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Prophet (s) Shares with Us All That He Is Granted!

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

20 May 2010 Darul Islah, Jakarta

Grand Mawlid and Suhbah

Allahuma salli `alaa Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammad. Sallu `ala an-Nabi! Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. wa wa wa wa 's-salaatu wa 's-salaam wa `ala ashrafil mursaleen Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa `ala `aalihi wa sahbihi `ajmaeen. Prayers and praisings for the most honored of Messengers, our master and Prophet, Muhammad (s) and all of his family and companions.

Like al-Habeeb said, inshaa-Allah we will stay until the morning for the love of the Prophet (s)! What could prevent us from standing up day and night around the clock, 24 hours, 7 days, for years? From the time of Adam (a) until the Day of Judgment would not be enough in showing devotion for the rights of the Prophet (s)!

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Allah (swt) said in the Holy Qur'an:

ولسوف يعطيك ربّك فترضى

Wa lasawfa yu`teeka Rabbuka fatardaa.

And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased. (Surah Ad-Dhuhaa 93:5)

Meaning, "O Muhammad, Allah will reward you with bounteousness that has no limit nor end. Just ask and Allah, the Bestower of All Bounty, will reach you and give to you continuously and non-stop (not even for a second), O Muhammad!" wa lasawfa yu`teeka Rabbuka. When Allah gives, there is no limit nor does He prevent His bounteousness from reaching, and is according to His generosity, as He is the Most Generous. He is the Creator Who has no limit, and so is His generosity and bounteousness on the Prophet (s)! And that is why we should conclude that no one has the knowledge of his standing nor levels that Allah has bestowed on him in this life and the next, as this is unique to the Prophet (s) and he has no equal in his worship nor in what Allah (swt) has bestowed upon him!

Laa tandhuru ilayya bal andhuru ila man huwa a`laa minnee wa minkum.

Do not look at me but look at Allah, The Most High, Highest than Me and You.

وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ

Wa fawqa kullu dhi `ilmin `aleem.

Above every knower is a (higher) knower. (12:76)

We are perhaps on the threshold, standing and asking, and renewing in our asking from what has been bestowed upon the Prophet (s) and awliyaullah. And so was al-Habeeb Amir Hamza, and al-Habeeb Nawfal Ibn Nawfal, whose threshold we are also on, of those who love the Prophet (s). I am only translating to you what comes as waaridaat to my heart. I have not prepared anything but only relate what comes to my heart from my shaykh, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani (q).

So many books have been written and so much praising on the Prophet (s) in endless poems and without limits. Whatever we could say is only a dot in the sea. It is impossible for anyone in describing, nor to come anywhere close to Allah’s Divine Presence (al-Hadhra al-Ilaahiyya) as does the Prophet (s). All that is written is only a dot in the sea, with neither a shore or bottom.

Allah (swt) says in his Holy Qur'an:

اٍن الله وملائكته يصلّون على النبيّ

Inna Allaha wa malaa’ikatuhu yusalloona `ala an-Nabi

What is the number of angels praising the Prophet (s), if there was a number, that is. Allah says, Inna Allaha wa malaa’ikatuhu. "All of His Angels," no number mentioned.

And Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:

وكلّ شيء عنده بمقدار

Wa kullu shay’in `indahu bi miqdaar.

Everything has a magnitude.

Miqdaar, number, regarding Allah’s angels there is no number given. There are so many angels that cannot be confined by a number, even if we multiply ten by millions, in our language, tens into hundreds or thousands. We therefore cannot read the number, no matter the endless number of zeros added to the right of "ten." So Allah’s angels who praise the Prophet (s) every second cannot be confined by a number! And their prayers are different from ours, varying from one angel to the next; it is impossible for one angel to pray the same way than the first one. And the prayer is not just a eulogy prayer (Salaat al-Madh) but it is rather, bounteous or from Allah’s generosity. They devote or appropriate the Prophet (s) with bounty from Allah that no one can understand or limit by any explanation.

Allahu akbar. Mashaa-Allah `ala Shaykh al-Habeeb Nawfal.

Allah’s Greatness cannot be inferred with and greatness brings greatness that cannot be construed except by a greater and higher greatness! So Allah’s greatness shows that Allah, The Creator, is He Who Creates All Creation (Allahu 'l-Khallaaqu 'l-Khaaliq) at every given time. What Allah creates is endless. What He creates of angels at any given time is greater than any given time past and gone, when it comes to His Greatness. So what He creates in the first, then second instance, etc. is always multiplied, and all is considered from the angels’ creation that Allah (swt) includes in the holy verse:

اٍن الله وملائكته يصلّون على النبيّ

Inna Allaha wa malaa’ikatuhu yusalloona `ala an-Nabi

That the angels that Allah (swt) created at every given time cannot be confined to a number, and they join the first angels created by Allah, in eulogy for the Prophet (s), in bounteousness of which magnitude cannot be narrowed to, nor become known by any wali or prophet or angel, except to Allah (swt) who defined it only to the Prophet (s).

These waaridaat are answers to the heart of each one of us, without favor on one more than another. You all love the Prophet (s), and that is why, Yuhsharu al-Mar’u Ma’a Man Ahabba.

Yuhsharu has many meanings. One of them is clarified the verse:

اٍن الله وملائكته يصلّون على النبيّ يا أيّها الذين اَمنوا

Inna Allaha wa malaa’ikatuhu yusalloona `ala an-Nabi, yaa ayyuha al-ladheena aamanoo.

O those of you who love the Prophet (s), with hearts filled with love for the Prophet (s), who are always in prayers for him!

Yuhsharu al-mar’u ma`a man ahabb, you will be granted from all bounty procured to the Prophet (s), as from his bounteousness he grants Allah’s servants and gives them from what Allah (swt) granted him. Therefore, prayers on the Prophet are not of a praising nature only, but the Prophet shares Allah’s bounty bestowed upon him with you, Allah’s servants.

And when Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) was informed, he began chanting, Ayna Moosa? Ayna `Isa? Anta Yaa Siddiq ‘Aasiyy! Tub ila 'l-Mawla 'l-jaleel! "Where is Musa? Where is Isa? You, Siddiq the disobedient, repent to your Lord, the Most Gracious!" Siddiq, a disobedient? He considered himself disobedient if he did not devote himself to the rights of the Prophet (s), as stated in this holy verse, is disobedient. That is why he said, Ayna man yumakkinunee ila al-wusooli ila maqaami Musa wa `Isaa. "Where is the one with the ability to let me reach the standings of Musa and Isa?"

The Prophet (s) is the one above all of these standings! O you, Siddiq, you are Prophet Muhammad’s friend and companion, evidenced by him saying to his friend (in the cave), "Do not be saddened as Allah is with us." And also, "All bounty that is granted to me, I share it with you and my nation to the day of Judgment."

And that is why Allah (swt) said:

ولسوف يعطيك ربّك فترضى

Wa lasawfa yu`teeka Rabbuka fatardaa.

And soon will your Lord give you so that you shall be well pleased. It means, "O Muhammad! I will keep giving you more and more, knowing that you won’t be pleased, and I made you to be this way until I grant you more of Alam yajidka Yateeman fa-aawaa." It means, "Yaa Muhammad! I find you loving Me, and who loves is close to the one he loves, the one loved whose intercession is sought. "al-Habeeb" is The One; Allah A’zza wa jall, The Creator is One and the Prophet in servitude is One. Prophet (s) is al-Habeeb, "The Beloved," whose intercession is sought. You can say, Muhammad habeebullah, "Muhammad is beloved of Allah," and you can say, Allahu habeebu 'l-Muhammad, "Allah is Muhammad's Beloved." You can say, Ibrahim khaleelullah, "Ibrahim is Allah's Friend." But it is not permissable to say, Allahu khaleelu 'l-Ibrahim, "Allah is Ibrahim's Friend." Regarding Prophet (s), Habeeb, "Beloved" is from both sides. Regarding Ibrahim, Khaleel, "Friend" is only one way.

So it means, "O Friends of the Beloved Prophet (s), I find you loving Me!"

Fa’aawaytu fee maqaami qaaba qawsayni aw adnaa fa amma al-yateem fa laa taqha. wa lasawfa yu`teeka Rabbuka fatardaa. Alam yajidka yateeman fa-aawaa.

Allah (swt) is saying, "I find you loving Me, so I put you near or close to Me in the Maqaam Qaba Qawsayn Aw Adnaa!"

O beloved of the Prophet! Do you think that Prophet will leave his nation set aside and him on another side? It means that you will be with the Prophet (s) and that is why when awliyaullah pray for the Prophet they are in the "Witnessing Position" (Maqaam al-Mushaahada), witnessing who is praying for him. And that is why the Witnessing Position is what is liked (mubtaghaa) from everyone. As I mentioned earlier, yaa Habeeb Nawfal Attahiyaat al-mubaarakaat as-salawaat at-tayyibaat Lillah, fee 'l-Ghaib (in absence), who recites At-tahiyaat al-mubaarakaat as-salawaat to you, it is not possible for us to know or to reach the Hadhra al-Ilaahiyya, because the door to al-Hadhra al-Ilaahiyya is Muhammad (s)! And that is why it is possible to reach al-Hadhra al-Mohammadiyya, and through it to reach al-Hadhra al-Ilaahiyaa. I wanted to clarify this point.

Then He said:

Alam yajidka yateeman fa’aawaa, wa wajadaka daallan fahadaa.

Wajadaka daallan, it is not like they do tafseer that you will find nothing when you seek repentence in Mecca or Ghaar Hiraa’ fa ataak, no! Wajadtuka dhallan fahaadaa means, "I find you, O Muhammad, loving for al-Mi’raaj for My visit, to come to Me, so I showed you the path! And I have sent you a guide so that you will not need guidance but as glorifying to the Humbleness Station (T`azheem li maqaam at-tawaada`). Who seeks Allah with humbleness, Allah with raise him! Being humble, O Muhammad, in accepting guidance you have been raised to Qaba Qawsayn Aw Adnaa without a daleel (guide)." Fawajadka daallan fahaadaa, which means, "So I opened that path for you only and not to al-Khaleel, fa wajadaka daallan fahadaa!"

I would like to clarify Ba’da At-tahiyyat. As-salaamu `ala al-Habeeb salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam for you; it means, "O Prophet, wa wa Rahmatullahi Ta`ala wa barakaatuhu! As-salaamu `alayna," meaning As-salaam to Muslims. Then a special allocation to Allah’s servants, as-Saaliheen (`ibaadullahi 's-saaliheen) is beyond us. To us because we are in the same position in the positions of `ibaadullahi as-saaliheen in another position, "Have no fear for nor be saddened for awliyaullah." When we say as-salaam `alayna and Nusallim `alaa `ibaadullah as-saaliheen, the awliyaullah are the ones who pray to the Prophet’s holy presence and Prophet (s) helps us in reaching the position of Haqq (Truth), Allah `azza wa Jall.

To Allah are men whom when they express want, He wants. Rubb ash`ath aghbar law aqsama `ala Allah la-abarrah. They are `ibaadullah as-saaliheen, they are the key to the Prophet’s door. So we need their guidance and we need to follow in their footsteps towards the Prophet (s). We should follow the Prophet as indicated in the Holy Qur'an:

قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَاللّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

Qul in kuntum tuhibboona Allaha fattabi`oonee yuhbibkumu Allahu wa yaghfir lakum dhunoobakum w 'Allahu ghafoorun raheem.

Say (O Muhammad): "If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will love you and forgive you your sins, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (3:31)

Help me inshaa-Allah with this holy verse:

Fa’amma al-yateem falaa taqhar. Allah (swt) is saying, "O, Muhammad! Whoever comes to you as an orphan, or seeking knowledge trying to reach your endless effusiveness should not be prevented from them! I gave to you and put you in close range, so My servant who is coming towards you, O Muhammad, give him from what I give to you, and honor him from the honor I bestowed upon you, and raise his position from the position I granted you! O Muhammad! You are My Pride, You are My Love, You are My Chosen One (Anta Mustafa!)"

So pray for the Prophet, O Prophet’s beloved friends, Was-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu.


Bismillahi 'r-rahmaani 'r-raheem. Alhamdulillah Rabbi 'l-`alameen wa 's-salaat wa 's-salaam `ala ashrafi 'l-mursaleen Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammad wa `ala aalihi wa saahbihi ajma`een. Allahumma aj`al awwal laylatinaa haadhihi salaahan wa awsatahaa falaahan wa aakhirihaa najaaha. Allahumma 'j`al awwalahaa rahmatan wa awsatuhaa ni`matan wa aakhiruhaa takreematan wa maghfirah. Alhamdullilahi 'lladhee tawada`a kullu shay’in li `azhamatihi wa dalla kullu shay’in li `izzatihi wa khadha`a kullu shay’in li mulkihi wa astaslama kullu shay’in li-qudratihi w'alhmadulillahi 'lladhi sakana kullu shay’in li-haybatihi wa azhara kullu shay’in bi-hikmatihi wa tasaaghara kullu shay’in li kibriyaa’ihi. Allahumma ayqadnaa fee ahabbi saa`ata ilayka yaa Wadood yaa Dha al-`Arshi 'l-majeed fa`alun limma yureed.

Rabbanaa taqabbal minna wa `afuw `annaa wa 'rhamnaa wa ihdinaa ila 'l-Haqqi wa ila tareeqin mustaqeem wa ansurnaa `ala al-qawmi al-munafiqeen.

Allahumma aslih shaananaa wa shaana al-muslimeen wa 'shfinaa wa 'shafi wa mardaanaa wa marda 'l-muslimeen.

`Ala ashrafi 'l-`alameen Sayyidina Muhammadi salaawaat. `Ala afdali 'l-`alameen Sayyidina Muhammadi salaawaat. `Ala akmali 'l-`alameen Sayyidina Muhammadi salaawaat.

Yaa Sayyida as-saadaat wa Noora al-Mawjudaat. Yaa man Huwa al-maljaa limam massahu daymun wa ghammun wa alam. Yaa aqraba al-wassa’il il 'Allahi ta`ala wa yaa aqwaa 'l-mustanad natawassalu ila janaabika 'l-`azham bi awliyaa’ika al-kiraam li-daf`a durran laa yudfa`u illa bi-waasitatika wa raf`u ghaymun laa yurfa` illa bi-dalaalatik. Yaa Nabiyyullah narju al-irshaad wa an narjuka yaa Sayyidee yaa Rasool Allah an tulqee fee quloobina nadhratan minka li ihyaa’i quloobinaa yaa Sayyidina yaa Habeebina yaa Habeeba Allah. Allahumma inna nas’aluka mina 'l-khayri maa sa’alaka Sayyiduna wa Nabiyyuna Muhammad salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam wa aasta`eedhuka mimmaa asta`adha minhu Sayyiduna wa Nabiyyunaa Muhammad salla Allahu `alayhi wa sallam. Yaa Sayyidee yaa Rasoolullah ji’naaka taalibeena nahnu fee sifati al-`ajz. Al-`ajz al-mutlaq taalibeena yaa Sayyidee minkum ar-rahmata wa 'l-maghfirata an tuqaddimuna ila al-Hadrat Allah `Azza wa jalla haythu qaala: wa law annahum idh zhalamoo anfusahum jaa’ooka fa’astaghfarullaha w 'astaghfara lahumu 'r-rasool la-wajadoo 'llaha Tawwaaban Raheeman. Wa salla Allahu `ala Sayyidina wa nabiyyina Muhammad wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim subhaana Rabbika Rabbi 'l`izzata `amma yasifoon wa salaamun `ala 'l-mursaleen w 'alhamdulillah Rabbi al-`alameen.


