A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem.
Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem.
Dastoor, yaa Sayyidi, yaa Sultan al-Awliya. Dastoor, yaa Sayyidi wa Mawlay. Madad, yaa RijaalAllah.
I heard from our master, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q), al-umoor aw al-`aqiba bi khawwateem. How will your end be: the last word you say, that last action you do, the last place you will be in? That is what counts. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) used to say, you don’t know when Sayyidina `Azra’eel (a), the Angel of Death, will grab you. You see people gone out of nowhere. How are they going to find you at the last moment? At the last moment, if the Angel of Death finds you on the way of Jannah, you will go to Jannah. If he finds you on the way other than Jannah, you will go to that place.
Our masters always taught us to be careful. One of the principles that we follow is, nadhar bi ‘l-qadam, always watch your steps. You don’t know which one will be the last one. Every moment, every hour of every day you have to know where you are. If you are on the wrong way, the way that Rasoolullah (s) does not like, the way that Awliyaullah don’t like, turn yourself back to their way.
Rasoolullah (s) has said that Bani Adam are on tabaqaat, different levels. Some are born Muslims, they live as Muslims and they die as Muslims. Some of them are born non-Muslims, they live as non-Muslims and they die as non-Muslims. Some are born Muslim, they live as Muslims and they die as non-Muslims. Have you seen that happen? I have seen one or two examples with my eyes. After they were Muslims, they rejected Islam.
Some are born non-Muslim, they lead their lives as non-Muslims but at the last moment they pass as Muslims. Have you seen that too? I saw that in Mountain View. It’s a famous story about a 90-year-old man. I heard it so many times from Mawlana.
So, you can be born Muslim, you can lead your life as Muslim but your end can be that of a non-Muslim. That is why you have to be careful. Pay attention to, “How am I leading my life? At my last moment, at my last breath, am I going to be a Muslim or a non-Muslim?”
Shaytan, nafs, dunya and hawaa all come to take you away from the way of Jannah into the way of Jahannam. A Muslim is awake. He knows what he has to do. That’s why we practice Dhikrullah. Do you practice Dhikrullah everyday? Alhamdulillah. We practice Dhikrullah. They say, practice makes perfect. Always in your mind is Allah (swt). When you face a difficulty, Shaytan comes to change you from the way of Rasoolullah (s) to the way of Shaytan. That’s why Rasoolullah (s) said that there will come a time where you are, yusbihu mu’minan wa yumsee kaafiran. You are up and about as a Muslim, a believer, in the morning and by nightfall you lose your Islam, you lose your iman, you lose your deen. How? Because that one has sold his deen for a piece of dunya. Have you ever seen somebody jeopardize his or her principles for a bit of this dunya or no? Did you see somebody bend the rules or compromise their deen to get a piece of this dunya? Why? Because your desire has come in between you and Allah (swt) and it has veiled you. That is the “sadh” in Surah Yaseen:
وَجَعَلْنَا مِنۢ بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ سَدًّا وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَأَغْشَيْنَـٰهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ
Wa ja`alna mim bayni aydihim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan fa-aghshaynaahum fahum laa yubsiroon.
And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them up; so that they cannot see. (Surah Yaseen, 36:9)
Allah (swt) says, “I have made in front of them a barrier.” That prevents you from seeing Akhirah. Your hawaa, your ego, your desires at some time in your life, during the day or night, because you might enter the night mu’min but go into the morning as non-mu’min. That ego or those desires can form a barrier in front of you that prevents you from seeing Akhirah, from seeing Allah (swt)’s promise. “I have promised this for the good ones. I have promised this for the bad ones.” When the desires come between you and that, you compromise your deen for dunya and we see that so many times.
The way of Dhikrullah prevents that ego, prevents that hawaa, prevents that dunya from taking a place in your heart. In your heart is Allah (swt), so always be busy with Dhikrullah. Day and night be busy with Dhikrullah because Rasoolullah (s) has said, when you sit and make Dhikrullah, first angels come. Second, wa ghaashiyatu ‘r-Rahmah. Mercy will cover you. “Ghashiya” means “cover, a white cloth.” When they say put a cloth on yourself, it doesn’t mean go get your bedsheet and put it on yourself. It has another meaning too. Cover yourself with Noor, the sitr of Allah (swt). How do you do that? Dhikrullah.
When you make Dhikrullah at night or during the day, that Rahmah will be your cover, the cover of Light. Cover from what? Shaytan, dunya and desires. Whenever you experience such events, such circumstances or disasters coming upon your head, sit down and say, “ Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem,” or, “Laa ilaaha illa-Llah.” Malaa’ikah will surround you. Wa nazalat `alayyhimu ‘s-sakinah. Tranquility will descend into your heart.
First, on the outside you will be covered with Rahmah of Allah (swt) and inside you will have sakinah, which is also Noor from Allah (swt). That tranquility will come down upon your heart and your heart will be comfortable. Your outside will be comfortable and Allah (swt) will mention you. “What does My servant want from Me?”
Now everybody runs to ask, “Who is going to help me? Who is going to help me?” Allah (swt)’s Name is Al-Mu`eenn. His Name is Al-Qaadir. He is the Helper. He is the Support. He is the Capable, the Able but people have forgotten Him. That is why Dhikrullah is important. That’s why our Way is Dhikrullah.
Try to be from the ones who were born Muslim, live their lives as Muslims and look at your end, to have a Muslim end. That happens with Dhikrullah. Inshaa-Allah, Allah (swt) will make us from the ones that always remember Him. Don’t be heedless. Alhamdulillah, our shuyookh always gave us some extra dhikr to do daily but we are lazy. Don’t be lazy. Get back to the dhikr. If you’re on the plane, do your Dhikrullah. If you’re in the car, do your Dhikrullah. If you’re at work, do your Dhikrullah. If not by the tongue, by the heart.
Make Allah (swt) in your heart. The malaa’ikah will escort you. The Rahmah of Allah (swt) will cover you and tranquility will enter into your heart. Allah (swt) will mention you. Wa dhakarahumu ’Llahu fee ma’een.
He will mention you among the ones who are with Him. Who is with Him? RijaalAllah. “My servant needs help. See what you can do for him.” Or He will say to His angels, “My servant needs help. See what you can do for him.”
When Sayyidina Ibrahim (a) was thrown in the fire, Jibril (a) ran by the Order of Allah (swt). He said, “Go! Ask him what he wants.” Even from Jibril (a), he didn’t ask. If Jibril (a) comes to us, what will we say? You will tell him, “Make me a king on earth and a king in the Heavens. I want to be a king, a big one.” The King is known. Who is Al-Maalik? Al-Maliku ‘l-Quddus al-`Azeezu ‘l-Hakeem.
Don’t be second to Allah (swt). That is partnership. They talk about, “Shirk, shirk.” This is also a partnership. If you want to be a king and you’re asking to be a king then you are competing with The King. Al-Maalik is Allah (swt). What suits you? `Abd. Ask Sayyidina Jibril (a), “Teach me how to be an `abd.” Rasoolullah (s) was an `abd by the teaching of Sayyidina Jibril (a).
عَلَّمَهُۥ شَدِيدُ ٱلْقُوَىٰ
Allamahu shadeedu ‘l-quwa.
He was taught by one Mighty in Power. (Surah an-Najm, 53:5)
ذُو مِرَّةٍ فَٱسْتَوَىٰ
Dhu mirratin fa ‘s-stawa.
The one that taught him had immense power. (Surah an-Najm, 53:6)
Externally Sayyidina Jibril (a) was the teacher of Rasoolullah (s). If Jibril (a) comes to you and asks, “What do you want?” Don’t say, “I want to be a king.” Say, “I want to be `abd, following the footsteps of my beloved, Rasoolullah (s).” Inshaa-Allah, Allah (swt) can make us from them.
Always be in Dhikrullah: by heart and by tongue and always thank Him for the favors He has given you so He can increase you. If you have health, thank Him for the health you have. He will increase that. If you have wealth, thank Him for that. If you have eyes, ears, if your tummy is full, if you have clothes, shelter, homes and a job. Nowadays jobs are hard to find. If you have a job, say, “Thank you, yaa Rabbee.” Every time you go to work, “Yaa Rabbee. Thank You.” Allah (swt) will allow it to stay with you and He will increase it, inshaa-Allah.
Yaa Rabbee, accept us as `abd. As Rasoolullah (s) followed that way, allow us to follow his way to Your Divine Presence. As You have taken him up into Heavens, take us up into Heavens. Yaa Rabbee, You are Dhi ‘l-Ma`arij. Yaa Rabbi ’l-`Alameen, You are the One with many ways to You.
Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
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