7 December 2024, Fenton, Michigan USA
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem.
Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
Mashaa-Allah, today is more than yesterday. Alhamdulillah. Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your ride. This is what Six Flags says in Chicago. Ever been on a rollercoaster? They say, “Buckle up. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. You’re going to be spun around.” At the end, you’re all smiling and coming back to square one.
Sayyidee Shaykh Abdul Haqq. When we came in 1990: me, my mother, Omar, Nazem and Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q), may Allah (swt) grant him higher and higher status and higher and higher levels. I heard from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) that Waliyullah’s journey does not stop. There is a promise in the Holy Qur’an in Surat al-Inshiqaq. Asta`eedhu billah.
لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ
La tarkaboona tabaqan an tabaaq.
Ye shall surely travel from stage to stage. (Surat al-Inshiqaq, 84:19)
You will be elevating from one station to the next, from one rank to the next. The Stations of Qurbiyat as Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) said, the Stations of Closeness to Allah (swt) have no end and Rasoolullah (s) is elevating continuously and Awliyaullah are following him. Wherever that big engine goes, all the wagons follow them.
Rasoolullah (s) is up front and those who are hooked to his love and those behind him (s), first Sahaabah Ikram (r) and Awliyaullah and you are also going from one station to the next. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q), Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q), Awliyaullah, their journey has not stopped. It’s a promise in the Holy Qur’an. It’s an oath. “I will make you ride from one level to another and another.” May Allah (swt) elevate his levels. May Allah (swt) elevate him with Awliyaullah with Rasoolullah (s) to wherever he is going.
We landed in 1990 in JFK and we came over to Jersey and they took us to Upstate New York. I have always heard of Abdul Haqq Sazonoff since I was 19. I never saw him. One or two weeks after we landed, mashaa-Allah, Shaykh Abdul Haqq was the first one to meet Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q). You had a red beard back then, shaykh. What happened? Red, strong beard. That’s the first time I saw him. It was on the East Coast.
Shaykh Ahsan, West Coast. East Coast and West Coast were wrapped. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q) had the two arms from the East Coast to the West Coast . They were his best supporters from the time he landed. Wherever he went, I always saw Shaykh Ahsan with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham. The 1993 Chronicles when Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) also came. He came in 1991, 1992, and 1993. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) came quite often and both of them were with him all the time.
I met them back then and mashaa-Allah they are still with us. Inshaa-Allah, we can continue. There is no stop here and there’s no stop on the way out. On the way out, angels will be taking you to your beloved. Whoever is your beloved, you will find him and with him you continue. Inshaa-Allah, we can find our beloveds on the other side.
They ask me, “Why aren’t you sad?” Why should I be sad? My father reached where I want to reach! My father reached his beloveds and he is with his beloveds. I want to go there. He beat me there. He reached them. Sayyidina Bilal al-Habashi (r) was laughing as he was dying. He said, ghadal li qawl al-hibba, “Tomorrow is the meeting with ahbaabu ‘Llah, my beloveds.” Why be sad? He is with his beloveds. I want to be with his beloveds as well.
They say, “Sad, grieving.” He reached the trophy that I want to reach too and that all of us want to reach. The first night was heavy. The second day was heavy. But after we put him in his Rawdah, in his Jannah, we felt that peace that came down on him coming down on our hearts. All of us finally found peace. That Rahmah has come and our sadness and grief has turned into happiness and joy because he is where we want to be. There is no sadness in that. Allah (swt) promised, wa la tahzanu. They will never be sad. They will never be struck by sorrow. That is the sign of Awliyaullah.
وَلَا تَهِنُوا۟ وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا۟ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ
So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. (Surat Ali-`Imran, 3:139)
Where were Awliyaullah? They were with Adam (a). In the beginning, all of us were in the loins of Adam (a). Allah (swt) put all of our atoms, dharrah, all of our essences with our father, Adam (a). I will tell a story I heard from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q). This story is Grandshaykh `AbdAllah Faiz ad-Daghestani’s (q) story narrated by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) in a Turkish mosque, so I heard it in Turkish.
Shaytan told Adam (a) to eat from the tree. Why? “You will find great things. After you eat from the tree, you will have great things. You will own unbelievable dominions. Eat from the tree and you will be a happy man for whatever is going to come towards you.” He ate from the tree. Our Grandshaykh said, “O my son. Don’t think...” Look at the adab of Grandshaykh `AbdAllah. He is calling Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q), “My son.” Awliyaullah see the ones who came to them as their beloveds, their sons. There are two sons who found Mawlana Shaykh `AbdAllah ad-Daghestani as well. The elder son took the two sons to Mawlana Shaykh `AbdAllah ad-Daghestani.
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Adnan (q) are the two sons of Grandshaykh. They not only entered inside his home, they also entered inside his heart. How do I know that? Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) said it in the presence of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahsan. The famous clip. He said Grandshaykh passed away and he was pleased with Shaykh Hisham. What does that mean? That means Shaykh Hisham entered the heart of Grandshaykh. Not only did these two sons find Grandshaykh, these two sons entered into the heart of Grandshaykh. That’s how you have to see them. They are not like us trying to enter the heart of one Waliyullah and we are not able to.
He said, “O my son. Don’t think that Adam (a) was the one who was eating from the tree. Within Adam (a) was the dharrah, the beings of all ahlu ‘d-dunya that only want dunya. In his being were all the beings of ahlu ‘l-Akhirah, all the people that will go to Jannah, and in his being were all the people of ahlu ‘l-Llah. All of them rushed him to get out. Ahlu ‘d-dunya rushed our father, Adam (a), to get them out of Jannah into dunya because their pleasure is in dunya. They want to fulfill their desires of dunya. They want to have the best in dunya. They also want to see corruption and fasad in dunya. They want to fulfill their desires and spread corruption. They are the people who only look at this dunya. “How can I get more? How can I get higher? How can I be bigger? How can I be stronger? How can I be this and that?”
How many people of dunya are there? It is said on the Day of Judgment, Adam (a) will be asked, “Yaa Adam. Akhrij `alaa ‘n-Naar. Send out the people of Jahannam.” Out of 1,000, 999 will be from Jahannam. They only wanted dunya and elevation in dunya. They were not seeking Jannah. Those in the essence, in the being of Adam (a), rushed him to eat. “Get us out.” Jannah does not accept dirty ones. They had to get out.
Ahlu ‘l-Jannah also wanted to get out because they saw their maqams in Jannah. They knew that they had to get out to gain access to their maqams. That only happens with Tawheed. The higher your Tawheed, the higher you see Allah (swt) in your cosmos. If you see other than Allah (swt) then your Tawheed is lower, lower, lower, until it goes down to shirk. You have to be careful. Ahlu ‘l-Jannah wanted to reach their maqams in Jannah, so they rushed Adam (a) to eat from the tree.
That small group were ahlu ‘l-Llah. They were not interested in dunya and whatever dunya had to offer. They were not interested in Jannah and whatever Jannah had to offer. They were interested in being with Allah (swt) alone. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) gave a suhbah about that. He said, on the Day of Judgment Allah (swt) will say to His mala’ikah, “Take My servant to Jannah.” They take him to Paradise and a little while later that servant comes out. Allah (swt) orders the angels, “Take him back. Put him in Jannah.” A little while later he comes out and He orders, “Tie him up. Drag him to Jannah.” He is dragged to Jannah in shackles. A little while later he comes out and he will be asked, “O My servant. Don’t you like My Paradise?” He says, “Yaa Rabbee. I did not ask for it. I wasn’t asking for Jannah. Yaa Rabbee. I was asking for You. Give Jannah to the one who wants Jannah. Give it to the ones who asked for it.”
Ahlu ‘l-Jannah are the second group. They are Muslims, mu’mins who are asking for Jannah. They’re happy with their fasting, their prayers and the five pillars. They do a little bit more here and there but they are asking for Jannah. Ahlu ‘l-Llah are only asking for Allah (swt). They are not asking for dunya or Akhirah or Jannah. Mawlana continues the story. A light will come and cover that `abd and take him to the Divine Presence. Allah (swt) knows where that is but that `abd will disappear from the area of the gathering.
Decide who you are and what you are. Are you from the group asking for dunya, are you from the group asking for Jannah or are you from the group that’s asking for Allah (swt)? Make up your mind and then make your way and follow your dream. Our dream is to be from ahlu ‘l-Llah. Awliya and Anbiya are ahlu ‘l-Llah. Awliyaullah did not ask for Jannah, they asked for Allah (swt). That position which is other than Jannah is mentioned in Surat al-Qamar. Asta`eedhubillah.
إِنَّ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ فِى جَنَّـٰتٍ وَنَهَرٍ
Inna ‘l-muttaqeena fee Jannatin wa nahar.
As to the Righteous, they will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers. (Surat Al-Qamar, 54:54)
فِى مَقْعَدِ صِدْقٍ عِندَ مَلِيكٍ مُّقْتَدِرٍۭ
Fee maqadi sidqin inda Maleekin Muqtadir.
In an Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign Omnipotent. (Surat al-Qamar, 54:55)
Awliyaullah and Anbiyaullah are in Jannah in flowing rivers but there’s another level. That is the Seat of Truth in front of an Almighty King. That is ahlu ‘l-Llah. They are with Him in His Royal Court. Awliyaullah have reached that. Anbiyaullah have reached that. It is said there is a door from there to Jannah, where they go in Jannah. They can go to their palaces and mansions because your ego likes to graze. Allah (swt) gives the right of the ego.
You were a good one. Nafsu ‘l-Mutma’ina kullu washrabu haniyan. Eat and drink. It is halal for you. Whatever you have done in the past days of worship, O ego, nafsu ‘l-mutma’ina, eat and drink and enjoy.
يَـٰٓأَيَّتُهَا ٱلنَّفْسُ ٱلْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ
Yaa ayyuha ‘l-nafsu ‘l-mutma’ina.
(To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! (Surah al-Fajr, 89:27)
Allah (swt) will give that ego a chance to get what it wants. Either you are from ahlu ‘d-dunya or ahlu ‘l-Akhirah or from ahlu ‘l-Llah. Follow your way. May Allah (swt) forgive us.
I heard from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) that they take the shepherds to court. They don’t take the sheep to court. Have you ever seen a sheep going to court? Isn’t that true, captain? The shepherds are responsible. Shepherds are not something you want to be. May Allah (swt) forgive us.
As I said before and I said this two days ago, my father asked me to conduct circles of Dhikr. He asked me to do something and I will continue to perform that. I will not go out of what he told me to do. Inshaa-Allah, I will continue to conduct circles of Dhikr and accept invitations. He told me in 2015, “If people invite you, tell them to send you the ticket.” The first ones who invited me were Bilal and Jamil from Houston. Are they here? They said, “Come with your father.” I said, “Send the tickets.” They sent the tickets.
I travel as my father has permitted me, “Go conduct circles of Dhikr with whoever invites you.” I go to conduct circles of Dhikr anywhere. Whoever is inviting, I go for that Dhikr circle or Dhikrullah. That is the way to Allah (swt). That is ahlu ‘d-Dhikr. Asta`eedhu billah.
وَمَآ أَرْسَلْنَا قَبْلَكَ إِلَّا رِجَالًا نُّوحِىٓ إِلَيْهِمْ فَسْـَٔلُوٓا۟ أَهْلَ ٱلذِّكْرِ إِن كُنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
Fas’aloo ahla ‘dh-Dhikri in kuntum la ta`lamoon.
Before thee, also, the apostles We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: If ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message. (Surat al-Anbiya, 21:7)
Ask about the hidden knowledge from Ahlu ‘dh-Dhikr, not Ahlu ‘l-`ilm. Mashaa-Allah, Wahabis like Ahlu ‘l-`ilm, Ahlu ‘l-Hadith. Mashaa-Allah. Good for you. Allah (swt) mentioned Ahlu ‘dh-Dhikr in the Holy Qur’an. They asked Sayyidina Imam al-Ghazali (r), “How did you get your knowledge?” He said, Allah (swt) said, Fas’aloo ahla ‘dh-Dhikri. I found the people who were making Dhikr. I found ahlu ‘dh-Dhikr so I asked them about the hidden knowledge, not the knowledge that you read in books.
Find Dhikrullah. Sit in any circle of Dhikrullah. Mawlana told me, “If they invite you, accept but tell them to send the tickets, otherwise they’re not serious.” Everywhere I go they say, “Come to us. Come to us.” Send the tickets. “Oh, let me think.” They invited me from the UK and I said, “Then send the tickets.” He said, “Let me arrange it.” It’s been a week. Alhamdulillah.
I will continue to do whatever Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (q) asked me to do and the rest is none of my business or concern. What Mawlana told me is the best way. He showed me the way of Dhikr circles. He said, “Sit with Ahlu ‘dh-Dhikr. In these circles you will find Rijaalu ‘l-Ghayb. They will appear there.” This is in the suhbahs of Shaykh Gazi Ghannoum in Lebanon in the white book. I think they translated a couple of books but in these books you will find that in one of the suhbahs Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) said, don’t think that Mamadou is Mamadou. He might be Rijaalu ‘l-Ghayb in the form of Mamadou. It might be your friend. “Oh, you’re here too?” “Yeah, I’m here too.” But he is not him. He might be Waliyullah, Rijaalu ‘l-Ghayb that have come to be in the majlis.
Why? Because there is one to be taken out. To where? To be Ahlu ‘l-Llah. Ahlu ‘dh-Dhikr are the people of Jannah. You are in Riyadu ‘l-Jannah. When you make Dhikr, you are in Jannah but it is said that Allah (swt) fishes the `arif from Jannah to be with Him. First you are the catch of Jannah from dunya, then you are the catch of Allah (swt) from Jannah. Rijaalu ‘l-Ghayb will come to the Jannah and look for the one who is the catch of Allah (swt). These are Ahlu ‘l-Llah. He might be from Rijaalu ‘l-Ghayb. They come and start talking to you and you talk to them and then they will pull you to be from ahlu ‘l-Llah.
Being in circles of Dhikr is the best. Wherever you find one, sit. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) told us to sit in any majlis. They asked him when I was back in Turkey, “Sayyidi, how about Shadhili, Qadiri, Mevlevi, Khalwati, Jalwati?” There were so many of them over there. He said, “If you feel tranquility and peacefulness in your heart, it’s a good majlis. Sit. If you feel unrest, you’re not comfortable, leave. Don’t come back.” Sit in any majlis of any tariqah that makes you comfortable, otherwise leave.
That’s what we do. Again, I will repeat it. I am doing what my father asked me to do and I will continue. If anybody sends an invitation, make sure you send a ticket. May Allah (swt) forgive us. I don’t want to take too much of your time. The food has been here since 5. That’s why I forgot the ayah, I was smelling food. Shaykh Sahib too who is behind me.
May Allah (swt) forgive us. Shaykh Abdul Haqq is on our head. Shaykh Ahsan is on our head. All of us are on each other’s head.
Rasoolullah (s) is teaching you. Laa tahaasadoo, as I said the other day, don’t be jealous of each other. Wa la tabaaghadoo. Don’t hate each other. Don’t be angry at each other. Don’t seek revenge from each other. Wa laa tadaabaroo. Don’t turn away from each other. Wa koonu `ibaadAllahi ikhwaana. Be servants of Allah (swt), be brothers. We are all brothers. There is no distinction. If you want to be from ahlu ‘d-dunya then you have to find the brothers who are from ahlu ‘d-dunya. If you want to be from ahlu ‘l-Jannah, you have to find the brothers of ahlu ‘l-Jannah. If you want to be from ahlu ‘l-Llah, you have to find the brothers, the ikhwan. No, not the Egyptians. Press cancel. You have to find the brothers from ahlu ‘l-Llah and these are very, very difficult to find. If you cannot find one, what do you do?
Do you know the name of Shah Naqshband (q)? Not Bahauddin. His name is Muhammad al-Uwaysi. What is Uwaysi? The one who is on the path of receiving knowledge without physical contact. Have you ever heard of that? They are not in direct contact with the teacher? Ever heard of Uwaysi? Shah Naqshband’s name is Muhammad al-Uwaysi. He received his knowledge by not being in direct physical contact with the teacher. It is spiritual contact, spiritual flow!
Shah Naqshband’s name is Muhammad al-Uwaysi al-Bukhari. That’s what we call him. Other Awliyaullah have called him Bahauddin al-Haqq, the Glory of Deen and the Glory of Haqq. That is his title. That is not his name. He received his knowledge from Sayyidina Baba as-Samasi (q) without direct contact. Sayyidina Shaykh Sharafuddin Daghestani (q) received his knowledge from Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri (q) without physical contact. Sayyidina Abu al-Kharqani (q) received knowledge from Sayyidina Abu Yazid al-Bistami (q) after a hundred years of his passing. Read. Have you ever read the book, Classical Naqshbandi Way? Why not? A little bit? Okay. Have you read the Google manual on how to operate the app and the android and all of that? A lot.
Inshaa-Allah we are on their way. May Allah (swt) forgive us. I don’t want to talk anymore. We’ll leave it like that. Inshaa-Allah, we are from Ahlu ‘l-Llah, Ahlu ‘d-Dhikr. Be from them and you will be the catch of Allah (swt) if you are destined to be. It is not in your hand. Allah (swt) grants Nubuwwat. Allah (swt) grants Wilayat.
You were an essence when Allah (swt) created you. He wanted something from you. You don’t know what it was. Sayyidina Muyiddin ibn Arabi (q) said it. He knew what Allah (swt) wanted from him.
Aradtani wa aradta minni.
You wanted me and You wanted something from me.
Fa kunta anta muradaka minni.
You wanted You from me.
Did you understand, Mamadou? It means, I was just a shadow from You to You. Basically Your Gaze came from You and went back to You. I’m just on that circle. He knew he was from Allah (swt). He knew he was from ahlu ‘l-Llah. You cannot all be from ahlu ‘l-Llah. Some people will be from ahlu ‘l-Jannah, of course. Some people will be from ahlu ‘d-dunya. That’s how dunya continues to flourish and expand and whatever technology they’re doing that Allah (swt) wanted from them. But from ahlu ‘l-Llah, Fa kunta anta muradaka minni. You were what You wanted from me.
Conduct circles of Dhikr wherever you are. Continue and be for Allah (swt) like we said. May Allah (swt) support all of us. I will continue to do what my father told me to do and the rest is none of my business.
Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
We’ll ask Shaykh Abdul Haqq to do the Dhikr. Like I said, we are back at square one. Here you go shaykh.
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