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Jumu`ah Advice at Makkah Masjid, India

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

9 January 2015 Hyderabad, India

Suhbah at Makkah Masjid

As-salaamu `alaykum wa-rahmatullahi ta`alaa wa-barakaatuh. Alhamdulillahi rabbi 'l-`aalameen wa 's-salaatu wa 's-salaamu `alaa ashrafi 'l-mursaleen sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa muhammadin wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een. Alhamdulillahi nastaghfiruhu wa nastahdeeh wa na`oozhu billahi min shuroori anfusinaa wa sayyi’aati `amaalinaa man yahdi Llahu fa laa mudilla lah wa man wudlil fa laa haadiya lah wa nashhadu an laa ilaaha illa Llah wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa laa matheela lahu fee `uloowwi sha’nihi wa `azheemi sultaanih wa nashhadu anna sayyidanaa wa mawlanaa muhammadan `abdahu wa habeebahu wa rasooluh arsalahu min arjahi 'l-`arabi meezaanan wa afsahahaa bayaanan fa awdaha ’t-tareeqata wa nasaha 'l-khaleeqata sallAllahu ta`alaa `alayhi wa `alaa ashaabihi wa azwaajih wa awlaadihi wa dhuriyyatih wa khulafaa’ihi 'l-mahdiyyina min ba`dih wa wuzaraa’ihi 'l-`aamaleena fee `ahdih khusoosan minhum `alaa a’immati khulafaa’i rasoolillahi `alaa ’t-tahqeeq hadaraati abee bakrin wa `umara wa `uthmaana wa `ali dhawee 'l-qadri 'l-jaliyy wa `alaa baqiyati s-sahaabati wa t-taabi`een ridwaan Allahi ta`alaa `alayhim ajma`een. Ayyuha 'l-mu’minoon al-haadiroon.

O Muslim brothers! I want first to thank the organizers of this Makkah Masjid. It is an honor for me to be in this masjid and in this country, and I would like to say that the khutbah that I have heard from the Imam, Ridwan Qureyshi, it was very nice khutbah that rarely I heard before like that, even in Arab countries, where I am from, we cannot hear such khutbah like what he said. Those who understand Arabic I think they know what I am saying. That is a privilege for me to be here. MashaaAllah, India is the country of `ilm of knowledge:

وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ

Above every knower is a (higher) knower. (Surah Yusuf, 12:76)

“Above every knower there is a knower,” above every Gnostic there is a Gnostic, above every Ascetic there is an Ascetic. This is an ocean that never ends, the imam, the khateeb, was mentioning about Prophet (s):

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

(O Muhammad!) We have sent you not except as a Mercy for all the Worlds. (Surat al-Anbiyaa, 21:107)

Allah is confirming, He is not in need of people to confirm, Allah is confirming that, “Yaa Muhammad! O My servant whom I love, O My servant whom I love, al-Mustafa, that I chose and dressed him with My Light, I am sending him as a rahmah, as a mercy li 'l-`aalameen.” He didn’t say, li 'l-`aalamayn li 'l-jinn wa 'l-ins, “to the two worlds of jinn and human beings) only, He said li 'l-`aalameen, that means anyone that’s been created Prophet (s) is mercy for him. He is the Mercy for Universes, he is the mercy for what Allah has created and we don’t know what Allah has created! We know only human beings, even jinn or malaai’ka we cannot see. What Prophet (s) has been given of secrets of creation no one knows. Allah gave him knowledge that He did not give anyone and He gave him knowledge of Creation, because if we go ten kilometres above we cannot go without a plane. Prophet (s) did not go ten kilometres above in his Mi’raj, he passed the universe! He passed the galaxies, he passed Paradises, he passed all the galaxies that physicists say that there are 6,000 galaxies bigger than our galaxy; in our galaxy we have 80 billion stars! Not 80 million stars, 80 billion stars! Prophet (s) passed all of them, because he passed hadd ad-dunya, the limit of the universe, he went beyond and his body still strong and never suffered of any breathing. We go a little bit up a mountain and we suffer from breathing. He went all the way to Qaba Qawsayni aw Adnaa, beyond everything. In order that His Prophet (s) able to reach Qaba Qawsayni aw Adnaa Allah dressed him from the dress of Rahmah: Rahmatullah albasahaa li-nabiyyih salAllahu `alayhi wa-sallam fee laylati 'l-mi`raaj. That’s why He says:

وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ

(O Muhammad!) We have sent you not except as a Mercy for all the Worlds. (Surat al-Anbiyaa, 21:107)

“For sure We have sent you as Mercy for the Universes,” and what Allah has created in these universes we don’t know! Prophet (s) knows because he passed and he went to Qaba Qawsayni aw Adnaa, he knew everything that Allah has created and the ayah that confirmed that is when Jibreel (a) came with the first revelation to Prophet (s). He said, Iqraa! and the Prophet (s) said:

وما انا بقارئ

I do not know how to read. (Bukhari)

“What am I going to read?” not as they only, there are many interpretations on this ayah…wa maa anaa bi-qaaree has been translated as, “I am not someone who can write and read, I cannot write and read,” but it is not only that, because Allah created first the Light of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), he knew `uloom al-awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen, he is umiyy, an-Nabi il-Umiyy, yes, Allah gave him that title, but Allah poured in his heart `uloom al-awwaleen wa’l-akhireen. When he was asked “Read!” he was saying wa maa ana bi-qaari` “What do you want me to read from, yaa Jibreel? What do you want me to read from?” And then Jibreel (a) said, “Iqraa bismi rabbik alladhee khalaq, Read in the Name of your Creator Who created Creation,” that means asraar al-`awaalim fee qalbi ’n-Nabi (s), that “the secrets that Allah gave to Prophet (s) of the creation of this universe, of the creation of Paradises…” because he was watching…

يا جابر، إن الله تعالى خلق قبل الأشياء نور نبيك من نوره،

The first thing that Allah (swt) created is the Light of your Prophet from His Light, O Jaabir.

(Musannaf `Abdu ’r-Razzaq)

What Allah has created first was the Light of Muhammad (s), so that Light was able to see what Allah wants him to see, that’s why when Jibreel (a) came with the revelation of Surat Maryam, he said first, Kaaf, and Prophet (s) said `Alimtu, “I knew.” Haa, `alimtu. Jibreel (a) was surprised, he said, “I am telling him the aya and he knew it! Before I continue I know that he knew it, he said I knew! ‘`alimtu.’”

He said, “I knew,” yaa `alimtu, kaaf `alimtu, kaaf, haa, yaa, `ayn, saad! He knew before Jibreel (a) gave him the revelation! Because Sayyidina Muhammad (s), as Muhammad al-Busayri (q) said, “Muhammadun basharun wa laysa ka 'l-bashari bal huwa yaa’qootatun wa n-naasu ka 'l-hajari,” Muhammad (s) is not a human being like us, Muhammad ul-Bashr (q), he is a human being but has no zhul, he doesn’t have a shadow, he is subtle, if osmeone has eyes, can see through him, because he is shaffaaf, transparent, no shadow. I had a holy hair of Prophet (s), it was under a lamp and when you put a flashlight on the hair you don’t see a shadow, and there is a small “rock” that is holding the hair, if you put the flashlight on it you see a shadow of the rock but you don’t see a shadow of the holy hair of Prophet (s). Allah (swt) gave him from knowledge that we don’t know!

قَالَ لِفَتَاهُ آتِنَا غَدَاءَنَا لَقَدْ لَقِينَا مِن سَفَرِنَا هَـٰذَا نَصَبًا

He [Musa] said to his servant, “Fetch our lunch as our trip has been tiring.” (Surat al-Kahf, 18:62)

Give us our food, what kind of food did he want? He is not interested in eating the fish, he is interested to reach that one that Allah wants him to see:

فَوَجَدَا عَبْدًا مِّنْ عِبَادِنَا آتَيْنَاهُ رَحْمَةً مِنْ عِندِنَا وَعَلَّمْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا عِلْمًا

So they found one of Our Servants on whom We had bestowed Mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught knowledge from Our Own Presence. (Surat al-Kahf, 18:65)

He found when he reached he found one man from many, the ayah says min `ibadinaa, from many like him, fawajada `abdan, one only from many, they are hidden, they are between the ummah, wa `allamnaahu min ladunna `ilma, “We gave him from our Rahmah and by giving him that Rahmah We opened for him that knowledge.” wa `allamnaahu min ladunna `ilma. Who is that Rahmah? We showed him th eREality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), he is the Rahmah al-Muhdaat li ’l-ummah! [Takbeer!] When he saw that Rahmah it means he saw that Rahmah that was being given to him from Ar-Rahmah al-Muhdaat means from Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! Because he knew about the Reality of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) he knew about the `allamnaahu min ladunna `ilma, Allah taught him, the door for him was Prophet (s), if Prophet (s) didn’t open the door for him, even hundreds of Khidr (a) cannot enter in that Divine Knowledge without Sayyidina Muhammad (s). That’s why he said:

آدم ومن دونه تحت لوائي يوم القيامة

Adam and everybody after him will be under my flag on the Day of Judgement. (Tirmidhi)

Adam and all nations of prophets will be under the flag of Muhamamd (s). O Muslims! Be happy that you are from the nation of Muhammad (s)! When souls who are in the Presence of Allah, when He created the souls and asked them, Alastu birabbikum? “Am I not your Lord?” Qaaloo, balaa, “they said, ‘Yes, yaa Rabbee, You are our Creator.’”

أَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّكُمْ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ

[Allah asked] “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes!” (Surat al-`Araaf, 7:172)

From that time Allah gave ummatun nabi noorun min noorun nabi, that’s why He said:

وإعلموا أن فيكم رسول الله

And know Allah's Messenger is in you. (Surat al-Hujuraat, 49:7)

You must know that Muhammad (s), not as they say in the commentaries that you have to know that Muhammad is among you, he didn’t say “baynakum” which is “among you”. “If not for the Light of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) that Allah has created him from that Light, no creation will be created. Allah honored him to be the Light, the first Light that comes from Allah to create Creation He created Sayyidina Muhammad (s), “Be good tidings, O Muslims, you have a strong pillar!” We are under the care of Allah we are under the care of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), as the khateeb said in the khutbah, that Allah will forgive. Prophet (s) gave a chance to the man, O My servant,” that did everything wrong, laa taqnatoo min rahmatillah, don’t lose hope of Allah’s Mercy.

Who is Allah’s Mercy? I am giving you Muhammad (s) to intercede for you in the Day of Judgement, “I am forgiving all sins, I gave you the key of Paradise! Whoever says laa ilaaha illa-Llaah dakhal al-jannah. Marra wahida fee hayyati! If someone says it once in their life, laa ilaaha illa-Llaah, Allah (swt) will send him to Paradise!

No one can ask if Allah wants to forgive all Muslims by saying laa ilaaha illa-Llaah, He wants to forgive them all from beginning to end, especially those who say laa ilaaha illa-Llaah! No one can say, “What are You doing?” He cannot. That’s why we need a guide, without a guide to guide us we lose our way. Prophet (s) didn’t need a guide, but for the Ummah he told them and he showed them that he needed a guide: from Mecca to Madina he took a guide, from Baytu ’l-Maqdis to where Jibreel (a) was able to reach he needed a guide. But Allah showed at the end that he doesn’t need a guide, because he went by himself to Qaaba Qawsayni aw Adna. So this means that when you reach a situation of ma`rifah, divine knowledge, you don’t need a guide.

Sayyidina al-Khidr (a), who is higher Khidr (a) or Musa (a)? For sure Musa (a), Allah wants to tell Musa (a), “Yaa Musa! With your `azamah that I gave to you, still I want you to be in need for the knowledge of Muhammad (s).” That’s why He showed him through Khidr (a).

O Muslims! Prophet (s) said one Hadith, not one, but that Hadith: yaa ayyuha ’n-naas, he didn’t say yaa ayyuha al-muslimoon he said, yaa ayyuha ’n-naas, afshoo ’s-salaam wa `atribu at-ta`am “when you say salaam `alaykum” to someone you like him you might invite him home for a dinner, to make relationship, not to hate each other, not to fight each other, be peaceful, he said afshoo ’s-salaam, you don’t agree with my belief, you don’t agree with the belief of Ahlu ‘s-Sunnah wa’l Jama`ah or of this one or that one say salaamu `alaykum because they still say laa ilaaha illah-Llaah Muhammadu ’r-Rasoolullah. but there are question marks, but Allah wants peace, Allah wants salaam, harmony, thatmaneena, he said, afshu salaam. Sunnah of the Prophet (s) is the key to relationships.

Wa `atimoo ta`am, why was Islam spreading? Why did Islam spread in Central Asia? After Mecca and Madina and in the time of Mashaykh al-`Izham, Imam al-Bukhari came from where? Central Asia, Asyagusta? Central Asia and India is on the border of Central Asia. `Ilm came from there and the one who spread the `ilm didn’t know the language! His shrine, his maqaam is in Samarkand, not Sayyidina Isma`il al-Bukhari (q), he came after, but he was the cousin of Prophet (s) Quthum ibn al-`Abbas (a). Prophet (s) sent him to Central Asia! He didn’t know the language, he didn’t know to speak the language there, Chinese or Farsi, he didn’t know the language, but people were attracted to him. Now people are attracted to books. He didn’t have books. People today are attracted to books, it’s okay they give `ilm, but Quthum Ibn al-`Abbas (a) didn’t have books, they were attracted to him. He didn’t have money, he didn’t have TV, he didn’t have Cable Satellite but his heart was Cable Satellite! with no language he was attracting all the unbelievers in that place because Nooru ’n-Nabi (s) was with him! [Takbeer!] He would sit and people came and even if he just touched them or prayed for them the leaders became Muslim, and the whole tribe would became Muslim. So Islam was spread not one to one but in thousands, because of Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

O Muslims! How many from the successors of Prophet (s)? How many form the Inheritors of Prophet (s)? How many descendants of Prophet (s)? How many Sayyids are there? All this `uloom coming from the knowledgeable people that are related to and not related to Prophet (s), but Prophet (s) gave them that light of Iman, for which you don’t need need TV or Cable stations because Prophet (s) mentioned in the hadith.

He can see what people cannot see! Like Sayyidina `Umar and Saariyah, he can see! Why we are not seeing? Means there is a defect, fix your TV, fix your televisions! That means fix the receiver of the heart to know `ilm. Like today when we mentioned Prophet (s) we put our fingers on our eyes in love for Prophet (s). Why was Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (a) the first one to put? He felt happiness when his name was being mentioned. When you love someone your eyes go first, not your ears, your eyes go first to that one!

كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ

You are the best of Nations evolved for Mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah. (Surat Aali-`Imraan, 3:110)


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