15 October 2013 Burton, Michigan
As-Siddiq Mosque
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi ‘l-hamd.
Toobaa lakum, mahshr al-Mu`mineen! O Muslims, Believers, good tidings! Good tidings for those who left their families, their countries and they left everything behind to say, “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Labbayk allahumma labbayk! Labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Inna ‘l-hamda wa ‘l-ni`amata laka wa ‘l-mulk, laa shareeka lak!
They left everything, calling on Allah (swt), “Yaa Rabbee! O Allah, we are coming to You!” and they went for Hajj and Ziyarata ‘n-Nabi (s); they left for `Umrah, they left their work, if they were not able to go for Hajj or `Umrah, they left their work and came to masaajid. Especially the young ones who have school. They left their school to come for Hajj, for `Umrah and ziyarah, but in a masjid. Will Allah (swt) write for them that day, or not? They left and they came. They didn’t say, “We have to study or we will take zero or failing marks,” but they said, “Let us come to the masjid to pray Salaat al-`Eid.”
The Prophet (s) said the best days in the whole year are these ten days of Dhu ‘l-Hijjah. They are even better from the days that we go and do jihad in the Way of Allah (swt). To do jihad is in many ways: to study, as education is a jihad, keeping peace is a jihad, learning is a jihad, helping people is a jihad.
So they asked, “Yaa Rasoolullah (s)! They are better than jihad in the Way of Allah (swt)?”
He (s) said, “Yes! They are considered more rewarded than jihad in the Way of Allah (swt).” He continued, “There is no one day in the year that is better than the Day of Arafah.”
Allah (swt) descends to the First Heaven on the Day of `Arafah, sending down His blessings on all those who are standing in the field of Arafat, calling on Allah (swt), “Labbayk allahumma labbayk! Labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Inna ‘l-hamda wa ‘l-ni`amata laka wa ‘l-mulk, laa shareeka lak!”
As narrated by Jabir (r), the Prophet (s) said:
ما من يوم عند الله – عز وجل - أفضل من يوم عرفه ينزل فيه ربنا إلى السماء فيباهي أهل الأرض وأهل السماء ويقول لملائكته: انظروا هؤلاء عبادي جاءوني من كل فج عميق يرجون رحمتي ولم يروا عذابي
And there is no day better in the sight of Allah than the Day of `Arafah. On this day, Allah descends to the nearest Heaven and He is proud of His slaves on the Earth and says to those in Heaven, “Look at My servants. They have come from far and near, with hair disheveled and faces covered with dust to seek My mercy even though they have not seen My chastisement.” (Al-Bazzaar and Ibn Hibbaan)
Yanzi 'l -Allahu tabaarak wa t`aala ila 's-samaa 'd-dunya fayubaahi bi ahli 'l-ard, ahl as-samaa, Allah (swt) descends to the First Heaven and He makes sure, telling the angels, “Look how much My servants are worshipping Me! They are better than anyone. I will give them what an eye never saw, what an ear never heard and what a mind never thought about. They came from everywhere, they came for Me, they left their countries, they left everywhere and they came calling on Me as they only want My mercy. Even they don’t look at My punishment! They are asking, “Rahmah yaa Rabbi, arhamnaa yaa Allah!”
And will Allah (swt) not forgive them? He will forgive them! Those who are in Hajj, who went to `Arafat, those who are in Muzdalifa today and then went to Mina and some went to Ka`aba in Masjid al-Haraam in order to finish their duties of Hajj, all these people left their duties and went for that. And here in the West, they left everything and came to pray the `Eid prayer in jama`ah. May Allah (swt) bless us as He is blessing them! With whatever he is blessing them, may Allah (swt) bless us with His mercy for the sake of His Beloved One, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)!
Allah (swt) said, “Yarjoon Rahmatee, they ask for My Mercy, wa lam yaraw `adhaabee, and they never saw My Punishment.”
ما من يوم أكثر من أن يعتق الله فيه عبدًا من النار من يوم عرفة
Maa min yawmin akthar min an ya`taqallaah feehi `abdan min an-naar min yawmi `arafah.
Sayyida `Ayesha (r) related that the Prophet (s) said, “There is no day on which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than He does on the Day of 'Arafah.” (Muslim)
Yawm al-`Arafah is the day that Allah (swt) frees people from Hellfire, and on that day there is no way to count how many people are given freedom from Hellfire! May Allah (swt) give us that and dress us with that.
سئل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: عن صوم يوم عرفة؟ قال: "يكفر السنة الماضية والباقية"
Sa’ala Rasoolullahi (s) `an sawm yawm al-`arafah? Qaal yukaffirru ’s-sanat al-maadiyati wa ‘l-baaqiyya.”
The Messenger of Allah (s) was asked about the observance of fasting on the Day of 'Arafat. He said,“It is an expiation for the sins of the preceding year and the current year.”
(Narrated by Abu Qatadah, Muslim)
And the Prophet (s) said that anyone fasting the Day of `Arafat (which means yesterday, but in some countries it is today, like in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan....), Allah will waive his sins of the year before and the year after.
يوم عرفة، ويوم النحر وأيام التشريق عيدنا أهل الإسلام، وهي أيام أكل وشرب وذكر الله
Yawmu `arafah wa yawmu 'n-nahri wa ayyaamu 't-tashreeq` eiduna ahl al-islaam wa hiya ayyaamun aklin wa 's-shurbin wa dhikrullah.
The Day of `Arafah, the days of `Eid, and the days of tashreeq are holy days for ahl al-Islaam; these are the days of eating, drinking and remembering Allah. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Prophet (s) said, “The Day of `Arafah (means yesterday), Yawm an-Nahr (means today, the first day of `Eid), wa ayyam ut-tashreeq (the three days after the first day) are our holy days. For the people of Islam, these are our holy days and how are you going to spend it? Not coming and spending them in the masjid? He (s) said, ayyam ul-aqlin wa shuroob, “these are days.” How many days? The Day of `Arafah and four days of `Eid, so five days; they are the days of eating and drinking. So don’t say, “Come and give suhbah and dhikr!” (Laughter) Eat and drink, don’t leave any food (uneaten) today! Anything you like is not a waste; you eat and you drink and thank Allah (swt).
All the hadith I mentioned are authentic.
الْعُمْرَةُ إِلَى الْعُمْرَةِ كَفَّارَةٌ لِمَا بَيْنَهُمَا
Al-`umrah ila ‘l-`umrah kaffaaratu lima baynahumaa.
(The performance of) `Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed (between it and the previous one). (Bukhari and Muslim)
If you do `Umrah today and after one year you do another `Umrah, whatever (sins) between them is forgiven! If you do `Umrah today and after thirty years you do `Umrah, between them is also going to be kafarah, sins are going to be waived. If you do `Umrah today and before you die by one day, which we don't know (when we will die), you do `Umrah, what is in between Allah (swt) will forgive. So it is good to do `Umrah.
Everything Allah (swt) will reward between `Umrah and `Umrah, reward! Allah (swt) will forgive.
وَالْحَجُّ الْمَبْرُورُ لَيْسَ لَهُ جَزَاءٌ إِلاَّ الْجَنَّةُ
Wa ‘l-hajju ’l-mabroor laysa lahu jazaa’an illa ’l-jannah.
And the reward of Hajj Mabroor (the one accepted by Allah) is nothing except Paradise. (Bukhari)
But for Hajj, no one knows what Allah will give from His heavenly rewards, and not even an angel knows that and no one can know! Laysa lahu jaza means whatever (you think) Allah (swt) gives is not enough, He gives more! He keeps giving for the one who is doing Hajj. So I recommend to do Hajj when you are young, not when you are old and you sit on a chair and they have to push you; go when you are young.
النفقة في الحج كالنفقة في سبيل الله
An-nafaqata fi ’l-hajj ka ’n-nafaqata fee sabeelillah.
The Prophet (s) said, “Whatever you spend of money in Hajj is like money spent in the Way of Allah.”
May Allah (swt) forgive and bless us. May Allah support us on this beautiful day, the day of rewards, barakah and mercy, the day of people coming together and in a nice sitting, a Circle of Remembrance. This is a Circle of Remembrance and everyone around the world observing `Eid is a Circle of Remembrance to which Allah will give endless blessings that no one knows, for everyone who is observing `Eid al-Adha, fasted the Day of Arafat and then is enjoying eating and drinking in these four days. Anything you eat or drink will be written for you as hasanaat in these four days and, as Prophet (s) said, up to 700 times Allah will multiply them!
Inshaa-Allah every coming Eid you are in good health and well dressed. Turbans in masaajid are allowed, or (wear) a nice hat; don’t go to the masjid and you are bare-headed, and put a turban on if you can or a hat; if not, we put a box with hats at the door of the mosque. They do that in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Subcontinent. They are clever, strong Sunnis, Ahl al-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`at. In Indonesia they put that also, but in Malaysia I didn't see, but Allah Kareem!
Now we are going to make ziyaarah for the many Holy Hairs of the Prophet (s) which were passed to us. I ask one thing: people try to hook their hand on my hand and to show love to the Prophet (s) they put pressure on it and they broke it (the encasement) last time, then one jeweler here fixed it. It is a rare white sapphire glass and the top and bottom are made of gold and silver, so when you put your hand you are breaking it. Don’t touch the tube and don’t kiss my hand as that is not adab, (to view) the Holy Hair of the Prophet (s) and kissing hand of the person (holding it).
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