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The Vastness of the Knowledge of Prophet (s)

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

14 January 2016 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.

Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,

nawaytu 'r-riyaada, nawaytu 's-salook, lillahi ta'ala al-`Azheem fee hadha 'l-masjid.

أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ

Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.

Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)

The Prophet never (s) left his Ummah, where he ascends they ascend with him. May Allah (swt) give us an ascension. Grandshaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani (q) said there were 124,000 mi`raaj, ʿala qadami kulli nabiyyin miʿraaj, on the footsteps of every nabi (a) is one mi`raaj. Every Wali inherits from a prophet up to the Prophet (s), taking from their ocean. As Professor `Ali said, isnaad means you trust one-hundred percent what your shaykh says, from shaykh to shaykh, up to the Prophet (s), and when they mention a Hadith, marfu` or any kind of Hadith, and there are more than fifty different kinds, it depends on the time Prophet (s) was ascending, so we say:

الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ. الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ .مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ .إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ .صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone do we worship and to You alone do we turn for aid. Guide us to the Straight Way, the way of those upon whom You have bestowed Your blessings, not of those who have been condemned (by You), nor of those who go astray! (Surat al-Fatihah, 1:1-4)

Ihdina's-siraat al-mustaqeem, siraat al-ladheena an`amta `alayhim, “Guide us to the right siraat, guide us, yaa Rabbee, to be on Your Siraat, the Siraat al-Mustaqeem, the Straight Path that has no exits,” unlike a highway with many exits. You walk on the highway and Iblees comes and takes you through an exit; you get off and have to go back and start from the beginning, so if you exit you lose. You go past the first, second, third exit, until Shaytan comes and tries to take you to an exit that disturbs you and takes you to dunya. We need Siraat al-Mustaqeem with no exits, and Allah (swt) described Siraat al-Mustaqeem as siraat alladheena an`amta `alayhim, “The siraat You favored some `ibaad with.” So it means there are some `ibaad in this Ummah who have been favored by Allah with heavenly knowledge, as happened with Sayyidina Musa and Sayyidina Khidr (a):

فَوَجَدَا عَبْدًا مِّنْ عِبَادِنَا آتَيْنَاهُ رَحْمَةً مِنْ عِندِنَا وَعَلَّمْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا عِلْمًا

So they found one of Our Servants on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our Own Presence. (Surat al-Kahf, 18:65)

Yaa Rabbee, yaa Allah, we need from that `ilm, that knowledge! How can we be guided? Allah (swt) says immediately after, “Guide us through those who have been guided,” siraat alladheena ana `amta `alayhim, to follow someone who has been guided on the straightforward siraat with no exits, who keep going until they reach their destiny. May Allah forgive us and guide us to His Siraat, Siraat al-Mustaqeem. Siraat alladhina ana `amta `alayhim, ghayril maghdoobi `alayhim, “The Path of those You have favored, not of those you are angry with.”

In every suhbah or association there is a taste; they give you a box of chocolate and every piece has a different taste. All Tariqahs and all shuyookh are chocolates, sweet. If you take one, you will become addicted and reach for a second one. If you take one you will be happy, if you take two and three you will be more and more happy. To make him happy, Allah gave the Prophet (s) 124,000 Sahaabi (r) who `adaduhum ka-`adad al-anbiyaa, their numbers are like the prophets. Prophet (s) said:

أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم

My Companions are like stars (on a dark night); whichever of them you follow, you will be guided.

(`Abd ibn Humayd, ad-Daraqutnee, ibn `Adiyy, ibn `Abd al-Barr,

with unsound chains but the meaning is sound.)

He (s) described them as ‘stars,’ so we must also describe them as stars. Prophet (s) also said:

علماء امتي كانبيا بني اسرائيل

The scholars of my nation are like the prophets of the Children of Israel. (Ihya of Imam Ghazali)

The first Hadith is not strong, but the second is a Sahih Hadith. Awliya inherit from prophets: whatever they give them, they take. That’s what we need. Although the shuyookh today are hiding, we know from sitting with them that they have different tastes, like chocolates with different flavors and wrappers: one is big, one is small, one is red, one is white, but all are sweet. They bring you honey from Yemen saying it is the best, they bring honey from jungles in Hijaz, but all are honey and you get different tastes from each one. All Awliyaullah are different tastes and whichever one you like you be with, they take you to the same ocean, the Ocean of Prophet (s):

Wa kullun min rasoolillaahi multamisun, gharfan min al-bahri aw rashfan min ad-diyami.

All of them partake from the Prophet of God a handful of his oceans or a sip from his continuous rains.

(Shaykh Muhammad al-Busayri, Burdat ash-Shareef)

All of them are taking from Prophet (s), either with a handful or bucket full of knowledge. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) says, “If all knowledge of the Awliyaullah was gathered, it would not equal one drop of the Ocean of Knowledge of the Prophet (s). Al-awliya yatahayaroon min ma`rifat haqiqat an-Nabi (s). No one knows the Reality of the Prophet (s) except Allah (swt), because He gave him that Reality, and Prophet (s) said out of humbleness:

قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُكُمْ

Say, "I am but a man like yourselves…” (Surat al-Kahf, 18:110)

Yaa Sayyidi, yaa Rasoolullah, yaa Rahmatan li ‘l-ʿAalameen! Nunaajeeka min huna wa nas’aluka ‘t-tawbata wa ‘l-istighfaar!

وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذ ظَّلَمُواْ أَنفُسَهُمْ جَآؤُوكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُواْ اللّهَ وَاسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ لَوَجَدُواْ اللّهَ تَوَّابًا رَّحِيمًا

If they had only, when they were unjust (oppressor) to themselves, come to you and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nisaa, 4:64)

When we say, “wa salaamun `ala ‘l-mursaleen” it means salaam or Islam, “Peace on all the prophets,” two words, is it not? You should understand this. Now on the Internet you have groups of people in the same group. You say, “I have one-hundred people on that group,” two or three-hundred, not more, as they don't allow you. So when you send a message to one, they all get it. When we say “salaamun `ala al-mursaleen” it is as if we sent salaams to every nabiyun mursal; in the same moment our salaam will reach them. What will you get in return? Imagine a messenger sending you salaam, in the same time they are all sending you salaam back and Allah rewards you, because they are from prophets, wa salaamun `ala ‘l-mursaleen. And then w’alhamdulillahi Rabbi 'l-`Alameen, we thank Allah (swt) for His Favor that He made us among that group. Not everyone can be in that group, only those who call on them. We believe the Prophet (s) is present when we call on him and, therefore, we call on him. Those who don’t believe he is present will lose. We believe he is present and the message, the salaam reaches him. He is the head of the group of anbiyaa.

SubhaanAllah, `azhamatullah. These technologies today can serve as an example for you to understand how Allah (swt) granted His prophets all kinds of knowledge, and granted Sayyidina Muhammad (s) `Uloom al-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, Knowledge of all that is Before and all that is After, so what is left? That knowledge Allah gave to the Prophet (s), Allah does not need it.

What kind of favor did Allah give the Ummat an-Nabi (s) that when we send one salaam on the Prophet (s) we receive ten back from Allah (swt)? Not only are prophets giving us salaam, but Allah (swt) is giving us salaam! How many salawaat are being sent in this lifetime? One salawaat is enough to carry the whole Ummah and make the Scale of the whole Ummah heavy, because ten salawaat is coming from Allah! Can Shaytan play a game there? No way! May Allah (swt) keep us together in dunya and Akhirah.

Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.

If it is called al-Fatihah, The Opener, it means it opens everything. Fatihat al-Qur’an opens the Qur’an, so can it not open dunya? When you read it, it will take away all difficulties from you. Read Surat al-Fatihah daily as much as you can: on all problems, on sick people, projects, on anything. Whatever you recite Surat al-Fatiha for, Allah will make it easy, because:

الْفَاتِحَةُ لِمَا قُرِئَتْ لَهُ

The Chapter of the Opening is for whatever it is read. (Hadith)

Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.


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