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Do Not Have Bad Manners with Allah and His Prophet

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

26 September 2014 Burton, Michigan

Jumu`ah Khutbah at As-Siddiq Mosque

As-Salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh.

[Opening du`a of khutbah.]

O Believers, Muslims, everything in Islam is based on the Message of His Prophet (s), there is no other Message, there is no other ijtihaad, the ijtihaad is within the Message of Prophet (s), which is a perfect Message, a complete Message, as Allah (s) said:

الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِيوَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. (Surat al-Maa’idah, 5:3)

Today is the second day of Dhul-Hijjah, seven days more, next Friday is Arafat, and this Hajj is going to be Hajj Akbar, the Great Hajj, because `Arafat coincides with Friday.

Prophet (s) encouraged us to fast the Day of `Arafat to forgive the sins of one year before. So fast that day if you can and ask, especially between `Asr and Maghrib, recite whatever comes to your heart of du`a or read du`as or read whatever you memorized and Allah (swt) will accept it!

Prophet Does not Tolerate Anyone Harming His Sahaabah!

Sahaabah (r) .... They were the lovers of Prophet (s). Everyone of us he has someone that he loves most. Some people they love their children more than anyone else some their wives, some their parents mother and father, some their friends but everyone has that love within that nature Allah molded him with love

And Ummat an-Nabi (s) is molded with love of Prophet (s) we hope to be dressed with that love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) because he is the door to Paradise, he showed the way to Islam; the Message came through him, no one else.

And Prophet (s) loved his Sahaabah (r), so we have to love them:

أصحابي كالنجوم بأيهم اقتديتم اهتديتم

As-haabee ka 'n-nujoom bi ayyihim aqtadaytum ahtadaytum.

My Companions are like stars (on a dark night); whichever of them you follow, you will be guided.

(`Abd ibn Humayd, ad-Daraqutnee, ibn `Adiyy, ibn `Abd al-Barr,

with unsound chains but the meaning is sound.)

Prophet (s) said in a hadith, “Allah, Allah!” It means he is calling, not to rescue us, but warning or making us understand that he is going to say something big:

اللَّهَ اللَّهَ فِي أَصْحَابِي اللَّهَ اللَّهَ فِي أَصْحَابِي لاَ تَتَّخِذُوهُمْ غَرَضًا بَعْدِي فَمَنْ أَحَبَّهُمْ فَبِحُبِّي أَحَبَّهُمْ وَمَنْ أَبْغَضَهُمْ فَبِبُغْضِي أَبْغَضَهُمْ وَمَنْ آذَاهُمْ فَقَدْ آذَانِي وَمَنْ آذَانِي فَقَدْ آذَى اللَّهَ وَمَنْ آذَى اللَّهَ فَيُوشِكُ أَنْ يَأْخُذَهُ

Allan Allah! Fee As-haabi. Laa tatakizuhum gharazan ba`di faman ahabbahum..

(Fear) Allah! (Fear) Allah regarding my Companions! Do not make them objects of insults after me. Whoever loves them, it is out of love of me that he loves them, and whoever hates them, it is out of hatred for me that he hates them! And whoever harms them, he has harmed me, and whoever harms me, he has offended Allah, and whoever offends Allah, he shall soon be punished!

(Narrated `Abdullah bin Mughaffal, Tirmidhi)

“Don't take them after me to divide them and don’t take them after me to debate about them, show them love! Who harms them harms me.”

O Muslims! From East to West, Prophet (s) prohibited harming his Sahaabah (r), not accepting anyone to say anything about any one of them, “Who harms them is harming me, and who harms me is harming Allah (swt), and whoever harms me is harming Allah (swt) directly.” It means if you are harming Sahaabah (r), if you put it together, that is harming Prophet (s) then harming Allah! They are stars on a dark night, don't differentiate between them! One of the holiest days in Islam, Ashura is coming, so be careful about Sahaabah (r).

Prophet (s) said, “And whoever harms them, he has harmed me, and whoever harms me, he has offended Allah, and whoever offends Allah, (then) he shall soon be punished!” For us the good tiding, in a way, is what Prophet (s) said:

قال خير الناس قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم

The best of people are my century, then the one after them, then the one after them.

(Narrated `Abdullah ibn Mas`ood, Tirmidhi)

His time was the first 100 years with Prophet (s), and then those who will follow them (Tabi`een) and then those who follow them (Tabi` at-tabi`een) said two times or three times. Did he mention two times or three times? He said, “There will be coming after you people…” He is mentioning people in the future: they will see but they don't witness; they see bad but they hide “this is bad”; they see Allah's Justice but they cover it, they don't want to make justice; they see Muslims suffering and they don't stand up.

The Best Jihad is to Speak Truth to Power, Even to Your Own Ego

Prophet (s) said:

أفضل الجهاد كلمة عدل عند سلطان جائر

Afdal al-jihad kalimatu `adlin `inda sultaanin jaa'ir (in another version, aw kalimat al-haqq).

The best jihad is a word of justice (or a word of truth) before a tyrannical king.

(Narrated Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree, Abu Dawud)

Everyone is running to be a martyr, especially these days, but look what Prophet (s) is saying, “The best of jihad.” There are fourteen different categories of shaheed in Ibn Qayyim's book, and the best jihad is to stand up and say the truth even to an emperor or shaykh or teacher or leader, a leader who eats the rights of everyone, who doesn't care for anyone. Say what is right, don't be afraid if he will kill you! “The best of jihad is the word of truth,” so say the truth, even against yourself. Tell yourself that you are making mistakes, because the self is a sultaanin jaa'ir controlling ourselves!

وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا . فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا

By the Soul and the proportion and order given to it and its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right.

(Surat ash-Shams, 91:7-8)

Allah (swt) balanced the self of every human being by inspiring what is good and what is bad. Are we checking with ourselves what is good and what is bad? No. Prophet (s) said:

انما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق

I have been sent to perfect the best of conduct (your behavior and character). (Bazzaar)

Of what? Hate, greediness, lies? Too many! Those whose egos are so full of hate, they reached to curse the Sahaabah (r), especially Sayyidina Abu Bakr (r) and Sayyyidina `Umar (r)! We must not. Prophet (s) is not allowing us to say one word against the Sahaabah (r) and he saw in the future they were going to curse the Sahaabah (r)! It's enough to look at the Sahaabah (r), the Noor of Prophet (s) is on them, Islam came to us through them!

لاَ تَسُبُّوا أَصْحَابِي فَوَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَوْ أَنَّ أَحَدَكُمْ أَنْفَقَ مِثْلَ أُحُدٍ ذَهَبًا مَا أَدْرَكَ مُدَّ أَحَدِهِمْ وَلاَ نَصِيفَهُ

Do not abuse my Companions, for by the One in Whose Hand is my soul, if one of you were to spend gold the weight of Uhud, it would not equal a mudd (measure) nor half of it, of one of them.

(Narrated Abu Sa`eed Al-Khudree; Tirmidhi)

If one of you spent gold the weight of Mt. Uhud, still he will not be an atom of the Sahaabah (r)! That honor Allah (swt) gave to the Sahaabah (r) and no one can challenge that! Even if you do the best in your life, if you are the wealthiest and you give all your wealth for Islam, Allah will reward you, but not like the Sahaabah (r)!

O Muslims! That love in everyone's heart, if you direct it to Prophet (s) and the Sahaabah (r) and those around you who are good, you will be successful!

أَنَّ رَجُلاً، مِنْ أَهْلِ الْبَادِيَةِ أَتَى النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ مَتَى السَّاعَةُ قَائِمَةٌ قَالَ ‏"‏ وَيْلَكَ وَمَا أَعْدَدْتَ لَهَا ‏"‏‏.‏ قَالَ مَا أَعْدَدْتُ لَهَا إِلاَّ أَنِّي أُحِبُّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ إِنَّكَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ ‏"‏‏.‏ ‏.

A Bedouin came to the Prophet (s) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (s)! When will The Hour be established?" The Prophet (s) said, "Wailaka (Woe to you). What have you prepared for it?" The Bedouin said, "I have not prepared anything for it, except that I love Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet (s) said, "You will be with those whom you love!" (Narrated Anas, Bukhari)

The Bedouin asked, “When is the Day of Judgement?” ....

Prophet (s) asked, “What have you prepared for it?”

That one said, “Not praying or fasting (although it means he was praying and fasting a lot), but because I love you.”

Prophet (s) said, “You will be with those you love.”

Two Arabic letters, Haa and Baa, which represent hayaat wa baqaa this life and Eternal Life, Allah planted that in the heart of every person. If you direct that love to Prophet (s), as written Holy Qur’an and Hadith:

أَفْشُوا السَّلاَمَ وَأَطْعِمُوا الطَّعَامَ وَكُونُوا إِخْوَانًا كَمَا أَمَرَكُمُ اللَّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ

Spread (the greeting of) ‘salaam’, offer food (to the needy), and be brothers as Allah, The Mighty and Sublime has honored you. (Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar, Ibn Maajah)

Do good to people and extend your hands to everyone, saying salaams to everyone and Allah (swt) will increase that love in your heart and you will be happy here and Hereafter!

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbanaa atinaa fi 'd-dunya hasanatan wa fi ’l-akhirati hasanatan wa qinaa `adhaab an-naar.

O our Lord! Give us goodness in this life and goodness in the Next Life, and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:201)

“Grant us goodness in this life and goodness in the Next Life” means, “Yaa Rabbee! Reward us, send us Your Paradise and forgive us in dunya and Akhirah!”


[End of khutbah.]


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