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The Generous One is the Beloved of Allah

The Fiqh of Islam, Vol 15

Ramadan Series 2013

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

23 July 2013 Fenton Zawiya, Michigan

Fajr Suhbah

A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem.

Nawaytu 'l-arba`een, nawaytu 'l-`itikaaf, nawaytu 'l-khalwah, nawaytu 'l-`uzlah,

nawaytu 'r-riyaadah, nawaytu 's-sulook, lillahi ta`alaa `azheem fee haadha 'l-masjid.

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.

أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ

Atee`oollaha wa atee`oo 'r-Rasoola wa ooli 'l-amri minkum.

Obey Allah, obey the Prophet, and obey those in authority among you. (Surat an-Nisa, 4:59)

In the previous session we were discussing sadaqa and we will try to add some more on it today in this session, inshaa-Allah. As-sadaqa is something through which you try to show that yourself is generous when you give sadaqa, because you give sadaqa out of your wealth, out of your money, you prevent yourself from using it and give it to someone in need for it. And there are different levels of sadaqa.

It is said that, “As-sakhiyyu Habeebullah.” As-sakhiyy is the same meaning as “al-Kareem,” and “al-Jawaad,” the one who gives excessiveness in his sadaqa, he doesn't try to hold back his hand from giving sadaqa and only give traces of his wealth. The sakhiyy is the one whose hand is open, who gives what Allah (swt) has given to him. Who is the Absolute sakhiyy? It is Allah (swt)! He gives without account. When you give and you account it that is not sakhiyy, it means you still want to see in your heart how much you are spending or how much you are giving.

تروي عنه السيدة عائشة -رضي الله عنها- أنهم ذبحوا شاة، ثم وزعوها على الفقراء؛ فسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم السيدة عائشة: (ما بقي منها؟) فقالت: ما بقي إلا كتفها؛ فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (بقي كلها غير كتفها) [الترمذي]

`An `Ayesha annahum dhabahoo shaatin tumma waza`ahaa `ala al-fuqaraa fasa’ala an-nabiyyu (s) lahaa maa baqiya minhaa? َQaalat: maa baqiya illah katifuhaa.” faqaal an-nabiyy (s): “Baqiya kulluha, ghayra katifuhaa,

One time the Prophet (s) had a lamb that someone gave and he had it. So he came in the evening and asked his wife, “What is left of the lamb?” Prophet (s) asked his wife, Sayyida `Ayesha (r), because that day they had slaughtered an animal, a goat or a lamb, “what is left of it?” as he didn’t see it, and his wife Sayyida `Ayesha answered, “There is nothing left of it, but its shoulder.” That means they gave everything out, they didn’t leave anything for themselves, “nothing but the shoulder.” The shoulder as you know has less meat, the leg and back has a lot of meat. The Prophet (s) looked at her and said, “No, all of it stayed and what is missing is only the shoulder.” How can that be? They distributed it all and the Prophet (s) said, “No, you didn’t distribute it, we have all except the shoulder.” (Tirmidhi)

That means that since you gave it as sadaqa in the Way of Allah (swt) you gave most of it. That is sakhiyy, to give excessively, not generously, but to be excessively generous. “We gave it all to Allah (swt), that is what is recorded for us. If we ate it and gave the shoulder, that means the shoulder is left for us on Judgment Day as rewards, but now here Allah (swt) is rewarding on the whole animal except the shoulder.” So that is why he said to her, “Baqiya kulluha, ghayra katifuhaa, we have it all except its shoulder.”

That gives us an understanding that when you give, you should give with excessive generosity, not you want to give something but you are still bakheel, stingy, holding back from it. As-sakhiyy habeebullah wa ’l-bakheel `adoowullah, the one who is generous Allah (swt) loves him, and the stingy one is the enemy of Allah. Who is the sakhiyy? It is the Prophet (s) who gave his whole life for his ummah, he didn’t spend one moment of his life for himself, he spent it for his ummah. He is sakhiyy, in the Way of Allah (swt).

Huwa al-habeebu ’Lladhee turjaa shafa`atahu.

He is the Beloved whose intercession is sought.

He gave all his life for Allah (swt), as described by Muhammad al-Busayri: “He is the lover of Allah (swt) whose intercession is sought by all,” and he is asking intercession for his ummah, and Allah (swt) gave him the power of intercession, to intercede for his ummah. He (s) is giving his life, as-sakhiyy habeebullah, and Huwa al-habeebu ’Lladhee turjaa shafa`atahu, “He is lover of Allah (swt) and everyone is in need of his intercession.” When he gives intercession, he is between the Hands of Allah (swt) and asking Him to forgive people and he has given all that is his away, he is standing without anything. It means he is giving excessively everything from what he has and is standing without anything.

What do you think Allah (swt) said? As-sakhiyy habeebullah, “The one who is excessively generous is the lover of Allah,” and wa ’l-bakheel `adoowullah, “The stingy is the enemy of Allah.” May Allah (swt) make us not stingy and make us to give! You can give from your time, your wealth, give clothes, give a smile, as we said before all that is accepted.

يقول أحد الصحابة: كنا عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم، فجاء أناس من مصر حفاة يظهر عليهم أثر الفقر فاكفهر وجه النبي غضباً. يقول الراوي: فرأيت وجنتي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وقد انتفختا ووجه النبي وقد أحمر ، و قال: يا بلال أذن في الناس. فقام بلال، فجمع الناس، فصعد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المنبر وقال: ( يا أيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منها زوجها، وبث منهما رجالاً كثيراً ونساء. واتقوا الله الذي تساءلون به والأرحام....) إلى أخر الآية...ثم قرأ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: (يا أيها الذين أمنوا اتقوا الله ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد واتقوا الله إن الله خبير بما تعملون). ثم قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: " لينفق كل منكم من تمره، من صاعه، من ديناره، من درهمه، من ثوبه ،حتى يأكل إخوانكم". يقول: فظل النبي يرددها حتى قال: "ولو بشق تمرة، ولو بشق تمرة ". يقول: فانطلق الناس يجرون إلي بيوتهم، يقولون: وما ترك النبي المنبر حتى يعود الناس. يقولون: فجاء الناس، يأتي الرجل بالسرة، ويأتي الرجل بالثياب، ويأتي الرجل بالتمر.حتى وضع بين يدي النبي كومين.. كوم من ثياب وكوم من طعام. فتهلل وجه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم. كأنه قطعة قمر. ثم نظر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلينا وقال:"من سن سنة حسنة فله أجرها وأجر من عمل بها إلى يوم القيامة". ثم نظر إلينا وقال:"هكذا كونوا".

Jaleel ibn `Abdillah (r) said, “One day during the daytime, we were with the Prophet (s), fa jaa` qawmun awraakun mustabhee, and there came to him a group of people wearing clothes that had stripes and an opening for the neck. [That is a wide cloth with a circle to put their head through and it covers them completely. They came to Prophet (s), wearing this kind of abaa and mutaqalidee suyyoof, carrying swords on their shoulders.] Fa ahmara wajha rasoolullah (s) lama raa minhum al-faqr, the Prophet’s (s) face changed when he saw their poverty and he was not happy, and fa dhakhala fa amara bilal bi ’l-adhaan, he went into his room and came out. His face was sad, and he ordered Bilaal to call adhaan.” [At that time when there was some event they would call the adhaan to declare it, not only the five daily times, but any time they would call adhaan.] Wa aqaamatu ’s-salaat, He called adhaan, made iqaama, then prayed Zhuhr thumma khataba, then he spoke, faqaal yaa ayyuhan-naasu ’taqoo rabbakum alladhee khalaqakum min nafsin waahidatin wa khalaqa minha zawjahaa wa khalaqa minhuma rijaalun katheeran wa nisaa inna allaha kanaa `alaykum raqeeba. He said, “Have taqwa to Allah (swt) that He created you from one soul…” [He wants to tell them, “You are all equal, all from one soul.] Wa kahalaqkum minhaa zawja, and from that soul of Sayyidina Adam (a) Allah created his wife and created everyone.”

And so the universe began with one soul, and now look how much it is huge, and Allah is feeding all of them. Look at Allah’s Generosity, sadaqa. Allah doesn’t need anything but He is showing generosity to people, to humanity! So Prophet (s) read that ayah and then he said:

Yatasadaqu rajulun bi thawbihi wa bi dinaarihi wa bi dirhamihi hatta qaal thawbihi, A man will give sadaqa from his money, from his dinars, from his gold and silver, dirhamihi, smaller coins, from his clothes to give to people who don’t have clothes, min saa` birrihi, from whatever of his crops come he gives of that, min saa` tamrihi, from whatever he has of dates, from his tree, hattaa qaal wa law bi shaqqi tamra, sadaqa is accepted even with a piece of a date, half of a date.

And in another hadith he says:

اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة

Itaqoo naara wa law bi-shaqqi tamrah.

Save yourself from Hellfire even by donation of half of a date.

Faja`a rajalun, and when they heard this, one of the Ansaar, supporters of Prophet (s), brought immediately a sirra, a cloth basket full of dates and put it in front of the Prophet (s). He could not carry it with his hands. And people began to throw food, clothes, they threw everything until they made a huge pile in front of the Prophet (s), and it was said, “Until I saw the Prophet’s (s) face shining like gold, faqaala rasoolillahi (s) man sana fi ’l-islami sunnatan hasana falahu ajruhu wa ajara man `amala bihi ilaa yawm al-qiyaamati. Whoever makes a sunnah [meaning an innovation, where they deny innovation and this hadith proves innovation], who will make a good innovation in Islam, Allah (swt) will reward him as long as the people are doing it and following it up to Judgment Day, wa man sanna fi... And whoever made bad innovation in Islam, then he will carry its wizr, sin, until Judgment Day, along with the sins of all the people who are following that [he will carry that and they will carry that].” (Muslim)

لا حسد إلا في اثنتين رجل أتاه الله مالاً فسلطه على هلكته في الحق ورجل أتاه الله الحكمة فهو يقضي بها ويعلمها.

Wa `an ibn mas`ood `an an-Nabi (s) laa hasad illa fee ithnatayn

Ibn Ma`sood (r) said that the Prophet (s) said, “You cannot have jealousy except in two things.”

1) Rajalun `ataaullahu maalan fasaltahu `alaa halkathu fi ’l-haqq, “You can get jealous from someone whom Allah (swt) made very rich, ghaniyyun shaakir, a rich man thankful to Allah (swt). You can be jealous of him because he spent all his money for needy people,” he didn’t keep anything for himself, whatever Allah (swt) is giving him, he is giving. So be jealous from that one, try to do like him...when you get jealous you try to do like him or better, so try to do like him.

2) Wa rajalun ataahullahu ’l-hikmata fahuwa yaqdiyy bihaa wa yu`alimuhaa. “And another man of whom you can get jealous is someone whom Allah (swt) gave wisdom,” one whom Allah (swt) gave wisdom that he was using it to judge between people, and to teach people about wisdom.

راس الحكمة مخافة الله

Raasu ’l-hikmatu makhaafatullah.

The head of wisdom is to fear Allah.

That is why when Sayyidina `Ali (r) was teaching the Sahaabah (r), he said, “The whole Qur'an is based on one thing.” They said, “What is that, yaa `Ali?”

And he (a) said, “The head of wisdom...everything in the Holy Qur'an is Wisdom and the best of wisdom is fear of Allah (swt).” That means when you fear Allah (swt) you don’t want to make shirk saying, “He has a child, a son, or He has a wife,” and I don’t know what else they will say about Him later; some people do all kinds of things that are outside of Islam.

ورد في الأثر أن الله عز وجل أوحى إلى إبراهيم عليه السلام أتدري لما اتخذتك خليلاً، قال لا، قال لأني رأيت العطاء أحب إليك من الأخذ.

Awha ’Llaha ilaa Ibraheem: Atadree limaa atakhadhtaka khaleelan? Qaala laa. Qaala li-annee ra-aytu al-`ataa ahabbu ilayka min al-ikhadh.

Allah revealed to Sayyidina Ibraheem (a): “Do you want to know why I took you as My Friend?” You want to imitate Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) follow if you can, Allah (swt) will love you; Allah (swt) will make you a Friend. “I don't know, teach me why You took me as a Friend,” “Because I saw that you like to give more than you like to take,”

It means he doesn’t ask for a reward out of it, it means he doesn’t ask, he never takes, he is always giving, not asking anyone to take something from them, only giving. That is the story of when Allah (swt) said, “I am going to make on Earth a khalifah.”

وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً قَالُواْ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاء وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ

Wa idh qaala rabbuka li'l-malaaikati innee ja`ilun fi 'l-ardi khalifah qaaloo ataj`alu feehaa man yufsidu feehaa wa yusfik ad-dimaa wa nahnu nusabihu bihamdika wa nuqadissu lak. qaala inee ama ta`alamoon.

And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: wilt Thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:30)

When He said, “I am going to make a khalifah on Earth,” who is Sayyidina Ibraheem (a), the angels said, “How do You make a khalifah? They are going to make bloodshed.” So Allah (swt) sent Sayyidina Jibreel (a) to Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) to show him, “Why I am doing khalifah, this is the kind khalif, My Representative on Earth.” Sayyidina Jibreel (a) came to Sayyidina Ibraheem (a), who had a huge flock of animals, sheep, cows, goats, and he veiled himself from Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) as an ordinary person not to be known.

He said to Sayyidina Ibraheem (a), “Yaa Ibraheem, mashaa-Allah you have a lot. I have nothing; you have too much. Allah (swt) gave you too much.”

Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) looked at him and he said, “Oh! Do you want some?”

He said, “Yes, if you give me.”

Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) said, “Of course, but I have the price for it.”

“What is the price?”

“Say, ‘Suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa ‘r-rooh, You are The Most Glorious, The Most Holy. You, the Lord of the angels and of Jibril,’ and I will give you one-third of what I have,” only for making one tasbeeh, he gave one third of his flock. Today you do 1 million tasbeeh no one gives you anything, they don’t. Then they say, “Fundraising.” If you are rich, why are you doing fundraising? You don’t need that, give from what you have.

That’s why the definition of ‘as-sakhiyy’ is two kinds:

1) Someone who is sakhiyy, he gives from what Allah (swt) has given him and he gives excessively.

2) Someone who is sakhiyy but doesn’t give from what he owns, but gives from someone else. He is sakhiyy, but he doesn’t want to put his money so he is clever, he goes and tells a story to people, fundraising from them, saying, “I am giving, sending money there and sending money there.” He collects money and he is a millionaire already. Why are you collecting from poor people and you have a lot of money? But that one is called sakhiyy as well, because he tries to raise money to give to the poor people.

But the best of sakhiyy is the one who gives from what Allah (swt) has given him. That is why it is said, “The best of them is the first one is to give from what people have, to try to get people to give money, speak with them, whisper in their ear something and they give the one in need...this is one kind, which is the lower kind. The highest level is to give from what Allah (swt) has given you.

So Sayyidina Ibraheem (a), Allah (swt) gave him this big flock and he said to Jibreel (a), who had covered himself in order not to be known. He said to him, “Say: suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh, I will give you one third.”

He said, suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh and he gave him one third. Then Sayyidina Jibreel (a) said, “Oh, I am happy that you gave me one third, but still you have too much. Why don’t you give more?”

And Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) said, “Okay, say, ‘Suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh, I will give you another half of what is left,” means one third of total.

He said, “Suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh,” and Sayyidina Ibraaheem (a) drew a line and said, “All of this is for you,” and was going and then he looked at Jibreel (a) and said, “Do you want the rest?”

He said, “Yes!”

He said, “Say, ‘Suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh,’ I give you the rest and Allah (swt) will give me, Allah is generous, will give me more. Take, take them all!” He said it, suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh and Jibreel (a) took everything and Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) was going empty-handed, who can do that?

Then Jibreel (a) said, “Yaa Ibraheem (a), I am Jibreel!”

Sayyidina Ibraheem (a) said, “Jibreel or not Jibreel I don’t know, but I gave in the Way of Allah (swt), I took what I wanted, three words, three times you said, ‘Suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh,’ that was enough for me, I don’t want more than that.”

Look how much they appreciate to do tasbeeh, how much they appreciate to do dhikrullah. We are coming to dhikrullah in the next session; that is dhikrullah, “suboohun qudoos rabbunaa wa rabbu 'l-malaaikati wa 'r-rooh”, you are remembering Allah (swt) you are glorifying Him and you are praising Him, Allah (swt) likes that.

Wa yuti`mu wa laa yutam`oo `an? “He feeds and He is not fed,” wa Huwa Ajwadu ’l-ajwadeen wa Akramu ’l-akrameen, “And He is the Most Generous of those who are generous and the Absolutely Generous of all who are generous, He is the Absolutely Generous.” that is Allah the Creator.

Fa innahu kareemun yuhibu ’l-kareem, “He is the Generous and He loves the one who is generous,” wa `alimun yuhib al-`ulamaa, “He is the Absolute Knower and He loves scholars, `ulama,” wa qaadiru wa yuhib ush shaja`aan, “He has the power, but He loves courageous people,” wa jameelun yuhibbul jamaal, “He is the Beautiful and He loves Beauty.”

السخي قريب من الله قريب من الجنة قريب من الناس بعيد من النار والبخيل بعيد من الله بعيد من الجنة بعيد من الناس قريب من النار ولجاهل سخي أحب إلى الله تعالى من عابد بخيل

As-sakhiyyu qareebun min Allah wa qareebun min al-jannah qareeb min an-naas ba`eedun min an-naar, qareebun min an-naas, wa ’l-bakheelu ba`eedun min Allah, ba`eedun min al-jannah ba`eed min an-naas qareebun min an-naar. wa la-jaahilun sakhiyy ahabbu il-Allahi min `aabidin bakheel.

The Prophet (s) said: the excessively generous one is very near to Allah (swt), near to good, near to Paradise, very near to people, far from Hellfire, and the stingy one is far from Allah (swt), far from all good, far from Paradise, and far from people, and is near Hellfire. And the ignorant generous one is more beloved to Allah than the stingy devotee.

That is for the bakheel. May Allah (swt) make us not bukhala, not stingy, but to give!

It is said that Allah (swt) yuhibu ’r-ruhamaa, “He loves those who have compassion and He will forgive all His Servants who are compassionate,” wa huwa sateerun man yastur `alaa `ibadihi, “and He is The One Who covers the faults of His Servants and loves those who cover the faults of His Creation,” wa yabqhad al-fazhu ’l-ghaleezhu ‘l-kaasee, “and He hates the rude one, the difficult one, the one you cannot talk to, who is always angry, always depressed,” as depression is from anger. Harsh. Wa `afuwwan yuhibbu man ya`fu `anhum, “He is the Forgiver and loves for His Servants to forgive,” wa ghafoorun yuhib man yaghfir lahum, “and He is the Forgiver and loves those who forgive,” wa lateefun yuhib al-lateefu min `ibaadih, “He is Kind, Subtle and loves those who are kind,” wa rafeequn yuhibu ‘r-rafeeq, “and He is the One Who is Friendly with His Servants and He likes people to make friends with each other,” wa haleemun yuhibu ’l-hulum, “and He is the Patient One and He loves people who are patient,” wa adlun yuhibu ‘l-adl, “and He is Just and loves those who are just,” fa man `afaa `aafa`an, “and who forgives, Allah (swt) will forgive him,” wa man ghafara ghafara lahu, “and who forgives (another word for forgiveness), He forgives that one,” wa man samaha samahahu, “and whoever forgave, Allah will forgive him, samaha.”

Ibn Qayyim states:

فالله تعالى لعبده على ما حسب ما يكون العبد لخلقه

F’Allahu ta`ala li `abdihee `alaa hasab maa yakunoo al-`abdu li-khalaqihi,

And Allah (swt) is with His Servant according to how His Servant is acting with people: if he acts good with people, Allah (swt) will act with him good and if that person acts bad, Allah (swt) will give him punishment.” Wa man satara sattarullahu ta`ala fi ‘d-dunya wa ‘l-akhirah, “And whoever covers the fault of a Muslim, Allah (swt) will cover his faults on the Day of Judgment.”

What do you think about the one who exposes people’s mistakes? It means they are not covering them, so Allah (swt) will judge them. And what about those who make false rumors, false accusations? They are going to be in the deep part of Hellfire!

يامعشر من آمن بلسانه ولم يدخل الإيمان إلى قلبه لا تؤذوا المسلمين ولا تتبعوا عوراﺗﻬم فإنه من تتبع عورة أخيه يتبع الله عورته ومن يتبع الله عورته يفضحه ولو في جوف بيته فكما تدين تدان وكن كيف شئت فإن الله تعالى لك كما تكون أنت ولعباده

And Tirmidhi (r) in his Sahih related that the Prophet (s) said in his khutbah:

Qaala khutbatihi yawman, yaa ma`ashara man amana bi ‘l-lisaani wa lam yadkhul ilaa qalbihi, laa tu`dhoo’u ‘l-muslimeen. wa laa tatabi`oo `awratahum fa innahu man tatabi` `awrata akheehi yatabi` allahu `awratahu wa man yatabi` Allahu `awratahu yafdahahu wa law fee jawfi baytih fa kamaa tadeenu tudaan wa kun kayfa shi’ta fa in Allaha ta`ala laka kamaa takoonu anta wa li-`ibaadih.

O those who believed only by their tongues, but imaan, belief, did not enter their hearts! Don’t harm the Muslims,don’t follow their mistakes, and whoever follows the mistakes of his brother, Allah (swt) will run to catch and punish him, even if he is deep within his house, and as you judge you will be judged! So judge good and you will be judged good, and judge bad and on the Day of Judgement you will be judged bad. and I order you to remember Allah (swt) in your daily life; be someone who remembers Allah (swt).”

Inshaa-Allah the next session will come to dhikrullah, remembrance of Allah (swt) day and night.

Bi hurmat Muhammad al-Mustafa bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah.


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