How the Soul Knows for which Womb it is Destined
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
16 March 2013 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan
`Asr Suhbah
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.
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Ati`oollaaha wa ati`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.
Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)
We are live? As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh to anyone who is there.
Happy birthday! Happy birthday. Happy means inshaa-Allah wilaada sa`eeda, because what is the meaning of “Happy Birthday”? It is not celebrating “birthday,” but we say, “Happy birthday,” for the day that you are in to be happy inshaa-Allah.
“Birth,” means the day Earth gave birth to the daylight. When the morning, after ishraaq, after Fajr, comes a new day comes, so “happy birth-day,” a new day is coming that we hope is happy. (On) the birth of the day, we are asking, “Yaa Rabbee, (may) the birth of that day make us happy!” And when the night comes, “Happy birth night!” which means, “Yaa Rabbee, make that night a happy night!” Every moment in our day or in our night is a moment to which Allah gave birth to increase our life, in that moment...asking to make your life in that moment happy, yawmun sa`eed laylun sa`eed aw laylatan sa`eeda.
How? Where Allah (swt) gave you five important moments in your day and part of the night: He gives you Fajr, He gave you Zhuhr, He gave you `Asr, He gave you Maghrib and He gave you `Isha, five births that make you happy because you will be in these moments in the Presence of the Creator, in His Divine Presence; showing your worshipness and your tawheed, declaring your Oneness to Allah (swt) that you do sajda to no one else but Allah (swt). So of course every moment in our life is a new birth because if Allah (swt) stops giving you that birth what happens? You die. You leave this dunya, so it is not a birth for something that is a dunya issue. No, if they understand, these people, in every moment of your life you have to thank Allah (swt) for the birth He gave you in that day or that night. It is not, as they say, bida`.
We are thanking Allah once a year for giving us birth on that day by praying and inviting people to dhikrullah, to a Mawlid because in the majority of Muslim countries they remember the day they have been born to show thanks to Allah (swt) and invite poor people to eat and to recite Mawlid of Prophet (s) and then to go, but in reality it has to be every moment in your life, thanking Allah and offering Him your prayers your worshipness, your sujood. Say, “Yaa Rabbee, this is what I can do, what I cannot do, help me!” Our birth is sacred because the souls of human beings:
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon.
To Allah we belong and unto Him do we return. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:156)
This secret of the soul that no one knows is coming to you as a creature that Allah created, at that moment coinciding to make the body move in the womb of the mother. That is the moment of birth, it is not only the moment when you come out, but that is the moment when Allah sends that soul which is not covered with any darkness:
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Yoolidu al-insaanu `ala ‘l-fitra fa imma abawaahu yuhawwidaanihi aw yunasaraanihi aw yumajjisaanih.
Human beings are born on fitrah, innocence; either his parents make him Jewish or Christian or Zoroastrian. (Muslim)
“Human beings are born on innocence.” Innocence means someone who is called innocent in the religious way, in the Islamic way, is someone fitra, he is born on a sacred birth, because there is no sin when the child comes out, no sin in the womb of the mother, no sin. So it must be the happiest moment in all the moments of your life, the moment of birth, coming to dunya with no sin. Only prophets are ma`soomoon from sins, but at the moment we were created the `ismah was there and we broke it, but prophets did not break their `ismah.
We were in the Day of Promises, qaaloo balaa, we said, “Yes,” when Allah asked, “Am I not your Lord?” That is no sin and it means you are on the highest level of worship at that moment. When Allah wants you to merge:
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Maraja al-bahrayni yaltaqiyaani baynahumaa barzakhun laa yabghiyaan.
He has let loosed the two seas meeting together. Between them is a barrier that none of them can transgress. (Surat ar-Rahman, 55:19-20)
Allah made the two oceans to meet and between them there is a barrier, which is a quarantine of the two oceans, the Ocean of Spirituality or Ocean of Taste, and the Ocean of Materialism, which is the Ocean of Shari`ah, which is the Ocean of Papers (books, research, etc.). He brought the two oceans, the ocean of that sacred moment when you were in the Divine Presence and Allah ordered your soul to go. Where to go? Does the soul know where to go or not? How does it know which womb it has to enter? How does the soul know? “Go to that one!”
In normal, real life, they make statistics of how many births occur each day, they say it is in millions, I heard 10 million or that range, every moment or every day. Let us say it is 10 million, and I know it is more than that, how is it if the souls have been told, “Go!”, if it is 10 million per day, in one second how many will it be? Thousands and thousands in a second. How do they go? They know which womb they have to enter! Subhaan-Allah! And they don’t make a mistake. That one goes to that one, no mistake, they go directly to the one Allah ordered. That means Atee`oollaaha, they already have obedience! Atee`oollaaha wa atee`oo ‘r-Rasoola, did they obey Allah and His Prophet (s) or not? They obeyed! All these souls obeyed when Allah ordered them to go and enter the womb of this lady or that lady or that lady, and who obeys deserves Paradise!
That is why yulad al-insaanu `ala ’l-fitrah, children are born on innocence because when the first order came, “Go there!” they said, sami`naa wa ata`naa, “We hear and we obey.” They didn’t say, “I want to go to that other lady.” Do souls hear and see? Yes, they have power to do that. They can see, they can hear. Do they speak? Yes. Did you think about how they speak? The words come, and to show His Miraculous Power, Allah makes each to speak a different language! And if all of them can do that and say, “Yes, yes, yes,” they are obedient. Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon, “We belong to Allah and we are going back to him.”
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Sami`naa wa ata`naa ghufraanaka rabbanaa wa ilayk al-maseer.
We hear and we obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return (of all, so forgive us). (Surat al-Baqara, 2:285)
So every human being is born on sacredness, fitrah. Either his parents make him this religion or that religion, which means it is not Allah that makes him that religion or that religion or that religion or that. Because his parents are the owners of the sperm and the egg, laa hayya fi ‘d-deen, but of course the sperm and the egg and the soul are in His Hands, and to make that alive He has to send the soul. So his parents make him this or that religion, which means if they were good he will be good and if they were struggling he will be struggling because they raise him like that. Therefore:
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Yoolidu al-insaanu `ala ‘l-fitra fa imma abawaahu yuhawwidaanihi aw yunasaraanihi aw yumajjisaanih.
Human beings are born on fitrah, innocence; either his parents make him Jewish or Christian or Zoroastrian. (Muslim)
Prophet (s) said, “Human beings are born on innocence,” so finished, it means that soul is pure. And because this light is pure, every moment by Allah’s Order, He created the sun and by the sun that light is coming when the Earth is turning, the Earth is turning or not? [Yes] The Earth is doing different moments in it’s turning--moments are passing as it is turning. Means every fraction of a second there is a moment and that moment, like we said before, when they tried to find out how small the measure of time can go, they measured it to a fraction of a second, to 10-22, which means trillions of moments in a second and we cannot read that number; 10-22 means it is no longer time, but it becomes energy. Earth is turning, with what kind of fuel or energy? Allah is giving from the Ocean of Power, Bahr al-Qudrah. As it is turning, light is coming and night is leaving, so there are moments and in these moments thousands of souls are entering. From where?
Why does the soul come only after four months, why not after one week, why not after one day? Why not after the sperm and egg come together? Why does it wait four months to come? Because Allah is Muhayyar al-`Uqool, Astonisher of the Minds, if He sent it when the sperm and egg first come together, they could calculate when it will come, but if He leaves it open they don’t know when will come, it comes when He wants it to come! Sending it from where? From the Divine Presence, from Alastu bi-rabbikum qaaloo balaa.
Did you imagine how fast the soul comes from there to reach the womb of the mother, how fast is it moving and with what speed it takes to reach? The speed of light is 300,000 km per second and how much time does it need to reach? If you want to calculate, it might be unable to reach millions or billions of years, like some stars that are billions of light-years away and their light is now reaching us. That is why scientists see newborn stars but they are not newborn, maybe they were created two-billion years ago but only now they are reaching us and we are seeing them. It might be that they are now finished, they were born and then extinguished, and we are seeing their lights now although they are not there anymore.
So that soul is there and its light knows which womb it is going to go to. It is like an electric plug, and the plug for that soul, every plug is different and every soul has a different plug. If the stars are billions of years away and the souls are in Bahr al-Arwaah, the Ocean of Souls, where is that Ocean of Souls, where has Allah (swt) put that Ocean of Souls, do we know? No one knows. Yes, the Prophet (s) knows, because he passed that and he went farther than that to Qaaba Qawsayni aw Adnaa, he reached where no one reached! So where is that ocean? Awliyaullah know from what Prophet (s) gave them to know, so when they look at someone they look at that ocean and they know.
Now in precious stones, especially diamonds, precious ones, there is new technology that they put a laser in the stones, a special light that does not harm the stone, in which they (inscribe) a number, so now when you buy one you have to check that number as all the specifications of that stone are in it, and if it gets stolen, any jeweler you go to will know it and they will immediately inform insurance companies and trace it. So when awliyaullah look at a jewel, and human beings are created clean as a jewel, awliyaullah look at your stone, your soul, and they immediately know where you are living and that that will identify to them what kind of a person you are. So that is why in every moment there is a birth and that is the birth-moment of that day. Is it not a “Happy Birthday,” the day you were born? Yes, may Allah make it happy, but as we said at the beginning, in every moment there is a birth of light. In every moment the Earth is turning and there is a birth, and these births show the light and then show the night.
So when we feel it is a sacred movement, because it is coming from Bahr al-Qudrah, what do we have to say? “Shukran, yaa Rabbee!” We have to thank Him that He gave us a birth, and every moment in your life is a birth that you can celebrate by worshipping or else you are not showing respect that Allah gave you a moment of life, increasing it and increasing it. Also, He can stop it at any moment, but He is giving that until He wants you to come back, when He calls that soul. Allahu Akbar! That soul, when we were saying before of how many births there are every day, millions, not in ten millions, but more, it might be 20 or 30 million and 30 million deaths, and where did these souls come from or coming from? (We are repeating a little bit because some people just came.) We cannot say a place, but from the Divine Presence of Bahr al-Arwaah, the Ocean of Souls, where Allah (swt) asked, “Alastu bi rabbikum qaaloo balaa,” the soul is coming from there, knowing which womb of the mother it wants to go in.
But how does it know which womb to go in and never make mistakes, and how does that order come? When the order comes for the soul to go to the womb of the mother, which is a sacred home as Allah doesn’t create except clean and pure, that purity in the soul also has to go to a purity of the womb, so it knows which one it has to go in and they don’t make mistakes. So what does that mean? The first moment in your life, the first moment when Allah orders your soul, you say, “Sami`na wa ata`anaa,” you don’t say, “No, I don’t want to go! I’m happy here in Allah’s Ocean of Souls.” Maybe it is a Divine Beauty Ocean of al-Khaaliq, Bahru ‘l-Khalq, Huwa ‘l-Khaaliq, which is one of the Beautiful Names and Attributes; it is a Divine Name coming from that power, so you are obeying and not disobeying. Even Iblees obeyed, then he disobeyed.
That is why the Prophet (s) said, yoolidu al-insaanu `ala ‘l-fitra, “Human beings are born on innocence, purity, obedience.” The first `amal you do is what? Obedience. What is marriage? It is obedience to Allah’s order and the Prophet’s sunnah. That’s why marriage means when a husband and wife enter their room, sins are dropping from their fingers, all their sins are going, and as much as you touch more sins will go! Obedience.
This means we are doing two obediences we cannot control, which is by Allah’s grant, first when we came and second when we leave, and in-between there is a struggle. We came pure and we are leaving as devils? No, that is impossible, we must be clean! That is why, do you think Allah (swt) gave the Prophet (s) shafa`ah only in Akhirah or in every moment?
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Tu`radu `alayya `amal ummatee.
I observe the `amal of my ummah. (al-Bazzaar in his Musnad)
In every moment he (s) is making shafa`ah for his ummah and in every moment there is someone leaving dunya from Ummat an-Nabi (s), if we want to restrict it to Ummat an-Nabi (s). Why, when you are giving your last seven breaths, is the Prophet (s) not present? If he is present and we say, “As-salaamu `alayka, yaa ayyuha ‘n-Nabi” in Tahiyyaat, you are speaking to him (s) directly, and when the soul is going out, do you know what it is asking? Is Allah (swt) not Ghafooru ‘r-Raheem? He only wants from us a little bit of obedience, saying, “I am giving you five moments in your day and night which are precious, so keep them. Come back to Me in these times: Fajr, Zhuhr, `Asr, Maghrib, `Isha.” That is why it is said, “Don’t delay your prayers,” because it is the precious moments about which awliyaullah say, “You must pray within the first hour of its time.” If you do it immediately after the adhaan and don’t delay it, perhpas only 10-15 minutes for people to come, awliyaullah say, “It is as if you are (praying at the Ka`bah),” because normally by Shari`ah, in every prayer you direct your face to the Ka`bah, the House of Allah (swt):
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Qad naraa taqallaba wajhika fi 's-samaai fa-lanuwalliyannak qiblatan tardaahaa fawalli wajhaka shatara ’l-masjidi 'l-haraam.
We see the turning of your face towards the Heavens. Now We will turn you to a qiblah that will please you. Turn then your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:144)
“We know that you like Mecca, you like the Ka`bah, so We are giving you that.” We are directing our faces toward Ka`bah; our direction is Ka`bah, but it is between Allah’s Hands. We are coming and praying the five prayers, but we are not seeing. Awliyaullah say more than that, and that is for all of us, but for them, they give it to their followers to encourage them more. They say that Allah granted Ummat an-Nabi (s) the five prayers, which means He looks at them with a heavenly, holy glance, and Allah’s glance is Ghafooru ‘r-Raheem, so when you say the takbeer, “Allahu Akbar,” that tajalli will come and you will be forgiven! Prayers are day and night and that day, which is half day and half night, will go to Allah (swt) with your sins forgiven, because of your five prayers.
So that soul that is coming in is accepting obedience to Allah (swt). From where is it coming? From the Moon, from the Sun, from where? From Bahr al-Qudrah, from Bahr al-Arwaah, al-Qaadir, al-Khaaliq, from these oceans is the Ocean of Souls. If it is like that, and it is, it is from inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon: we are from that ocean and we go back to that because the soul is pure. That ocean we are coming from,