21 June, 2008, Lefke, Cyprus
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.
Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,
nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`ala azeem fee haadha 'l-masjid.
We, in the previous session mentioned that Mawlana, may Allah bless him, said I would like to run to a place where there is no one to judge me, but anywhere I run Allah swt is overlooking, He is watching, He is knowing, He is hearing, He is seeing. So if Allah swt is always watching where He says in Holy Quran:”
وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ,
wa Nahnu aqrabu ilaihi min hablil wareed
“We are nearer to you than your jugular veins.”
Jugular veins are the main veins that go to the heart and come front the heart. If Allah swt is saying I am more nearer to you than your jugular veins it means, your life, whatever you own, I possess it, I own it. Because I am more nearer to you than yourself.
You own what? You own nothing. We don't own our body, we don't own our soul. If we own our body, then why we have to die? Then everyone will be living forever. If we own our body why worms eat our body. Did you see anyone that worms did not eat his body? No. But I saw. There are Awliyullah that they own their bodies because Allah swt gave them that possibility, gave them that as a reward for them because they submitted, they sold their body to Allah swt. They gave up their body to Allah and Allah in reward gave them their body, their existence back.
And that’s why we say and we are not going to explain that it’s too long. When someone reaches maqamul fanaa annihilation in the Divine Presence means his body does not exist anymore. He doesn’t see he is existing, Allah swt gives him after that baqaa existence. He can stay. So Awliyaullah of course they have control over their bodies and that’s why worms don’t eat their bodies.
I remember that they wanted to open a highway in Damascus and at that time there was a mosque or a grave for a Wali there Sa`duddin Jabawi, very famous. He is from the grandchildren of Prophet ﷺ and he is very well known. Anyone goes to his maqam in his presence and makes du`a to Allah swt, Allah will accept for the sake of that Wali. So the government decided to open a highway and they have to go through that grave. In that area, a lot of Prophet ﷺ grandchildren are buried, and a lot of Sahaba in Damascus. Wherever they send bulldozers, they opened all the way and they reached the grave of that Wali. They send bulldozers to take the grave the bulldozers stop. They try their best to move these bulldozers and there’s no way, and they knew it is because of that Wali there. And they came to Grandshaykh at that time and he gave them advice.
I was young and my uncle was a student of Grandshaykh, Shaykh Mukhtar Alayli from Lebanon. We were with him and when Grandshaykh ordered them to go and make a Mawlid un Nabi there to celebrate Prophet ﷺ birthday and make all-night Dhikr there and next day to try with the bulldozer and see if it would take the grave or not. But first, before they do that they do the Dhikr and the head of the Shaykhs has to open the grave and if they were able then bulldozers come after they take the body or whatever ruins are there. And as soon as they finished in the morning making Dhikr all night, the head of these scholars began to dig and a very nice smell was coming out until they reached the Wali, the body. And the body as if it was buried today, it is 500 years ago, as if it is buried today with his coffin with his shroud as if today he was shrouded not eaten by worms. And when they opened, his face was pink and warm as if blood was still circulating in him. They carried him and moved him.
Now if you go to Damascus if you go to Sa`duddin Jabawi you can visit him in his new grave. Why did worms not eat his body? And this is a Wali, not a prophet. For sure worms cannot eat prophets' bodies. Allah swt forbidden earth to eat the body of prophets as Prophet ﷺ said in the Hadith. Why? Allah gave him the power over his body. Today when someone dies what do they do with him before they bury him if they are going to delay his burial? They put him in a freezer to keep the meat fresh or in a cooler. What did Allah give Sayyidina Ibrahim in the fire of Namrud:
, قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ,
Qulnaa yaa naaru koonee bardan wa salaaman `alaa Ibraaheem,
O fire you must be cool and peaceful on Ibrahim.
Or else the fire would have eaten Him. Awliyaullah they inherit that secret. Allah made earth for them cool and peaceful on their bodies. That’s why Prophet ﷺ said [Mawalana says in Arabic first]
انا حي طري في قتبري
“I am fresh alive in my grave. I am soft in my grave.”
ما مِنْ أحَدٍ يُسلِّمُ علي إلا ردَّ اللهُ عليَّ رُوحي حتى أردَّ عليه السَّلامَ
“Whoever sends salutation to me Allah sends my soul back to my body to send salutation to that person.” Prophet ﷺ is fresh alive. Awliyaullah inherit that.
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