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Salawaat that Removes One-Hundred Thousand Great Sins

The Greatness of Prophet (s) Series, Vol 27

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

14 June 2012 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan

Suhbah before Maghrib

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Madad yaa Sayyidee! Yaa Rasoolullah! Yaa Rahmatan lil-`Alameen! Madad, yaa Sultan al-Awliya!

Inshaa-Allah tomorrow evening is Israa’ wa'l-Mi`raj and we will have a special program that includes the visitation of the Holy Hair of the Prophet (s) in the big mosque. So tonight I will mention a short suhbah and then do short dhikr and those who are fasting can break fast with the dates here and then go and eat later.

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Madad yaa Sayyidee, Grandshaykh `AbdAllah al-Fa'iz ad-Daghestani (q) and Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani (q). Every time we have to ask support from our guide and our teacher and when we ask guidance it means you are expressing your dedication to them. Also, when you ask support from them you are showing your humbleness towards them and at the same time, it is a prayer for them, that Grandshaykh and Mawlana Shaykh, may Allah give him long life, will always be our guides

Someone asked when we are listening to lectures or reading a book compiled of these lectures there is sometimes repetition, and can we cut that repetition? I will answer from what I heard and learned from Grandshaykh and from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, that even the same story and even the same suhbah repeated word for word, you keep it as it is because each suhbah has its own tajalli, its own Divine Manifestation coming through the Shaykh, which he is getting directly from the Prophet’s heart and which the Prophet (s) is getting from the Divine Presence. That suhbah is like you are changing your clothes, wearing a different dress every day, but on the same body.

Grandshaykh (q) said, “Even I repeat a story a thousand times, each time it comes with different heavenly tajalliyyat.” So these suhbah differ like chocolate candies with different fillings, so you have a different taste. That is why repetition is important; it reminds us what we forgot or as Allah (swt) said in Holy Qur'an:

ووَذَكِّرْ فَإِنَّ الذِّكْرَى تَنفَعُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Wa dhakkir fa inna ‘dh-dhikra tanfa`u ‘l-mu’mineen.

And remind (people), for reminding benefits the Believers. (Surat az-Zariyat, 51:55)

Also, sometimes the audience is different and didn’t hear that previous suhbah, so they will get the blessings listeners got the previous time it was mentioned

Last time, we discussed at the benefits of salawaat on the Prophet (s) and we counted there are forty-five in number, but we only mentioned one or two. Before we mention more benefits, we will mention these salawaat that are important for us, that show the Greatness of the Prophet (s). Various awliya and `ulama have different forms of salawaat that are so blessed that one reading will get so many rewards!

The author of Kunoozu ‘l-Asraar wrote on page 33 that if you recite the following salawaat once, it is equal to reciting 100,000 salawat that you recite daily:

اللّهُمَ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمّدٍ عَبدِكَ ونَبِيِّكَ ورَسُولِكَ النَبِىّ الأُمِّىّ وعَلَى آلِهِ وصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ تَسلِيمَاً بِقَدرِ عَظَمَةِ ذَاتِكَ فِى كُلِّ وَقتٍ وحِين

Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin `abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasoolika an-nabiyy al-ummiyy wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasleeman bi qadari `azhamati dhaatika fee kulli waqtin wa heen.

O Allah! Send prayers upon Sayyidina Muhammad, Your Servant and Your Prophet and Your Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and send peace and greetings as plenty as Your Greatness in all times and moments.

The reward of this one recitation is as if you recited salawaat on the Prophet (s) 100,000 times! If you read one time, the reward is 100,000 times, if you read twice the reward is 200,000 times, and if you read ten times the reward is one million times!

There is another salawaat that we mentioned last time, but with repetition we get more rewards. If you read it one time, Allah (swt) will waive 100,000 sins! Don’t say you don’t have 100,000 sins, we have millions and millions of sins. so many that you cannot count them! Every breath you have coming in and out carries sins from your ego, your pride, your arrogance, from thinking you are highest, the professor of academia, the teacher, the Shaykh! Then everything you do is molded with arrogance.

The Prophet (s) was the most humble, and beyond that he is the humbleness, humbleness is him! He is the one who said:

Allahumma laa takilnee ila nafsee tarfata `aynin wa laa aqal min dhaalik.

O Allah! Don’t leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye (or my ego will take me down)!

Do we have sins? Yes! Don’t say, “I am clean, I brush my teeth.” You can brush them as much as you like, but the angels cannot take the bad smell of your breath, because you inhale and exhale with arrogance! The only breath that has no arrogance is the breath in which you recite salawaat on the Prophet (s), or when you are praying or making istighfaar. All other times our mouth is full with a breath that is not nice.

So anyone who recites this salawaat, Allah (swt) will forgive 100,000 big sins, min al-kabaair. There are the great sins and small sins. With one recitation of this salawaat Allah (swt) takes away even 100,000 great sins and with two recitations, 200,000 great sins, and with three recitations, 300,000 great sins, and with ten recitations, one-million great sins!

Variation of al-Askandari Salawaat

اللهم صلّ على سيدّنا محمد السابق للخلق نوره والرحمة للعالمين ظهوره عدد مَن مضى من خلقك ومَن بقي ومَن سعد منهم ومَن شقي صلاة تستغرق العدّ وتحيط بالحدِّ صلاة لا غاية لها ولا منتهى ولا انقضاء وتنيلنا بها منك الرضا صلاة دائمة بدوامك باقية ببقائك اللهم صلّ على سيّدنا محمد الذي ملأت قلبه من جلالك وعينه من جمالك فأصبح فرحاً مؤيداً منصوراً وعلى اله وصحبه وسلّم تسليماً والحمد لله على ذلك

Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadini ’s-saabiqi li ’l-khalqi nooruhu wa 'r-rahmatan li ’l-`alameena zhuhooruhu `adada mam-madaa min khalqika wa mam-baqiya wa man sa`ida minhum wa man shaqiya salaatan tastaghriqu ’l-`adda wa tuheetu bi ’l-haddi salaatan laa ghaayata lahaa wa laa muntahaa wa lanqidaa wa tuneelanaa bihaa minka ‘r-ridaa salaatan daa’imatan bi-dawaamika baaqiyatan bi-baqaaika. Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadini ’Lladhee mala'ta qalbahu min jalaalika wa `aynahoo min jamaalika fa-asbaha farihan mu’ayyadan mansooran wa `alaa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasleeman wa ‘l-hamdu lillahi `alaa dhaalik.

O Allah! Exalt our master Muhammad, whose light preceded all Creation, whose appearance is mercy to all the worlds, on the number of Your Creations which have passed before and the number of those which remain, those who are fortunate and those who are not, with blessings which exceed all count and which encompass all limits, blessings with no limits, no boundaries, by which You attain Your Good Pleasure, ceaseless blessings which are eternal, enduring as You endure!

O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad (s), whose heart is so full with Your Glory, and whose eyes are so full of Your Beauty that he came to be overjoyed, supported and victorious, and bless likewise his Family and Companion and grant him and them abundant peace, and praise be to Allah (swt) for all of that! (Appears in first half of Dalaa’il al-Khayraat.)

That took away 100,000 sins and for me 200,000 sins, because I read it twice! Anyone who records it and hears it, because he does not know how to recite it, that will also take away 100,000 sins.

Salawaat Meezanu 'l-Ardu 's-Samawaat

The following salawaat is also in Kunooz al-Asraar, page 30, and it is equal to one-hundred salawaat. It will be as if you read it one-hundred times and you will be rewarded for it one-hundred times:

اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله صلاة تزن الارضين والسموات عدد مافى علمك عدد جواهر افراد كرة العالم واضعاف ذلك انك حميد مجيد

Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa `aala aalihi salaatan tazin al-'ardeena wa ‘s-samawaati `adada maa fee `ilmika `adada jawaahiri afraadi kurrati ‘l-`alam wa ad`aafa dhaalika innaka hameedun majeed.

O Allah! Please send upon Sayyidina Muhammad and his Family prayers that weigh the earths and the skies and all that is in Your Knowledge on the number of the Jewels of the inhabitants of the spheres of the universe and double of that, for You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.

And it is said that whoever recites this next salawaat one-thousand times on the day of Jumu`ah, will see Allah, his Lord, in his dream, or the Prophet (s), or he can see his place in Paradise!

Can Allah (swt) be seen in the dream? Yes, as the Prophet (s) said:

Rai’atu rabbee daahikan.

I saw my Lord coming to me smiling.

After my last seclusion, Mawlana Shaykh asked me, “Did you see anything special?” I mention this not to be special or proud, but to teach.

I said, “Yes, towards the end of my seclusion I saw a light. I was not seeing, but I could see from the coming that I was called to approach, and I was sitting and saw there was tajalli, a manifestation, saying ‘that is Allah (swt) speaking with no language,’ but it was as if I heard, ‘Come, approach, you have been forgiven.’ I looked behind me and saw on the horizon people coming, but they were unable to come all the way through. All of them wore turbans. Beside me, I saw Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and my brother with me.”

That manifestation of Heavenly Presence is reaching, so yes, you can see that Heavenly Presence that Allah (swt) sends to you.

The author said, fa innahu yaraa fee manaami rabbahu aw nabiyyahu aw manzilatahu fi 'l-jannah, “Who recites this will see his Lord or the Prophet (s) in his dream, or he can see his place in Paradise.” What I saw was a place in Paradise. Allah can keep and can take, as that is all in Allah's Hands and He can give even more! So inshaa-Allah whoever recites this salawaat a thousand times on the day of Jumu`ah, Allah will grant them to see His Manifestations, or His Prophet, or your place in Paradise. If you don't see for any reason, continue to recite it for five weeks, and it was tried and they were able to see.

To See Your Lord in the Dream

اللهم صل على محمد النبي الأمي جَزَى اللَّهُ عَنَّا مُحَمَّدً مَّا هُوَ اَهْلُه

Allahumma salli `alaa Muhammad an-nabiyy al-ummiyy jaz-Allahu `anna Muhammadan maa huwa ahluh.

O Allah! Bless our Master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet. May Allah reward Muhammad the reward that benefits as he deserves.

Inshaa-Allah we will continue tomorrow with the benefits of salawaat that we began mentioning last time. Don’t say we are only repeating; yes, we repeat these salawaat with their variations and Allah (swt) said, “Salloo `alayh!” Allahumma salli `alaa Sayyidina Muhammad hatta yarda Sayyidina Muhammad wa yarda Rabbahu.

Some people are asking what is going on now, that there is no suhbah since one week. I was traveling, that is why, but inshaa-Allah in these coming days and weeks there will be a lot of suhbahs, and inshaa-Allah after we finish discussing the benefits of salawat on the Prophet (s) we will begin with importance of dhikrullah.

May Allah forgive us.

Wa min Allahi 't-tawfeeq, bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.



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