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Success Awaits Whoever Finds Their Purpose in Life

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

24 June 2011    Lefke, Cyprus

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.

(...) Welcome to you. We have a saying in the holy books: in the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms and the Holy Qur’an it is written that everyone has been created for something and is a single one. You can’t find one similar to you from the beginning up to the end, because the Lord of Heavens is not making a copy, no! He creates everyone in another being and that is important. You maybe twins, but one of them is never going to be similar to the second one; it is impossible.

Welcome. Everybody is granted a quality that is so precious, but it is important to find the essence. Some people are going to be successful because they find the reason of their creation. Some people are not finding and are (wandering). A train needs two lines and it is important to find that railway. Who finds it is happy and successful here and Hereafter and if not finding, ah!

People now are mostly losing because they are not asking. The Lord of Heavens said in the holy books:

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fas’al bihi khabeera.

Ask (from) who is expert. (25:59)

“O People! If you are asking for something, you must look at who is expert.” You must not go to the grocery shop when you are asking for a jewel. If a person is ill, he must not go to a veterinarian. If you want to be successful, seek the purpose of your creation and you will be happy, or you will not be successful throughout your whole life! That is why so many people jump from one thing to another. One is the real being; at the beginning and ending is one. I am saying I am zero, but zero has two positions: to be behind one  (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, etc.), which has value; and to be in front of one, which has no value. Zero takes power from  “one” when it follows it, but in front of “one” a million zeros are still zero! All prophets have value because they are zero, but they follow one. Pharoahs, Nimrods, dictators are all in front of “one,” and have no value.

(Mawlana Shaykh welcomes a guest.) You are giving us honor. May Allah Almighty give you honor, health, wealth, and may His heavenly blessings be on you, and on your ancestors and descendants.


