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Laylat al-Ragha’ib Commemoration

Shaykh Nour Mohamad Kabbani

· Thursday, Feb 18, 2021, Burton , MI USA

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ’r-Raheem

As I learned from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim ق our beloved master. What I have learned from him is that in Laylat ar-Ragha’ib, Allah ﷻ has sent the holy matter from which Rasoolullah’s ﷺ holy body will be created in the womb of his mother, Hazrat Bibi Amina (ع) and that was the start of the creation of the holy body of Rasoolullah ﷺ so the physical world was honored by the presence of the most perfect physical being. The most perfect physicality was to be born in this physical world and the holy matter landed in the womb of Sayyida Amina (ع) and took form until it was created in the most beautiful way when the Rasoolullah ﷺ was born he was born saajidan, rafi`an raasihi ila as-sama, prostrating, raising his head to heavens and declaring Shahada, Hazrat ar-Rasool ﷺ.

So this night, Laylat ar-Ragha’ib, is the start of the creation of the most holy physical form and the start of the Nour that will come with that holy form. The Qur’an al-Kareem came when Rasoolullah ﷺ revealed it to people. He said, “I have spent so many years with you.”but when I was given permission, I revealed to you So Qur’an al-Kareem and Sunnah can only come to dunya through the physicality of Rasoolullah ﷺ.

So Laylat ar-Ragha’ib is the night of the start of the Divine Light and its guidance to Paradises. Without that physical form Qur’an al-Kareem would not have been revealed to humanity. It has been revealed through the heart of Rasoolullah ﷺ to his holy tongue. That is why this night is the ‘Night of Wishes’.

That night is the start of your journey to Jannah, Paradise, O human beings! Your journey to Jannah starts with who?With Rasoolullah ﷺ, with his physical form. With the form that teaches you how to make Salat, Prayer, how to make Siyam, Fasting, how to make Hajj with the form that taught you his Sunnas; with the form that has shown you all the good manners that have come from him ﷺ; the good speech, the good talk, the good character, the good behaving.

That is what they call taqleed, imitating, imitating.You have to imitate Rasoolullah ﷺ. It means you have to say what he has said - physically. It means you have to do what he has done - physically. You have to behave how he behaved - physically. You have to deal with people how he dealt with people - physically.

So O people! The start of the journey to Jannah starts with this night. with the physicality of Rasoolullah ﷺ being born in your midst. So we imitate, we follow what he ﷺ revealed and that is what they call Ahl at-Taqleed, The people of imitating. Your journey starts there.

He ﷺ was born for what? Allah ﷻ said in Holy Qur’an:

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Surat az-Zariyat 51:56)

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim has explained the meaning of “only to worship Me” is it means الاّ ليعرفون ‘to know Me.’” Ma`rifah, to know Me. “To know who I am so they may worship Me correctly.”

Nowadays people claim “God is this” and “God is that.” They’re not worshipping correctly. They invent ways and acts of worship based on their imagination of what Allah ﷻ is about. They say, “God is this one - the one that was put here, was up there... down here,” etc. No! First you have to know Allah ﷻ the Creator, correctly. When you know Him correctly you can worship Him correctly. Otherwise you don’t. So Allah has sent Rasoolullah ﷺ for us to go on that journey to Paradise, starting with knowing Allah ﷻ, illa li-ya`rifoon.

So Ahl at-Taqleed are the ones who imitate. After Ahl at-Taqleed what is the second step? So we are created for Ma`rifatullah, We are created to know Allah ﷻ. So the first step is to imitate, what Rasoolullah ﷻ has done. What is the second step requested from you O mu’min? It is to go to something else, that is called Ahl al-Istidlal. Istidlal is when you form your belief and opinion based on reasoning.

Who is sending the snow that we are buried in! Where was it in the clouds? Why were the clouds not buried by the snow? That is what Mawlana Shaykh Nazim told me one time. He said, “You find tons and tons and tons of snow that have come on earth and they say it is “from the clouds.” Where were they in the clouds? You don’t see them up there. If they were up there the clouds would have fallen down. So who created that ? Who made that? Who was the genius to make an invisible thing, visible!?

That is istidlal, belief by reasoning.

So from Ahl at-Taqleed, imitating “Yes, there is God” to knowing and finding a reason is the first step, that “Yes, there should be God.” Who is sending the snow that is invisible in the clouds when you see on the ground you are buried in it? It is not only around your house but also around your town, and not only around your town, but in your county and in your state--the whole state! Where did that come from? Where was it? Eh.

This is istidlal. When you observe. To take an observation. To see something and to form hypotheses and opinions that there is someone controlling all of this. Then slowly, slowly now you are advancing. You are not only imitating Rasoolullah (s) but rather you are seeing what he ﷺ is seeing.

Sayyidina Ibrahim (ع) what did he see? He said, “I see a planet. That should be my Lord.” He is seeing something. He is forming an opinion. Then he said, “I am seeing a moon.” “That is my Lord.” “I am seeing a sun.”

So not only by believing but you have to find the reasons the causes, al-istidlal li as-sani` bil-masnu` to find the Maker by what is made. They say, “Product of China.” But “designed in US.” Masha Allah, bravo! Ey, something like that.

This is a product of Who?


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