21 January 2015 Fenton, Michigan
Introduction: Signs of the End Times
from the book, As-sunan al-waaridu fi ’l- fitani as-saa`ati wa ghawaa’iluha, Vol 3
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.
As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Alhamdulillahi Rabbi 'l-`Alameen, wa ’s-salaatu wa ’s-salaamu `alaa ashrafi 'l-mursaleena Sayyidina wa Nabiyyina Muhammadin wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een.
Brothers and sisters. The situation in the world is upside down, everywhere there is problem and we are in the problem, all of us, all human beings are in problems, and for that reason we found it is good to explain some of what the Prophet (s) has predicted of the Last Days. So we are mentioning Ahaadeeth of the Prophet (s) but it will take time, because there are so many of them. We are quoting from one of the books that compiled these Ahaadeeth, As-sunan al-waaridu fi ’l-fitani wa ‘s-saa`atu wa ghawaa’iluhaa, beginning with Volume 3 as Volume 1 is not available and we get it later, inshaa-Allah.
So the first is about centuries, about time, what will happen; it is a chapter on what the Prophet (s) has mentioned in different times in the world and what kind of corruption and what kind of people they were, changing positions, like what we are seeing today. So it is mentioned that some As-haab an-Nabi (s) complained to Anas bin Malik (r) about al-Hajjaj, a very famous zaalim, oppressor, tyrant, but in his understanding he was not a tyrant but people considered him as such. They were complaining and Anas ibn Malik (r) said to them, quoting a Hadith he said:
اصبروا فانه لا يأتيكم زمان الا والذي بعده اشد منه حتى تلقوا ربكم سمعت ذلك من نبيكم
‘Be patient for no period of time passes except that what comes after it is worse, until you meet your Lord.’ I heard that from your Prophet. (Bukhari)
“Isbiroo, be patient, isbiroo fa-innahu laa yaa’teekum zamaanun illa walladhee ba`dahu ashaddu minhu, “For sure in every age, every century, every time there will come another age that is worse than that age before it until you die, and until you go to your ‘inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon’, and until the Judgment Day. I heard that from the Prophet (s).”
So he said, “Isbiroo, be patient.” Today do we have sabr, patience? Be patient on everything; be patient on your husband, on your wife, be patient on your children, on each other, be patient on anything you feel angry with. Many times you feel angry and you feel upset and you feel sad, you feel nervous, you feel you want to correct all human beings. That is what is happening today in some Middle East countries, a group of people who want to correct everyone. So what we have to do? Be patient, don’t jump into the fire, into the confusion, into fitna.
الفتنة نائمة لعن الله من أيقظها
Fitna is dormant and Allah curses whoever awakes it. (Al-Rafi’i; al-Ajlouni in Kashf al-Khafaa.)
Fitna is dormant and Allah cursed whoever wakes it up. And the Prophet (s) said, “Be patient,” it means don’t do anything. As the Prophet (s) said:
ستكون القتن كقطع الليل المظلم القاعد فيا خير من القائم والقائم خير من الماشي
There will be fitna a piece of a dark night. At that time the one sitting is best than the one standing, and the one standing is better than the one walking.
That means sit at home, don’t put your finger, you burn your finger because if you are not happy and not patient the age or time that comes after the time you are in is going to be worse, it is not going to be better. That is why Imam Shafi'i, what he did? He wrote his Madhhab when he was in Baghdad and he called it “al-Umm”. I have it, very nice explanations of everything. When he went to Egypt he changed his Madhhab, he revised to suit the time, because it was worse than the time he was previously in and he said, “What I saw in Egypt was far more in corruption than what I had heard”, so he revised his Madhhab to accommodate the time that he was in.
What do you think about today? Today we are in need to be more patient than any other day, hatta talqaw rabbakum `azza wa jall, you have to be patient until you die. Today no one is patient, very few people are patient. What do you call them? Hulamaa’, haleem, calm people. But you, you, you, everyone, me and everyone, is not patient. That is where the fitna comes, Shaytan enters from a hole that is open and disturbs everyone.
I will not mention too much Hadith on this, but I will mention one. Anas Ibn Malik said: maa min yawmin, now he is breaking it down, before he said zamaan, age, but now breaking into chunks, “Not one day passes, not one night, not one month, not one year, illa walladee qabla khayrun min, is better than before, that is the one before it is better than the one after that you are in,” meaning your day today is better than your day tomorrow, meaning with fitna, not with `ibaadah, but with fitna. The day today is better than tomorrow, the night tonight is better than the night tomorrow, this month is going to be better than next month and the year, this year is going to be better than next year, and whatever is before is better than whatever is after. He said that sami`tu dhalika min nabiyyikum (s), “I heard that from your Prophet (s).”
`Abdullah ibn Mas`ood, one of the biggest Sahaabi of the Prophet (s) said in the same meaning, in the same category or chapter, in a Hadith:
لا يأتيكم عليكم عام الا والذي بعده شر منه لا اعني عام اخصب من عام ولا امطر من عام ولاكن ذهاب خياركم وعلماءكم ثم يحدث قوم يقيسون الامور برأيهم فيهدم الاسلام وينثلم
No year passes except that which comes after is worse than it; I do not mean one year having more rain or crops than another, but rather by the passing of your scholars and pious ones, until a people come who make legal analogies by their own opinions and thereby Islam will be destroyed and crumble down.
Laa yaa’tee `alaykum `am illa walladee ba`da sharrun minhu, not one year comes except the year after is worse than it. Laa `annee akhsab min `aam wa laa amtar min `aam , I don’t mean that year is better than the following year by more rain, or less rain, or by better soil or less soil, dry soil, no. Wa laakin dhihaab khiyaarikum wa `ulamaa’ikum, but the disappearance of the sincere pious people and your scholars, they will die.
The ones who come after have less education, less `ilm and less sincerity, and that is what we see today; there are no more `ulama as before, when `ulama were filling dunya. There was no teaching of science, most of the teaching in the Umayyad, Abbasid, Mamalik, Fatimid, Othmaniyy times, most of the `ilm was concentrated on Hadith, Qur’an, Fiqh, Tafsir, Arabic, Grammar, Poetry; that was the `ilm, there was no other knowledge. So everyone was focussing, and everyone was knowledgeable, but as ages and centuries passed, it got worse and worse. `Ulama also were dying and those left are not as qualified as before, but alhamdulillah there are still `ulama.
So he said, “I am not saying your century is going to be better by being less rain or too much rain, but I mean you are going to have less `ilm, `ulama are going and sincere people are going.”
Then what will happen? Thummah yuhaddithu qawmun yaqeesoon al-umoora bi raa’ihim fa yuhdam al-islam wa yanthalim, a group of people who don't have enough knowledge to analyze or make fatwa on issues that concern Muslims, so since it is like this [Mawlana shows right palm], it becomes like that [Mawlana shows left palm and brings the hands together] as they match with each other, they will lecture using their own opinion, they will not give opinions of what Allah (swt), Holy Qur'an and Hadith said. So that is why today everyone is running not to Islam to find a solution, they are looking to someone else to find solutions instead of looking to Holy Qur'an and Hadith to find solutions. Now they are finding solutions through countries that consider themselves pioneers of everything. That is not correct, as their culture and their tradition is different from Islamic culture and Islamic tradition.
So the sincerity between people is gone and the `ulama are gone, and now a group of people came, yaqeesoona al-umoor bi raa’ihim, who measure or who call people to their opinion, so then what will happen? Like today what is going on in the Middle East, ISIS, what is going on with ISIS, they are yaqeesoon al-umoor bi raa’ihim; they judge or they have their own opinion, and they force or impose their opinion on everyone, which is wrong, and the Prophet (s) said that is wrong! What will happen? Fa yuhdamu ‘l-Islam, when they do that, like what they are doing now, Islam will break down, it will fall apart and wa yanthalim, al khalal fil-haa'it, al-khalal, there will be something wrong, like someone who builds a wall incorrectly, what will happen? It gets crooked and slowly, slowly it will fall down.
So Ibn Masud (r) heard from Prophet (s) fa yuhdam al-Islam wa yanthalim, “Islam will fall down and something wrong will appear in it.” That is what people are seeing today in Islam: there is something wrong in Islam and that is what the Prophet (s) mentioned 1500 years ago and this is what we are seeing. SubhaanAllah ya`nee as is mentioned, they want to yaqees, qiyaas, compare things, they make analogies according to their opinions, they destroy Islam and they will make Islam fall apart and make problems within Islam that people are seeing not one problem only, but too many problems!
So this is what the fight in Middle East is a proof of, what ISIS is doing is big proof, because there are no `ulama among them, they all studied on their own, there is no sincerity among between them, they began to make analogies and comparisons between different ideas and they want to implement that on people without having a background in knowledge. And they say, “This you have to follow, if not your neck will be cut”, or, “Ladies, if you don’t follow [wearing niqaab] your neck will be cut or you will be made our slaves.” And so they are doing things according to their opinion, not with a consensus of `ulama, and that is what the Prophet (s) mentioned: Isbiroo fa-innahu laa yaa’teekum zamaanun illaa walladhee ba`dahu ashaddu min, hattaa talqaw rabbakum, “Be patient as there will not be a time that is not worse than what preceded it until you meet your Lord.”
Al-Shu`bee (r), (a famous Successor of the Sahaabah) said:
ما بكيت من زمان الا بكيت عليه
Every time I cried because of the difficulty of the time I am in, I ended up crying for that time before it as it was better than it; the one before it which I said was bad was better than the one after it.
So he was crying on every age that he passed through, missing all those ages that were before as they were better than the one he was presently in, so every time that he lived in was worse than the one before. He was thinking it will become better, but it was worse.
Sufyan al-Thawri (r) said, quoting a Hadith:
حدثنا ابن عفان قال حدثنا سفيان الثوري كان يقال يأتي على الناس زمان ينتقص فيه الصبر والعقل والحلم والمعرفة حتى لا يجد الرجل من يبث اليه ما يجده من الغم. قيل له واي زمان هو؟ قال اراه زماننا هذا
There will come a time when people have no patience or intellect or forebearance or knowledge, such that a man feeling depressed doesn’t find anyone to go to.” It was asked, “When will that be?” He said, “I think it is our time now.” (As-sunan al-waaridu fi ’l-fitani wa ‘s-saa`atu wa ghawaa’iluhaa)
Haddathanaa ibn `affan, qaal sufyan ath-thawri, One of the big awliyaullah, Sufyan al-Thawri (r), said, kaan yuqaal yaa’tee `ala an-naasi zamaan yantaqisu feehi ’s-sabr, “It used to be said, ‘A time will come when patience is less and less’, because our `aql, intelligence today is less and less. Today our `aql focuses on issues not related to religion, on dunya, and we are running after dunya with all its entertainment and leaving what is for Akhirah. Allah (swt) said, according to the Hadith of the Prophet (s):
لو كانت الدنيا تعدل عند الله جناح بعوضة ما سقى كافراً منها شربة ماء
If the value of this dunya weighed the wing of a mosquito, Allah would never give a cup of water for the unbelievers to drink.
So he said, “There will be coming a time that there will be no patience, it will be less, no `aql,” no mind today. Do you have mind? No mind. No `ilm, no patience, no knowledge, no ma`rifah, until you will not find a man who will try to advise another one about ghamm, depression, worrying. They asked him, “Which time is that?” He said, “It is my time that I live in.” That was after the Prophet (s) by 200 years. What then do you think of the time we are in today, because every time, every century was worse that the one before. So we are in the 15th Century Hijri, count how many days. And he said, “Every day is worse than the day before.” So 1500 years how many days in it? That means every hour before is better, you know why? Because every hour you do sins. So the hour before is stopped, is better, as you did less sins. So they said to Sufyan ath-Thawri, “Which time was that?” He said: “Araahu zamanunaa hadha, I say it was our time.” And we say today, “It is our time,” and not their time, their time was better, but even they were not happy with their time. That is why Ibn Katheer (r) said there are a lot of AHadith about Sayyidina al-Mahdi (a), and we know when he appears he brings peace on Earth. So Ibn Katheer (r) said, qaala ibn katheer inna ‘l-mahdi haqqun, “Al-Mahdi is true, haqq.”
There are two opinions on this:
1) Laa mahdiya illa `Isa, there is no Mahdi except Sayyidina `Isa (a).
2) The other is that Mahdi is grandson of the Prophet (s) and will come in the Last Days.
These opinions are both correct, laa mahdiya illa `Isa, that Sayyidina `Isa (a) is a prophet and will guide people to the Right Way. Anyone who guides people to the Right Way is haadi, a guide. And, al-Muntazhar, the “expected Mahdi” will come and is one of the grandchildren of the Prophet (s). So when Mahdi comes, Sayyidina `Isa (a) comes after him and is a haadi, meaning “who guides people” according to the Arabic meaning, and Sayyidina al-Mahdi is Mahdi. Wa laa yanfee dhaalika an yakoona ghayruhu mahdiyyan aydan, so that does not negate the appearance of Sayyidina al-Mahdi (a), who is a Mahdi other than Sayyidina `Isa (a). There is an explanation in Al-fitan wa ’l-malaahim.
Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad wa alaa `aali Sayyidina Muhammad.
That is why Abu Hurayrah (r) said, the Prophet (s) said:
والذي نفسي بيده ليأتين على الناس زمان لا يدري القاتل في اي شيء قتل ولا يدري المقتول على اي شيء قُتل
By my soul that is in His Hand, truly there will come upon people a time in which the killer does not know why he killed and the killed does not know why he was killed. (Muslim)
W ’alladhee nafsee bi yadih, Prophet (s) is giving an oath and he doesn’t need to give an oath as when he says something it is done, so why he is giving an oath? He is saying to affirm it, that it is for sure, although his words do not need that, because:
وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَىٰ
He does not speak from his own desires. Indeed it is only Revelation sent down to him. (Surat al-Najm, 53:3-4)
He (s) does not speak except for wahiyyun yoohaa, it is Revelation. So to emphasize how difficult it is going to be, “I give an oath (to assure you this is the only truth) by The One in Whose Hand is my soul, la-yaa’tiyanna `alaa n-naasi zamaanun, that there will come a time on people, laa yudriku ’l-qaatilu fee ayee shay’in qatal, the one who kills does not know for what reason he killed, wa laa yudrik al-maqtool `ala ayee shay’in qutil, and the one killed does not know for what reason he was killed.” So both of them will not know for what reason they are killing and being killed. Wal maqtool la yadree lima qutil.
(Sahih Muslim: Kitab al-Fitan)
The Prophet (s) said:
اللهم لا يدركني زمان ولا ادركه لا يُتبع فيه العالم ولا يستحيا فيه من الحليم قلوبهم قلوب العجم
وألسنتهم ألسنة العرب
O Allah! Do not allow me to reach the time when the scholar is not followed, and no one has shame before the forbearing one, and when their hearts are hearts of unbelievers, by their tongues are the tongues of Arabs, and do not allow this time to reach me! (Ahmad in his Musnad)
Qaala Rasoolullah (s): allahumma laa yudriknee zamaanun wa laa udrikuhu laa yuttaba`a feehi l-`aalim. “O Allah,don't let me reach a time where the `alim is not respected and followed,” wa laa yustahyaa feehim min al-haleem, “and no one is ashamed from a patient person, people will become, quloobuhum quloob al-`ajam, their hearts are like non-Arabs, wa alsinatuhum alsinatu l-`Arab, but their tongues are Arab. When they speak with you they speak with the tongue of Arabs, that they are peaceful and patient Muslims, but their hearts are munafiqoon, corrupted.” The Prophet (s) is asking, “O my Lord! Don't leave to such a time, which is coming.” Today we are in that; we speak to people and their hearts are different from their tongues, which are lisaanu l-`arab, eloquent, nice presentation, but the heart is munaafiq.
O People! How many munaafiq are there today who say something and their heart is something else? For what? For dunya, for money. They don't care for their communities, for their countries, only they want to fill their pockets with money. That money is going to take everyone to tahluka, destruction. You know in Mission Impossible they hear a message and when it finishes it self-destructs. So they are destroying the whole Ummah, these people who are eloquent on their tongues, lisanu l-`arab, but their hearts are hearts of munafiqeen, unbelievers.
It is mentioned by Ma`az (r), qaal ma`az khayru hadhihi l-ummah, the best of this Ummah, let us be frank, don't expect you are the best! The best of the Ummah is the first of the Ummah, awwalahu, and its last, aakhir, and we are in the last of the Ummah. `Alamaat as-sa`at, the best time to repent and inshaa-Allah there is an opening for Muslims, there is opening for peace on Earth for Muslims and non-Muslims; there will be an opening for people to be guided by al-Mahdi (a) and Sayyidina `Isa (a).
May Allah (swt) forgive us and bless us and inshaa-Allah we will continue tomorrow, Chapter 37, ittiba` hadhihi 'l-ummah sunan man qabliha min ahl ash-shirk wa ’d-dalaala, that this Ummah is going to follow the Ummah that was before it, the ways of the people of shirk and deviation. And I will mention the Hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah (r):
لتتبعن الامم من قبلكم شبرا بشبر وذراعا بذراع حتى لو دخلوا جحر ضب لدخلتمه
You will follow the ways of the people who came before you step by step and arm by arm until if they go into a hole of the raccoon you would follow them. (Ahmad in his Musnad)
We will discuss this later. As-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
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