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Run to Allah!

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

20 May 2010 Lefke, Cyprus

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Laa ilaaha illa-Allah. Laa ilaaha illa-Allah. Laa ilaaha illa-Allah Muhammadun Rasoolullah `alayhi salaatullah. Thumma as-salaamu `alayka Sayyidi 'l-Awwaleen wa’l-Akhireen. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) Madad yaa RijaalAllah.

As-salaamu `alaykum, O Mankind throughout the east and west, from north to south, everyone on this planet. Welcome to you!! (Mawlana Shaykh laughs.) Be happy that we are in existence. If we were one atom, it would be countless honor for us to have been created. If we are not created there is no honor, nothing for us. Alhamdulillah that we are in existence and the Lord of Heavens just granted us such honor that no other creatures have been granted. No doubt everything takes a grant from their Creator, but Mankind has been granted the most high honor.

And we are asking for your full attention. And we are regarding from our responsible one who is looking after Mankind on Earth. He is responsible for all humanity. He is responsible. As-salaamu `alaykum, O holy one. You have been dressed in holiness by the Lord of Heavens and your holiness has not been given to you by Mankind. Whoever is given the title "Holiness" by Mankind, it has no value. Holiness is a heavenly grant. If He dresses a person, then that is a real holy one, not like our imitated titles, which give a person this and that.

And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Every badness, every trouble, every misery, and every suffering is on behalf of Shaytan and its generation. He has a generation?

O Salafi `ulamas, marhaban! What do you think? Does Shaytan have a generation or not? Yes, he has! Daily, as often as a newborn is coming, Shaytan is bringing forth its generation. No, if there are five-billion people now, there must be five-billion shaytans or more! He is calling to fire because Shaytan is created from fire and asking Mankind to come with him to fire, asking to make Mankind also a creation from fire. And people are running after Shaytan and asking from Shaytan's generation, thinking Shaytan is granting to them such a valuable thing. All technology is one spot of fire from Shaytan open to Mankind and from that fire they are making every kind of technology dependent on it. One spark is enough; that one spark will burn everything on Earth! But that one spark is under control, or Shaytan will burn all people in its fire.

A`jaa'ib, that is a very surprising thing, amazing. Shaytan may burn but it is given only one spark. Two sparks may burn everything for Mankind, but Shaytan is under control and Man is under heavenly protection. Some of them are asking to run out from under that protection, and fire is running on them. Therefore, now people are running to that shaytanic spark to take more power from it, but it is just the last limit given to those heedless people, and no more is going to be given. One spark is burning everything! But there is itfa'iyaat, “fire extinguisher,” fire department control, but that is nothing. There are responsible ones under the command of the responsible holy one on this Earth. They can't do more than this or everything is going to be burned and finished. Everything you can touch is burning. SubhaanAllah!

O People! As-salaamu `alaykum. Welcome to you, our attenders! I am the weakest one for protecting people, not to be mentioned, yes. So many ones are after that holy one's order, looking, looking, and also throwing arrows on them, arrows created from fire. Angels are sending on them from material arrows, touching them and making them useless, but Shaytan is quickly bringing other ones to destroy Mankind. First, physically asking to destroy them, and secondly, Shaytan is asking to destroy their honor. Are you saying such things to your people, Azhari `ulamas, to warn them or not? I never hear you. You must make clear some things that protect Muslims, and others also.

Yes, Shaytan is always running to destroy Mankind with its fires, yet there are some protectors under the command of that authorized one on Earth: anywhere that fire appears, they run to it.

وَمَكَرُواْ وَمَكَرَ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ

wa makaroo wa makarullahu w' Allahu khayru 'l-maakireena,

They (unbelievers) planned evil and Allah also planned, and He is the best of planners. (3:54)

Shaytan and its generation are always making a trick, and countless tricks are sent on Mankind. You are not using nuclear bombs and such things, no, but they are sending such things on Man to destroy their real beings and real honor. Shaytan's goal is to take away Mankind's honor. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) But Allah (swt) says, wa makaroo wa makara Allahu! (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) They never rest in their efforts to do something against Mankind, particularly against their humanity, as that gives Mankind honor. Shaytans are taking their aim on Mankind, physically and spiritually, using so many tricks that if you save yourself from one, you are caught by another one! But He Who creates Mankind and honors them, He Who makes deputies and cares for His most honored creatures, Mankind, Allahu khayru 'l-maakireena. Shaytan is doing his worst to destroy Mankind. Shaytan's tricks are never-ending, beginning with Adam and Eve in Paradise, using tricks to throw them out. And it followed them, when they landed on Earth and Shaytan threw itself on Earth after them!

When Allah Almighty created Adam (a), he was lying down as Allah Almighty's rooh, the secret power and secret honor, had not yet been given to Adam. He was like a statue. Shaytan looked at that newly-created form. He knocked like this (Mawlana knocks on shelf). He said, "It is not solid, it's empty!" Then he entered through the mouth of Adam (a) looking and turning everywhere and getting out. He said, "It is a new Creation, but it is empty, empty! It doesn't matter. If it is not solid, it is easier for me to take control of that new Creation." Therefore, Shaytan first said, "This is an empty one. I can control that new Creation."

Everyone, from their chest down is open. That means Shaytan has been given an authority to go around our bodies, running everywhere. And he said, "It doesn't matter, I can control it because it is an empty one." Therefore, wa makaroo, “They plan deceit.” Shaytan and its generation are always running against Man, from up to down. They are taking control of a new generation of Mankind from up and down. Shaytan is preparing countless tricks and traps to catch Mankind on his hook and carry them, but the Lord of Heavens says, "Wa makaroo!"

They are using countless hooks to take Mankind with them. They are created from fire, and this human form is created from four elements, they are carrying them to fire. But the Lord of Heavens says, Wa makaroo wa makarullah, "They deceived and Allah (swt) deceived them." They may do this, but Allah Almighty never leaves Mankind in their hands, no! For every trick Shaytan uses, there comes heavenly protection stopping it. They are asking to trip you, but heavenly protection intervenes in their trips, and a heavenly defense comes, closing them.

Man is now coming under shaytanic trips. Shaytan is running from east to west, from north to south and he is so happy and proud that, "Just I am on Mankind, they are under my control." For all Mankind he may use so many of its followers and soldiers, Shaytan's soldiers. And for Man also, they are more powerful, but there are followers of Shaytan among them just sent against Mankind from Mankind. They are using countless followers to make Mankind under their control. But the Lord of Heavens says, "I am closing every one of Shaytan's trips, I am bringing a barrier in front of it and closing them." He says, Allahu khayrun haafidhun, "Allah is the Best Protector." He protects Mankind as He likes. Therefore, Shaytan is very careful and his hope is, "I aim to take one hundred percent of Mankind under my flag and take them to fire. I am of fire, to me it doesn't matter but when they come with me I put them into hells, into suffering."

One philosopher was making an argument saying that, "Fire gives no harm to fire." And a second one is saying, "Look, Man has been created from Earth, but Earth gives them trouble, and suffering." Shaytan says, "We are from fire, therefore we do not worry about fire, it can't cause us any suffering." That one philosopher said, "Therefore, we too will never be punished from the Earth." The second one took a stone and hit himself on the head, and said, "O my head! If your head suffers, Shaytan will also take the worst punishment, suffering; they will suffer from fire."

What we say now is to make our `ulamas say, "People! O people, beware of Shaytan! Shaytan is running after you, take care!" People say, "To where may we run from Shaytan's tricks and traps?" Allah Almighty says, (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) فَفِرُّوا إِلَى اللَّهِ fa firru ila Allah, "Run to Allah!" (51:50) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) O people, run to Allah! You will be saved here and Hereafter!

Why you are not saying such things? Holy ones from the Jewish people, holy ones of Christianity, why are you not saying that they should run to Allah? But I am sorry to say even Muslims are running after western people, hoping to be saved by western people, with western ways, running to western countries to be saved. They are wrong! Every one of the Muslim territories is trying to be a western state. This is one hundred per cent wrong. O `ulamas, why are you not saying this? You must warn people. Why are you running to western countries hoping to find a restful, happy life, a "high life?" Don't run to them.

Allah says, "O creatures, run to Me!" Prophet says, "Run to Allah!" Where will we find Allah? Run to His Holy Book, Qur’an adheem ash-Shaan, the Holy Sacred Qur’an, there you are going to find the ways to run to Allah. If you are not doing this, you will never be saved here and Hereafter. Because Shaytan’s hegemony covers you and you will not be taken to your Lord's Divine Presence. May Allah forgive us.


(Mawlana Shaykh sings.)

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Dome, dome, dome, dome

Come to Allah! O people, where can you find Allah? Through His deputy, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Where you find His deputy, you find Allah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.)

(43 minutes.) Okay.

We are happy with you, our attenders, and we will break down shaytanic chains and make Shaytan and its workers to run away and never come back. We are bombarding them!

Shaykh Hisham Effendi is in Indonesia? (He is giving salaams.) Send my salaams.

(Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`ats shukr.)
