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The First Ten Days of Dhu ‘l-Hijjah

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

18 September 2015 Burton, Michigan

Jumu`ah at As-Siddiq Mosque and Institute (ASIM)

[Du`a of Khutbah.]

O Muslims, Believers! Allah (swt) honored us and granted us days in the year on which He forgives all sinners. He gave us Rajab, Sha`baan, Ramadan, He gave us the blessed ten days of Dhul Hijjah and Muharram, and He gave shahr Rabee` al-`Awwal. All these months Allah (swt) has given us in order to forgive us.

إِنَّ الْحَسَنَاتِ يُذْهِبْنَ السَّـيِّئَاتِ

Good deeds waive the sins. (Surah Hud, 11:11)

The hasanaat takes away sins and if we do something small in the year, Allah takes different sins from us and He leaves us as if we are newly born.

وَالْفَجْرِ وَلَيَالٍ عَشْرٍ

By the break of dawn, and by the ten nights. (Surat al-Fajr, 89:1-2)

Allah is mentioning the ten days of Dhul Hijjah and in these days Allah forgives everyone, and it is mentioned they are 'the best days in the year':

قال ما من أيام عند الله أفضل من عشر ذي الحجة, فقال رجل يا رسول الله هن أفضل أم من عدتهن جهادا في سبيل الله قال هن أفضل من عدتهن جهادا في سبيل الله وما من يوم أفضل عند الله من يوم عرفة ينزل الله تبارك وتعالى إلى السماء الدنيا فيباهي بأهل الأرض أهل السماء فيقول انظروا إلى عبادي جاؤوني شعثا غبرا ضاحين جاؤوا من كل فج عميق يرجون رحمتي ولم يروا عذابي

The Prophet (s) said, “There are no days better to Allah than the ten days of Dhu ‘l-Hijjah.” A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, are they better than ten days struggling in the way of Allah?” He said, “They are better than ten days struggling in the way of Allah, and there is no day better to Allah than the Day of Arafah. He (swt) descends to the lowest Heaven and He will show the People of Paradise what that People of Earth are doing. He will say, ‘Look at My servants! They came to me with scruffy hair and covered in sand, they came from every part of the world seeking My Mercy and they did not see My punishment.’” (Bazzar, Ibn Hibban)

To Allah (swt), the best days are the days of Dhul Hijjah (these ten days that we are in now). Fa qaala rajulun hadha afdalu min `iddatihim aw `itibarihim jihaadan fee sabeeli ‘Llah. Do we consider them that they are fighting and struggling in the way of Allah (swt) and dying as shaheed? Prophet (s) said, qaal hunna afdal, “They are better than to fight in the way of Allah,” although struggling gets you martyrdom, the reward that you get in these ten days when you’ve kept all that Allah ordered you to do and you do more nawaafil, that Prophet (s) used to do, Allah will turn these ten days into better than jihaadan fee sabeelillah. Wa maa min yawmin afdalu inda ‘Llaahi min yawmi l-arafah , “There is no day more accepted than the Day of Arafat.” Yanzilu ‘Llaah tabaraka wa ta`alaa ila ‘s-samaa’i ‘d dunya, fa yubaahee bi ahl al-ardi ahl as-samaa, “Allah will descend,” it is said to the First Heaven, “on the people on the Day of Arafat,” and He will show His angels in Paradise, “Look at what My servants are doing!” He will be happy to show us to His angels on the Day of Arafat. Fa yaqool undhuroo ila `ibaadee jaa’oonee, “Look at My servants, they came to Me with their hair curly, full of sand, and they are coming to Me with that [weariness of travel] and I am happy with that.” Jaa’oo min kulli fajin `ameeqin yarjoona rahmatee wa lam yaraw `adhaabee, “They come from every part of the world….”

This is a prediction of the Prophet (s), that in the Last Days people whom you never expect go there, the Sahaabah (r) never expected that the whole world is going to go to Hajj, min kulli fajjin `ameeq, “from every tribe, from every place, from every country they will come in great numbers to do Hajj.” This is what we are seeing today.

Prophet (s) said:

صَوْمُ يَوْمِ عَرَفَةَ يُكَفِّرُ سَنَتَيْنِ مَاضِيَةً وَمُسْتَقْبَلَ

Fasting the Day of Arafah expiates the two previous years and the two coming years. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

On the Day of Arafat, which is going to be this Wednesday [23 September], if you fast that day, all your sins of the past year will be taken away and future sins of the new year, starting from the Day of Arafat until next year, will be taken away. So make sure that, if you can, fast that day and I know many people will, you will be rewarded endlessly that no one knows what Allah (swt) will give you.

I want to mention things that are happening today and people are worried about their future, what are they going to do, which Prophet (s) mentioned 1400 years ago to the Sahaabah.

ان بين يدي الساعة اياما ينزل فيها الجهل ويرفع فيها العلم ويكثر فيها الهرج والمرج

Among the Last Days there will be a time when ignorance will descend, knowledge will be removed, and killing and destruction will be everywhere. (Bukhari)

“In the coming days,” near the times of Signs of the Last Days, Prophet (s) told them to his Sahaabah (r) and he said bayna yadaya ‘s-saa`ati, “Among the days of the Last Days,” among these days which look like our days, there will be days that jahal, ignorance will cover the world and knowledge will be lifted up. and today we are saying, “No, knowledge is not lifted up, technology is everywhere.” No, that is not what Prophet (s) is mentioning, he means that people are not interested anymore in teaching their children Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh or whatever, their only concern is about what they are doing in school and teaching them what is good for their dunya and forgetting what is for their Akhirah. Every child is going to grow up and be responsible; if you leave your child not knowing what he is doing, he is going to go astray, especially in such communities. Now today you go in any country, any country, even remote countries, and you will find [widespread] ignorance, you will find people are not interested and they are spreading all kind of fitna. Wherever you go there is fitna in front of your face and that will fill the Earth with ignorance, ignorance about your religion, when no one knows what we are worshipping. We say we are Muslim, but Muslim in what?

Wa yurfa`u feeha ‘l-`ilm, “`Ilm will be lifted up.” Where people are not interested anymore, wa yakthuru feeha ‘l-harj to much harj wa marj means too much issues will come that there will be too much killing, too much confusion, too much that you don’t know what to do, people going here and there. Look at what is happening today! A country that was a peaceful one, that Prophet mentioned, fadaa`ilu ‘sh-sham, “the favors of Damascus”, there are 40 Hadiths about the importance of Shaam in the Last Days, where Sayyidina `Isa (a) will appear and Sayyidina Mahdi (a) will come, and this is belief for Ahlu ‘s-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah, you cannot say it is only Shi`a. Shi`a is some other concept, but for Ahlu ‘s-Sunnah wa’l-Jama`ah, Sayyidina `Isa (a) is coming and Sayyidina Mahdi (a) is coming and we see all these signs are appearing!

People are confused, they don’t know what to do. That country that was saved from many crusaders and many wars around the world, now today they are exporting all kinds of migrants to the whole world. In the Middle East millions and millions of Syrians are scattered, harj wa 'l-marj, they run from one place, bombs come on them, they run to another place, bombs come on them! There is too much killing and they don’t know what to do and now they are now closing the sea and the land in their faces. This is harj wa 'l-marj.

ان من اشراط الساعة ان يتقارب الزمان وينقص العلم وتظهر الفتن ويكثر الهرج والمرج

قالوا يا رسول الله ما الحرج والمرة؟ قال القتل القتل

From the conditions of the Last Days are that time will shorten, knowledge will decrease, fitna will appear, and harj wa 'l-marj will be everywhere. They said, “O Messenger of God, what is harj wa 'l-marj?” He said, “Killing and killing.” (Bukhari)

Similarly narrated by Bukhari, there will be coming a time which we are in today, inna min ashraat as-saa`at, that the conditions of time to go from one place to another you can do it in a short time; before it took years to do it and wa yanqusu ‘l-`ilm, less of knowledge. In the other Hadith he said yurfa`u ’l-`ilm, `ilm will be lifted, means coming on Earth less and less `ilm and in the second Hadith wa yanqusu ‘l-`ilm, “knowledge will diminish” and wa tazharu ‘l-fitan, the fitan, they are bringing to you.

Let me not say, but I have to say it, every person today, even a child has fitna ready in their pocket: the iPhone, telling children, “Look what I offered you,” wa tazharu ‘l-fitan, you have TVs in the house: fitna is there. Prophet (s) said that 1400 years ago. Does anyone not have a phone in his pocket? It is easy access, not for you but for the children. wa yakthuru ‘l-harj: today for no reason people killing each other. Look what is happening in the Middle East, that is why they are they are running from one country to another, because of killings.

ان الله لا يقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد ولكن يقبض العلم بقتل العلماء واذا لم يبق عالم اتخذ الناس رؤوسا جهالا فسألوا فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا

Truly Allah does not remove knowledge by pulling it out of servants, but He removes it through the death of scholars. When there are no scholars left people will take ignorant ones as their heads, they will ask them questions and they will give fatwa without knowledge, thus misguiding themselves and others. (Bukhari)

Allah (swt) will not yanza` u ’l-`ilm, “Go deep in the heart of people and pull the deen out.” No, it is a simple way to take `ilm out, it is through death: when a scholar dies there is no substitute, you cannot bring another one like that one who died. Wa laakin yaqbadu ’l-`ilm bi qatli ‘l- `ulama, “He takes the soul of `ulama” and we have no `ulama left, there are few here and there, most are for the government. So what happens when wa idhaa lam yabqaa `aliman, where there are no more `ulama whom you consider as genuine `ulama? I met some, alhamdulillah, when I was young, when I was 6 years of age, I saw `ulama in my home, but not like the `ulama of today, but still there are some. Prophet (s) is saying if there is no more `ilm, people will follow ru’oosan juhaalan, “ignorant heads”, ignorant scholars who don’t act on what they have learned, they tell you don’t do something, but for themselves they don’t care (they do it).

Fa sa’aloo fa aftaw, “They will be asked…” thousands of them, millions of them today are asking online. A fatwa will come. What kind of fatwa? Fa aftaw bi ghayri `ilm, “They give fatwa with no knowledge”, they miss the point. Fa dalloo wa adalloo, “They will deviate and the ones following are deviated.” This was predicted 1400 years ago by Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Look at his miracles, mentioned to his Sahaabah (r)! We will soon mention more about Signs of the Last Days.


[Khutbah end.]


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