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Sayyidina Ali (r) Narrates Signs of the End Times

Signs of the Last Days, Part 5

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

5 February 2015 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan

Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,

nawaytu 'r-riyaada, nawaytu 's-salook, lillaahi ta`ala al-`Azheem fee hadha 'l-masjid.

Salaam `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاء وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ

It is true you (O Muhammad) will not be able to guide every one whom you love, but Allah guides those whom He wills and He knows best those who receive guidance. (Surat al-Qasas, 28:56)

Allah guides whom He likes and between His Hands is the Noor of Guidance. He will guide for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), for the sake of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), because Allah said in Holy Qur'an that He made us honored, He made all human beings honored, but He specialized or gave Ummat an-Nabi (s) something more than the others, where He said about Ummat an-Nabi (s):

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ

You were the best of Nations sent to Mankind, calling for what is good and prohibiting what is wrong.

(Surat Aali-`Imraan, 3:110)

“You were the best of Nations sent to Mankind.” Hadha ‘l-khitaab li ’l-ummah jami`yyan, this address is for the whole Ummah of the Prophet (s), that “you were the best Ummah and you are the best Ummah that has been sent to humanity because you call to goodness”, taamuroona bi ’l-ma`roof wa tanhawnaa `ani ’l-munkar, “and you prohibit what is bad.”

The False Fatwas by Those Who Appoint Themselves to Represent All Muslims

Every action that is mukhaalifan li ’sh-shar`, opposed to Allah's laws and Allah's religion, are considered forbidden and you are responsible for forbiddens. They (violent groups who act as if they represent all Muslims) know the truth, but they change the way they understand, because this is a Sign of the Last Days. To know that this is going to happen is a reality that the Prophet (s) predicted 1400 years ago and we are in it today. Now among people there is no more connection; everyone wants to do the way he thinks is correct, but Allah gave us Holy Qur'an and Holy Hadith. When our `ulamaa are becoming less and less and our juhalaa, ignorant ones becoming more and more, of course they are going to make fatwa according to their own benefit and they believe it is the truth.

Islam completely prohibits the burning of people! In wars, when you take a prisoner you have to treat him very well Islamically, you have to treat him very well according to Allah’s Shari`ah, not to go and burn him. We never heard that in Islam. They want to say that happened one time before and if you know Shari`ah you know what it meant. First: “you are not the Khalifat al-Muslimeen hattaa tuqarriroon maa huwa as-sawaab wa maa huwa al-khataa, you are not Khalifah of Muslims that you decide what is right and what is good,” that you decide what you have to do, you are not! Show me the letter (certifying) that you are the Khalifat; show us the letter, who gave you a letter? We did not see any letter.

So the Prophet (s) mentioned:

أنا مدينة العلم و علي بابه

I am the City of Knowledge and `Ali is its Door (or Gate). (al-Haakim, Tirmidhi)

So a group of Sahaabah (r) came to Sayyidina `Ali (r), who was on the minbar, and he said:

قال علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه على المنبر فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ثم قال يا أيها الناس سلوني قبل أن تفقدوني قالها ثلاث مرات فقام إليه صعصعة بن صوحان العبدي فقال يا أمير المؤمنين نبئنا متى خروج الدجال فقال يا ابن صوحان اقعد علم الله مقالتك ما المسئول عنها بأعلم من السائل ولكن لها علامات وهنات وأشياء يتلو بعضها بعضا كحذو النعل بالنعل وإن شئت أنبأتك بعلامتها قال عن ذلك سألتك يا أمير المؤمنين قال اعقد بيدك يا صعصعة إذا أمات الناس الصلاة وأضاعوا الأهلة واستحلوا الكذب وأكلوا الرباء وأخذوا الرشا وشيدوا البناء واتبعوا الأهواء وباعوا الدين بالدنيا واستخفوا بالدماء وتقطعت الأرحام وصار الحلم ضعفا والظلم فرحا والأمراء فجرة والوزراء خونة وعرفاؤهم ظلمة وقراؤهم فسقة وظهر الجور وكثر الطلاق وموت الفجأة وقول البهتان وحليت المصاحف وزخرفت المساجد وطول المنار وازدحمت الصفوف ونقضت العهود وخربت القلوب وشاركت المرأة زوجها في التجارة حرصا على الدنيا وترك النساء الميازر وتشبهن بالرجال وتشبه الرجال بالنساء والسلام للمعرفة والشهادة قبل أن يستشهد ولبسوا جلود الضأن على قلوب الذئاب قلوبهم أمر من الصبر وأنتن من الجيفة والتمسوا الدنيا بعمل الآخرة والتفقه بغير المعرفة فالنجاء فالنجاء الوحا الوحا الحذر الحذر الجد الجد يا صعصعة بن صوحان نعم المسكن يومئذ بيت المقدس وليأتين على الناس زمان يقول أحدهم يا لتني تبنة في لبنة في سور بيت المقدس

While on the minbar, `Ali ibn Abi Talib (r) praised and glorified Allah. Then he said, “O People! Ask me before you lose me, ask me before you lose me, ask me before you lose me!” Upon this, Sa`sa` bin Sawhaan al-`Abdee stood up and said, “O Leader of the Faithful! Inform us of when the Dajjal will come.” He said, “O ibn Sawhaan, this is Allah’s knowledge, the one asked knows no more than the one asking, but there are signs, things that will come one after another, like foot after foot. If you like I can inform of the signs.” He said, “That was what I asked you about, O Leader of the Faithful.” He said, “O Sa`sa`, tie your hands together. [The signs are] if people make the prayer to die, and lose the trust that Allah gave them, and allow lying, and consume usury, and take bribes, and build high buildings, and follow their desires, and sell their religion for the dunya, and have no value for human life, and families ties are broken, and there is no forbearance, and oppression makes people happy, and princes become shameless, and government ministers become deceitful, and those who work with them become oppressive, and their reciters of Qur’an become corrupted, and tyranny is everywhere, and divorce is common, and sudden death becomes common, as does slander, and Qur’ans are ornamented, and mosques are decorated, and minarets are tall, and the rows of prayer are crowded, and promises are not kept, and hearts are ruined, and the woman is a partner with her husband in business for the sake of dunya, and women no longer wear skirts, and they imitate men, and men imitate women, and people greet only those they know, and the Shahaadah is said before being martyred, and they are like sheepskins dressed upon those with the hearts of wolves, their hearts are more bitter than aloes and whose stench is more putrid than corpses, and people confuse the deeds of the Hereafter with the dunya, and there is studying of Fiqh without true knowledge. Deliverance, deliverance! Safety, safety! Careful, careful! Do more, do more! O ibn Sawhaan, at that time how happy will the resident of Bayt al-Maqdis (Quds ash-Shareef) be! There will come a time upon people when the individual says,“If only I were a piece of straw in the bricks of Bayt al-Maqdis!” (Ibn al-Munadi and Kanz al-`Ummaal 39709)

Sayyidina `Ali (r) said, “O People! Ask me before you lose me. Ask me before you lose me. Ask me before you lose me.” Sayyidina `Ali (r) ibn Abi Talib `ani ‘l-minbar, minbar rasoolillah fa hamadallah wa athnaa `alayh, when he went up on the minbar, what did he do? He praised Allah and thanked Him, and went so far in exalting and glorifying and praising Allah (swt), to a limit that we cannot understand, but he can understand because the Prophet (s), “I am the city of knowledge and Sayyidina `Ali (r) is the door,” so he knows anything inside, because anything that comes in goes through the door and he is the door, so inside he can see the knowledge the Prophet (s) is giving to him and to other Sahaabah (r) also, as Prophet gave to everyone according to their capacity.

And he said, “O human beings,” ayyuha ‘n-naas. He did not say, “ayyuha sahaabah,” or “ayyuha al-`ulama,” he said, “ayyuha ‘n-naas,” O human beings! Ask me, sa’loonee qabl an tafqadoonee, ask me before you lose me (before I die). When I die you are not going to hear that Hadith any more. Sa’loonee qabl an tafqadoonee, sa’loonee qabl an tafqadoonee, s’aloonee qabl an tafqadoonee, three times, that means it is very important, it is not something easy.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ زَلْزَلَةَ السَّاعَةِ شَيْءٌ عَظِيمٌ يَوْمَ تَرَوْنَهَا تَذْهَلُ كُلُّ مُرْضِعَةٍ عَمَّا أَرْضَعَتْ وَتَضَعُ كُلُّ ذَاتِ حَمْلٍ حَمْلَهَا وَتَرَى النَّاسَ سُكَارَىٰ وَمَا هُم بِسُكَارَىٰ وَلَـٰكِنَّ عَذَابَ اللَّـهِ شَدِيدٌ

O People! Fear Allah. Truly the earthquake of the Last Hour will be something awesome. When it comes, every nursing mother will forget her child and every pregnant lady will lose her pregnancy. You will see people as if they are drunk; they are not drunk, but Allah’s punishment is mighty.

(Surat al-Hajj, 22:1-2)

When you see those who are pregnant lose their pregnancy (miscarriage). That means...why do they lose their pregnancy? Because that is a time that everyone is shaking from worry and fear of the punishment and they cannot believe what their eyes are seeing, what is happening. Inna zalzalati 's-saa`ati shay’un `azheem. “O People, itaqullah!” because when that earthquake comes, every woman, Sayyidina `Ali (r) wants to show that women feel the pain when they are pregnant, not like men: that shay’un `azheem is not only ‘earthquake’, but it is something strange, terrible. When a building burns and its inhabitants die, you feel pity for them but you don’t see it as catastrophic as an earthquake, but what you see today, burning intentionally, fiercely, full with full power, not fearing Allah, not fearing anyone, burning that poor guy for no reason when he was a prisoner and you have to treat prisoners well! Burning...not only will pregnant women drop their children (miscarry), but men are going to lose their minds, and it is is what happened. Everyone around the world lost their mind because of what happened (when the Jordanian military pilot was intentionally burned to death), they cannot believe it! I saw the real detail of how they burned him. It is really (indescribable) and Allah's punishment will come on these people!

Many Ahadeeth mention them, but we have to go slowly. So that is what the Prophet (s) mentioned 1500 years ago, that they will make fatwa of their own: everyone sits at home and begins to make fatwa through the Internet. Where do they made the fatwa? On the Internet, as the Prophet (s) mentioned, by sitting at home. How they do fatwa when they sit at home? By Internet. So the Prophet (s) is identifying the Internet that can reach everyone quickly.

So one Sahaabi named Sa`sa` ibn Sawhaan al-`Abdee, yaa ameer al-mu’mineen, yaa khalifati ‘r-Rasool, nabbi’na `an khurooj ad-Dajjal, they asked Sayyidina `Ali, “Give us a prediction about when Dajjal, the Anti-Christ, will come,” and Sayyidina `Ali (r) said to him, “Sit down.” I am mentioning this because it is from Sayyidina `Ali (r) and the main importance is from the Prophet (s), when he answered Sayyidina Jibreel (a):

قال فأخبرني عن الساعة قال ما المسؤول عنها بأعلم من السائل

He (Jibreel) said, “Inform me about the Hour.” The Prophet (s) said, “About that the one questioned knows no more than the questioner.”

“I cannot tell you when the outcome of Dajjaal will be, but there are signs of that.” What is going to happen? “You are going to see events or disasters or problems, or things that terrify you coming one behind the other.” It means, don't rest and say this already happened and then rest 5-10 years and another happens; no, you will see something always happening on Earth from the Signs of the Last Days, and ba`dahaa ba`da, they follow each other and there is no rest, kahadhu ‘n-na`l bi ‘n-na`l, like when you walk with shoes; he is giving an eloquent description, like one foot behind the other, they don't separate, that you are in a position quickly jogging, problems, events and disasters cothis is the time we are in, every day there is something new happening in the Muslim world, yatloo me quickly behind each other; wa in shi'ta anba’tuka bi `alaamaatihaa, “If you wish I can tell you about its Signs only.”

“This is what I asked, O Ameer al-Mu’mineen!”

He said, `aqid bi yadika, “Hold your hands tight like a knot, yaa Sa`sa`,” Sayyidina `Ali mentioned his name. “Some of its signs are, idhaa amaat ‘n-naasu ‘s-salaat, when the people let the prayers die.” When someone dies, he cannot do anything; ‘let prayer die’ means they don't pray anymore. Today many are Muslim by name and they don't pray; who are praying today? Very few people here and there. Wa adaa`oo ’l-ahillah, al-amaana, huwa al-ansab, they lose their trust Allah entrusted them with, it is gone. W’ astahalloo ‘l-khadhib and they made lies to be acceptable.”

قال أبو الدرداء وذكر بعضهم قال عبدالله بن جراد يارسول الله هل يزني المؤمن قال قد يكون ذلك قال هل يسرق المؤمن قال قد يكون ذلك قال هل يكذب المؤمن قال لا ثم أتبعها نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : { إنما يفتري الكذب الذين لا يؤمنون بآيات الله } النحل : 105

One time the Sahaabah (r) asked the Prophet (s), “Yaa Rasoolullah! Does the mu’min steal or rob?" The Prophet (s) replied, "Perhaps." They asked, "Does the mu’min make zina (adultery)?" The Prophet (s) replied, "Perhaps." Then they asked him, "Does the mu’min lie?" To this the Prophet (s) replied, "This, no!" Then the Prophet (s) followed it by (reciting), “Only they invent falsehood who believe not Allah's revelations, and (only) they are the liars. (16:105)” (Kanzu ’l-`Ummal, 8994)

Today everyone lies as if there is nothing wrong with it, and when the Prophet (s) was asked, hal al-mu’min yasraq, the Prophet (s) said, rubbamaa, “might be someone will steal,” and when asked if a Muslim will commit adultery, he said, rubbamaa, possibly. hal al-mu’min yakdhib qaala fa amma hadhihi fa laa. Does a Believer lie? Prophet (s) said, “This, no!” Today do people lie? Too much. We are seeing this today, 1500 years later.

[What else they do:] Wa akaloo ‘ r-ribaa, “Eat the usury,” usury is not only interest, it is far more than interest, but interest is part of it. Wa akhadhoo’ r-rashaa, “Take bribes under the table (without a record of it),” which is not allowed Islamically; if you want something and you cannot get it [due to scarcity, for example], you get it after you pay them more, but not the value of the item, especially in wars. I remember in Lebanon they charged double for rice and how can the poor afford it? Because it is a time of war, they take advantage, and Sayyidina `Ali (r) mentioned that. Wa shayyadoo ’l-binaa, “and building high rises,” wa ‘ttaba`oo l-hawaa, “they follow their desires”, wa baa`o o ’ d-deen bi ‘d-dunya, “they sell their religion for dunya,” and they give any fatwa they like.

That is what they do and that is what they did when they killed that poor Jordanian pilot, they sold the deen for dunya. Why are they fighting? For dunya, to take power. Who gave them the authority to fight? Where is the Khalifah? If they want to say it is Islamic, then the Khalifat al-Muslimeen has to represent all Muslims, because after the time of the Prophet (s) and the time of Khulafaa’ ar-Rashidoon, the khulafaa selected were not khulafaa’ over a city or some areas here and there, but khulafaa over all Muslims. Who gave them that order? There is no khalifah, because Muslims are not united. If there were no visas between countries, when there is one country with one ameer, then his order must be followed. But there is no such person, only Mahdi (a). Wa’stakhaffoo bi ‘d-dimaa’, “they become bloodthirsty,” like Dracula, they don’t consider bloodshed, they kill and don’t care. How many are killed by them by crashing airplanes and they did not stop? Thousands and thousands! They kill and their feeling is very light, they want to do more and so they burn.

Wa taqatt`at al-arhaam, there are no longer any blood ties in families, those ties are cut. A brother, sister, uncle, cousins, they don’t see or know each other, and Islam urges keeping blood ties as much as possible. Wa saar al-hilmu da`eefan, “and to be patient is considered weakness,” people are not patient anymore. Wa’ zh-zhulmu farahan, “and to be oppressive is happiness for that person.” To oppress people makes him feel enjoyment, burning him and videotaping his suffering, with their army in different positions and they are happy with burning someone.

Wa ’l-umaraa’u fajara, “the leaders of the communities or leaders of these people become loud in their voices, tongues.” The ameer becomes oppressive, shouts at people to make them hear what he says. Wa ’l-wuzaraa’u khawana, “and ministers in cabinets of countries eat the money of people under the table.” They go for bidding and they do projects in the cabinet and steal the money. If a project costs 10 they say “20” and pocket the money. Who can say no to the minister? Wa `urafaa’uhum darara, and “those who work with them are oppressive.” Wa qurraa’uhum fasaqa, “and their reciters of Holy Qur'an, Hadith, Islamic issues, or to speak on behalf of a minister, are becoming corrupted,” fasaqa, munaafiq. Wa zhahara ’l-joor, “oppression appears.” Wa kathura ’t-talaaq, “and divorce becomes (common) everywhere.” You see divorce or separation everywhere, they don't stay together. Wa mawtu’ l-fujaa’a, “the sudden death,” and we mentioned that Hadith before, that the Prophet (s) said to ask Allah (swt) not to die mawtu ’l-fujaa'a, the sudden death. “When this begins to happen a lot,” he said, “then it is from the Signs of the Last Days.” As I have mentioned before, there is nothing killing the people as much as heart attack. Other illnesses take time, like failure of kidney, liver or chest, but heart attack is immediate.

Wa qawlu ’l-buhtaan, “to spread lies and false rumors.” Wa hulliyat al-masaahif, “to decorate the Holy Qur'an,” not the Holy Qur'an itself but the outer cover. Wa zukhrifat al-masaajid, “the masjids become so decorated,” wa tuwila ‘l-minaar, “the minarets become very high.”

W ’azdahamati ‘s-sufoof, “too many people will be going to the mosques,” astaghfirullah. Wa nuqidati l-`uhood, “and promises are broken between people,” wa khurribati ’l-quloob, “and the hearts become corrupted and dark.” And this is here, it is the Hadith, I am saying it as it is from Sayyidina `Ali (r). But the Prophet (s) mentioned this in another Hadith, wa shaarakat al-mara’atu zawjahaa fi 't-tijaarah, hirsan `ala ‘d-dunya, “the women helped her husband in business,” it is a sign that women begin to work, as women before were not working. Now women are working with their husbands, they look after the place, the business, when the husband is busy. He is mentioning it that this is going to happen and did it happen? [Yes.] I imagine the grocery store; before they used to have big baskets and bags of chick peas, fava beans, rice, etc. So how is she helping her husband? Is she also helping with taking these items from the baskets (with the large scoop) and putting them in bags, or do they not touch this job? Hirsan `ala ad-dunya, “they are helping because they care too much for dunya,” not to lose anything from whatever they have.

Wa tarku ‘n-nisa’a al-mayaazir, “the ladies begin not to use the skirts,” they use something else, they use pants. Mayaazir is long skirt like sarong, but now they use pants. Wa tashabbahna bi ‘r-rijaal, “then men.” And you can see that a lot in San Francisco. He said, w ’altamasoo d-dunya bi `amal al-akhira, they imitate the men in dressing,” wa tashabbaha ’r-rijaalu bi ’n-nisaa, and “the men imitate the women, “at that time everyone is taking dunya in and does not give care to Akhirah.” Fa ‘n-najaa an-najaa, “safety safety,” al-wahaa al-wahaa, “safety, safety,” sura`a, “be quick in running away from dunya,” al-hadar al-hadar, “be careful, be careful!” al-jaddu al-jaddu, meaning “to do better and to do more and more.” The best place at that time is Bayt al-Maqdis, ni`ma l-maskin yawma’idhin Bayt al-Maqdis, “the best place to run for is Bayt al-Maqdis.” Not the area in particular, but the area of Sham, as Bayt al-Maqdis comes under Sham. That means Damascus now: Sham is Damascus, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, all that area. Wal yaa’teeyanna `alaa ‘n-naasi zamaanan yaqoolu ahaduhum yaa laytanee tibnatun fee lubnati ‘s-soori Bayt al-Maqdis: “a time will come when people say, ‘I wish I was a straw of the mud in the bricks of Bayt al-Maqdis.’” This is one of the Hadith of the Last Days.

We have to be taking care of our prayers and honesty, not to lie, be friendly and help, be peaceful, and not to interfere, for example, when you see something and you cannot control yourself. So don't look at TV to see these things. Like today someone called me from Spain and said, “I cannot take it anymore. I saw what happened to the Jordanian pilot and I want to go to the masjid of Salafis in Spain and tell them, ‘You are responsible!’” I said, “Don't do it, leave it. There are countries that take care of it, there are people who have the power to do it. We have nothing, only a tongue to say, ‘Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammad Rasoolullah.’”

Wa min Allahi ‘t-tawfeeq bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.

قال رسول الله لا تقوم الساعة حتى تلحق قبائل من امتي المشركين حتى تعبد قبائل من امتي الاوثان

Rasoolullah (s) said, “The Day of Judgment will not come until some tribes of my Ummah will follow the mushrikeen, until some tribes will worship statues. (Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi)

Are they not worshipping idols in Hinduism and Buddhism, and Muslims go there to Tibet and the Himalayas? The Muslims go and say, ‘Guru, guru.’ Why? When we went to India, the Hindus and Buddhists came to us and called us ‘guru.’ There are too many Ahadeeth about the Last Days, inshaa-Allah we will go through some of them if we have time.

Wa min Allahi ‘t-tawfeeq bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.


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