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The Traps of the Devil

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

18 February 2013 Lefke, Cyprus

(Translated from Turkish)

Asbahnaa wa asbaha ‘l-mulku Lillah wa nahnu `abidan Lillah.

As-salaamu `alaykum ayyuha ‘l-hadhiroon.

What can we do? We got up with khayr, goodness inshaa-Allah. Who gets up with khayr? Who gets up with the consciousness of worshipping His Lord? What is the place of one who has no consciousness for worshipping His Lord? It is below the animals. Animals know what they should do. Men who don't know what they should do are below the level of animals. As-salaamu `alaykum. Alhamdulillah. We should say the “Bismillah.” Our strength is with the Bismillah. Say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,” and you will be strong. No one can stand against you. Even if the whole world was Shaytan, it could not stand against Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. It will be crushed, melted and gone! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! Is it not so? It walks over everything. The power in the Bismillah can crush and walk over everything. Who believes in this can defeat the whole world!

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem! O our Lord, I got up for Your worship! You are my Lord. I am in existence to worship You. Accept us, support us O Lord! May You accept our worship O Lord! We are helpless and weak. May You strengthen us!

Our ego is pushing us. With what? With Shaytan. Shaytan says, “Come and be with me. Come and be with me!” When Shaytan says this, what is it’s meaning? “Come and work for me. Come and be my animal!” He doesn't say this but says “Come and work for me and I will pay you.” What do you pay? All the trouble and ugliness. What is it that Shaytan can pay to the people? He ties you with troubles. When you try to solve one of them, he ties another knot. While you try to solve this, he ties another knot.

This is his job! He multiplies one trouble into thousands and makes people fall into them. For this, he approaches and says, “Come to me. Is that the adhan? Let it be recited, you continue to sleep. Sleep, there is plenty of time.” He makes you sleep. And he puts a lousy, dirty quilt on top of you. He throws it on you and says, “Here it is, sleep and be comfortable. Don't get up. Sleep, sleep, as there is plenty of time.” And the one who doesn't use his head and know his honour immediately says, “Of course, let me sleep a little bit more.” He sleeps and forgets his worship, his servanthood, there is no worship left for him anymore.

Whoever wakes up and says, A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem, “O Lord, I seek refuge with You from Shaytan and his invitation. Protect me O Lord!” (Allah says), “I will protect you O My servant!” So say, “A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.”

فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيم ِإِنَّهُ لَيْسَ لَهُ سُلْطَانٌ عَلَى الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَعَلَى رَبِّهِمْ يَتَوَكَّلُونَ

Fa idhaa qaraat al-Qur’an fasta`idh billahi min ash-shaytani 'r-rajeem. Innahu laysa lahu sultaanun `alaa ’Lladheena amanoo wa `alaa rabbihim yatawakaloon.

Now whenever you read this Qur’an, seek refuge with Allah from Shaytan, the Accursed. Behold, he has no power over those who have attained faith and who in their Sustainer place their trust.

(Surat an-Nahl, 16:98-9)

Allah (swt) says, “I am the One Who created you. I am the One Who is the Lord of the Earths and the Heavens. I am Who created them.” What do you think, that they came out of nowhere? This world and all these different kinds of creatures on it (were) made by themselves? Spit on what you study as well as what you teach! It is nature Shaykh Effendi, alright! Nature puts you through the grinder, crushes you, turns you into fertilizer and throws you away! You believe in the nature but don't believe in Allah. They say “doga” now, different new names and expressions. “This is nature, following it.” Mankind has become humiliated and lost their honor. They forgot the One Who brought them into existence from the nonexistence. Yaa Hoo! Did you come to existence by yourself? “My mother gave birth to us so we exist.” really? So is it your mother who created you? Then Who created your mother? Why don't you say? They cannot say, “There is Allah, The Master of the Creation.”

When you go up to a mountain or to a place and see a building, you ask, “Whose is it?”

“It belongs to this person.”

“Who does this farm belong to?”

“This is Agha’s.”

“Who does this factory belong to?”

“To this man.”

Then you go beyond this, “Who does this man belong to? Okay, we understand that the factory belongs to this man, but then who does this man belong to?” For everything, there is someone who owns it. “Who is its owner?”

“The owner of this house is this person.”

“What about the owner of this farm?”

“That one.”

“The owner of this house?”

“This person.”

“Alright, we understand this. But Who is your Owner?”

Shaytan says, “I have no owner! I exist on my own.”

The cursed ones, Shaytan and those who believe him, are teaching what Shaytan says! Under

which title? They call it the ‘National Education.’ What is the source of this National Education? From where did you learn it? Who taught it to you? There is no answer, but the one who teaches the National Education is Shaytan. Why don’t you call it the Religious Education instead? “This is the education of religion; it

teaches me the religion.”

“No, it doesn't suit us. It should be ‘national’ but not ‘religious’.”

Ever since life on Earth began and Islam was formed, there has been the Sultanate. Allah appointed the Sultan over you with all his majesty and He dressed this majesty on you from the majesty of the Heavenly Sultanate, but you throw this away and collect people from the markets, bazaars. Shame on you! Say, may your tongue be tied. Say! Say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem!” Why do you speak without the Bismillah? Are you ashamed to say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.” So you are ashamed, aren't you?

Angels say, “May none of your work succeed, may you never find any goodness, may you never find any comfort! May you not be saved from troubles, sufferings and calamities!” All angels curse those who don’t say,“Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.” Even if you form a hundred parliaments and appoint all these hundreds of deputies and ministers, it still will not succeed. O son! A cursed act cannot succeed! You collect some people to follow you and then say, “Here, our work succeeds.” Alright, go ahead and make it succeed if you can, make it succeed and we will see it! To call it ‘religious’ is a shame, but to call it ‘National Education’ is accepted?

What education was there before the National Education? There was the religious education, the religious tadrisaat. Religion is the basis of the knowledge of Man. The tadrisaat, which they call ‘education’ now, is not based on religion and is zero. If you drive a stake into the straw, can you make a building on it?

Shaytan's teaching, which is the main trouble of the whole world today, says, “Don't construct the building here. Come and I will show you an easier place, come!” He brings them into a hayloft where he makes them drive a stake into the hay and says, “Here, this is a very strong building! It is new. It is new, this is the innovation. You should follow the innovation. Leave the old castles, leave the old palaces. I will make you construct a building on top of the straw as it is very easy. You can carry it anywhere you like and when you get hungry, you can also eat from that hay! And at that time, you will become the man exactly in the shape I like!” Meaning, “You become an animal for me.” Shaytan say to the people, “Once you become animals for me, I will have plenty of hay. I will have so much that I can give you as much as you like.”

In the time of the sultan, there used to be gold and silver in the market. They removed it in the WWI and call it the “harb al-umoomi.” Instead of gold they gave paper and they said, “Spend this paper.” Spend with this paper? How will I spend with it? “Go and buy whatever you want from the market. We will put a seal on it. We will put a seal and it will be valid everywhere.” Well, a paper will be worth the amount written on it, “1 Turkish lira;” another one says, “5 Turkish lira, 10 Turkish lira, 20 Turkish lira, 50 Turkish lira, 100 Turkish lira.” Finally they wrote “200 Turkish lira” and felt ashamed. They say, “There is no higher number yet, but we want to print 1,000 Turkish lira banknotes also.” So to make it four digits now, to write 1,000 and print such a banknote can make the people totally corrupt and crazy; it will put them into such a situation.

Therefore, now, in these peoples’ iqtisaad, which they call ‘economy’ now, all the nations went bankrupt because they are playing with paper money. What value does the paper money have? We may not go there now. So it means that they are not giving us what is valuable, because it is the teaching of Shaytan. In the time of the Sultanate, everyone had gold and silver in their pockets. After this, there were reforms in the world and in the United States, as well. We said, “We should follow the world also. Why should we keep the gold and silver? They are printing paper. They have the dollar, sterling, drahma or lira. We may also do Turkish lira. It belongs to us and we may also make a dollar, as the whole world follows it, but our dollar will be stronger than all others.”

Someone may ask, “Where is its equivalent?”

“It is in the vault.”

Why do you put it in the vault, why don't you give it to the people? Why are you hiding the gold

and silver? For whom are you keeping it? If it is for the people, let them have it. If not, why do you

hide it? Why do you cheat the people? You show paper and say, “Its equivalent is in the vault.” You lie! There is nothing in the vault. But they say like this, “It is equivalent is in the Central Bank, it is this bank, in that bank, it is stored there.” Why should you store it? Take it out and give the gold and silver to the people and release them to the streets! You can’t even find a man who will sell his gold, he will keep it! But for paper money he doesn't care and spends it recklessly.

So this is their ‘reform,’ the traps of the devil, the shaytani and evil traps. Why did you refuse Allah’s teaching for you? “Well, that one is religious, this one is national.” It is a lie! One is Heavenly, the other is shaytani! There are two sects now in the world: one is the heavenly system and the other is shaytani. Shaytan makes foam and foam and foam, but it has no result! Foaming and foaming, it spilled over like the boiling milk and finished. Only its watery part is left. Even that water is not left in those people now. This is the trap that is set for the whole world now, “You will hide the gold and silver and give paper into the hands of people.” No, you don't have the right for this! A person’s service cannot be paid with paper. This is the wrong way. This is the way Shaytan teaches people and deceives them. Therefore they don’t find goodness; the Egyptians, Turks, Arabs and Americans, none of them. Finished! This is the trap of the Shaytan. The heavenly value is gold and silver. They hide it. No, you cannot hide it, as gold and silver is the right of the people. It should be in their hands, not in your vaults. Gold and silver should be in the hands, in the pockets of the people. Don’t say, “They are in the vault of the bank.” Don’t lie!

This world went bankrupt because of lying. The people of this time fell into every trouble because of lies. Therefore, O man of reason! O man who can think! They asked a philosopher, “Describe man.” That philosopher said, “Man is a creature who can think.”

In other words, the animal who can think. Leave aside the animals, in our time there is no man left who thinks. Straighten O people! Come to the right way. Don't fear to say Haqq! Don't fear. What can they do? They can only do what Allah wants. As long as Allah watches a person no one can touch even his hair! Some people say, “How is this man? His back is strong. How come?” “This president backs him up,” or “That millionaire backs him up.” Leave the people! Say, Allah (Jallah Jalaalahu) backs up this man! Meaning, Allah Dhul-Jalaal is his guarantor. Fear such a person, fear! If he touches you, not even 99 doctors can find a cure for you. Don’t think that to touch a Man of Allah is an easy thing! Not even 99 doctors can find a cure for you. These people should know Allah! They should expel Shaytan so that they become decent. They will find comfort in their dunya as well as their Akhirah and they will be prosperous.

Let us say then, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.”

O our Lord, may You accept us to Your servanthood! Although we have many defects and many sins, Your forgiveness is plenty O Lord! You made us, all these people, nations to Your Beloved (s) and these people, the people of this world are all running away from it! They will never find goodness. They will fight and crush each other. They will give each other’s punishment with their own hands. This is not with money. Be a servant to Allah and be saved in dunya, in the grave and in Akhirah; if not, then you will suffer!

Amaan, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! May You send us the ones who will teach us. We may say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.” O our Lord, may You not expel us from Your servanthood. We are Your servants. May You forgive us, O Allah! They didn’t teach us. May those who didn't teach suffer the punishment wherever they are buried. Those who corrupted the people are all in the torment, in the Fire. May Allah make us away from them and we should appreciate the fact that we are the nation of His Beloved (s) and say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s)!”


With the grant of Allah Almighty, I will destroy the powers of unbelief in this world inshaa-Allah! I am of no use, cannot even go from here to there, but inshaa-Allah I will destroy! This is my intention. My goal is to destroy this Shaytan and the order of Shaytan. I want to live for this, I want to save the men who are ridiculed by Shaytan from his hands and even if it is little, I want to do what I can! Once the Lord helps, a person can correct even nine worlds. Allah! Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. O Man, say, “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem” and walk right, you will be saved!



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