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Khutbat al-Jumu`ah


Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani





O Muslim, believers! This is a month of Muharram al-haraam, it is a month that Allah swt prohibited in it, any kind of fighting. It is one of the months that prohibition of killing anything, even a worm, even an ant. Especially when you are in Mecca or Madina.

This is a month where Allah swt ordered His servants to make peace, because it is the beginning of the year, the year that Allah wanted for his believers and the year of hijrah, when the Prophet (s) migrated from Mecca to Madina. When he was tortured in Mecca and Allah ordered him to leave it behind him to go to Madinat al-munawwara and he will build his state and he will build the message of Islam that first flourished in Mecca and then flourished in Madina and then flourished all over the world.

In this month we don’t forget one of grandchildren of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) al-Husayn whose father is Sayyidina `Ali ibn Abi Talib and whose mother is Fatima az-Zahra and whose grandfather is Sayyidina Muhammad (s). And he came for support of the believers and what was the result? They killed him. And not only they killed him but they were cutting him into parts. That is why Allah swt is not happy with those who are killing others. And today we are seeing killing and bloodshed all over the world.

Mostly in every country around the world we see problem and these problems can be stopped by believing in Allah’s religion which is Islam which prohibits to attack anyone without a reason.

Sayyidina Muhammad (s) brought Islam as a message of peace; as a message of extending had to everyone; as a message to bring people to Paradise. Not a message to have bloodshed. Too many

كُلُّ حِزْبٍ بِمَا لَدَيْهِمْ فَرِحُونَ

kullu hizbin bim ladayhim farihoon - each party rejoices in that which is with itself. [23:53 and 30:32]

Every group is happy with what they have. Islam became groups. Instead of unity, it became groups. Instead of one hand it became hundreds and thousands of hands. Every group with different ideas, fighting each other and trying to eliminate each other.

In nay case we are not going into that subject. But we are asking Allah swt as many people around the world are doing to stop that bloodshed in the me to make sure that no one will be killed for no reason.

May Allah send his mercy on the hearts of the mothers and fathers and bro and sis and relatives of those who lost their loved ones.

As I said this is the month of temptations and we must try to do our best praying for those who passed away and sending them all kinds of prayers that Allah will forgive them and forgive us.

Sayyidina Muhammad (s) Allah gave him knowledge, as it is said in the hadith of the Prophet (s):

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم وسألني ربّي فلم أستطع أن أجيبه عزّ وجلّ فوضع يده سبحانه وتعالى بين كتفيّ بلا تكييف ولا تحديد أي يد قدرته تعالى لأنّه سبحانه منزّه عن الجارحة فوجدت بردها فأورثني علم الأوّلين والآخرين وعلّمني علوما شتىّ .فعلم أخذ عليّ كتمانه إذ علم أنّه لا يقدر على حمله غيري، وعلم خيّرني فيه، وعلم أمرني بتبليغه إلى العامّ والخاصّ من أمّتي وهي الإنس والجنّ والملائكة

F`alam ukhidh `ala kitmaanahu idha `alam annahu la yaqdir `ala hamlhi ghayree. That when Allah asked him, wa sa’alanee rabbee wa lam astati` an ujeebah. Allah asked the Prophet (s) something and he was not able to answer. Allah asked something special. Then Allah put his hand between my two shoulder bi latakeefin wa la tahdeed. That means that Allah’s power has been put on the Prophet’s shoulders. Wa wajata bardaha. That means he felt something cool, contentment, peacefulness, “when that manifestation of Allah’s Hand was between my shoulder then Allah inherited to me the `uloom al-awaleen wal-akhireen.”

He didn’t say, "He gave me” or “He taught me knowledge of before and after.” He said, "inherited me.” When you inherit someone it means you are passing what you have, or what you want to give, to that one, to own it. It is not that you taught it. It is not something teaching, it is inheriting. I can teach you all the day about everything, but I cannot inherit you. If I inherit something then I don’t have it any more, it is no longer mine.

So He gave him to be his representative. To be calipha, khalifatullah `ala al-ard. To bring calipha on earth. That representation He didn’t give to anyone. He gave him `uloom al-awwaleen wal-akhireen. Who are awwaleen? It means knowledge of everything before that moment. It means the moment he inherited it, all the knowledge of what came before that moment. What was before? It means that from beginning of creation, he inherited that knowledge. And `uloom al-akhireen, is knowledge of what is after. It goes, up to eternal. As much as Allah wants him to know He gives him as servant of Allah. Be sure, not to mess it up. He is happy to be Allah’s perfect servant, he is happy to be `abd.

Allah owns everything. So every moment new knowledge is coming out and manifesting on the Prophet (s).

Then, he said, "thumma `alamanee `ulooman shatta - He taught me many different knowledges.” These knowledges that I am speaking about. The other no one knows. One he inherited to the Prophet (s) and one He taught him. The one He inherited, the Prophet (s) never discussed it. wa `alamanee `ulooman shatta. .. He divided that knowledge into three different groups. La yaqdiroo `ala hamlihi ghayree wa `ilmun khayaranee feehi The first of that group, category, He ordered me not to mention any from that knowledge - that is private only to me and no one can take that knowledge and that burden; it is between me and Allah.

wa `alamanee al-Qur'an. One knowledge He gave Sayyidina Muhammad (s) the choice you like to share you share, if you don’t like to share you don’t share. “And in that knowledge he taught me the Qur'an and Jibreel was always coming to me and reminding me of that knowledge.”

This is what Allah gave to the Prophet (s) to share it with anyone he likes. And the third knowledge that He ordered me to disseminate to share with everyone. That knowledge, the last one, is the knowledge of Shariah - what we have to do and how we have to live and how to discipline ourself and all this is in the third category. It is the third category that the Prophet (s) taught us in his hadith and the Prophet (s) taught to Sahaba.

Inna ad-deen `inda Allah al-Islam.

That knowledge has to continue to Judgment Day.

“And the knowledge that Allah told me, if I like I can share it and if I don’t like it I wont share it, huwa `ilm al-wilaya wa huwa `ilm al-haqaiq.” That second knowledge is the knowledge of the secrets of ash-Shariah. Not everyone can learn and understand it. It is a knowledge that depends how far you are progressing in your `ibadah that you will be able to learn these realities or not.

Haadhihi `uloom` ulooma haqa’iq ash-shariah wa haqaiqatuha asraruha al-makhzoona wal-maknoona alladhee asarahu an-Nabi (s) ila khawas ashaabi. That hidden knowledge was not given to anyone except to some private Sahaaba. Only a few Sahaaba took it, not every Ashaab knew it.

عن أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ: حَفِظْتُ مِن رسول الله -صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم- وِعَاءيْنِ، فَأَمَّا أَحَدُهُم َا فَبَثَثْتُهُ في النَّاس ، وأَمَّا الآخر فلو بثثته قطع هذا البلعوم

وقال أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه حفظت من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم جرابين من علم أما أحدهما فبثثته في الناس وأما الآخر فلو بثثته لقطع مني هذا البلعوم

That is why Abu Hurayrah said, "two types of knowledge the Prophet (s) gave me. One I shared with the people, and the other if I share it, they will cut this neck.”[1]

O Muslims! There are knowledges that Allah swt gave to Prophet: the first is `ilm an-nubbuwat, the second is the knowledge that if he likes to share it he may and he may not if he doesn’t. That is what Abu Hurayrah confirmed and then the third is the `ilm ash-Shariah al-ghara al-mutahhara, that Allah wants everyone to follow the Shariah of Islam.

Today everything that we are seeing and learning and understanding all comes from `ilm ash-Shariah. The level above that if we. Look at Abu Hamid al-Ghazali - he revealed a small amount of this knowledge and he was thrown as a heretic at one time of his life. Many other sincere pious scholars of Islam brought out these knowledges – they have been killed.

O Muslims worship more and try to be sincere. Ask Allah to make you sincere. Ask Allah to give you more and Allah will send to your heart more knowledges that will make you be happy here and hereafter. I will not be too long this is enough. May Allah bless us.

[1] وقال ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما لو ذكرت لكم تفسير قوله تعالى : يتنزل الأمر بينهن } لرجمتموني ولقلتم عني إني كافر
