Inshaa-Allah, I will say a few words that I heard from our teachers.
A`oodhu billahi ‘s Sami` al-`Aleem min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Dastoor, yaa Sayyidi, yaa Sultan al-Awliya.
Awliyaullah narrated that Allah (swt) said, “I created Creation. Among others, I put people here on Earth.”
Alhamdulillah, we are living in this dunya. All of us are part of this dunya and all of us are mingling with others. We are walking, talking and associating with them. He said, “I created Creation so they can look at dunya's faults.” Dunya is this worldly life, the First Life.
“Dunya” means “the near life.” You have two lives: the near life and the later life. What separates these two lives is death, which is just a barrier you have to cross to go to the second life. Like people, dunya has good sides and faults. Like dunya, people have beauty, imperfections, and faults.
Allah (swt) created Creation so we can look at the faults of dunya and, at the goodness of people. When we look at the faults of dunya, we desire, crave, and run after dunya less. When we look at people's goodness we think good of them.
But today we have reversed the situation. We look at the good parts, the beauty of dunya so we became more desirous of dunya, and we look at the faults of people so we gossip and plot against them in open and in secret.
The dunya has faults. You should see them and be less desirous of this worldly life. People have faults too, but you should overlook their faults and look at their goodness so they can benefit you and you can benefit them.
What are the faults of dunya? Awliyaullah summarized it in three words: taghur wa tadur wa tamur. “It deceives you, it harms you, and it passes you.”
It deceived me, it harmed me and it passed me. Everybody that was once young thinks, “Oh, I am up here,” but the world will deceive you and harm you. How? It takes you away from Dhikrullah. Anything that takes you away from the remembrance and worship of Allah (swt) is your dunya.
Dunya says, “Come. I am yours, run after me.” All of us have done it and we are still running. Dunya tells you, “Fifty years from now you’re going to be in Bermuda, Cancun, or Jamaica, sipping on whatever juice, and enjoying the beach.” That’s taghur. It cheats you! If you don’t think that’s the truth, you are blind.
It harms you. It takes away the time you have from Allah (swt). It’s dhikr time and you say, “Ah, forget it.” It’s prayer time, “Ah, forget it.” It’s time to go home and be with the family, “Ah, forget it. I have work to do.” It takes you away from what’s important, the most important of which is Akhirah. Do you think you’re going to live for a hundred years? Okay, live for a hundred years. After that, it’s Akhirah, which is eternal.
Taghur, it deceives you, tadur, it harms you, wa tamur, it passes you. How do they go at the end? Who washed bodies here? Is there anything in the hands of the deceased? He can be the king of kings. Queen Elizabeth passed away a few years ago. What was in her coffin other than herself? Did they fill all the jewelry of India or Egypt in there?
There will be nothing in their hands. It will pass you. Be awake. What do people want in dunya? First of all, they are looking for eternal life. “I want to live here forever.” Second, “I want to be in na`eem, bliss, comfort, richness and wealth forever, to be healthy forever. I don’t want to die. I want to continue to live forever.”
What they are asking is basically what Jannah has to offer. Awliyaullah have said that when you enter Jannah, there is sahaa bi laa saqam, health without sickness. There is na`eem bi laa bous. There is happiness and comfort without misery. There is hayaa bi laa mawt, life without death. What you are looking for is not in dunya. You’re looking for health, wealth, happiness and eternity. You’re looking for everlasting life. That is all Akhirah. People are looking for it in dunya because dunya is a liar, cheater and deceiver.
Shaytan works with dunya to deceive you out of your capital. What is your capital? Your life. How many years do you spend studying? They start with highschool, then college, then university, then research, then fellowship, then residency, then I don’t know what. They are 40-45 years old and they’re still studying for half their life. How much are you going to live? Sixty or seventy years, that’s it.
Young ones, don’t be deceived. Know that whatever takes you away from Akhirah is dunya. Don’t leave that eternal life that you are looking for in this world. This world will pass you as it has passed the others. It will harm you by taking your capital. Rather than investing it in Akhirah, they say, “Invest it in this world.” It will cheat you. “I am yours.” Dunya said, “I am yours,” to everybody.
I’m sorry to say this but Awliyaullah have said dunya is kahpeh. Do you know what “kahpeh” means? Prostitute. Everyone can sample it. Everyone can be with it. It doesn’t belong to anybody. Whoever gives the highest price, takes it. What’s the highest price? You sell your deen. You sell your way to Jannah by asking for this prostitute or this dunya.
Dunya is not all bad. It is said that is mata`u ‘l-balagh, the goods of reaching. You need dunya to reach Jannah. Without dunya, there is no Jannah for you. You do the `amal in dunya. You do the work in dunya to reach Jannah. Dunya is your way to Jannah. That’s how you should use it. You should understand what dunya is about. Take the goodness that is in dunya and use it for reaching Jannah. Don’t take the goods of Jannah and what’s in dunya to reach the pleasures of your ego that are going to pass and end.
Be awake, O insaan. It has passed the old ones but the young ones are still there. Be awake and understand that whatever takes you from `amalu ‘l-Akhirah is dunya. The work of Jannah is your dunya, so avoid that.
May Allah (swt) forgive us. May Allah (swt) grant us Jannah in spite of our shortcomings, in spite of our faults, in spite of our mistakes, in spite of what we have done of badness, evil and sleepiness or whatever it is. They say, “Sleepy Joe.” We are all sleepy. We are sleepy humans. Homo sapiens. Every human being is a Sleepy Joe or a Sleepy John Doe. Maybe that’s better. Sleeping from what? You are sleeping from eternity. You are sleeping in this world, unaware of what lies beyond. What lies beyond is the Mercy Oceans of Allah (swt) that you are not wanting to go in.
Come to `amalu ‘l-Akhirah. Come to the work of Akhirah. Come to Dhikrullah. Come to the remembrance of Allah (swt) and allow yourself to be admitted into Akhirah. That’s where you need to be. There is no sickness, misery, or death over there. It’s eternity for you, happy. Inshaa-Allah, Allah (swt) will give us from that.
Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.
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