Inshaa-Allah, we will read Surah Yaseen first. That’s what the program says. Nowadays you have to follow the program. If you get out of the program, you will be in trouble. We will read all together, then a few words and then we’ll start with the Mawlid.
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem.
Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbi ‘l-`Alameen wa ‘s-salaatu wa ‘s-salaam `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa `alaa alihi wa ashabihi ajma`een wa man tabi`ahu bi ihsanin illa Yaumi ‘d-deen wa `alaa sa’iri ‘l-Anbiya wa ‘l-mursaleen wa ‘l-Awliya wa ibaadillahi ‘s-saliheen wa alayna ma’ahum ajma`een, yaa Arhamu ‘r-Rahimeen.
Laa hawla wa laa quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem.
Dastoor, yaa Sayyidi, yaa Sultan al-Awliya. Madad, yaa RijaalAllah.
Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Mashaa-Allah, we still have people coming around. Alhamdulillah. They are coming around to hear some words of wisdom, words from Mawlana, words from Awliyaullah, words from Rasoolullah (s). We’re not only here for the biryani but some of us come here for the spiritual biryani. I will just say a few things that I learned from our masters.
In one suhbah they said that al-`amalu ‘s-salih, the good act, the good deed of a human being will follow him to the grave. It is from the Hadith of Rasoolullah (s). That `amalu ‘s-salih will be hasanu ‘l-wajh. It will have a beautiful image, a beautiful dress and a beautiful scent. That `amal will come to your grave and keep you company and will give you glad tidings. So, be careful and make sure you have good `amal. The grave will be expanded and lit with Noor. That will be with you until Yaumu ‘l-Qiyamah.
The opposite is true. Be careful, Adam. If you have done something bad, that bad act or bad deed will also be with you in the grave. It will have the worst smell, it will have the worst of faces and it will have the worst dress.
You will ask, “Who are you?”
It will say, “I am your `amal.”
“I don’t know you.”
“You know me. We were together when you were doing bad acts. When you were drinking, we were together. When you were having fun and doing whatever you wanted to do, we were together.”
That bad `amal will follow you into the grave and will make the grave narrow and dark. The good `amal will expand your grave and light it up.
When we went to Mawlana’s holy grave today, we read Surah Yaseen. One Awliyaullah said, and this is also narrated in the books of Awliyaullah, lived in Yemen. After we buried one of the deceased and everybody was going and I was reciting, I heard a ruckus. I heard some kind of quarrel in the grave with a loud noise. After a while, I saw a black dog come out of the grave. I asked, “What are you?” It said, “I am his bad `amal.”
He asked, “Was that quarrel for you or the deceased one?”
He said, “It was for me. When I was with him, I found Surah Yaseen with him. That Surah Yaseen prevented me from being in his company or being his friend until Judgement Day. I was beaten and kicked out.”
When we read Surah Yaseen at the cemetery, if the people of the grave have any kind of difficulty, it will ease until it disappears and you will get hasanah according to the number of deceased buried there. Their adhab will lessen and their maqam will increase, depending on how they were, but you will get good deeds according to the number of the deceased.
So, my advice to you is to do what I used to do. Go to the graveyard. It’s the quickest way to have hasanah. Instead of watching YouTube all day long, go to the cemetery and read Surah Yaseen. It’s a blessing for them and at the same time for you. This is a quick fix for Naveed. If you want to do a quick hasanah, run to the cemetery and read Surah Yaseen.
Surah Yaseen is very important and that’s why Rasoolullah (s) said, “Read Surah Yaseen for your deceased ones.” Alhamdulillah, we are reading Surah Yaseen now and we read it at the graveyard. May Allah (swt) always shower His Mercy and Blessings on all those buried there without any interruption and also those who are buried elsewhere. Some of them are in Chicago, Germany, Cyprus, Istanbul, our friends and your friends, our fathers, mothers, uncles, aunts. Back home too, may Allah (swt) also make their graves wide. May Allah (swt) allow their grave windows from Paradise to blast on them the breeze of Paradise. Inshaa-Allah, their graves are lit.
Don’t forget Surah Yaseen. If you have Surah Yaseen, those bad deeds will leave you. There is no room for bad deeds when Surah Yaseen is with you. Memorize it. Read it as much as you can, especially at Fajr time as we were taught by our teachers. Inshaa-Allah, that will be with you in qabr and it will prevent difficulties from coming on you.
May Allah (swt) forgive us. We thank the organizers. We thank those who provided the biryani. I still don’t see the trays up there but alhamdulillah, they’re coming. May Allah (swt) accept what Faiz al-Haqq and his family are doing tonight. May Allah (swt) bless those who have attended for the honor of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q). May Allah (swt) keep us on their footsteps.
The one who goes is waiting for you on the other side. Rasoolullah (s) will be waiting at the Hawd, the Pond. He will be happy to see his Ummah coming but then one by one they will be going away from the Pond. He will say, “Come here. Come to my Pond.”
It will be said to him, “You don’t know what they did after you.”
When Waliyullah passes, when Nabiyullah passes, when Khatmu ‘n-Nabiyeen (s) passed away, those who came after deviated. They went out of the right way. Instead of meeting up with them over there, they will also deviate away from them over there. Be careful. Follow the footsteps correctly. What they have done is something for us to do. If you want to meet them on the other side, you have to do what they have done. If you change, your course will change.
May Allah (swt) forgive us and may Allah (swt) keep us following them. We have to meet them on the other side. Keep your eye on the ball, Abdul Latif. No, you keep your eye on the diamonds. I’m sorry. We keep our eyes on the ball.
May Allah (swt) allow us to go on their way, inshaa-Allah, to that goal of the Divine Presence. What do you do, Adam? Read Surah Yaseen as much as you can and gift it to people. Allah (swt) will assign people after you to gift you Surah Yaseen.
Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
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