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Obey Allah (swt)

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

3 January 2019 Feltham, London, UK

Centre for Spirituality and Cultural Advancement (CSCA)

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.

كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان فى الميزان حبيبتان إلى الرحمن سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم

There are two words that are very easy to say, yet very heavy on the Scale, most beloved to The Merciful, “SubhaanAllah wa bihamdihi subhaanAllahi ’l-`Azheem.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Even if we have to repeat it over and over, every time we do it will give it’s reciter a high level of appreciation from Awliyaullah and angels, so we follow their footsteps by saying, “Kalimataan khafeefataan `alaa ’l-lisaan thaqeelataan fi ’l-meezaan habeebataan li ’r-rahmaan: SubhaanAllah wa bihamdihi subhaanAllahi ’l-`Azheem.” Say! [Kalimataan khafeefataan `alaa ’l-lisaan thaqeelataan fi ’l-meezaan.]

So what benefit do we get from those two words mentioned by Prophet (s), when he says Allah gave him that noorulillahi to cure everyone with it? It is only two verses: Kaleemataani khafeefataani ala lisaani thaqeelataani fil meezan. It is very easy and very simple: he is encouraging us to repeat that verse every day in order to be written from those who are making istighfaar, which is able to take our dhunoob immediately.

Sometimes you see adverts on the TV showing how clean the clothes are if you use this washing powder, it depends on the power of that soap. So if in dunya we can do that, what do you think about Akhirah, can’t we do it? Of course we can do it! And it’s easier than any prayer, of course you pray your fard because it’s madhhar idh-dhunoob. My English now is less, my Arabic is stronger, I'm sorry.

So out of love for his Ummah, Prophet (s) explained this immense Hadith in many different ways and he gave it to us: Kalimataan khafeefataan `alaa ’l-lisaan thaqeelataan fi ’l-meezaan, words that are very light on the tongue and heavy on The Scale. So now we are on The Scale getting that power of Prophet (s) and the verse he presented to the Ummah.

Allah is saying to Prophet (s), “Say, yaa `Abdee,

that I gave them this verse to destroy all the world of Shaytan!”

It’s very simple, very easy: Kalimataan khafeefataan `alaa ’l-lisaan thaqeelataan fi ’l-meezaan, very light on the tongue and very heavy on The Scale, and gives us power on ma`al ita`aa: ita`aa is to obey, to know that you can be forgiven at any time by being obedient, as Allah (swt) said:

أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ

Ati`oollaaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.

Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisaa, 4:59)

“Obey Allah, obey Prophet and obey those who are in power.” So what more do we want? Grandshaykh (q), may Allah bless his soul, said that ita`aa means obedience, and that Allah wants us to obey in a certain way in order to succeed. Ita`atullah is so strong that anyone mentioning it, even before they complete it something happens: in that moment, Allah forgives everyone that makes ita`aa! Those who are present as well as those who are not will get that benefit! Allah will make the Ummah accept ita`aa, obedience, from Prophet (s).

Grandshaykh (q) said, “What do you think Allah will to do when someone says ‘ita`ullah’ and ‘astaghfirullah’?” He said as Awliyaullah say: the whole Ummah that is working diligently to obey Qur’an and Hadith, Allah is not poor! He called Himself “al-Ghanee” and we have to call Him yaa Ghaneeyu, yaa Ghaneeyu, yaa Ghaneeyu, yaa Ghaneeyu, yaa Ghaneeyu, and all this will go into the chapter or the safe books of Al-Ghanee, to know that Allah sent Prophet (s) to benefit all the Ummah and everyone on Earth.

Further, Grandshaykh (q) said when you read that verse, immediately you are under the manifestation of this ayah and it will cover you from any punishment and take all your sins away, just for reciting it! Don’t think it’s too much for Allah: He will waive all sins when you recite this one small verse, “Ati`oollaaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.” Allah is reminding us: “Obey Me, obey Rasool, and obey those in authority.”

Who are the `ooli ‘l-amr? There are many, but the main ones are those who accept ita`aa and try to clean themselves by reciting this ayah. And Allah loves His servant when he does this, and He sends to Prophet (s) what the servant reads. When you say, “Ati`oollaaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum,” you open yourself to the tajalli of the meaning of obedience, the Tajalli of ita`aa fee kulli waqtin wa aam will be distributed on the Ummah. Don’t think this is too much, it is nothing compared to the Reality of the situation! What we are explaining here is from the top of the fingers (fingertips), only small details.

Grandshaykh (q) also said when we recite “ita`aa” that abwaab al ita`aa qad futihatak, all doors of ita`aa are fully opened for us, and in a spiritual way you will begin to pull away from people who are written to burn in Hell, and people who are written in a good way will pull them along with them out of the trouble of fire. They will not let you, laa yushqaa jaleesoo, they will never leave those who are sitting with them, as Prophet (s) said in a Hadith, those who are sitting with them will always find good. If you didn’t see it now, you might see it in an hour or in one day or a week or month, but for sure you are going to see it and be ready every moment for that.

Allah (swt) is giving us that verse of Holy Qur’an for our benefit, as He is not in need. By Kun fayakoon the Ummah will be changed from a worldly Ummah to a heavenly Ummah, and in every moment tajalliyaat, heavenly Manifestations on the Ummah change, and they remove the bad and dress us with good. May Allah dress us and bless us with good, may give our parents what they deserve. As children, all of them, Allah wants His Ummah to make istighfaar in dunya before Akhirah. Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.

Thank you ladies for coming! I will report your names! They have been recorded! [Laughter.]

This dunya is ending and the sign is that Prophet (s) left it without looking back to it. So if Prophet (s) left, what about us? We are his Ummah and we believe in him. He (s) also left dunya for Akhirah, but by Allah's order he kept the power of the Message in his hand. May Allah always put us under Prophet's and AwliyaAllah's feet. Some Awliyaullah clean and polish the hearts of the mureeds, and are not allowed to speak of anything higher than that. Inshaa-Allah we will be with them in dunya and Akhirah.

As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

Seeing these beautiful faces, they are all sitting in the Garden of Heaven. One day, Prophet (s) was passing by some Sahaabis (r) sitting on the way and he said to them: idhaa marartum bi-riyaadha ’l-jannatu farta`oo. Qaaloo wa maa riyaadh al-jannah? Qaala hilaaq adh-dhikr. (Mawlana indicates the crowd in the mosque.)

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إذا مررتم برياض الجنة فارتعوا. قالو وما رياض الجنة؟ قال "حلق الذكر"

Ibn `Umar reported that the Prophet (s) said, "When you pass by the Gardens of Paradise, avail yourselves of them." The Companions asked, "What are the Gardens of Paradise, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied, "The Circles of Dhikr.” (Tirmidhi)

Hilaaq adh-dhikr will turn the place into Jannah, so it is as if you are in Jannah. Idhaa marartum bi-riyaadha 'l-jannatu farta`oo, if you pass by the Gardens, sit! They do dhikr, so you do dhikr. Even if they do dhikr outside of our Tariqah, it still applies: this Hadith an-Nabi is in general. so Allah will turn their place into Paradise, idha marartum bi riyaad-al-jannah farta`oo. Qaaloo wa madha riyaadul jannati, yaa Rasoolullah? When you have found the Gardens of Paradise, sit in them as those are the Circles of Dhikr. And I can certify that by sitting here we have reached a high level of Wilayah from our shuyookh, khassatan Sayyidi `AbdAllah Faiz ad-Daghestani and Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani (q), because they always reminded people to sit in gardens (halaqa).

I was in Washington DC, and they said, “Come and see a garden,” and I said, “Okay.” First we had to buy a ticket, and when we entered we saw people mainly sitting in circles, beginning from one place and ending in another place. So what were they doing? They said it is a Garden of Paradise, because it is a very nice garden. So they made a garden that, unless it is paid a visit by Awliyaullah to become Jannah, is worth nothing. So what makes it worth something? It is what you read there: if you read for Akhirah you will benefit yourself and your family, and all your surroundings and friends. The tajalli that comes on you comes on the one sitting beside you. And how many years did you sit in that garden, how did this garden become Jannah min al-Jinaan, a piece of garden from the many gardens of Paradise? May Allah keep us in the garden of the Prophet (s), and in the garden of Sahaabah (r), and in the garden of Awliyaullah.

Wa min Allahi tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah. [Mawlana distributes chocolates.]

This is a garden of food! [Laughter.] Garden of Heaven? In dunya they give you chocolate, but in Akhirah they give you what no eyes have seen, what has never been heard by ears, and what has never occured to the heart of human beings! So Allah sent this (glad tidings) to us, and Prophet (s) sent it and Awliya mention it, and still we are running after dunya. I don't say don't run after dunya, but take what is your share and be good with your community and society. We are a peaceful Tariqah.


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