Suhbah at Centre for Cultural & Spiritual Advancement (CSCA)
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
Allah, Allah! May Allah protect the Muslims and everyone else.
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Alhamdulillahi Rabbi 'l-`Alameen, wa ’s-salaatu wa ’s-salaamu `alaa ashrafi 'l-mursaleen Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een. Alhamdulillahi ’Lladhee ja`alna min ummati Muhammad al-Mustafa (s). Allahumma salli `alaa Muhammad al-Mustafa, yaa Sayyidee yaa Rahmatan lil-`Aalameen. Yaa Shafi`ee al-mudhnibeen. As-salaatu wa ‘s-salaamu `alayka wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, `alayka fil-`Aalameena, innaka hameedun majeed.
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. What we said, repeating the salaam, the Sahaabah (r) used to compete with each other. When they saw Prophet (s) sitting, they came and gave him salaam and then went back again from behind and gave salaam another time. Prophet (s) never said ‘no’ to them because he is a Mercy to Humanity, Rahmatan lil-`Aalameen. For every salaam in the presence of Prophet (s), what Allah will reward cannot be counted.
In salaat, when we give salaam to Prophet (s) in at-Tahiyyaat, your prayer is not accepted if you don’t say salaam to Prophet (s), “As-salaamu `alayka ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh, as-salaamu `alayna wa `ala `ibaadillahi ‘s-saliheen.” First we glorify Allah (swt) and praise Him, then we come to Prophet (s) calling on him, “As-salaamu `alayka!” as the Sahaabah (r) were doing because they understood that ayah, if you want to call it that, in Prophet’s (s) presence. We are not doing it. They said it in the presence of Prophet (s), so they were in that Light that comes from him and that is why he (s) said to the Sahaabah as related from Ibn Abbas (r):
وعن بن عباس أنه قال لجلسائه يوما :أي الناس أعجب إيمانا؟ قالوا : الملائكة. قال: وكيف لا تؤمن الملائكة والأمر فوقهم يرونه؟ قالوا :الأنبياء. قال: وكيف لا يؤمن الأنبياء والأمر ينزل عليهم غدوة وعشية؟ قالوا: فنحن .قال: وكيف لا تؤمنون وأنتم ترون من رسول الله ما ترون؟ ثم قال: قال رسول الله :" أعجب الناس إيمانا قوم يأتون من بعدي يؤمنون بي ولم يروني . أولئك إخواني حقا ".
The Prophet (s) was sitting with his Companions and said, “Who are the ones with the most imaan, that astonishes and stuns me?” He asked the Sahaabah (r), “Did you hear about them or can you figure out who these people are?” They looked at him and thought, “Who can be of the best imaan?” They said, “The angels, who are always under Allah's Order in everything; it must be the angels.” The Prophet (s) said, Wa kayfa laa tumin al-malaa’ikata wa ’l-amru fawqahum yarawnahu, “How can the angels not have strong imaan when they are in the Divine Presence and they see what they see? Of course they have the best imaan. No, they have imaan, but there are others with the best imaan.” The Sahaabah (r) thought some more and said, “If it is not the angels, then it must be the Prophets.” The Prophet (s) said, “How are the Prophets not going to have imaan when Allah (swt) reveals to them morning and evening and they hear Allah's revelation through Jibreel (a), who brings them the message, or Sayyidina Musa (a), who talks directly as Kaleemullah? How can they not believe when it is being revealed to them?” Then the Sahaabah (r) looked at each other and said, “If not the angels and not Prophets, then it is us. How is it not us and we are following you?” And the Prophet (s) said, “How do you dare to say ‘us,’ and how can you not have imaan when you are among the Prophet (s) and see what he is bringing to you? No, there are others who have the best imaan. The people with the most imaan are those coming after me, who believe in me although they did not see me, and that means coming after you, O Sahaabah! Those are in truth my brothers!”
If one day could be stretched to one year, the Sahaabah (r) would sit with him and not need wudu or anything, because Allah gave them power to keep their wudu. In Islamic history there are many people with Prophet (s) who kept their wudu for a whole day, 24 hours, because of their love to Prophet (s), which makes miracles! The Sahaabah (r) saw these miracles in the presence of Prophet (s). So what did they do? They made salawaat and salaam to Prophet (s), “As-salaamu `alayka ayyuha ’n-nabiyyu,” which Allah ordered; salaat is not accepted without it.
Seeing these miracles in the presence of the Prophet (s), he said, “You know everything I am doing, so how will you not have strong imaan?” They said, “Yaa Rasoolullah, then who else?” He (s) said, “Those people who will come at the End of Times, who make salawaat and salaam on me and they never saw me. You are ashaabi, they are ah-baabee, you are my Sahaabah, they are my Lovers!” Here is a big meaning: Prophet (s) is telling the Sahaabah (r), whom Allah chose to be his Supporters and Companions’ no one can be Sahaabah except them. With all that, Prophet (s) said, “You are my as-haabee, my Friends, Companions, but they are my ah-baabee, my Lovers!” So that is why we must be happy, not only because of what Prophet (s) said, but also that Allah (swt) made us from Ummat an-Nabi (s), not from other nations or we would not have had this privilege that is for the Muslims that come at the End of Times, bi `alamaati ‘s-saa`ah, and who will be rewarded the best reward. Allah (swt) will reward them from what He rewarded the Sahaabah (r) because they were in the presence of Prophet (s).
So that is why it is said that sitting together is not only Tariqah, but also Shari’ah. Hilaaq adh-dhikr is to sit together. Why do we sit together? Why is Tariqatunaa ‘s-suhbah wa 'l-khayru fi 'l-jami`yya, “Our way is not just advice but it is companionship with the shaykh” important? Traveling with him, not in the literal meaning of traveling with him everywhere, but it means to where he dives in the Light and Ocean of Prophet (s)! The dhikr and salaam of Awliyaullah is in the presence of Prophet (s), that is why they present their followers to him three times a day. Grandshaykh (q), may Allah bless his soul, said, “The first level in assocation is that the shaykh has to carry his mureed and clean him from everything he has done in 24 hours and present him clean to Prophet (s).” They are not depending on us to clean ourselves, we cannot. Just as the mother and father clean the baby but the baby cannot clean itself, we cannot clean ourselves except by a certain amount of istighfaar; above that we cannot.
So the role of the shaykh is not to just give a lecture, suhbah and sit. No, he is with you and with Prophet (s) at the same time. Awliyaullah have a direct line to Prophet (s). That is what is important in the company of the shaykh, his reflection on you. Grandshaykh (q), may Allah bless his soul, reminded me to speak about it, but they are cutting me, they don’t want me to say, but with their permission I will say. He said, “In 24 hours, the shaykh has to look at the mureed without considering if the mureed is going to do the awraad or not. As soon as the mureed accepts to take his hand, the shaykh is responsible.”
Now others might say something different, you know these people, but I saw miracles in my life many times with Grandshaykh (q) and with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) that no one can do. He said, “In Salaat an-Najaat, when you pray two raka`ats and make sajda after “Salaam `alaykum wa rahmatullah” and “Salaam `alaykum wa rahmatullah,” then make du`a in the following sajda. That is what is important, that in that sajda, whoever was given to me on the Day of Promises, Alastu bi rabbikum qaaloo balaa, to keep company with me, I present them to Prophet (s) every night in Salaat an-Najaat. They come before me one by one, those who know me and took my hand in baya`, and I have the responsibility to purify and clean them; and also those whom I did not have a chance to meet in dunya, but they were written as mine on the Day of Alastu bi rabbikum, those whom I reach through dreams, visions or inspirations, I am responsible for them.”
Awliyaullah clean their followers and Allah gave them the power to prepare their followers every 24 hours to be in the presence of Prophet (s): that is the taste. Although we recite qasidas and salawaat in praise of the Prophet (s), we are not in his Holy Presence, but they are. When they recite, their salawaat is much higher than anyone else's. With that immense power that no one else can reach, they dress those salawaat on their mureeds and present them in the presence of the Prophet (s). That is not easy, every word has a meaning there; you have to digest it with heart and mind. Allah (swt) gave to Prophet (s) and he gave to the Ummah, and also there are Awliya who have the responsibility to clean the Ummah. They cannot come on the Day of Resurrection and say nothing, they are responsible for every one of us. Wilaya is not an easy issue, it is an ocean! For example, today I spoke a little bit about Salaat al-Faatih:
Salaat al-Faatih, Salutation of the Victor
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الفاتِحِ لِمَا أُغْلِقَ و الخاتِمِ لِمَا سَبَقَ نَاصِرِ الحَقِّ بَالحَقَّ و الهَادِي إلى.صِرَاطِكَ المُسْتَقِيمِ و عَلَى آلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ و مِقْدَارِهِ العَظِيم
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadini 'l-faatihi limaa ughliq, wa 'l-khaatimi limaa sabaq, naasiri 'l-haqqi bi 'l-haqq, wa 'l-haadi ilaa siraatika 'l-mustaqeem, wa `alaa aalihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi 'l-`azheem.
O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad (s), who opened what was closed and who is the Seal of what went before, he who makes the Truth victorious by the Truth, the guide to Your Straight Path, and bless his Household as is due his immense position and grandeur.
This salawaat has a specific power and when you recite it as part of the awraad they immediately throw you in the Ocean of Mercy which relates to Prophet (s). That is why it is a cure for every disease. Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammadini 'l-faatihi limaa ughliq, Prophet (s) is “the Opener of What is Closed,” whatever is closed. There are 70,000 veils between us and Prophet (s) and Salawaat al-Faatih will lift these veils one by one!
Salawaat of Shaykh Sharafuddin
على أشْرَفِ العالَمينَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ الصَلَوات
على أفْضَلِ العالَمينَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ الصَلَوات
على أكْمَلِ العالَمينَ سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ الصَلَوات
صَلَواتُ اللهِ تعالى ومَلائِكَتِهِ وأنبيائه ورَسُلِهِ وجَميعِ خَلْقِهِ على مُحَمِّدٍ وعلى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ، عليه وعليهمُ السَّلامُ ورَحْمَةُ اللهِ تَعالى وبَرَكاتُهُ ورَضِىَ اللهُ تَبَارَكَ وتَعالى عَنْ سادَاتِنا أصْحابِ رَسُولِ اللهِ أجْمَعين وعَنِ التَّابِعينَ بِهِم بِإحْسان وعَنِ الأئِمَّة المُجْتَهِدين الماضين وعَنِ العُلَماءِ المُتَّقين وعَنِ الأوْلياءِ الصالِحين وعَن مَشايخِنا في الطَريقةِ النَقْشْبَنْدِيّة العَليّة، قدَّسَ اللهُ تَعالى أرْواحَهُمُ الزَكِيّة ونَوَّر اللهُ تَعالى أضْرِحَتَهُم المُبارَكة وأعادَ اللهُ تَعالى علينا من بَركاَتِهِم وفُيُوضاتِهِم دائِمًا والحَمدُ للهِ رّبِّ العالَمين - الفاتِحة
`Alaa ashrafi ‘l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
`Alaa afdali ‘l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
`Alaa akmali’ l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
Salawaatullaahi ta`alaa wa malaa’ikatihi wa anbiyaaihi wa rusoolihi wa jami`ee khalqihi `alaa Muhammad wa `alaa aali Muhammad `alayhi wa `alayhimu ‘s-salaam wa rahmatullaahi ta`alaa wa barakatuh.
Wa radi-Allahu tabaraka wa ta`alaa `an-saadaatinaa as-haabi rasoolillaahi ajma`een. Wa `ani ‘t-taabi`eena bihim bi-ihsaanin, wa `ani ‘l-a’immati ’l-mujtahedeen al-maadeen, wa `ani ‘l-`ulamaai ’l-muttaqeen, wa `ani ‘l-awliyaai ‘s-saaliheen, wa `an mashayikhinaa fi ‘t-tareeqatin naqshibandiyyati ‘l-`aliyyah, qaddas Allaahu ta`ala arwaahahumu ’z-zakiyya, wa nawwarr Allaahu ta`alaa adrihatamu ’l-mubaaraka, wa `adallaahu ta`alaa `alaynaa min barakaatihim wa fuyoodatihim daa’iman wa ‘l-hamdulillaahi rabbi ‘l-`alameen.
If you recite this salawaat just once in your life, it will be heavier on the Scale than if all the people in Muwaajaha ash-Shareefa were making salawaat! That salawaat is included in the Naqshbandi awraad. There are a lot of secrets and treasures they open to you. If they don’t open to you because there are veils, then they give you your Trust in three places as every Wali is responsible to give his mureeds their Trust.
1. Either at birth you will be wahban, granted. Grandshaykh (q) said, “Allah grants to whom He likes,” even if they are not very pious, He grants to them as well as to another pious, sincere one, but to them He grants only a little bit. It is Allah’s choice, no one can question it.
So between us and Prophet are 70,000 veils to be taken away and they are taking them away one by one, so these treasures appear. That is why he said that, “They ordered us to pray two raka`ats Salaat ash-Shukr every day thanking Allah (swt) that He made us from Ummat an-Nabi (s).”
That is the biggest ni`mah, because Prophet (s) will do everything and take care of everything. So three places: either your amaanah is given on the day of birth, when your mother gave you birth that secret reached your heart and your eyes will be seeing.
Sometimes you see people that don’t talk or who are not mature in their mind, what do you call them? Down’s Syndrome. When they come they are handicapped saying “Uuuugh,” their tongues are frozen because they can see what you cannot see.
Video ENDS
SK trans--> ..yoolad al-insaanu alaa al-fitra. People are born on Islam, parents make (them) Jewish, Zoroastrian or Christian. So in reality you are born on Islam. So this handicap, they cannot speak because they were not veiled, they veil their tongue. They cannot relate what they are seeing.
1. Either at birth or
2. at the moment of death, or;
3. You will be given in the grave. They will not let you go all the way to Day of Resurrection, you have to be clean already.
So Awliya have that Salaat ash-Shukr that Allah (swt) gave them and their followers to be from Ummat an-Nabi (s). The Sahaabah (r) used to pass by Prophet (s) and give salaam. Our duty is to say, “As-salaamu `alayka yaa ayyuha ‘n-Nabi.” Said missed
We have to meditate when we say “As-Salaamu `alayka” in our prayers, even for a moment, because Prophet (s) is hadir, present. The prayer is not accepted if he (s) is not present and seeing you. If he is not present you are lost. So he is present because we say in at-Tahiyyat, “As-salaamu `alayka yaa ayyuhan- nabiyyu (yaa Muhammad)!” addressing him directly and he appears, but you don’t see, he is there. Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammad. As Awliya say, we have to thank Allah that He made us from his Ummah and taught us what we need to learn through his Sahaabah (r). The Sahaabah (r) took the heavy burden, they spread Islam everywhere; they were killed and sacrificed, we didn't do anything.
With all that Prophet (s) said, “You are ashaabi they are ahbaabi, they believe in me and didn't see me but I saw them.” Prophet (s) is seeing us. If he says, “I observe the `amal of my Ummah everyday,” in his Holy Grave, what does it mean? He is seeing, we are not present. He is present. When we say, “hadirun, nadirun,” Prophet (s) is seeing! Then we have to behave.
When you go to work in the morning you take a shower first, why? To clean yourself in order to be in front of the company boss or president. Why are we not cleaning ourselves in front of Prophet (s)? The second question: why are we not showing respect to Allah (swt)? To be clean, you can clean your body and your soul. That is what they all want through prayer, but you have to come clean and for us we are full of ...we ask for forgiveness. If we ask for forgiveness Allah will forgive. For that we say, “astaghfirullah.”
So when you want to go see your fiance or your wife, or you are going to visit your friend, you dress your best and go, is it not? Why? Because you love the one you are going to see, you are not going dirty. Allah (swt) makes us clean by Arafah. Allah gave us a lot to be clean. One of them is Arafah, which is today. It is past. On the ninth Dhul Hijjah you go and see those making Hajj, al-Hajj al-Arafah, all what you do: Mina, Tawaaf al-Qudoom, Tawaaf al-Wida`, and it is not easy you have to struggle to make them. Allah said, “All this, all of them without Arafah are nothing.” What is in Arafah? There must be something hidden. You go in Arafah, only go, even if you don't make du`a or salawaat, for example, which everyone does, but even if you don't and you are present in the Valley of Arafah, it will turn you completely clean as if you are a new baby. Allah comes to the First Heaven, looks at His servants and forgives all of them, but the rest of Ummat an-Nabi (s) cannot be left without the Shower of Mercy of The Merciful One, which Sayyidina Muhammad (s) distributes. He asks for Rahmatullah, for Allah to forgive everyone standing on Arafah. The night of Arafah he (s) makes du`a asking Allah to forgive the Ummah and Allah said, “I forgave them all.”
He accepted Prophet's du`a except of the one who makes struggling and backbiting, doing things which are not correct, “I forgive them except the one who is an oppressor.” Prophet (s) was sad. On the night of Arafah Prophet (s) asked Allah to forgive the Ummah, Allah accepted. Are we from the Ummah or not? We are under the tajalli that Allah has forgiven all the Ummah on the night of Arafah. That is why it is important to fast. Except the oppressor, no way to be forgiven, “I am going to take the right of oppressed.”
There is another Hadith:
رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ دَعَا عَشِيَّةَ يَوْمِ عَرَفَةَ لأُمَّتِهِ بِالْمَغْفِرَةِ وَالرَّحْمَةِ ، فَأَكْثَرَ الدُّعَاءَ ، فَأَوْحَى اللَّهُ إِلَيْهِ : إِنِّي قَدْ فَعَلْتُ ، إِلا ظُلْمَ بَعْضِهِمْ لِبَعْضٍ ، وَأَمَّا ذُنُوبُهُمْ فِيمَا بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَهُمْ فَقَدْ غَفَرْتُهَا ، فَقَالَ : يَا رَبِّ إِنَّكَ قَادِرٌ عَلَى أَنْ تُثِيبَ هَذَا الْمَظْلُومَ خَيْرًا مِنْ مَظْلَمَتِهِ ، وَتَغْفِرَ لِهَذَا الظَّالِمِ ، فَلَمْ يُجِبْهُ تِلْكَ الْعَشِيَّةَ فَلَمَّا كَانَ غَدَاةَ الْمُزْدَلِفَةِ أَعَادَ الدُّعَاءَ ، فَأَجَابَهُ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى : إِنِّي قَدْ غَفَرْتُ لَهُمْ " ، قَالَ : فَتَبَسَّمَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ، فَقَالَ لَهُ بَعْضُ أَصْحَابِهِ : يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ، تَبَسَّمْتَ فِي سَاعَةٍ لَمْ تَكُنْ تَتَبَسَّمُ فِيهَا ، قَالَ : " تَبَسَّمْتُ مِنْ عَدُوِّ اللَّهِ إِبْلِيسَ ، إِنَّهُ لَمَّا عَلِمَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ تَعَالَى قَدِ اسْتَجَابَ لِي فِي أُمَّتِي أَهْوَى يَدْعُو بِالْوَيْلِ وَالثُّبُورِ ، وَيَحْثُو عَلَى رَأْسِهِ التُّرَابَ
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ supplicated for forgiveness and mercy for his Ummah on the night before Arafah. Then Allah ﷻ revealed to him, “I have forgiven them except their oppression of each other. As for their sins between Me and them, I have forgiven them.” He said, “O my Lord, truly You are able to reward the oppressed one more than what he suffered of oppression and to forgive the oppressor.” He ﷻ did not respond that night. The following day at Muzdalifa he repeated the supplication and Allah ﷻ responded to him, “I have forgiven them.” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ laughed and some of his Companions asked him, “O Messenger of Allah, you are laughing at a time you did not used to laugh?” He said, “I am laughing at the enemy of Allah, Iblees. When he heard that Allah had answered me, he fell down wailing and started throwing dirt on his head.” (Ibn Majah, Ahmad, Bayhaqi)
Allah did not answer. The next day he (s) went to Muzdalifa and repeated. On the day of Arafah, he asked Allah another time and He granted them and forgave the zhaalim. Even the mazlum is free. We are in the Day of Arafah and expressing our love and sincerity to Prophet (s), may Allah accept it from us. His du`a was accepted, Prophet (s) was smiling and laughing loudly.
Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) and Sayyidina `Umar (r) asked, “Yaa Rasoolullah, normally you don't laugh, what is happening? What makes you laugh? You were upset before. Allah makes your teeth to be seen (from laughing).”
He (s) said, “When Iblees heard Allah has forgiven the zhaalim and mazlum, he was so upset that he threw dirt on his face.”
It means Mankind’s Iblees is running and Allah is forgiving us; for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) He is sending His Love, in spite of the noise of Iblees. We have to make salawaat. May Allah forgive us and bless us. Despite the noise of Iblees they inspired me to say what I must not say, but these are secrets contained in the hearts of Awliya. If they plug you in they make you speak. We don't prepare, whatever comes comes, but it has to coincide with Shari`ah. You cannot jump outside of Shari`ah, but balance. Many people eat ‘organic’ and these are organic awraad: do them in order to keep the body balanced. May Allah forgive us.
Bi hurmati ‘l-Fatihah.
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