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Heart Doctors First Prescribe Dhikrullah

Shaykh Nour Mohamad Kabbani

8 August 2024 Fenton, Michigan USA

A`oodhu billahi ‘s-Sami` al-`Aleem min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillaahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.

Allah (swt) will increase His Favors. May Allah (swt) always make us from those who remember Him and His Favors upon us.

Overlook the difficulties. Actually, you will get more rewards in difficulties than in comfort. In comfort, everybody is happy. When the difficulties come, only the mu’min is the one who stays put on the Right Path. The non-mu’min, non-Muslim, weak Muslims, and weak mu’min starts cussing and complaining. The mu’min is the one who is stable in difficulty and in comfort.

When a hardship comes over you, it’s a test of your iman. Do you believe in Allah (swt), the Lord of Heavens or not? Are you aware that He sent this problem to you or not?

If you don’t recognize that He is there, you have weak iman. If you don’t see Allah (swt) behind every thing, event, circumstance, anything that happens in this world to you and to the others, then you have weak or no iman. You are mahjoob, veiled. Take the veil of Creation out of the picture and see the Creator behind everything.

The mu’min is always thankful, in difficulty and in comfort. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) taught us that in difficulty you say, “Alhamdulillahi `alaa kulli haal.” In every state, in every situation say, “Alhamdulillah.” In comfort, say, “Shukran lillah.” Say “Alhamdulillah” for the good and the bad. It might be bad for you, but it might be good down the road, you don’t know. For every ni`mah, favor, goodness, happiness, or whatever you have of ease and comfort, say, “Shukran lillah,” and that will increase. May Allah (swt) make us on that way.

Awliyaullah have said you have to know that Rasoolullah (s) is a doctor, the Healer. All prophets, messengers, saints, the special holy ones are doctors and healers of hearts. Allah (swt) sent them to heal hearts, and ordered them to treat and cure hearts. When you go to the doctor, he will start treatment. Prophets, messengers and the Seal of Prophets (s) also start the treatment. How does it start? When you go to a doctor, what do they say? “You have diabetes. Let’s start with your diet.”

If you can treat a disease with food and nutrition that is proper and suitable for it, then there is no need for the medicine. They will not prescribe you the pill if you have blood pressure, diabetes, or whatever. They will start treatment with adjusting your nutrition, what you allow in. If that doesn’t work, then they prescribe weak medicine, not strong.

When Rasoolullah (s) was ordered to treat hearts, he ordered us to take Dhikrullah into our hearts. Dhikrullah treats diseases of the heart. If that doesn’t work then they can prescribe more, but Dhikrullah is the best nutrition that makes your heart happy, like when you eat shawarma and your ego is happy. When you see, shawarma coming, you take the first bite, “Ohh.”

Dhikrullah has to be like that. When you start the first Dhikr, the first phrase is, Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. When you say that, your heart has to say, “Oh, this feels good.” That is the treatment for diseased hearts. What is the main disease of the heart? Hubbu ‘d-dunya, taking in dunya rather than taking in Allah (swt), Mawla. People are taking dunya in more and more and more, now their hearts are troubled. When you take in dunya, you desire all of it.

Did you go to the car show in Fenton tonight? Don’t tell me nobody went. Alhamdulillah. There is a show of fancy, nice cars from the 1960’s. Texan cars with the horns up front. Big Cadillacs.

When you take in dunya, your heart is troubled, saying, “How can I fulfill my desires?” That disease takes over your heart. Not only cars, also anything that is desirable in dunya. When you start drinking and eating that, taking it in, it will trouble your heart. That is why the intake is important, your diet. What do you take in? Rasoolullah (s) has said, amara bi Dhikrillah. Qooloo: la ilaha illa-Llah. Say, “La ilaha illa-Llah.”

When you make Dhikr of Allah (swt), it will displace the love of dunya with the love of Mawla. The more you remember Him, the more you repeat His Holy Names, the more that sweetness will come in. Just as you bite into that shawarma and drool, when you enter Dhikrullah, your heart also drools. What does it drool over? Noor. Noor starts to come onto your face, your words and in your actions. You become a reflection of Allah (swt)’s Beauty.

When you look at Awliyaullah, you see beauty in everything they do and say. Even if they are still, you see Noor coming out. That is from Dhikrullah, not from the love of dunya or the car show they are running downtown.

That is what Rasoolullah (s) messengers came for. They all said, “illa-Llah.” Sayyidina Nuh (a) said, alaa ta`budoo illa-Llah. Sayyidina Hud (a) said, “Don’t worship except Allah (swt).” Sayyidina Salih, Sayyidina Ibrahim (alayhimu ‘s-salam) and all of them called for Allah (swt) only.

When you do Dhikr of “illa-Llah, illa-Llah”, it removes everything else from your heart. That is, “La ilaha,” there is no other god. Dunya is not a god to run after. Nafs is not a god to run after. Shaytan cannot tell me what to do. “La ilaha” means you take out everything that is claiming to be a false deity, a false god, a Shaytan to be followed. “Illa-Llah,” Allah (swt) is in my heart.

The way of Anbiyallah and the Seal of Prophets (s) is Dhikrullah, so be busy with that. Very few people come to Dhikrullah. May Allah (swt) love you more and more and bring you closer to Him. There are very few people here. You could not drive in downtown Fenton due to the crowds. I would say 10,000 people were there. Here there are 100,000 angels, but maybe 100 or 200 people. There are a lot of jinn on the farms. Be careful. The mu’min jinn are here.

Mostly people are involved in their worldly desires and pleasures. Those who are here are biting into Dhikrullah and taking in that Noor. You need to have the Roohani, spiritual sustenance to support your heart, not physical sustenance. That is not going to support your heart, rather it’s going to throw it into disarray and you will be all over the place. Protect your heart!

Sayyidina Abu Dharr (r) asked Rasoolullah (s), “Show me something I can do that will make me enter Jannah and take me far away from Jahannam.”

He (s) said, “Whenever you do something bad, do a hasanah, something good, because Allah (swt) will reward you ten times for the good.”

One bad and ten good means nine good. Hasanah will wipe out the sayyi’ah, sin, Rasoolullah (s) said. When you do something bad, right away do something acceptable. The easiest thing is to say, “Astaghfirullah. La ilaha illa-Llah. HasbunAllah. SubhaanAllah.” Right away Allah (swt) will not only give you ten, He might give you hundreds and thousands, you never know. That will negate the bad act.

Rasoolullah (s) taught his Sahaabah (r) that if they did something bad, slipped and made a mistake, as we all do, if they coupled it with hasanah, it will erase the sin and multiply.

Sayyidina Abu Dharr (r) asked, “Is saying ‘La ilaha illa-Llah’ hasanah?”

He (s) said, “Ahsanu ‘l-hasanah, the best of good acts.”

By the tongue, by the heart, by the mind, and by the body you are trying to say, “La ilaha illa-Llah.” You are thinking it, intending it, and doing it with sincerity. That is the best good deed!

“La ilaha illa-Llah” is the way to go in this world. Try as much as you can to keep the circle of Dhikrullah, to always keep your heart taking that bite of Dhikrullah. Inshaa-Allah, Allah (swt) will reward us with Noor as He rewarded our shuyookh.

How did our shuyookh become Awliyaullah? By Dhikrullah. What do they do in khalwah, read books, write a thesis, answer questions online, scroll? They only do Dhikrullah. In khalwah, there’s nothing but Dhikrullah. Actually, they cover the windows as not even sunlight is allowed to come into the room. They are cut off from Mulk, the physical world. They are only connected to Malakoot, the spiritual world.

In khalwah, Dhikrullah is the way. Even if you don’t know Arabic, it doesn’t matter, Dhikrullah will make you reach. How many Persian saints, Indian saints, Afghani, Pakistani, Arab, African, European, American saints are there? Allah knows. There are many non-Arabic speaking saints. They reach by love and Dhikrullah. Admit Dhikrullah into your heart and Allah (swt) will increase your love!

May Allah (swt) make us from them. Ameen.

Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.


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