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Satanic Goals Never Lead to a Sweet Life

Sultan al-Awliya

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani

8 September 2011 Lefke, Cyprus

… They are saying, “We reached the top of civilization.” If this is what they call civilization, then we say it is not civilization, but rather it is the time of tyrants. If you look at tyrants outwardly you think they are from Mankind, but this is never so! Perhaps they are worse than beasts, because beasts can’t act the way tyrants do! And we are asking, what is the reason? Prophet (s) said, “For everything there must be a reason.” Without a reason, there can’t be anything.

Why are tyrants coming? Tyrants tell people they can’t control themselves with their minds, that they are like beasts. Shaytan is looking at Mankind from that angle, that they are worse than beasts, and tyrants come from that same direction to carry them from bad to worse, and then to the worst level of behavior! But people are either ignorant, or they are slaves of Shaytan or their egos, running toward what their egos desire and this is from their own beast, their desire.

Now in the name of civilization, the whole world is claiming that our time of high-level life. We are asking to do everything we like and to give our egos what they want. When we say we are asking a high-level life, we really mean that before this period, people’s lives weren’t at a high level. Now they are opening everything and giving to people every chance for their egoistic desires, taking away the concept of halaal and haraam. That was the limit that people from previous times put in front of Mankind, saying, “You can do this, but you can’t do that.” They were looking at it realistically, seeing our desires for what they were and preventing many things, saying, “Don’t eat this, don’t drink this, don’t run after this.”

But now we are not accepting what they were saying in the old style of the prophets, when they made people do some things and prevented them from following their deep desires.

Now at this point it is finished. They can’t reach peace as long as their minds run after shaytanic ideas, and there can’t be any sweet or normal life on Earth. Mankind must be crushed; it must be. Holy souls are coming now and they are in the world, but people are still not accepting teachings from those who came before, the beloved, holy ones in the Divine Presence, or the Seal of Prophets (s)! You can’t say anything to them and you can’t reach them. They must be punished, and their punishment is coming through their minds’ productions, projects and understandings. All of them have shaytanic understandings and shaytanic poisoning, and one is worse than the next!

Until heavenly intervention comes, the people of this world are going to kill each other and have never-ending troubles, miseries, battles, wars, and oppressions. This must go on and no one can find any way out. All of them are shaytanic assemblies; if you run from one to the other, you will find the same thing, and from the second to the third, you will find bad actions. There is no way for Mankind to save themselves with such an understanding and such shaytanic teachings and practices; it is finished!

Therefore, we are looking at a heavenly involvement, with heavy power. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Say, “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!” and then it will come down. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) It is impossible for … of people on Earth, or more. It might, but there is no result in Libya, Damascus, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, other Islamic territories or in the Christian world. All of them are under heavy pressure because they are not saying or accepting the truth that is coming from the Heavens.

May Allah (swt) forgive me, astaghfirullah.
