Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
22 July 2013 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan
Fajr Suhbah
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,
nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa `azheem fee haadha 'l-masjid.
أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ
Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.
Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
We are alhamdulillah, with Allah’s Grace, continuing the obligation of fasting through the whole of Ramadan as it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. And in this month Allah (swt) loves sadaqa, for people to give charity. And we have explained in the previous sessions, about the hadith of al-Harith al-Ash`ari, about the Five Orders that Allah ordered Sayyidina Yahya (as) to declare, to announce to people, and one of them was sadaqa which we explained some of it, and we continue that today.
From the hadith of at-Tirmidhi it is mentioned from Sayyidina Anas ibn Malik (r) recorded by at-Tirmidhi, min hadeethi Anas ibni Malik `an an-nabi (s) annahu qaal, that Prophet (s) said:
إِنَّ الصَّدَقَةَ لَتُطْفِئُ غَضَبَ الرَّبِّ وَتَدْفَعُ مِيتَةَ السُّوءِ
Inna ‘s-sadaqata la-tutfi’u ghadab ar-rabb wa tadfa`u maytata ‘s-soo’.
Indeed charity extinguishes the Lord's anger and it protects against the evil death. (Tirmidhi)
“Charity extinguishes Allah’s Anger;” means Allah will completely erase; if He was angry with that servant who did something wrong. So it means immediately run, when you think to yourself that you did something wrong, immediately give a charity. Allah (swt) loves that and He takes His Anger away from that servant who does charity. And charity can be in any way: in money, in a smile, as we said before, in visiting homeless people and helping them, or sick people, helping your brother and sister in Islam; Allah (swt) likes that.
And sadaqa is also, when you see that you did something wrong, immediately you pray two raka`ats, and it is sadaqa from your life, from your time. Say, “Istaghfirullah,” as it is a sadaqa on your soul. Sadaqa on the soul is remembering Allah’s Name and asking him forgiveness; it’s a sadaqa, sadaqa from your soul, by saying, "Yaa Rabb! This is to purify and clean me, I am offering it to You by saying, ‘istaghfirullah.’” Allah (swt) loves that, and Allah (swt) loves His Servant that remembers Him all the time.
And Prophet (s) continued, wa tutfi’u maytata ‘s-soo’, “Charity that people do in their lives takes away the badness of the day, that someone may die with;” it takes all badness and that person will be going to Paradise instead of going to be punished. That is by sadaqa! That is why it is recommended that every day before you leave your home, have a box and put a sadaqa as much as you like:1, 100, 1,000; it is a charity from your generosity. Allah (swt) is very generous with everyone and He gives everyone what they like, so give from what Allah (swt) gave to you. Make a favor for those who don’t have, Allah (swt) likes that. So by this way Allah (swt) will clear you at death from a bad ending.
There are, for example, people who give £1, but they are poor, for them £1 is so much; they might be rewarded more than someone who gives a £100; someone who is a rich, who has millions, £100 doesn’t break him, but for a poor person who gives £1, it breaks him but still he is giving. So that poor one will be rewarded more than the rich one. Unless the rich one gives more, as the Prophet (s) said:
غني شاكر خير من فقير صابر
Ghaniyyun shaakir khayrun min faqeerin saabir.
The rich thankful one is better than the poor, patient worshipper.
“The thankful rich man is better than the worshipful poor one,” because that rich one is giving to the needy people, and Allah (swt) likes that, whereas the poor one who doesn’t have anything cannot help anyone. So that’s why a thankful rich man--and there is a condition he (s) put for him-- “a thankful” rich man, shaakir, means shaakir yashkuruLlah `alaa ni`amihi, “The one who thanks Allah (swt) for His Favors on him,” Allah (swt) will like that, so be ghaniyyan shaakir! Be a generous person who gives charity. And as we said, if you cannot give money, give a speech and make someone happy; give a smile in the face of someone. “And as it extinguishes Allah’s Anger, for sure it will extinguish all sins and ma`asiyy.” All the ma`asiyya that people do, kama yutfiu al-maa` an-naar, as water extinguishes fire.
عَنْ مُعَاذِ بْنِ جَبَلٍ، قَالَ كُنْتُ مَعَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي سَفَرٍ فَأَصْبَحْتُ يَوْمًا قَرِيبًا مِنْهُ وَنَحْنُ نَسِيرُ فَقُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ أَخْبِرْنِي بِعَمَلٍ يُدْخِلُنِي الْجَنَّةَ وَيُبَاعِدُنِي مِنَ النَّارِ . قَالَ " لَقَدْ سَأَلْتَنِي عَنْ عَظِيمٍ وَإِنَّهُ لَيَسِيرٌ عَلَى مَنْ يَسَّرَهُ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ تَعْبُدُ اللَّهَ وَلاَ تُشْرِكُ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَتُقِيمُ الصَّلاَةَ وَتُؤْتِي الزَّكَاةَ وَتَصُومُ رَمَضَانَ وَتَحُجُّ الْبَيْتَ " . ثُمَّ قَالَ " أَلاَ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَى أَبْوَابِ الْخَيْرِ الصَّوْمُ جُنَّةٌ وَالصَّدَقَةُ تُطْفِئُ الْخَطِيئَةَ كَمَا يُطْفِئُ الْمَاءُ النَّارَ وَصَلاَةُ الرَّجُلِ مِنْ جَوْفِ اللَّيْلِ " . قَالَ ثُمَّ تَلاََ: ( تَتَجَافَى جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ ) حَتَّى بَلَغَ: (يَعْمَلُونَ) ثُم...
From Mu`adh bin Jabal (r) said that the Prophet (s) said: I accompanied the Prophet (s) on a journey. One day I was near him while we were moving, so I said, “O Messenger of Allah! Inform me about an action by which I will be admitted into Paradise, and which will keep me far from the Fire.” He said, “'You have asked me about something great, but it is easy for whomever Allah makes it easy. Worship Allah and do not associate any partners with Him, establish the salaat, give the zakaat, fast Ramadan and perform Hajj to the House.” Then he said, “Shall I not guide you to the doors of goodness? Fasting is a shield, and charity extinguishes sins like water extinguishes fire, and a man's praying in depths of the night." He said, "Then he recited (32:16), ‘Their sides forsake their beds to call upon their Lord.’”... (Tirmidhi)
“I was with the Prophet (s),” how much he is lucky, making siyaahaa, making a journey with Prophet (s). Now people if they make a journey with a leader you will be overwhelmed, you will be very happy! If you take a picture with a leader you are so happy, even one picture, makes them happy. How much the Sahaabah (r) many spiritual pictures were taken by the angels of the Sahaabah (r) accompanying Prophet (s)? Everything is recorded:
وَلاَ رَطْبٍ وَلاَ يَابِسٍ إِلاَّ فِي كِتَابٍ مُّبِينٍ
Wa laa ratbin laa yaabisin illa fee kitaabin mubeen,
(There is not) anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a Clear Book. (Surat al-An`am, 6:59)
“Something living and non-living, it’s always there,” its picture is there. Anytime an angel will take, like today they press a button and they get a picture, and the angels press a button and all these pictures will come. Everything you did in your life, they press a button and it comes. And for the Sahaabah (r), every journey with Prophet (s) will come, every moment in their lives was spent in the love of Prophet (s), all their lives, it will appear. How much they were lucky. May Allah (swt) keep us at their threshold.
So he was with Prophet (s) in a journey, and he said,“One day,” it must have been a long journey, fa asbahtu yawman minhu qareeban, “I woke up and I saw myself very close walking with the Prophet (s),” wa nahnu naseer, “I saw myself, as we began the journey, moving near him,” fa qaal, and the Prophet (s) said, “Yaa mu`adh hal adulukum `alaa Abwaabi ’l-Khayr? O Mu`adh do you want me to show you the Doors of Goodness?”
Of course, everyone likes to know the Doors of Goodness. Now if you tell people, “Do you want the Doors of Goodness? They say, “Yeah, what?” Stock market. (Laughter) They like dunya and forgot Akhirah. So Prophet (s) said, “Hal adulukum `alaa Abwaabi ’l-Khayr?” How much they were humble, and they didn’t have a lot but they were happy. The Prophet (s) didn’t have anything in his house.
وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت :جاءتني مسكينة ، تحمل ابنتين لها ، فأطعمتها ثلاث تمرات ، فأعطت كل واحدة منهما تمرة ، ورفعت إلى فمها تمره لتأكلها ، فاستطعمتها ابنتاها، فشقت التمرة التي كانت تريد أن تأكلها إلى نصفين لابنتيها ، ثم خرجت ، فلما دخل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أخبرته بذلك فقال : ( إن الله قد أوجب لها بها الجنة ، أو أعتقها من النار ) رواه الإمام مسلم .
`an `Ayeshata radiyy-Allahu `anhaa qaalat: jaa’atnee miskeenata, tahmil abnatayni lahaa, fa-aat`amtuhaa thalaath tamaraat. fa-aa`tat kulli waahidatin minhuma tamarah. wa rafa`at ilaa famihaa tamarata li-taakuluhaa fasta-ta`mathaa ’bnataahaa. fa-shaqati ’t-tamarat illatee kaanat tureed an taakuluhata ilaa nisfayn li-ibnatayhaa. thumma kharajat. fa-lamma dakhal an-Nabiyy (s) akbartuhu bi-dhaalik fa-qaal: Inna Allaha qad awjabat lahaa bihaa’l-jannat, aw a`ataqahaa min an-naar.
One day a poor person, a lady, came knocking at the door of `Ayesha (r) saying, “Give me from what Allah (swt) gave you.” And she had two kids on her hands and was asking for charity. She looked through the whole house and didn’t find anything, then she remembered she had put aside three dates, that was the food for the Prophet (s) in twenty-four hours.
Can you survive twenty-four hours on three dates? Everyone wants a goat or lamb in front of him. (Laughter) Three dates!
And that poor lady had two children on her hands, so what did she have to do? She went and took the three dates and gave one to the lady, and one to each girl; she gave everything they had, she left nothing. So immediately the two girls ate their two dates, they were very hungry, and they were looking at their mother who still had to eat her date, and they were looking at her as they had already swallowed their two dates from their hunger. So she took her date and split it in half and gave it to the two girls. Sayyida `Ayesha (r) told the Prophet (s) what happened and Prophet (s) said, “That lady saved herself with one date from punishment,” means all her sins were taken away because she gave the date to her two kids.
Then imagine how much Sayyida `Ayesha (r) was rewarded for what she gave, the three dates that was the Prophet’s food and her food. And us today, we are not happy with what we are eating, but Allah (swt) is Kareem, He will forgive.
Continuing the hadith of Mu`adh ibn Jabal narrated by Tirmidhi, Prophet (s) said,“Do you want me to tell you about the Doors of Khayr, Doors of goodness and Allah’s Favors?” And of course they said, “Yes yaa Sayyidee, yaa Rasoolullah.” He answered him, “Fasting is Paradise and sadaqa will erase the sin completely, from its roots, there will be no sin left when they give sadaqa.”
So people, I don’t know why they don’t like to give, especially on Jumu`ah days, when they pass the basket or whatever to collect charity, people will be throwing coins. Don't throw coins, it is not a situation here is a masjid, don’t throw coins, throw paper money, or gold coins, or silver coins, not pennies, because it is sadaqa on Friday in a masjid. How much will it be multiplied? It is barakah for you and it will extinguish completely all the sins you have and make you clean in the masjid, and angels will take up the prayers clean as the sadaqa will purify the sins you have done; just as water extinguishes fire. SubhaanAllah!
What is in water that extinguishes fire? And which is stronger, fire or water? Water, because it extinguishes fire, the fire has no chance in front of water. It is said, “Don’t harm mu’min jinn when you use water at night;” don’t use water at night in the gardens or the fields, because you might harm passing jinn; the jinn will forgive if he is a mu’min, a believer, but if it is a devil, a non-believer maradata ‘l-jinn, or `Afreet al-Jinn, they will not forgive you, they punish you because you burnt them with water, or their child, so we have to be very careful. Water can extinguish fire, as Allah (swt) said:
وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاء كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ
Wa ja`alnaa min al-maa'i kulla shay’in hayy.
We made every living thing from water. (Surat al-Anbiya, 21:30)
“We made everything alive from water,” water has the “Power of Life”. So water overtakes that which destroys life, the fire. So water eats the fire, and that means that it will eat the sin in you when you give sadaqa. it is mentioned that most of the human body is water, so that is why when you pay sadaqa, that water in your body will extinguish the fire within it, and you will be cleaned from all sins.
So the Prophet (s) said to him: “The favors that Allah gave are: as-sawmu jannah, fasting is Paradise,” and a ’s-sadaqatu tutfiu ’l-khatiyyata, “Charity will extinguish sins,” wa salaatu ’r-rajul min jawfi ’l-layli, “And the prayer of a man in the depth of the night when everyone is sleeping,” after midnight by one or two hours up to Fajr, “that prayer there is a symbol of pious and sincere servants of Allah (swt).” And he (s) recited the verse:
تَتَجَافَى جُنُوبُهُمْ عَنِ الْمَضَاجِعِ يَدْعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ خَوْفًا وَطَمَعًا وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ
Tatajaafaa junoobuhum `ani ‘l-madaaji`i yad`oona rabbahum khawfan wa tama`an wa mimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiqoon.
They arise from (their) beds, they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend. (Surat as-Sajdah, 32:16)
It means they are turning from their bed, going out from their bed in order to pray to Allah (swt). Yad`oona rabbahum khawfan wa tam`an, “They ask Allah (swt), fearing from Him, and asking more of His Mercy,” yatma` min rahmatihi, “Seeking and wish to get more of His Mercy,” wa mimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiqoon, “and from whatever We have provided them, they are giving in charity, in Allah's Way.” So give a charity in Allah’s Way; there are a lot of people in need, especially in Ramadan, feeding people.
وعن علي قال : قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : " بادروا بالصدقة فإن البلاء لا يتخطاها " رواه رزين
Baadiroo bi ’s-sadaqat fa inna al-balaa laa takhtahaahaa
Initiate charity without delay, as calamity cannot precede/overcome charity.
وفي بعض الآثار : باكروا بالصدقة فإن البلاء لا يتخطى الصدقة
Wa fee b`ad al-aathaar: Baakiroo bi ’s-sadaqata fa inna al-balaaya laa yatakhattaa ‘s-sadaqa,
And in some stories it is said by awliyaullah, “make sadaqa early in your lifetime, (or) begin sadaqa in the early morning of the day, then the affliction of the day will not reach the person, as sadaqa will skip it.”
Don’t begin to do it when you are going to die only, but from the beginning. That is just like we mentioned the story of the lady giving three breads every day when poor people were coming knocking on her door. You can go back to the previous session to hear that. So it is like someone whom they want to cut his neck, he will give them money to relieve him and they relieve him. Also Allah (swt) will relieve you when you do something wrong, a mistake, it relieve you, by your sadaqa, from punishing you. So Allah (swt) will not punish someone who is giving sadaqa. Also:
مَا نَقَصَ مَالٍ مِنْ صَدَقَةٌ
Maa naqasat maalun min sadaqah.
The Prophet (s) said: Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth. (al-Bazzaar)
You give, Allah (swt) gives. Keep belief in Allah (swt). Keep imaan in Allah (swt).
عَنْ عَدِيِّ بْنِ حَاتِمٍ، قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم " مَا مِنْكُمْ أَحَدٌ إِلاَّ سَيُكَلِّمُهُ رَبُّهُ، لَيْسَ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَهُ تَرْجُمَانٌ، فَيَنْظُرُ أَيْمَنَ مِنْهُ فَلاَ يَرَى إِلاَّ مَا قَدَّمَ مِنْ عَمَلِهِ، وَيَنْظُرُ أَشْأَمَ مِنْهُ فَلاَ يَرَى إِلاَّ مَا قَدَّمَ، وَيَنْظُرُ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ فَلاَ يَرَى إِلاَّ النَّارَ تِلْقَاءَ وَجْهِهِ، فَاتَّقُوا النَّارَ وَلَوْ بِشِقِّ تَمْرَةٍ "
Maa minkum ahadun illaa sayukallimuhu rabbuhu, laysa baynahu tarjumaan, fa-yanzhuru aymana minhu falaa yaraa illaa maa qaddama min `amalihi wa yanzhuru ashaama minhu falaa yaraa illaa maa qaddama wa yanzhuru bayna yadayhi falaa yaraa illa an-naara tilqaa’a wajhih. fattaqu ‘n-naara wa law bi-shaqqa tamrah.
It is narrated by that `Adiyy ibn Hatim (r) said that the Prophet (s) said:
There will be none among you but his Lord will talk to him, and there will be no interpreter between him and Allah. He will look to his right and see nothing but his deeds which he has sent forward, and will look to his left and see nothing but his deeds which he has sent forward, and will look in front of him and see nothing but the Hellfire facing him. So save yourself from the Hellfire even with half a date (given in charity). (Bukhari and Muslim)
Laysa baynahu tarjumaan, “Everyone of you, including everyone, Allah (swt) will speak with you and there will not be any translator between Him and you.” Fa-yanzhuru aymana minhu falaa yaraa illaa maa qaddama min `amalihi, “and He looks on the right and doesn’t see but what the servant offered of good,” Wa yanzhuru ashaama minhu falaa yaraa illaa maa qaddama, “and He looks lower than that one before, and doesn’t see except what the servant gave.” Wa yanzhuru bayna yadayhi falaa yaraa illa an-naara tilqaa’a wajhih, “and that person looks in front of himself and will not see anything except the Fire in front of him, going to punish him.” He looks right and he doesn’t see except what he has made in his life; he looks left of him and he will see what he has made little bit on the left; he looks straight he will see the Fire coming for him on his face. He doesn’t know where to run...he cannot run right, he cannot run left, he cannot go back to life--his life is finished. He can only move forward and he sees Fire coming in front of him. What he has to do? He is stuck. So what the Prophet (s) said in that case? “All of us will be stuck;” don’t think you are doing great job, “Oh, I am praying and fasting.” No! You have to pray, you have to fast, you have to make Hajj, you have to do charity, you have to make tawheed, it is an obligation. Don’t, laa tumannin, “Don’t think you are making a favor to Allah (swt),” Allah (swt) is making favor to you.
So how to protect oneself (on that situation) the Prophet (s) gave the answer: fataqqun naar, “Try to save yourself from Hellfire by wa law bi shaqqi tamara even with a piece of a date,” bi shaqqi tamara means, “half of a date”. So even with a “half of a date” that you give as charity, you are saving yourself from Hellfire. What do you think if you give £20? You can buy a box of dates. Dates were...the wealthy people of Mecca and Madinatu ‘l-Munawwarah, in that time, were the people who had date trees, palm trees. And Prophet (s) was saying, “Give half a date, you will save yourself from Hellfire.” And if we give a box of dates, or two boxes of dates; a £100 pounds, buy five boxes of dates and give to poor people. How many times you have saved yourself from Hellfire by five boxes of dates? Don’t bring five boxes of dates here tomorrow! (Laughter) Send it somewhere.
روى البيهقي عن أبي ذر قال : قلت : يا رسول الله ماذا ينجي العبد من النار ؟ قال : الإيمان بالله .قلت : يا رسول الله إن مع الإيمان عملاً .قال : يرضخ مما رزقه الله [ومعنى الرضخ هو العطاء] .قلت : يا رسول الله أرأيت إن كان فقيراً لا يجد ما يرضخ به ؟ قال : يأمر بالمعروف وينهى عن المنكر .قلت : يا رسول الله ، أرأيت إن كان لا يستطيع أن يأمر بالمعروف وينهى عن المنكر؟ قال : يصنع لأخرق . [وهو الجاهل الذي لا صنعة له يكتسب منها] قلت : أرأيت إن كان أخرق لا يستطيع أن يصنع شيئاً ؟ قال : يعين مظلوماً .قلت : أرأيت إن كان ضعيفاً لا يستطيع أن يعين مظلوماً ؟ قال : ما تريد أن تترك في صاحبك من خير؟! ليمسك أذاه عن الناس .فقلت : يا رسول الله إذا فعل ذلك دخل الجنة ؟ قال : ما من مؤمن يطلب خصلة من هذه الخصال إلا أخذت بيده حتى تدخله الجنة .
`an Abi Dharr Qaal: qultu Ya Rasoolullah maadhaa yanjiyy al-`abdu min an-naar? Qaala: al-imaanu billah. Qultu: yaa Nabiyyullah inna ma`a ’l-imaanu `amalan? Qaala yardakh mimmaa razaqahu ’Llah. Qultu: yaa Nabiyyullah araa’ita in kaana faqeeran laa yajidu maa yardakh bih? Qaala: yaamuru bi ’l-ma`roof wa yanhaa `ani ’l-munkar. Qultu: Yaa Rasoolullah araa’ita in kaana laa yastatee`a an yaamar bi ’l-ma`roof wa yanhaa `ani ’l-munkar? Qaala yasna` li-akhraq. qultu yaa Rasoolillah araa’ita in kaana akhraq laa yastatee`a an yasna`a shayyan? qaala fal-yu`eenu mazhlooman. Qultu: “Yaa Rasoolullah, arayta in kaana daa`eefan laa yastatee`a an yu`eenoo mazhlooman? Qaala maa tureedoo an tatruku fee saahibika min khayr? la-yamsik adhaahu `an in-naas, fa qultu Ya Rasoolullahi idha fa`ala dhaalika dakhali ’l-jannah? Qaal, maa min mu’min yatlubu khaslatin min haadhihi ’l-khisaal illa aakhadhtu bi-yadihi hatta tadhkulahu ’l-jannah.
That Abu Dharr (r) said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! What will save a person from Hellfire?’ He said, ‘Belief in Allah.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Are there are any deeds that should accompany that belief?’ He said, ‘He should give from that provision which Allah has granted him.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! What if he is poor and does not have anything to give?’ He said, ‘He should enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! What if he cannot enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil?’ He said, ‘He should help the one who is helpless (i.e., has no skills and cannot earn a living).’ I said, ‘What if he himself is helpless and cannot do anything?’ He said, ‘He should help one who has been wronged.’ I said, ‘What if he is weak and cannot help the one who has been wronged?’ He said, ‘You do not want to think of your companion as having any good in him? (In that case) Let him refrain from harming people.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! If he does that, will he enter Paradise?’ He said, ‘There is no believer who does not strive to acquire one of these characteristics, but I will take him by the hand and lead him into Paradise.’” (Bayhaqi in his Shu`ab al-Imaan, sahih)
Abu Dharr (r) said, “I asked the Prophet (s), ‘Yaa Rasoolullah, what kind of thing should a person do that will save him from Hellfire?’
“the Prophet (s) said, ‘To have faith in Allah (swt), to believe in Allah (swt) as the Creator.’
“I said, ‘with that faith, do we have to do something, some `amal?’
“The Prophet (s) said, ‘To give, tardakh, from what Allah (swt) has given you, as a charity or whatever Allah (swt) has made it easy for you to get this rizq, give from that.’
“I said, ‘What if I am poor and I cannot find anything to give?’
Look how the Sahaabah (r) were clever, they kept asking to reduce and reduce, just as the Prophet (s) was ordered fifty prayers in Mi`raj and Sayyidina Musa (a) said, “No, ask less!” Clever Sayyidina Musa (a) was telling Prophet (s), “Ask less, ask less,” and Prophet (s) asked less until it came down to five prayers. Prophets are very, very clever, especially Sayyidina Musa (a). The Prophet (s) was very humble so didn’t want to ask anything, but because Sayyidina Musa (a) pushed him, he asked. It is nice to be with prophets to see how they interact, it is something beyond our minds.
Continuing the hadith:
“I [Abu Dharr] said, ‘If he is poor, how can he give as he doesn’t have anything?’
“The Prophet (s) said, ‘Let him call for the good and prevent what is bad.’
“I said, ‘Yaa Rasoolullah, if that person cannot call for good or prohibit bad because he doesn’t know, what shall he do?’
“The Prophet (s) said, ‘Let him help the one in need of help.’
“I said, ‘Maybe he cannot do that?’
“He said, ‘Let him help someone who is oppressed,’ [to take him out of that situation.]
“I said, ‘Yaa Rasoolullah maybe his word cannot be heard?’ [he doesn’t have the right business you put a business card on your application you will be hired, and if no business card, you will not be hired; they look at the name of the one on the card to see who is pushing you for the job, they see the right name on the business card and they give you the job, although you might know nothing.]
“I said, ‘Maybe he is a weak person he cannot help someone who is oppressed.’
“‘What is this with you?’ the Prophet (s) said, ‘You don’t want to leave any goodness in anyone in his life?’ (Laughter) ‘this one cannot, this one cannot, this one cannot, and what do you want more than that?’ And Prophet (s) continued, ‘Let that person withhold his harm from people,’ it means, ‘Keep peace with them.’”
“I said, ‘O Prophet (s), If he withholds from harming others, do you promise he will go to Paradise?’
“He (s) said, ‘Any mu'min,’ (meaning someone who says, “Ashadu an la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasoolullah), who will do any one of what I mentioned to you, any one of them, I will take him by his hand on the Day of Judgment and take him to Paradise myself!’” (related by al-Bayhaqi in Sha`ab al-Imaan).
May Allah (swt) forgive us, bless us and support us, inshaa-Allah we continue tomorrow.
Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
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