfaan al-jannah, wa hanootin min hanooti’l-jannati hatta yajlisoo minhu mad al-basar thumma yajee malak al-mawti `alayhi’s-salaam hattaa yajlisu `inda raasihi fa-yaqoolu ayyatuhaa ’n-nafs at-tayyibata ukhrijee ilaa maghfiratun min Allahi wa ridwaan. Qaala fa-takhruj fa-tasayl kamaa tasayl al-qatrata man fi’s-saqaa fa-yakhudhuhaa fa-idhaa aakhadhahaa lam yad`oohaa fee yadihi tarfata `aynin hattaa yaakhudhoohaa fa-yaja`loohaa fee dhaalika’l-kafan wa fee dhaalik al-hanoot wa yakhruj minhaa ka-atyabi nafahati miskin wajadat `alaa wajhi’l-ard. Qaala: fa-yasa`doona bihaa falaa yamurroon ya`nee bihaa `alaa malaa’in min al-malaaikati illa qaaloo hadha’r-rooh at-tayyib fa-yaqooloona fulaan ibn fulaan bi ahsani asmaa’ihi allatee kaanoo yusamunahu fi’d-dunyaa hatta yantahoo bihaa ila’s-samaa’I’d-dunyaa fa-yastaftihoona lahu fa yuftahoona lahum fa-yushi`ahu min kulli samaa muqraboohaa ila as-samaa’I illatee taleehaa hattaa yantahi bihaa ilaa’s-samaa’ as-saba`ati fa yaqoolullaahi `azza wa jall, iktubu kitaabu `abdee fee `illiyyeen, a`yyeedoohoo ila’al-ardi fa-innee minhaa khalaqtahum wa feehaa u`eeduhum wa minhaa ukhrijuhum taaratan ukhraa. fa-ta`ad roohahu fee jasadihi fayaateehi malakaani min fa-yajlisaanahu fa-yaqoolaana man rabbuka fa-yaqool rabbee Allahu, fa-yaqoolaana maa deenuk fa-yaqoolu deenee al-islaam fa yaqoolaani maa haadha rajul alladhee ba`tha feekum fa yaqoolu haadha rasoolullah fa yaqoolaana ma `ilmuk fa yaqoolu qara’at kitaab Allahi wa aamantu bihi wa sadaqtahu fa yunaadee munaadiyan min as-samaa’i anna sadaqa `abdee fa-afarishoohu min al-jannati w’albisoohu min al-jannati wa aftahoo baaban ila al-jannati fa yaateehi min rawhihaa wa teebihaa wa yafsah lahu fee qabrihi mada basarahu. Qaala wa yaateehi rajulun husni ’l-wajhi husnu’th-thiyaabu tayyibu ’r-reehu fa-yaqoolu abshir billadhee yassarak. haadha yawmik alladhee kunta tuw`ad wa fa yaqoolu man anta. fawajhik al-wajh alladhee yajee bi’l-khayr fa-yaqoolu anaa `amaluk as-saalih fa yaqoolu rabbee aqim as-sa`atu hatta arji` ilaa ahlee wa maalee.

(Hadith Summary) Al-Barra` Ibn al-`Azib said, “One day we went out with the Prophet (s) for the funeral of rajulun min al-ansaar, one of the ansaar. We reached the grave, and the man was in the grave and they did not yet throw or put the soil on him. Then the Prophet (s) immediately sat on the ground by the grave and we sat around him, and we were so silent and not moving out of that scenery of rahba.

“Rahba” is not fear, but rather the majestic manifestation of the presence of Malak al-Mawt there, the presence of the Angel of Death and other angels when someone dies. So people feel there is rahba, fear in them, or they feel intimidated; they feel there is some kind of (?) to be quiet and to feel worried and begin to think about death.

And the Prophet (s) had in his hands not a cane, but a small `ood, stick, and he was digging in the soil. Suddenly he raised his head and said, “Seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave!” He said this two or three times, then he said, “When the believer has been cut from dunya (and is) going toward Akhirah, angels from Heaven descend on him. They have white faces; their faces are shining with lights coming from them. as if their faces are the Sun.”

He didn’t say “like the Sun,” but he said, “as if their faces are the Sun,” ka-anna wujoohahum ash-shams. Imagine how bright the Sun is!

“They have with them a shroud from the People of Heavens and different kinds of nice perfumes that they bring with them and they sit by the mu’min. There is no end to them; they fill the Earth. As they are sitting, the Angel of Death comes and sits beside his head and says, ‘O the good, peaceful self! Come out.’ ‘Come out to the forgiveness of Allah (swt) and to the happiness of Allah with you.’ ‘The soul will come out like the drop of water coming out from the pitcher.’

If the water is cold, the pitcher becomes wet from this breeze of coolness, so the drop comes like that.

They take the soul and put it in the shroud from Heaven and put on it all kinds of perfumes, and from that soul comes out the finest smell that was ever smelled!

It will give a smell that...Grandshaykh (q) said something here, that if Allah opened the beauty of that smell to anyone, everyone on Earth would faint with that smell of the mu’min of Paradise!

And they take him from one Paradise to another Paradise and they will call him by all his best names in Heaven. and everyone in Paradise will go behind him, they will attend his funeral ceremony (and it will become like a wedding ceremony!), until they reach the Seventh Heaven. then Allah will send a message, saying, ‘Write the book of My servant in`Illiyyeen, the Highest Level of Paradise; send it to the highest level!’

That is the soul.

Then Allah orders them to bring that soul back to the grave of that person with all this beauty coming with it, ‘Because I created them from Earth, I am bringing them back to Earth and from Earth I am bringing them back out, ‘To Allah we belong and unto Him do we return.’” (2:156)

Then after the soul goes back into the body, the two angels will come. The mu’min will be sitting and the the angels will ask him, ‘Who is your Lord?’ He will say, ‘Allah (swt).’ ‘What is your religion?’ ‘Islam.’ ‘What is your Kalimat at-Tawheed?’ ‘It is “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah.”’ ‘Who is your prophet?’ ‘Sayyidina Muhammad (s).’ ‘What is your book?’ ‘It is al-Qur’an.’ Then a voice will call from Heavens, saying, ‘My servant said the truth! Now dress him from Paradise and put him in Paradise,’ and they will open his grave and it will become huge, madd al-basar, to the horizon, so big, full of perfumes, full of angels, full of things we cannot imagine!

I am summarizing.

Then suddenly he will see someone very beautiful, shining like the Sun, coming to him and the deceased will ask him, ‘Who are you?’ He will say, ‘I am `amaluka ‘s-saalih, your good deeds that Allah sent to you.’ The deceased will immediately say, ‘Yaa Rabbee! Rabbee aqimi ’s-sa`at, Rabbee aqimi ’s-sa`at! O my Lord, let the Day of Judgment be now, let the Day of Judgment be now!’”

He is happy and he wants to be in Paradise completely! On the contrary, the one who does not want to co-exist with the Prophet (s), who hates the Prophet (s) is kaafir in Prophet (s), he doesn’t like the Prophet (s), al-`abdu ‘l-kaafir, he is the servant who is an unbeliever! May Allah forgive us! When he dies and his soul has to be taken out from his body in his house or wherever he died:

«وإن العبد الكافر إذا كان في انقطاع من الدنيا وإقبال من الآخرة نزل إليه من السماء ملائكة سود الوجوه معهم المسوح فيجلسون منه مد البصر ثم يجيء ملك الموت حتى يجلس عند رأسه فيقول أيتها النفس الخبيثة أخرجي إلى سخط من الله وغضب قال فتفرق في جسده فينتزعها كما ينتزع السفود من الصوف المبلول فيأخذها فإذا أخذها لم يدعوها في يده طرفة عين حتى يجعلوها في تلك المسوح ويخرج منها كأنتن جيفة وجدت على وجه الأرض فيصعدون بها فلا يمرون بها على ملأ من الملائكة إلا قالوا ما هذا الروح الخبيث فيقولون فلان ابن فلان بأقبح أسمائه التي كان يسمى بها في الدنيا حتى ينتهى به إلى السماء الدنيا فيستفتح له فلا يفتح له ثم قرأ رسول الله {لَا تُفَتَّحُ لَهُمْ أَبْوَابُ السَّمَاءِ وَلَا يَدْخُلُونَ الْجَنَّةَ حَتَّىٰ يَلِجَ الْجَمَلُ فِي سَمِّ الْخِيَاطِ}[سورة الاعراف: 40]

wa inna’l-`abdu’l-kaafir idhaa kaana fi’nqita` min ad-dunya wa iqbaal min al-akhirat nazala ilayhi min as-samaa’i malaa’ikatin soodu’l-wujooh ma`humu ’l-masooh fa-yajlisoona minhu mad al-basar thumma yajee malaku’l-mawta hattaa yajlis `inda raasihi fa-yaqool ayyatuha’n-nafs al-khabeethata ukhrijee ilaa sakhatan min allahi wa ghadabin. Qaala fa-tafaraq fee jasadihi fa-yantazi`ahaa kamaa yantazi`u’s-safoodu min as-soof al-mablool fa-yaakhudhuhaa fa idhaa aakhadhahaa lam yad`oohaa fee yadihi tarfata `aynin hatta yaj`aloohaa fee tilka’l-masooh wa yakhruj minhaa ka-antina jeefatun wajadat `alaa wajhi’l-ard fa-yas`adoona bihaa falaa yamuroona bihaa `alaa malaa’in min al-malaa’ikati illa qaaloo maa haadha’r-roohi’l-khabeetha fa-yaqooloona fulaanu‘bn fulaan bi-aqbahi asmaa’ihi ’Llatee kaana yusamaa bihaa fi ’d-dunyaa hattaa yantahi bihi ila ’s-samaa’i ’d-dunyaa fa-yastaftihu lahu falaa yuftah lahu thumma qaraa rasoolullahi laa yufattahu lahum abwaabu ’s-samaa’i wa laa yadkhuloon al-jannata hattaa yalija’l-jamalu fee sammi ’l-khayyaat.

Angels come to him from Paradise, their faces completely black; they are in darkness with no light in their faces. Ma`ahumu ’l-musooh--the rough clothes that if you put them on, all your body will become irritated and allergic--he will begin to feel that allergy. Fa yajlisoona minhu madd al-basar, they will sit in front of him as far as the horizon and then the Angel of Death will come, bringing complete darkness with him and sits at his head and says, ayyatuha ‘n-nafsu ‘l-khabeetha, “O you, the bad soul, dirty one! Come out to be under Allah's punishment and Allah's anger!”

(Surat al-`Araaf, 7:40)

That is to those who are not saying, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah.” Say, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah!” and you will be saved from that. You will be judged, and may Allah not judge us, but we have the Prophet (s) interceding for us.

So when the Angel of Death sends that dark soul under Allah's anger, qaal fatafraq fee jasadihee, it will drown back into his body and the Angel of Death will begin to take it out like a spear in a woolen dress that is wet and khashan, rough.

How do you take the spear out of the skin? It does not come out easily, so it is crushing your body. He is pulling it like that and that soul will begin to feel the punishment. In every piece of his body there is a soul, a part of the soul. So in every cell, and there are trillions of cells, he is going to feel that punishment and pain.

Ka-antina jeefatin, and the smell of it will be the worst smell that you smell in dunya of a dead carcass. Fa yas`adoona bihaa falaa yamaroona bihaa `alaa mala’i min al-malaa’ikati illaa qaaloo maa haadha ‘r-rooha ‘l-khabeetha, As they take that bad soul up, they will pass through many angels that will say, “What kind of bad, vile soul is that?” until it reaches Hellfire, and then the Prophet (s) reads the ayah:

لَا تُفَتَّحُ لَهُمْ أَبْوَابُ السَّمَاءِ وَلَا يَدْخُلُونَ الْجَنَّةَ حَتَّىٰ يَلِجَ الْجَمَلُ فِي سَمِّ الْخِيَاطِ

Laa tufattahu Lahum abwaabu ‘s-samaai wa laa yadkhuloona ‘l-jannata hattaa yalija ‘l-jamalu fee sammi ‘l-khiyaati.

The gates of Heaven will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until a camel enters into the eye of a needle. (Surat al-`Araaf, 7:40)

Paradises will not be opened for them until the camel enters the eye of the needle, and even if that happens they will still be in Hellfire and nothing will be opened for them! May Allah (swt) keep us co-existing with Prophet (s), keep us with Sayyidina Muhammad (s), and we will be saved. That is why we say:

Salaat al-Faatih

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد الفاتح لما أغلق و الخاتم لما سبق ناصر الحق بالحق و الهادي إلى صراطك المستقيم و على آله حق قدره و مقداره العظيم

Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin ‘il-faatihi limaa ughliqa wa 'l-khaatimi limaa sabaqa wa 'n-naasiri 'l-haqqi bi 'l-haqqi wa 'l-haadi ilaa siraatika 'l-mustaqeema sall 'Llahu `alayhi wa `alaa aalihi wa-ashaabihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi 'l-`azheem.

O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad (s), who opened what was closed and who is the Seal of what went before, he who makes the Truth victorious by the Truth, the guide to Thy Straight Path, and bless his household as is the due of his immense position and grandeur.

Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa-Llah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadu ‘r-Rasoolullah! `Alayha nahyaa wa `alayha namoot wa `alayha nalqa ’Llah, inshaa-Allah. Was-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Rabbanaa taqabbal minna bi hurmati man anzalta `alayhi sirri Surati ‘l-Fatihah.


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