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…and another time coming to life to be slaughtered another time until the Day of Judgment for the love of Ummatu ’n-Nabi (saws). And when he has been slaughtered, that’s why it’s important to say “Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, bismillah Allahu Akbar” and we make the niyyah there on whatever is slaughtered in this way, [that] the sheep will take all the sin (when the blood is coming out), all that sin or that punishment, that is going to be on [the] person [who] is slaughtering (or [the person who is] asking someone to slaughter), [or] whoever is giving the money [to slaughter a sheep]), all his sin will be taken away with the blood that comes from the sheep. That’s why Grandshaykh never allowed anyone (because you can see many people, when they slaughter, the cats come to the blood, and they eat the blood). Grandshaykh never allowed that. [He said, that the person who is slaughtering the sheep] has to bury the blood because that blood is carrying that sin with it. And he says when you eat, and the bone you gather, don’t throw them here and there. If you put them in the ground, Allah will create a lamb from that bone another time. It’s not necessary that Allah needs to use the same bone but it is a symbol that another lamb will be replaced from this lamb.

He [Grandshaykh] said, when Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)… Jibreel (a) came to test him:

Sayyidina Ibrahim has a big flock of sheep; he was a shepherd. The whole valley was full of the sheep of Sayyidina Ibrahim (a). So Jibreel (a) came and he said, “Ya Ibrahim” (he was hiding himself so that Sayyidina Ibrahim would not know him). He said “Ya Ibrahim it’s surprising, you look this valley is full of your sheep. I have nothing; you have everything.”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim] said, “Why you are so worried about if I have and you don’t have. You want one-third of them? I will give you.”

He [Jibreel (a)] said, “Yes of course I like one-third of them.”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim] said, “Okay, say ‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’. For that only, I give you one third of my sheep that they are filling the valley.” That means thousands and thousands of sheep. Baraka. Sayyidina Ibrahim “al-khaleel!” his hand is baraka.

So Jibreel (a) said ‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’and immediately with Sayyidina Ibrahim power as prophet, one line like that, he moved one-third of the herd toward Jibreel (a).

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)] said, “These are yours, you take them.”

He [Jibreel (a)]  said “Oh, that’s nice, I like that. But still you have too much.”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)] said, “You want more?”

[Jibreel (a)  said] “Of course, I like more. I have one-third, you have two-third; you have still too much!”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)] said “Okay, say ‘subuha suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’ and I will give you half of what is left. (Means one-third). And Sayyidina  Jibreel said ‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’and with Sayyidina Ibrahim prophetic power he moved half of whatever was left to him.

Jibreel was looking and he was surprised.  How can a person have so much? Allah gave him wealth and he gave it for reciting one name – ‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’!  

suboohun qudoos’…” means “the one that you make, only to him, tasbih and holiness is Allah; he is the lord the creator of angels and soul – ruh.” There are two scholarly opinions about ruh – one says that it is an angel, one say it is soul. In any case he is the creator of angels and ruh.

Ibrahim looked at him and understood. He said “Oh my brother he is hiding, not telling him that I knew you.” He said “oh my brother, do you want the rest?”

[Jibreel (a)  said] “Yeah, why not; I will take them.” Just to show how much we [humans] are like that. Jibreel (a) is showing our character, not him, he is an angel.  He said, “Yes I will take them.”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)] said, “Now say suboohun qudoos rabbuna wa rabbu malaikatuhu wa’l ruh.  Our Lord and your Lord. Before ‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’’ – rabbu. Now Rabbuna; in plural to everyone I give you that. Means you are saying on behalf of the Ummatu ’n-Nabi (S). “I know you are Jibreel! Don’t say rabbu, the creator of angels and ruh, say rabbuna He is our Lord as human beings and creator of angels and ruh.

I know you. Don’t hide yourself. I want my share now; what’s left. I am human you are angel.” So before you had said rabbu malaikati wa’r-ruh. Now you say rabbuna – our lord of humans, angels and ruh; and I give you the rest. So Jibreel said suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’.  He [Sayyidina Ibrahim (a)] gave him everything and he left. He didn’t look behind to say how much I gave him? He didn’t look.  

That’s why when you give you don’t look what you are giving. Some people they want to give intention, good intention comes to their heart to give. Say, oh I want to give 1 dollar. Your intention comes to give one dollar. Someone says I want to give $10,000 your intention comes $10,000 and Shaytaan comes and says, “Why you want to give $10,000? For what? Too much? Ah..bargain.” So Shaytaan is bargaining with you: “10,000 is too much – five?” It’s okay. He doesn’t want to reduce quickly. “Five?” Then he say okay, five. I will give five. It’s normal. He doesn’t’ need. The shaykh doesn’t need more, why to give more for my friend or my brother or my sister. Ah, five. Then Shaytaan comes and says, “Still too much. Why, don’t you keep it for yourself; you don’t know when the bad days comes.” He doesn’t say Allah is ar-Razzaq, you give Allah, gives. You give little bit; Allah gives more. Mawlana said that chain of rizq is from heavens over your head – connecting. It has to touch your head. That chain of rizq. That chain of provision. So when you cut, it has to come back to your head. When you cut it for Allah not cut it for disco or cut it for going to bars or discos. No when you cut it for sadaqa or charity or gift, it comes back to your hand; as much as you cut as much as you give. So don’t be stingy! Shaytaan might drop you from $10,000 - $100.

So Sayyidina Ibrahim didn’t want to look. He gave gift. Because when you look back you will feel bad, why I gave? Huh, Shaykh? Shaykh Ihsan ? Why I gave? Shaykh Ihsan is working; his brother is not working. He gives his brother and then after Hamida comes and says, “Dad, why you gave him so much? We need money. Why are you giving to my uncle too much; make it less.” Then Shaykh Ihsan says, “Yes, she is right. Also, he has some money why he doesn’t give us?” Then it’s struggle inside.

Sayyidina Ibrahim didn’t look back. He didn’t want.  I gave I gave – for Allah . So, Sayyidina Jibreel said, “Ya Ibrahim where are you going? Come back.

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim] said “No! I gave you, I don’t want to come back. I don’t have anything. I gave you everything. What you want more? My clothes? I give you my clothes also.

He said, “No I am Jibreel (a).”

He [Sayyidina Ibrahim] said “Jibreel? I don’t understand. I gave; I gave! It’s finished. How you say you are Jibreel? Okay. You are Jibreel, Israfil, Mikhail, Ridwan, Malik. Anyone of them, I am not interested. I gave to Allah .

[Jibreel (a) said] “Ya Ibrahim Please, come! What am I going to do with them?”

This is when one incident happened when Allah said to Angels:

وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلاَئِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً قَالُواْ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاء وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ

 Innee-j`a’ilun fi’l-ardi khalifa. Qala a-taj`alu feeha man yufsidu feeha wa yusfik ad-dima’u wa nahnu nusabiho bi-hamdika wa nuqadisu lak. (2:30)

He said “I’m going to make Khalifa on earth.” They said “How are you going to, ya Rabb? Oh Allah! Why you are going to make Khalifa on Earth? They are going to be corrupted! They are going to have bloodshed!” [Then Allah said] “Innee `aallamu, ma laa t`alamoon! I know more than what you know! Don’t give me any arguments!” How angels complained! Even angels…So Allah said, “No I know more; I am going to show you. Ya Jibreel, come! You are the head of angels, come! Go to Ibrahim and see one of my Khalifas; see how he is going to act.” That’s where he sent him when Ibrahim was guiding the flock, moving the flock of sheep.

So he [Jibreel] said “Ya Ibrahim! I am Jibreel!” He [Ibrahim] said, “No, no no! Jibreel? Not Jibreel He’s finished. I gave to Allah . You gave me three words, that’s what I wanted. This is my kingdom, these are my treasures. 

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh ruh’

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh

(third time) suboohun qudoos rabbuna wa rabbu’l-malaikatuhu wa’r-ruh.

That’s why in awraad we do it 100x a day

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh ruh’

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh’

‘suboohun qudoos rabbuna wa rabbu’l-malaikatuhu wa’r-ruh.’

Every two, the third one will be subuhu quddus rabbuna wa rabbu malaikatuhu wa’l ruh. To be sharing from Sayyidina Ibrahim, all the blessings that he got at that time from Allah , Allah will dress us with his blessing when we do this 100x. So Sayyidina Ibrahim did it 3 times, we are doing it 33x.

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh ruh’

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh

(third time) suboohun qudoos rabbuna wa rabbu’l-malaikatuhu wa’r-ruh.

‘suboohun qudoos rabbul-malaikati wa’r-ruh ruh’

‘suboohun qudoos rabbuna wa rabbu’l-malaikatuhu wa’r-ruh’

Say! (Everyone says it)

All that, now we said it three times or nine. Every time was as if you gave Gabriel (a) that number of sheep as a gift! Allah will dress you with what he dressed Sayyidina Ibrahim. So every three, you will be dressed with what Allah dressed Sayyidina Ibrahim in that occasion. Another three, another three, until 100, means that you’ve done it 33x total. Look how much awliyaullah they understand and they have secrets that they are giving to the Ummah. With something small, you get something big! He (Jibreel) said, “Oh Ibrahim, come take them!” He said “No! I gave to Allah ” its so simple to recite three as if you have given a whole herd to Jibreel (a) for Allah’s sake!

Grandshaykh said, "The valley has no end. Thousands of them, thousands. So then a voice came: “Ya Jibreel, even if you want to run after him, he’s not going to give up! He gave, he gave to Allah, and he’s not going to pull back. Leave him alone! Take that and put them behind Jabal Qaf (Mountain of Qaf) Mountain that’s beyond the limit of dunya, Earth, where all jinn, the Sultan of jinn are waiting for permission to come on Earth. There Sayyidina Mahdi (a) always his khulafa, and his deputy goes there and come. There, behind Jabal Qaf, that mountain, “Qaf. W’al Qurani’l-Majeed!” –Surah al-Kahf, that secret, that mountain, which is called ‘Qaf’ that is behind the limit of dunya. He (Allah) said, “Take them there, and they are going to multiply from the time of Sayyidina Ibrahim (a) to the time of Sayyidina Mahdi (a), they are multiplying. When Mahdi appears, they are all coming on Earth to this dunya. Allah is sending them here to be food for ummat-un Nabi (S). Grandshaykh said “One bite from that meat, one bite, and they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the Ummah. One bite of that meat is enough for 40 days, you don’t eat. In time of Sayyidina Mahdi you eat one bite every 40 days. You don’t need to eat more; it’s enough. That is coming InshAllah. So all these sheep are waiting for the permission to be granted to come towards us here."

May Allah give us the blessings of this Friday. And now it is the most important hour in the week: it’s before Maghrib by one hour. I think [right] now it’s one hour before Maghrib. The hour that awliyaullah are looking for it because Prophet (S) said there is one hour from Maghrib of Thursday to Maghrib of Friday there is one hour that du’a is accepted and Grandshaykh (may Allah bless his soul) said 40 years ago that “Allah opened up the tajalli of that hour to be known to awliyaullah  (from 30 years ago, not 40) to be on Friday before one hour from Maghrib (after ‘Asr before Maghrib by one hour) anyone who makes du’a there, Allah will accept his prayer.

Bismillahi'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem
alhamdullilah-i rabbi'l-`alameen was-salaatu was-salaam `ala ashrafi'l anbiya'i wa'l-mursaleen Sayyidina wa nabiyyina Muhammad wa `ala  aalihi wa sahbihi ajma`een. Allahuma aj`al awwal majlisina hadhihi salaahun, wa awsatahu falaahan wa aakhirahu najaahan. Allahuma'j`al awwalahu rahmatan wa awsatahu ni`matan wa aakhirahu takreematan wa maghfirah. Alhamdulillahilladhee tawad'a kulli shayin li-`azhamatihi wa dalla kulli shayin li-`izzatihi wa khad`a kulli shayin li-mulikh wastaslama kulla shayin li-qudratih. walhamdullilahilladhee sakana kulli shayin li-haybatihi walhamdulillahilladhee adh-hara kullu shayin lihikmatih wa tasaaghara kulla shayin li-kibria'ih. Allahum ayqiadna fee ahabbi sa`ata ilayka ya Wadood, ya Dhul-`arshil-majeed, fa`alun limaa yureed. ...



